Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 8, 1967, p. 13

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rr nwm4 by water sywus install officers the acton free press wednedsy lop students presented books at rodcwood home and school tub is another in a ser- i- of assays written by kadants of un rockwood caoet aadptektd for pub- ttcallbn from 10 entries stand baate picked ever- toa and its ojoaiot grist min aaher subject by brenda ingle femton is a charming little yluage situated on either side of a swiftly flowing branch of the ffetwd river on the seventh con- oaaalon of the township of era- thls area is one of ontarios fiatat sites of natural beauty with its winding river switt rap ids pot holes and interesting roes formation crowned with evergreen cedar pine and aprnot and surrounded by rtih agrlcaltaral country the section where everton is situated was originally in poss ession of the mlssissauga in dians on october 18 1818 an ag ment was made and the crown lands were given free to aatuerajfho agreed to perform certain settlement duties the settlers of everton hoped that it would become a manufac turing centre but the railway passed by on one side and the gravelled highway passed on the other this poem describes ev- ertons fight for a commercial importance one of those uttle places that hare run half up the hill beneath a biasing sun and then sat down to rest as if to say i climb no further upward come what may the grist mill in the early days one of the most important industries to the settlers was the milling of flour rufus everts eldest son of the first settlers in everton put up the framework of the present grist and flour mill but was un able to finish it it stood incom plete until william and simon plewers expert milters agreed to complete the structure and in stall the necessary machinery in return for the use of the null for a number of years at the end of the agreement the proper ty was returned to rufus everts who in 1874 sold it to mr henry hortop one of eramosas prom inent citizens in the year 1900 william eld est son of henry hortop acquired the nillls he married emma benham they had two sons clarence and harry and a dau ghter muriel in 1926 vttlllam hortop pur chased the karris mill at rock- wood and it was run by us son clarence then in 1952 after his fathers death harry hortop acquired the mill property har ry hortop was the third genera tion of the hortops to operate the mill the hortop mill at everton is the only flour mill in wellington county now in operation and one of the few if not the only water- powered flour mills in ontario the flour and grist mill a threestorey wooden structure is solidly constructed of frame and few changes have been made since it was built over a century ago the hewn beams being of hoktots historic flour mill at everton is the subject of the essay picked from 120 written by students at rockwood public school the old mill isdriven by water power one of few left in the province staff photo particular interest this same waterpower was harnessed and used by the hortop family topro- duce light and power for their home before rural hydro power was available in the early days the wheat was drawn from the port of oakvllle and the flour was packed in bar rels for sale the farmers in the area brought their wheat to be ground and the flour along with the bran and byproducts would be returned to them this is known as a grist as the areadevelopedthe grain came by freight to rockwood station and was unloaded there and transported first by team and wagon and later by truck still later the grain was brought by truck in bulk from lake ports also thousands of bushels of wheat are purchased annually from the farmers in the area to be ground into pastry flour over the years much of the flour has been shipped to the weston and christie bakeries in toronto by truck directly from the mill the flour is packed now in seven pound twentyfour pound and one hundred pound bags and is known as lily white pastry flour the flour is also supplied to guthries bakery lnhespelerand guelph saunders bakery in rockwood and ontario reforma tory as well as stores in erin hiusburgh rockwood guelph and brucedale chopping was a specialty in the early days with as many as five hundred bags belngprocess- ed in a day however with the advent of the machine age the farmers began installing their own chopping mills and uttle of this is done at the mill now now science has provided us with balanced formulae for the farmers livestock and in 1954 harry hortop installed feedmlx- lng machinery in the flour and grist mill and since then has processed hundreds of tons of wellbalanced teed if r hortop did not install any more machinery to ship the flour in bulk as big business demands because he hoped to see the area developed for park lands and fishing in the stream of clear sparkling water fc hince history of everton sr grist mill was written in the book federation of agricul ture the mill has been sold to the grand river conservation authority and is to be preserved as a historic site history of grist mill in everton bibliography day frank here and there in eramosa leaman printing co guelph 1953 federation of agriculture yearbook 1966 by mrs f taylor rockwood mrs lois tosh the president of rockwood home and school opened a recent meet ing with a reading on the history of canada written as a biblical review presentation of books to the two top grade eight students of last term was made to jerry de groob and ifarljan drijber principal grant mcrae congrat ulated the winners and made the presentation the home and school received a sincere thank you note from the eramosa speedside united scene november centennial service by mrs f taylor rockwood the members of speedside united church will play host to the november cen tennial service for the township of eramosa on sunday evening november 12 at 8 pm the guest speaker will be prof theakston who will give an illustrated lecture on nova scot ia the professor is widely knowq as a most interesting speaker while showing his pic tures of our beautiful country school board for their help at the official opening of trie rock wood centennial school mrs o drijber presided for the installation of officers for the coming year they