Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 15, 1967, p. 1

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uzht 2utn sttt fjtfess ninetythird year mo 20 acton ontario wednesday november 15 1967 sixteen pages ten cents ohc recommends 18 new low r units in acton liaison problems aired at meeting a representative of the depart ment of municipal affairs ans wered a aeries of relevant ques tions at a special combined meet- ins of acton council planning board and committee of adjust ment wednesday evening of last week the questions ranged from planning and aoniiig infrac tions to liaison graham adams of the exten sion branch of the department of municipal affairs had to admit some of tbe questions eouldnt te answered without legal advice mayor les duby was in the chair for the unique meeting and the other coundl representatives were bob drlnkwalier charles berry and clerkadministrator jack mcgeachte a new planning board was re cently appointed when the former board an resigned due to alleged lack of council cooperation on the new board are sid salts grant allan meb blow and stan jo with councillors charles berry and bob drinkwaxer on the threeman committee of adjustment are ernie harts don lindsay and murray smith learning about local dfncult- las mr adams said parhaps there is not enough playback between the groups tbe dories of thb-paisungboardamlaar- ur stated to act- continued tm pun i reeve charges town pay rates are inflationary rates of pay are going com- ptately oat af control charged reeve h blnton when a proposal to increase hourly rates tor sel ected town employees was sub mitted to council at melx regular meeting last night the proposal from number two committee recommended some employees be raised to lead hands at new rates of pay so they could accept more respon- suauty and leave the town super intendent tree to supervise councillor bob driskwatter told council tbe committee found a lack of supervision la some areas when tbe town superintend ent was away or ib and it was lilt the town should have an assistant superintendent or lead band to share the responsibility we must pay the going rate la order to get the type otpersonml we want we revised the rates fctst last year said the reeve we dont want to create added salaried positions explained the mayor but these men- one for sewer and water andthe other for roads maintenance will assume new naponsttnlhes councillor masalts assured the dspatyraeve the town work jsteff wassborthandad nocnoss- lmy because of low rams of ontario housing corporations survey in acton revealed a need for 12 family and six senior cititen units council was told last night the ohc recommended consideration be given to tbe devel opment of 18 ontario housing units consisting of four 2 bedroom units sir 3bedroom units and two 4bedroom units senior cltt sen units recommended were four bachelor and two one bedroom units council generally thought these figures presented by miss mar garet lalng and charles schaab of the ohc were low especially for senior citizens there were no senior citizen couples among the respondents to the survey council grilled the two dele gates from ohc about differ ent items in the report before they prepared two motions re questing tbe corporation to pro vide rental housing accommoda tion in acton it was agreed however to table the morions until tbe golden age cmb was ap proached council felt there was more need for low cost housing than shown in the survey they also felt a poll of golden age club members would give a more ac curate yardstick to measure the need the study by the ohc did not indicate a need tor a land assembly program at tbe pres ent time however homes for sale did not appear to be in acute shortage but those available cost between 20000 and 25000 wages in the area are not high and many persons in the local labor force are not in a position to consider home ownership as yet according to the survey there appears to be sufficient land available to accommodate tbe anticipated increase of 150 dwel lings by 1971 if acton were to be drawn clos er to tbe metropolitan areas of hamilton kitchener and toronto in the future and if consequently the growth of the town would ac celerate a land assembly pro ject with lots available for lease or sale under the home pro gram could be of benefit to tbe town the town requested tbe ontar io housing corporation to make the survey to determine the need and effective demand for ontario housing in the municipality as well as the survey to determine tbe need for a land assembly project field work for both surveys afwwjaty thmks over milton request for library grant a request from the mittoopub- 11c library for a per capita grant for pineview public school pupils using library facilities in milton was transmitted to esqueslng council monday night by school board member william lawson mr lawson told council they should consider a grant to the three libraries used by township students georgetown acton and milton georgetown got the heaviest use because of glen williams and norval being close bat acton and button were also used frequently tto request got a mixed re action from council ashed if be wasat opening the door to farther requests for grants from other municipalities mr lawson said the door was open before be got there he also interred the school board would likely have to pay the grant if council refused to do so this is going to take a little bit of thinking remarked coun cillor jim goocoet it leaves the gate open to others soliciting grants said councillor patterson im against it councillor tom hill wasnt im pressed by his colleagues re marks not only school child ren but adults from the township are using these facilities he charged we cant expect other corporations to provide facilities for people