Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 1, 1967, p. 2

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2 the acton free press wednesday november 1 1967 conditional occupancy continued from poo 1 ucatton to build a joint garage 48 feet long and 24 feet wide thats why it was refused back to the original discussion mr llvesay explained his com pany was in a harry to get certi ficates of occupancy since five houses were supposed to be occupied by tomorrow the clerk read utters from two solicitors i representing maple ready to move into the moines asking for quick consideration a long discussion followed with the builder stating the new houses were an attraction to the town and filled out the sub division he also felt a small builder would not have been able to go in and build on oddshaped lots like bis company did councillor drinkwalter said he couldnt agree with councils thinking on the matter he felt the town had been running into problems with the builder and been forced to register a lien against the deeds to get action on things im prepared to support a resolution to allow people to get into their houses but let the rest go before tt committee of adjustment lets not put anymore blocks in the road said the mayor who openly sympathised with people moving in were hung up on two hooks said mr llvesay the nha has allowed us 30 days to clear the matter up or theyll suspend the mortgages time is of the essence after more discussion council walked the ugntrope between what areas involved the comm- lttee of adjustment were not interfering with the committee of adjustment said dr oakes the mayor agreed its coun cils problem here assured by the builder the company would comply with all regulations council passed a motion agreeing to issue condi tional certificates of occupancy trace deed bock to 1836 can you trace ownership of your land back to the crown mr and mrs df wilds main st south can a registered deed which traces ownership back to 1836 has been lent to the free press by mr and mrs wilds and it will take some beating the property came into the wilds name in 1896 when it was sold to george wildsandthe deed describes its size in flowing hand in terms of chains and links the deed was prepared by rj mcnabb acton and registered by h campbell deputy registrar in milton the large sheet of registration refers to that portion of lot num bers 27 in tbe third concession of the township of esquesing now within the limits of the vil lage of acton and is treasured by the family it indicates the land was first registered as be longing to the crown and com- ptfsed 200 acres first owner was robert eas- ton burns he in turn sold or left the 200 acres to thomas burns jr william mcintosh bought a half acre and the deed fouows through william milne sarah ann samshaw robert moore holly ramshaw to the present owners df and may wilds last entry is july 12 1944 and the land is now fourfifths of an acre mrs wiles believes the house built on the property is now the kitchen since the measurements 20 x 18 corresponds with tbe sice required for anyone taking over crown land of 200 acres afire- place was in the kitchen when the wiles moved in she belelves their house is the oldest or one of the oldest in town county briefs diplomas new awards esquesing nomination set for november 27 a bylaw passed by esquesing township council monday even ing making november 27 the daw for nomination of candidates in thecoming township election meeting monday night in the town hall council authorized the clerk to pay financial statement number 10 amounting to 906031 carried a motion to renew their memberships in the north halton urban board at a fee of 300 per annum introduced read three times and passed a by law authorizing the mayor and clerk to sign an agreement with contractor ed mcmullen and issue a quit claim deed providing the provisions are carried out turned down a request from tbe town of milton asking the provincial government to absorb theentire cost of education received a letter from the ontario housing corporation ad vising them a presentation of the report on housing needs which resulted from a housing needs survey in acton would be given at a regular council meeting on tuesday nov 14 authorized payment of an add itional 75 for a total of 175 a month for rental of town office space in the ymca the amount came due sept 1 when the town took over the quarters formerly occupied by the library discussed reducing speed limits in town over 30 nxpji in builtup areas on main st es pecially where they were near school crossings mayor duby said he knew of two recent mis haps which were doe to excessive speed in these places received notice a ust of 42 jurors names bad been picked from the voters list and would be sent to the county passed resolution to accept the recommendation of number one committee and ask the clerk to proceed with annexation of all the town owned property border ing on cobble hill rd anduin st w an estimated 60 to 65 acres in involved in esquesing township all councillors attended he three and a halt boor session some councillors felt a longer period tlfc sheda vteljpei- ween nomination andeleciwn day but it was flkcided to hold the election december 4 one week later as usual assessor aw bentonappear- ed at council to back up a letter he had sent calling for at least two more people in his