author don stewart and longmans editor aaiss helen oreilly turn the pages of his first book a guide to preconfederation furniture of english canada the book was launched at a luncheon at his home tuesday miss oreilly now lives in a fine old nassagaweya house restored by mr stewart and she sug gested that he write this book to addto long mans special centennial series staff photo don stewart author of book on early canadian furniture wellknown through the dist rict as an antique dealer decor ator and restorer of old houses don stewart of rockwood makes tdi dtbot as an author agulrje to precujadlan confederation furniture of english canada published by longmans canada foes on sale friday november 3 the stewarts live in one of the seven hotels that bockwood boas ted in preprohiwtlon days and have restored it and converted it into two large apartments it was in restoring another old stone doom mar rockwood many years ago that mr stewart caught the fever for canadian antiques although he opened the wea- thervane antique shop in rock wood in 1963 mr stewart feels thai the restoration of oldhouses in which he can combine his ex perience with construction with ms antiquarian interests is more rewarding than shopkeep in be has had several commis sions along this line and plans to spend more time at it in future be has just finished re storing the denlson denny home in esqoes- ias mr stewart was born in st catharines being of pennsyl vania dutch descent on his moth ers side be pursued much of us education intheunltedstates he graduated from the university of southern california in mech anical engineering and his pro fession took him to many places on oils continent including a stint on the dew line and midcanada line mr stewarts interest in an tiques began as a hobby and be came a mania he at one time ran an antique shop in victoria bc which carriednathidgmade after the reign of george hl his wife is also an antique buff heinr particularly keen on old glass many from this district have toured his shop during the past years and he has gained a side reputation as an able speaker to local groups to launch the book a luncheon was held at the weatbervane on tuesday attended by reporters book dealers and public relat ions personnel of longmans the locale was chosen so the guests could see the charming home and also some of his own pieces of furniture which are in cluded in the book the luncheon was prepared by mennonltes after lnnch the group toured the charming old stone house in esquestng which mr stewart has just finished restoring fen- mr and mrs denison denny more next week more pictures of the restored home of mr and mrs denlson denny will appear in next weeks free press many draw winners selected at legion auxiliary bazaar the legion ladles auxiliary branch 197 held a very success ful fall basaar saturday october jl at the legion hall table conveners were baking mrs i masales fish pond mrs floyd schmidt candy mrs jack cooney and mrs hu williams variety table mrs john foby and mrs g thompson penny table mrs bob angell and mrs c shuttls and tea tables mrs alvejr gordon and mrs henry wedge the touch and take table was convened by mrs gwen dawe winners of the pull ticket cash draw convened by mrs d rog ers were mrs vera haetetta j5 mrs helen tf ate man 15 and clifford green rockwood 10 mrs kenneth mcdonald rjt 1 kockwood won the candy draw and the fruit cake made by mrs l masales went to mrs henry wedge a beautiful jewel designed tote big made by mrs george angell was won by mrs xx rogers the centerpiece of chrysan themums off the tea tables was won by lynda coxe of rockwood charter members poured tea u taw afternoon mrs wmfln- dky mrs fredcotosmrs wm bocbanon sr and mrs j lout- tat along with members mrs lao swaott mrs bert fowler mrs bay agnew mrs arthur ford mrs r dntton mrs hel en tateman mrs wm taylor mrs freda gordon mrs morris courtney and mrs gord james who served a fancy fruit salad slate asd roll alone with an as sortment of homemade cookies mrs j hlgglns sold the tea tickets penny sale winners were ste ven matheson dish mrs c cutts tea cosy doll mrs b franks memo minder r hall fry pan yvonne mcgladrey set of glasses and mrs wm chis- holm tea towels d jackson ny lons linda fagan brampton a leather purse cup and saucer dianne angell piggy bank bella r lodnight towels and mrs d price glass dish mrs j mcgladery christmas cards boh turkosz mixing bowls mrs s tennant doll mrs h waterhouse knitted mitts kim timbers 2 pair socks paul cargill pop gun donna drew christmas cards mrs wllf mceachern wall pla que mrs louise toth plaque mrs fred coles necklace mrs a turkosz towels mrs h lambert steak knives mrs p leseur cushions peter fellows pair of lamps mrs g james auxiliary res ident announced the winners and thanked everyone for helping to nuke this basaar suchasuccess many photos in new book a guide topre-confeder- ation furniture of english canada includes for the pleas ure of connoisseurs and the en lightenment of the latest recruits over 200 photographs including four fullpage colour plates of outstanding examples of canadian bandcrafted furniture this is in effect a pictorial guide to a varied collection of delightful pieces ranging from the primitives made by the early loyalists for their kitch