of the township lets build our own library then suggested mr patterson councillor hid said there were two or more cards from george town library in his house and be expected there were many more homes like his deputy reeve g currie suggested tees in libraries were maybe not big enough big enough or not this town ship has got to get off its fanny and start paying something to these other municipalities supp lying services to our township stated councillor bu1l thats been my view for a long time i suggest we discuss it fairly mr lawson told council school board had made no recommend ations but if council was reluct ant to pay a library grant board would have to pay on a per pupil basis reeve george leslie told mr lawson council would discuss tbe matte r fully and advise the school board of its decision remembrance service mt st johns rockwood was completed during tbe week of august 28 the report consists of two main divisions the first deals with a general examination of ex isting economic housing and land conditions in the town the sec ond deals with the present effec tive demand for ontario housing as revealed by an analysis of the response to questionnaires dis tributed to all tenants in acton in order to obtain information for tbe survey a housing analy st from the corporation inter viewed officials in acton includ ed were municipal officials in dustrial representatives and realtors in addition statistical information was obtained from tbe dominion bureau of statistics tbe department of municipal af fairs and central mortgage and housing corporation councillors and press repre sentatives were each presented with a copy of the report miss lalng outlined the high lights of tbe report to council some of which were growth rate for the town is projected on a three per cent basis estimated population in 1971 will be 5050 not taking into consideration any major housing starts the average number of per sons per household in acton was 36 for the years 1951 and 1956 in 1961 there was a slight in crease to 38 persons perbouse- hold there were approximate ly 1150 units in acton provin cial figure is 37 persons per household craftsmen account for 505 per cent of tbe male and 255 per cent of the female labor force in acton treacherous roads and slippery sidewalks were one result as the first heavy snow of the season hit the district tuesday visibility was poor at times forcing motorists to turn on lights in the high daylight hours staff photo cathy hinton wins cheque cathy hinton grade eight stu dent at the robert little school was successful in the contest held last year by the educational abcs of canadian industry booklets sent to all schools she did two projects one on salt and one on tea and reciveda cheque tbe purpose of the program is to afford an opportunity for stu dents to gain an insight in to the way in which different industries operate some of the industry stories included are silver banking grain motor car dairy tanning oil and gasoline etc council approves school addition at m z bennett open house staff at the halton centennial manor bad their hands full sat urday and sunday entertaining nests for the open bouse at the martin and petht houses assistant superintendent jack st johns anglican church rockwood was filled for the an nual service of remembrance on sunday the service follow ed a parade from the school to the cenotaph and from there to the church jim milne was parade marsh al and robert leslie read tbe names of fallen servicemen chuck wright sounded the last post and reveille while john hilts lowered and raised the flag wreaths were laid for the pro- remembrance day marked at schools school children had special ceremonies on friday for re membrance day mz bennett students observed the event in their own classrooms since they have no auditorium at the robert little school there was a program in the audi torium for senior grades vince of ontario by mrs george mack for the township of era- mosa by reeve c lush for the legion by rm storey and in memory ot donald hlltr by his brother john hills in tbe legion color party were mrs doris angell mr and mrs art ford and mr and mrs bill buchanan attending the church service afterward as weu as legion- aires and many citizens were guides brownies scouts and cubs the girl guide colors were dedicated in a brief cere mony for his sermon rev seweu conducted a dialogue with jim milne of the legion acting as critic and mr seweu as res pondent for participating legion mem bers lunch wasservedafterward at the home of mr and mrs milne among those attending this an nual remembrance day service in rockwood was fred wright who never misses wages and salaries in acton are lower than the provincial av erage using tbe 1961 census as a guide the majority of male wage earners 63j2 per cent earned between 3000 and6000 whereas 832 per cent of the fe male wage earners earned less than 3000 over 90 per cent of the male labor force earned less than 6000 per year almost one out of every three employees ot the major indust ries lives outside of acton ac cording to the survey many em ployees do so by choice but some would prefer accommodation in the town if it were available the majority of dwellings in acton are well maintained single family dwellings between 50 and 100 years old there have been no condemned houses in the town over the past five years although some dwellings scattered through acton may be classified as sub standard continued on pane 3 the program flteptinetoauyin to tbe social studies- areas al though handwriting plays an im portant part the best work is sent in as possible prize winners thousands of entries are sent in from every province charlton said the greatest num ber of people elm on sunday but a good crowd toured bom buildings saturday as welt mr charlton reports