office to assist with assessment he also suggested assessment in north halton be re evaluated under a county commissioner system it was noted in correspondence farm values in esquesing are lower according to assessment than they were in 1955 howard mccarroli a resident of wluow park appearedat coun cil to volunteer a report of obser vations on trailer parks and mo bile home specifications he has made while travelling around the province and offered to assist council in any way possible in this field at halton county councils october meeting ft was learned that architect donald skinner and manor board members reeve herbert merry and reeve gordon gallagher to gether with manor superintendent sa allen had been named a committee to locate a suitable site or sltesjn the south of the county for a new home for the aged the idea of an addition to the new martin house is still be ing discussed robert meyer who is doing an industrial film on the county reported he has covered most of the industries in halton for his film he is soon to photograph schools and wtte a script for the countys approval mr meyer was recently awarded a canadian tourist association certificate of merit for a film he produced on lincoln county obituary russell mcdonald dies in 54th year russeu john mcdonald passed awav suddenly in guemh on sat oct 21 in his 55th year mr mcdonald who lived at rr 4 acton with his family was an employee of domtar paper mills for is years surviving him are his wife the former dorothy service sons and daughters john diane rose mary fred roy joyce donald and heather ann at home and grace mrs roy dawe acton sisters margaret milton and peal evert on brothers archie limehouse norman george town ken and cliff limehouse re was predeceased by bis parents emily scott and angus mcdonald and brothers bill georgetown sandy georgetown hector rr 4 acton and joe rjr 4 acton funeral service was held at the rumleyshoemaker funeral home on monday oct 23 con ducted by the rev young of limehouse presbyterian church interment was in limehouse cemetery pallbearers were coworkers russell miller georgetown earl marchment glen williams wes ftndley glen wlulams bob da- vis norvau jack cuthbert geo rgetown and merlegoodlne geo rgetown continued from page 1 present the valedictorian medal the glee club will sing secondary school tumour grad uation diplomas will te presented to daniel arbic susan clarke elizabeth cook leverne denny merl harris eleanor heard martha hoey joanne lands- borough linda llnham rita mccrea kathryn bfckenzie nancy winter gayle withers secondary school graduation dlploas fiveyear arts and sci ence will be awarded to brenda aberne richard barclay birns benton george besiilri robert black constance coles john davidson william day nancy m duby helen gait marygathof glenn holmes edith hopkins sandra irwin murray jamie son lynn johnson christian kranen- donk dletmar kuhn nancy e lauder dorothy e mclean alan mcnabb norma mctfat trudy morris james pichl robert roughley anne shortill roy shulus linda smith paul turn er albert vuetstra bryon wal ker susan ward david watson jane wong secondary school graduation diplomas fouryear arts and science go to ronia brooks vincent dunne barrie elliott daniel harkley newton hurst marie laing edward lynch roger macdougall cavell mar shall theresa marze anne mc millan david mcmillan ralph nellis harry oeblrich b1u semenec sandra sllngerland laura sullivan lynne waldle band bowls secondary school graduation diplomas commercial special course will be presented to judith dubyrox foster carol hammond and karen perkins school board proficiency pri ses grade 9 will be given to arts and science chris brunelle jacqueline lemon business and commerce kathleen ottourkebreiiiiascutt school board proficiency prizes grade 10 given to arts and science 5 cheryl lee nancy morris arts and science 4 edgar kara gall reed business and commerce 4 anne watson jacoba doornbos school board proficiency prizes grade 11 to arts and science 5 kathryn sinclair paul youngblut arts and science 4 frances hlgglns craig perkins business and commercial 4 marilyn mclntyre irene cole school board proficiency prizes grade 12 arts and science 5 trudy morris edith hopkins arts and science 4 ed lynch laura sullivan special commercial judy duby karen perkins school board proficiency prizes grade 13 susan clarke nancy winter never late never absentcer- tiucates from lakeside chapter of the lode will be presented to the following brian binnie paul bralda valerie coles jessie ann david- sen joan gordon judy gordon carol hammond susan height patricia holmes mark hurst stltute bursary merl harris force electric awards eng ush 13 rita mccrea susan clarke hk porter award algebra 13 nancy winter dr da garrett award bio logy 13 merl harris english department award english 13 werl harris university entrance award susan clarke esquesing association of the fwtao bursary rita mccrea micro plastics award physics 13 susan clarke royal canadian legion schol arship nancy winter beardmore company awards chemistry 13 susan clarke chemistry 12 trudy morris acton pharmacy award mathematics a 13 nancy winter paul william alexander award 11 acton ys mens club terry churchill dr cedrlc dey awardbiology 4x11 marilyn mclntyre thalia award engush 5u susan perry watsons music award ger man 5 11 kathryn sinclair cameo shoppe award mathe matics 