Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 8, 1967, p. 11

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7 j- t lets play bridge by bill coals act for eleven trloka and a good result last weeks results at tha acton bridge clnb warn first harry frost and b1u hamilton second mr and mrs art hor- risj third bev fattuuo and duke wilson fourth bob diokson and cam sinclair j chammmain seated wet convener fthe success- fulbattaer and tea sponsored by the ladles of eden mills pres byterian church on wednesday nov 1 mr or sinclair minister wife standing left to right mrs w mclean mrs b wright mrs jean macdougall mrs w latby and mrs j gllbertson assisted with the event pouring tea were mrs w swanston rockwood mrs g attken guelph mrs w wilson eden mills and mrs j blecklock guelph staff photo every card has certain values assigned to it it may be a win- r a guard an entry a trump stop a ruff etc a good de clarer learns to recognise which of these values la going to be the most important one value often overlooked by the average bridge player is the entry value of a card if dummy la short of entries this can be very important in the following deal who would foresee an entry in dummys six of spades lets watch and see the dealer east and both sides axe vulnerable north sj653 h103 d532 ca643 west sq2 hk76 s d87 ck97 52 east s 10 9 8 hj963 dkj64 cj10 objectives training at osd outlined to halton tethers at annual area convention harley to halton r by harry harley m p tha members of the teaching staffs ot the towns of acton mil ton and the township of nassa- gawaya public schools with their area superintendent wl mc neil assembled at the ontario school tor the deaf milton fri day oct 87 for the annual meet ing of the teachers institute presldint jm beu principal ot martin street senior public school mitten presided for the opening exercises and morning devotions won conducted by rev jkl mcoovn tha teachers were cordially welcomed by superintendent d kennedy who with key members of bis staff outlined the object ives ot tha school the institu tion is open to all children who have teaming ability and pro- nbunoad hearing difficulty and are between the ages of fiveand it year mr kennedy stated ttf ot tha program arfbelng that of enabling each student to prepare himself tor a happy way of list in spite ot hishearlngdls- abtuty though facilities are axpsnslv tha cost to the state oteduoattng the children is much mas than would be required to keep a handicapped adult for a lifetime robert f argall the schools analogical services adviser explained that though many child- ran are born with bearing de ficiencies a considerable numb er have had impairment caused by mumps measles or other common diseases the chief purpose of the audiologlcal de partment of the school is to teach the child to communicate through speech so that he may take his place in a society where hearing and listening play such a great part a child cant speak be cause he cant hear though a bearing aid which la found at each desk in the school is of great assistance to the child who has some hear ing ability it serves only to make the sound louder and does not divulge the meaning of it nor re store a childs normal hearing low frequency vowels are heard batter than high frequency con- the bast seating posi tion for a hard of hearing child is at the centre of the classroom near the front though much upreading skill is acquired by a deaf child it was pointed out that on many words such as cat paint bad or red white and green there is little different iation in the position of the lips when these words are spoken mrs donna mcguffln super vising teacher of the junior school explained the organisa tion of their program though the arrangement did not corres pond to the regular grade sys tem of the public schools there were sue levels in all so that maximum use could be made of the auditory sense each room was equipped with a powerful hearing device much emphasis was placed on the learning and aeqntsltloniaif speech those w1nyiess hearing deficiency ac- qulred mora epejdnng skfllv the tactile visual and auditory ap proach wu uaed throughout by seeing the up movements in a mirror placing his hand on the teachers face and on his own in turn and through the use of the powerful hearing aid much pro gress is made by each child in voicebuilding concrete mat erials and tape recorders are used to advantage mr kennedy and his panel were capably introduced by mrs n emms of milton and were thanked by j watson of camp- bauvlue during the afternoon g bunch introduced professional training instructor r wollaston who ex plained the significance of the academic and vocational prog ram its prime purpose was to overcome deficiencies in com munication and language and to attempt to alleviate the many problems caused by the language barrier every senior class has a period set aside for speech each day language and reading are also part of each days pro gram other than the emphasis placed on those subjects an at tempt is made to follow the pre scribed curriculum a rotary system is followed in the senior school similar to that of the reg- m work of this young art student aro doug copeland end linda braid both of robert little public school and earl breers of m z bennett over 10o teachers loured the ontario school for the deaf in milton as part of the halton no 4 teachers institutes eighth annual convention staff photo ulax high school j mccullough of the vocation al school emphasised that in struction wu based primarily on trade training cooking sav ing beauty culture business practices and typing were offered to the senior girls while the boys studied woodworking the print ing press autobody repairing and other suitable occupations opportunities were provided in both the morning and after noon for all teachers to observe at least two junior and two sen ior classes actually taught the various skills possibly the most fascinating was the capable manner in which the primary teacher through perfect up for mation a keen sense of touch and a powerful hearing aid for equipment could train the non- tbearing child pa say new words other lessons sqch as language built around the theme hallo ween or the childs birthday or mathematics presented by us ing concrete materlalstoadvant- age and the accompushments in art and music were found to be most interesting the optimum use was being made of the phys ical education equipment the double gymnasium tor the teach ing ot basketball and indoor ath letic skills and the pool for val uable lessons in swimming in summing up superintend ent kennedy pointed out that tor every 6000 children born there was one child