all com ments were highly favorable and almost all of those people who visited the home were greatly impressed high hopes actons annexation plans left for another council were setting rates now that an inflationary charted the reave were creating orara problems than were going to care there are other masons or the shortage of staff if s poorly orgaaiaed feanh in the town of acton shouldnt be pay ing 165 an hoar tow beta oar rates are lower than other municipalities answered mr drlakwatter the reev wants to tm sore people qualify for low rental haestag said the mayor mr blnton atth strongly ob- jmted to raiatag the rates the reeve is aaedtadbebag with sand lot stores and this te tag beauts aeedladceuaeulor drlstwaner mr htatoa said ha hepad the took note of the last re- a request from the town of ac ton to annex land in esqueslng township owned by the town on mill st w and cobme h1u road was received by township council much like the song of the ant and the rubber tree plant theyve got high hopes ex claimed councillor tom hiu tbe town in their request read by clerk kc lindsay said the annexation would be in the best interests of both municipalities the land is fully serviced by the town before development acton feels it should be in town limits hold it over for next years council urged reeve george leslie and thats what council finally decided to do but not be fore this dialogue what theyre asking is a gift they want to annex the cemetery and farm next to it where they were going to put that inciner ator said george currie if i had someone burled up there id you might as well give it to them theyll get it anyway advis ed the clerk make em fight for it urged councillor tom hid the cemeterys in the town ship anyway isnt it asked someone yes was the reply just like ive always said chuckled the deputyreeve no body wants to be found dead in acton council accepted tbe recom mendation of number one com mittee last night tuesday and gave tentative approval to an ad dition to the hz bennett school as outlined by tbe public school board the board was authorised to engage an architect and obtain estimates of costs for resubmis sion to council for final approval the two storey structureplan- ned will include a gymnasium maximum cost was estimated at 920 a square toot or less it is far more sensible to proceed now than it was a year ago commented councillor earl htasales we know mora about it now a year ago details ware tew mayor duby saidthere was a need for one room at tbe present time at the school and by the time the iddluco was constructed three rooms would be needed leaving only one for erpanslon so you can see we are not over building figures given pout up to a great degree of overcrowding if there is no expansion agreed deputyreeve frank cabas who chaired the committee of the whole session cars collide on saturday cars driven by kenneth clark preston and bonald brouxhton sr 1 actos were in collision at the corner of main sl if and elisabeth dr saturday novem ber 11 at 643 pm the preston car received 75 damage and the broughton car 250 to the front end giant cheque given ys men unicef collection over 900 tat resohatlan pissed the mtd the ys men meeting thursday behind the mr and mrs bill wilson shown orf the right with gary bate goman trumpet of jack holmes jr pupil of the robert lithe man steven van fleer centre made the presentation school presented a monster cheque to the unicfct chairmen staff photo bearing with them a huge wooden cheque a hundred child ren from the robert little school raided the ys mens meeting last thursday evening in the y base ment led by jack holmesplay- tag ms trumpet the youngsters hurst in on the meeting and drd- ed the room in boisterous cele bration their cheque tainted on wood by ken marchment measured eight feet by tour test and was algapalnted to indicate the sum ot 5x015 bask naanager ted pratt had previously agreed to aagottate the gigantic cheque whaaifs only cancelled itll go hack to the school tar display the atomy was proceeds from the schools apeclutjltlcef pro jects aad when totalled with the halloween aught doortodoor codtctioa the grand docet doa- atloa this year is over 900 the weighty donation waa pre sente to b wllsoa of the ys man ur1cbf ccllecncns origin ated here with hoana and school some years ago and mrs wil son was on the first committee she has been active ever since and was present at the meeting the cheque was borne in by jim mcnabb and mary uaghnn and steven vanfleet one of the originators of the ideas voiced the presentation projects included the walka- tbon pancake social car wash- bake sale a play and window washing to add to the cosmnotlon tbe ys mens hockey team all came to the meeting too in their new uniforms they are captain steve metasyre tim mcthtyre bui mcgajtoway john cameron carls scants david lea carts tanpaat billy cusbner ken withers sucaychanabsrs ricky bobbstto mike lsty paul daisy tarry holmes and tarry stavea managing and coaching the team are lloyd mclatyre grant withers john waadna donald cameron and un bccnette after an the boys sad girls trooped back oat and peace re turned the ys men sat friday wov u as the night they an go- lag to treat the chudrea who worked for uwcat to a show elmer smith reported an the sab of turkey tieante and thaaa- onal bingo dae tfe chafe nam ed a committee to plan chair christmas party- dosgcimslaad rick cos and brian oteerheta five awards werepraasatedby lbs club at rrwsmeaea aasat and arrangements were ana toea tartan the flva boys at the i neeetlag to gat tokaow batter district gammer watt from kttcasanr was tarnwvs tor the dtetrkt had the dutrtet contorsaoa taanttllma mrs hattbsry oeobsa ate oassl aadate mrvacawaramrs wilson mr dahoto anaitfa rhteman

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