are pre sident lois tosh vicepresi dent sandy hudson secretary catherine meredith treasurer alarg cox program joy law membership alice nlchol soc ial grace knegt and mary kelly banquet hazel hamilton staff representative grant mcrae unlcef systke drijber and march of dimes betty death doctor opens rockwood office dr et maharaj of guelph announced this week he is opening a rockwood office on a part time basis three days a week this office is located in the holmaji construction building on main st office hours will be on monday and thursday evenings from 7 to 9 pm and saturday morning from 10 to noon mrs j crombte and mrs m caldwell of guelph were guest speakers for the evening these ladles are both speech correct- loo teachers in the guelph schools their information was very interesting and informative pointing out speech correction was not concerned with the use of poor engush or grammatical im provement and when teachers felt the need of their services they were contacted it was startling to learn that seven percent of school children benefit from speech correction these irregularities are not a sign of low intellect stressed the speakers after a survey test many are found to be defici ent in hearing or other organic problems they nave hearing trainers for use and also give up reading lessons many other means are used to help these students overcome their prob lem the speakers compared this speech correction service to a are insurance poucy if you never need it you consider it a frill but when the need arises it is most imperative at the close of the meeting re freshments were served and a social time was enjoyed total value of buildlngpermlts issued in nassagaweya for the past month were 81500 this includes four new bouses at a total value of 63000 one addition to a house estimated at i8go0 and a garage at 500 there was one commercial ad- dtuon valued at 10000000 this brings the total for the year up toll093200 even ladies can bag fox six people including two wo men appued in october for boun ty fees for killing fox leona wilson of milton and retta ouel- let of weston applied for the 7 bounty fee from the township of nassagaweya bounties are awarded for the animals because they have been known to spread rabies through an enttre herd of cattle dinner dance for ball teams mothers of the two senior rockwood softbau teams are staging si banquet and dance for the teams this friday night at the town hall the banquet starts at 730 pm and the dance after wards will be thrown open to the public it is hoped fans who have fol lowed the teams through the sea son will patronize the dance admission price is a nominal one douar announcement dr e t maharaj wishes to announce thlf opening of an office on main street in rockwood in holman construction building office hours 3 days per week aaonday 7 pm to 9 paa thursday 7 pm to 9 pm saturday 10 am to 12 noon for appointment phone 8569557 or 8213390 dont go batty looking for a car drop in now and seo lou at lous used cars maim st rockwood 8564235 mrs p mccifyray speaks on canada for ulw by mrs f taylor rockwood canada aad this land of ours was use topic stressed by mrs p alc- qhrray the program convenor of the october meeting unit two rockwood united church women the speaker mentioned that many wonderful opportunitiesare available to us here and the tatawa that could be accomplish ed in canada a poem on canada opened the program with scripture reading by mrs g day aad ifeditatlaa aad prayer by mrs boss gord on miss g hanaa presented the poem ontario countryside mrs freeman wilson was hostess for the meeting with the aatt header miss gladys hanaa laadac the trout in the opening devotions and conducting the bus- taaaa oa aaad la the hymnary no 1m was read responslvely tallowed by a poem on courage by wsa banna all joined in a kyaaa aad the lords prayer taa ladtes answered the roll with a current event the of the last meeting and the treasurers report were read and approved there was a dis cussion on the annual baaaar and tea to be held on december 2nd in the sunday school room a motion was passed that the november roll call be answered by an article for the touch and take table at the baaaar the november meeting will be at the home of mrs ross gordon a hymn and the benediction closed the meeting a numbers contest was enjoyed daring the social time which followed a lovely lunch was served by the hostess assisted by mrs o drijber rrefifkters hi phead headquarters plant now see our selection of trees evergreens shrubs cut flowers and potted plants open 7 days a week 8 cm till dark phone s5329m say it with flowers they say it so nicely caroline flower garden shop two mhes west of acton south side of hwy if your the 67th annual firefighters dance brought a good crowd to the legion hall friday evening the olymics played for dancing which included some square dan ces the door prize of groceries was won by gerry forestall of guelph ypammm xiitw call us km all you plumbing and heating mstauahoms business location 17 mm st w wet caw court a l riemer equipment company for party fashions visit moniques fashionable salon and choose from the exciting collection of new shoe fashions silver and gold brocades and kid leathers in illusion high or stack hefls dumb 73 macdomwh strew gufapn ont satin periwinkle and mystic tinted specially to match your gown for elegancem fashion footwvmr visit monioue today fire it now is a perfect time to convert to modern natural gas it doesnt take a large casrt outlay theres no down payment and the cost of the- fur nace plus the supply ol gas can be paid for with equal payments you can enjoy the benefits of a natural gas forced air heating system youll have balanced heat and humidity a constant supply of fresh filtered air even heat throughout tne whole house and of course f nq service though youll likely never need it theres nothing like natural gas for complete comfort and efficiency in stall a new gas furnace system now and find out for yourself this winter see united gas or your tutting coo- tractor ask about the 4 steps to total inddor comfort united gas stan martin heating ll234s2 7t4 tennis aw gas for am week 1m7 a l riemer equipment limited l 21 3dvs oodiw i r n d

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