ens to the intrinsically beauti ful work of the cabinetmakers of upper canada 17911841 and canada west 18411867 each chapter deals with a room in the pioneer house and in each are assembled the pieces of furniture which would have been found there in early days the text supplies tips on how to recognize such antiques and a means of determining authen ticity and approximate age of each type of furniture captions accompanying the photographs point out salient features dates and where the piece was found the foreward was written by dr e clark noble o be member of the advisory board historic sites committee black creek pioneer village for the inveterate collector this tour through an imaginary pioneer bouse will bring the plea sure of recognition and compar ison and for the amateur a wel come chance to find the answers to many of his questions legion dance the annual halloween dance at the legion saturday evening brought out many outstanding costu there was judging daring the evening anglican united women heat panel both units of the unitedchurch women entertained the members of anglican church groups the guild altar guild and anglican church women wednesday eve ning of last week in the united church chapel about 35 found the panel dis cussion on church activities diff erences and similarities very enlightening mrs t shields president of the ucw acted as moderator and with her on the panel were mrs crease y sr of the acw mrs e pratt for the guild mrs e lldkea and mrs a veldhuds for the ucw program convener mrs c rognvaldson conducted the ser vice mrs k alien read scrip ture mrs j gibson led in prayer and mrs gw mckenzle played the piano for hymns little boy with report card i was the highest of an who flanked milton district opp inves tigated several accidents on highway 401 this morning in the heavy fog eden mills the acton free press wednesday noember 1 1 1967 ladies aid bazaar tea meetings in district news by mrs r wright the ladles aid of eden mills presbyterian church met monday evening to finalize plans for the bazaar the business period was conducted by the president mrs beryl wright a plaque will be placed on the new church doors at a later date it was decided to have a pot luck supper at the christmas concert repeating the lords prayer the meeting closed re freshments were served the october meeting of eden mills united church women met at the home of mrs ed parker the theme of the devotional was thanksgiving mrs james ham- er took as her text we should sit down and get our directions from the rock from which we are hewn we have been so busy this centennial year celebrating and waving flags yet our nations morals are not what they should be we have much to be thankful for so let us get our directions for the future mrs hames closed with pray er in the business period mrs wilson welcomed the members roh call was answered with a verse from the bible containing thanksgiving minutes of pre vious meeting were read also treasurers reports and sick re ports plans for the bazaar were made mrs uhlson readapoem entitled how will we use our min utes and closed with prayer re freshments were served by mrs ima drysdale and mrsdbug beatue ewhnrote- of thanks went to the hostess for ber hospitality by mrs w wilson pouring tea at eden mills pre sbyterian church ladles aid bazaar and tea wednesday af ternoon were mrs w swanston mrs clara blacklock mrs m altken and mrs susan wilson receiving at the door were mrs dr sinclair and mrs beryl wright president third food store manes ownership a third grocery store has been purchased by jdr mines limited as well as the acton and erin iga stores the com pany now owns the woodbrldge lga store former acton store manager harold manes is store manager at woodbrldge brother dave manes is manager at erin and tom manes is now store manager here milton department store -sixth- heres your chance to do your christmas shopping early and save money packed with bargains in every department all merchandise is from our regular stock sale starts thursday i at 9 am i shoes ladies heels 399 ladies flats r 95 299 mens shoes r to 1795 950 mens shoes 599 girls anil boys shoes 0 off all the following all boys windbreakers ski jackets duffle coats suits sportcoats to all mens topcoats sportcoats car coats ski jackets and windbreakers note ah sale items are from our regular new fall merchandise pair of lovely nylons to the first 400 customers with a purchase of 200 or over limited to one pair per customer free balloons for the kiddies accompanied by an adult an assortment of ladies pant suits nritp skirts l r mens suits while they last special group from our rtgular slock cq oft values up to 8995 7 girls dress coats car coats ski jackets ladies coats slacks skirts car coats fur jackets mens casual and dress pants 688 attortinant of sizws and colors regular 1298 special mens sport shirts famous brand namat shm s m i and xl reg 698 now 3 m check our big bargain table every day for items galore at deep cut prices young mens casual pants slim ctrl in black bjuo gray tan reg 598 478 or 2 pairs for 900 boys long sleeved korotron sport shirts reg 398 value sale 298 boys corduroy pants from 398 mans corduroy pants from 598 i b milton 1 department store 8799261 open friday evening until 9 pm i