who needed the facilities of the school that the enrolment at present was slight ly over 450 and was expected to increase by at least 100 by next september on behalf of the members of the institute mr kennedy and his staff were ably thanked by d ccpeland of acton tor the excel lent program and for the oppor tunity to observe the many out standing features of the school in the short business period held in the afternoon session the minutes as recorded by the secretary mrs m harcourt of a great deal of concern has been expressed recently in the house of commons on the serious problem ot pollution at this time more emphasis has been placed on the problem ot water pollution any firm that wishes to do so may obtain some financial assistance towards eff ective methods against water pollution emanating from their plant a water pollution centre has been set up at burlington ont ario which is making a research study into water pollution in the waters of lake ontario and lake erie as far as air pollution is con cerned a national sampling pro gramme for air pollution has been set up by the department of national health and welfare it is to accumulate data so that standards ot a qua can be established and maintained a great deal of investigation has also gone into the question of air pollution by motor vehlc- las this has examined the various types of control devices in cars and their effectiveness in all kinds of weather unfortunately the present type that is available does not appear to be effective in dlesel vehicles where perhaps the major pro blem is the federal government is considering introduclnganatlon- al clean air act it would cover such things as- bruce street public school and the treasurers report given by mrs k alger of mz bennett public school were adopted as read the following slate of off icers for the year 1968 u by past president and chairman of the nominating committee ej brears was elected president james zehr ra tsa nassagaweya vicepres ident douglas ccpeland ba acton secretary mrs elda presse milton treasurer mrs kathken alger acton 1 establishment of criterion for setting up standards of clean air and the mainten ance of these standards 2 motor vehicle antipollution devices to be kept uptodate by advances in science 3 technical assistance and ad vice to provincial control ag encies 4 continuing research into spe cific air pollution problems and their effect on human and tax notice 1967 municipality of acton fourth instalment now due attention is drawn to the payment of 1967 taxes which are now payable in four instalments taxes are payable to the municipal treasurer at the tom of acton municipal office yj instalments are due as follows first bnstalftltnt may is second instalment july 17 thmd grotauaent sottmsft is fourth mstaiment novtttlt is according to the tax collection bylaw a penalty of 1 per cent per month or fraction of a month will be added on the amount remaining unpaid after the 15th day of may this penalty applies to each instalment in a similar the attention of ratepayers is directed to the penalties and pther clauses as printed and explained in detail on every tax bill make p now and take you tax notice with you when making payment south sak7 4 h- aq4 daq109 c q8 the bidding east south west north pass 1 d pass 1 s pass 3 nt all pass opening lead club five south has a strong hand with 21 points in high cards and should open the bidding as low as poss ible this makes it easier for partner to bid north can barely scrape up response but once he bids south should jump to game in no trump or spades notrump is to be preferred since south would rattier have his hand led up to rather than through the opening lead is run to de- anlmal health and on food and property 5 proper antipollution meth ods by the federal govern ment itself as an employer 6 financial assistance to univ ersities and other teaching centres tor research leading to better control of air pollu tion 7 an advisory council may be set up within the department of national health and wel fare on questions concerning air pollution the acton free press wednesday november b 1967 clarsrs queen declarer would ilka to get to dummy in order to try some finesses in the red suits however the only sure entry is the club ace and declar er does not want to set up the opponents suit the ace and king of spades are taken and declarer is pleas ed to see the queen fall from wests hand the spade jack is now an entry and so is the six if declarer plays carefully the spade seven is led and won in dummy with the jack a diamond finesse is tried success fully declarer now leads the spade tour and entire dummy with the spade six another dia mond finesse is taken with this working declarer enters dummy with the club ace and finesses diamonds again declarer now takes his heart no vote tjierejwont be any election for councillors or school boardtrus- tees in nassagaweya township this december the present council and school board were elected in 1966 tor a twoyear term gardener one who that whet goes down come up thinka must have you heard of rahauuah a tuii4t4 yaan prlmir in tattlin teriran in ik hrty una annauncaa t ntw bivatallan f an ml nana w sakavmnv hli ittlari i ii king art wltfctvf rfawm lha mil raawkafela dacuntnti in rillflaut njalary lavtral nlltlan iiava naw raiaanaaa la hit call laial ctatev al all faith haa vil rattivaa an afftr al bahau llava mmw a wa urgt yau la invaillf ala it allhar ihravfh yavr tlarfyaaa a by willing bahais of etobicoke mrs eleanor harding secretary 7 kinovyay ckhcimt mxpah out iga choice beans rartl rtaortid sockeye salmon tun uuon winte old cheese ruaur ntuuui prunes an otnuiw ta ctiius pablumv or tom smooth cmkmi ii if peanut butter matin wr lutuistotcn puddings b4il tmuto aylmer soups 4 49 whs effective mv i 9 10 1 ii ohit iiish omtaiio roil saui una ioi roast s opork tea gajoi t mm tenderloin portion 1 farnciia una ouutu rota tow fomcarni cut- caors stott sparc ribs ran mini 4bk aa delsey 1aq tissue svlu 4wtwcrl0iaw quaker oats aiwaiatu 0 kim lomii a ii tiki soft drinks m mtm ii u i spaghetti double tafe days im lo aly 1 til lpt fat dj ik t aih r t t upi cna it a ba mw tk t ft ya- 44 iai t fa t tl ia it cl a m j ci i i c o- i- f i w i k l it v ilw 11 c- 1 t neat 4 iga lri lilti c i important ti at in aji 4ale a 4bhd fa fo a t4v i ttwr uy a flit it illoo tt t ratal rvw t o n mf at a fr ta1 aovanfat of douill taf dats 10 claim tvfts altlf rwfiu ibyiu wmttmnuown tdivelsrw twmtt uarawttimu dental cream sos pads aunua cherry pie 2t49 vi ieseive he lltll u unit iimlllki charlie hunth dgwh this special sunny morn rmdless side bacon 65

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