4uwarilyn mclntyre a b supermarket award bom 511 jim lee dennys insurance award bookkeeping 4llmarilyn mc lntyre gordon hardware award in dustrial arts 411 ian stone ledgers iga award 411 bob hart ledgers iga award- market ing 4x11 bob hart elizabethlo award market ing 411 marilyn mclntyre acton home furnishings award home economics 1 1 heather baker paul willi arm awxander award acton automat carwash award mathematics 9 debbie sllng erland juue smith he abc science television 9 chris award brunelle frist line television award- science 9 kathleen crourke dr rd buckner award french 91 jacqueline lemon grants motors award ind ustrial arts 9 alan th6mpson paul paulsen tie paul william alexander award 10 acton ys mens club fred fllsnlk ledgers iga award home economics 5year 10 cheryl lee caroline nurseries award home economics 4year 10 brenda ramsay canadian tire corporation a- ward industrial arts 10 edward curtis family store award math ematics 5x10 nancy morris melboracis award commer cial 10 anne watson dills printing and publishing award engush 5year 10 cheryl lee morris pharmacy award latin 510 nancy morris rachline jewellers award bookkeeping 5x10- cheryl lee thalia award english 4x10- anne watson manning electric award mathematics 4x10 anne wat son lamb real estate award bookkeeping 4x10 jacoba doornbos nielsens clothing award french 4x10 edgar kara paul william alexander award 12 acton ys mens club dick barclay underwood trophy typing judy duby melboracis award commer cial 12 albert vuetstra lakeside chapter iode scholarship 12 trudy morris eg jpyier award edith hop kins amos mason rotary scholar ship 12 dorothy mclean al relmer award comm ercial 12 judy duby lakeside chaptev lode special prizes rings trudy morris dick barclay precision engineering award- ed lynch watsons dairy bar award home economics 12 laura sullivan goy cartage centennial bur sary roy shultls michael joe roger macdougall ii c i kathryn mckenzle bill nlcolak aul willlanakxander award unclls ounday susan perry gary price benlta a yt mens club pries stephen porty gall reed brian samnson brenda scutt kathryn sinclair karen townsley evelyne van den brink ernie waller nancy winter and jane wong other awards during the even ing include duke of devonshire chapter lode scholarship susan clarke halton district womens in- almost 60 acton citizens band members andtbelrfamllies enjoyed an afternoon of bowling at the acton lanes followed by a lunch and gettogether at the music centre sunday part of the bands social pro gram the pleasant afternoon was arranged by charlie klngsmlll and barry buchanan of the re creation committee mrs c klngsmiu and mrs bill buchanan served lunch prizes were awarded for bowl ing to those closest to hidden scores arranged beforehand the event was such a success it was hoped to have many sim ilar events at a future date the executive of the band complimen ted the recreation committee and the ladies who served lunch brian sampson force electric awards home economics 9catherine lasby nancy snow tie acton jersey dairy award agriculture 9 william muehl- bacher bensons shoe store award history 9 kathleen orourke e laszlo haulage award geography 9 chris brunelle thinking of a dishwasher the best kitchenaide it hobart loves tv and appliances 5 wyndhom st guelph 82482o0 iga foods iga foods iga foods iga iga foods iga foods iga foods iga foods iga foods iga food 000000000800boooooooooooooooo hair pieces styling our specialty business people we are open every monday for your convenience phone now for appointment hair a tiling acton tablerite 853o390 mooofl af al ml aj ivi vi ml m i ml ml 1 vi vi vi m m m m ij i vi i vi hi v va announcement dave manes president and general manager of j d r manes limited is pleased to announce that following the pur chase of the woodbridge iga food store former acton store manager harold manes is now store manager at woodbridge other appointments made at the acton iga food store include tom manes as store manager and sid hofstede as produce manager charlie auger remains as meat manager and andy bowman as grocery manager the company president is also happy to report that the three department managers will c6mbine their efforts with the store manager to give customers topquality merchandise at lowest possible prices in the same friendly manner as in the past dave manes moots ctmibm milk powder dqucjui rms cake mixes am mm shortening uuvcu me jamoisjfbw caocarauaara coffee caocaraunun inst coffee margw a 129 289 499 273 99 99 laburitlcanadas fintst quau1y rto or blul brand btlf win ibimmk sirloin porterhouse wing bonfless round sirloin tip or rump- k buniltii kounl sirloin tip or rump i steahs roasts beef liver beef hearts 0x tongues 49c 39c u 55c side bacon i79 beef kidneys 39c umofll muu uc deep brown beans- pork california red emperor or green almeria tomato juice 279 frutfcocktail 3 99 smemmit 2 w 49 2 lbs 49c snow while mushrooms nana fooas atir tunn cm am york pies una hum baby limas 39c 499c uim qoh shampoo rrylcreem alka seltzer abn toothpaste crc rj 17c iga foods main st n acton middies o0 pyjamas i ftcq efftctftc at i ia4 m man m an i uan mummx sids plucked a heap of goodies from floridas best florida marsh seedless grapefruit s 1q 69 iga food iga foods iga foods iga foods iga foods iga foods ga foods iga kjods iga

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