Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 15, 1967, p. 8

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that horrible strip the aclon froa ph wadnaidav nevwnbw is 967 is becoming a problem planners want control over 10 acre rural parcels the horrible strip warden william coulter called it uncontrolled subdivision of rural land planner william mc- adams called it at the convent ion of the ontario federation of agriculture the subject has been on the agenda at the last two meetings of the county planning associa tion whats it all about pre sent legislation allows local mun icipalities to control dividing of rural lands into lots smaller than 10 acres but gives no con trol over areas of 10 acres and upwards officials call it the 10 acre problem and last week the halt- on county planning association agreed to draft a resolution for submission to the province ask ing permissive legislation under which the local municipality could insist on committee of adjust ment approval on all separations of land separations under 10 acres must now be considered by the committee dan chisholm of the oakville planning board staff reviewed the problem of 10 acre parcels that can be sold in any shape oakville he noted had a bylaw constab1e frank chamb8iiain is the newest addition to the acton o p p detachment headed by corporal ray mason he was transferred from oakville staff photo acton opp report three vehicle accidents quiet week otherwise is ttis vss till before the far qie setsxrf week in a row oe latitats resjsinag pcttce acfcot istraigfe rrlwral la ag- te ozrjf se week xoreccber 5 er li ar six occsrreaces wtre rerasfcere at cie attoa cjrlf tce tie ceajrittt k esf were cc a raiueff softer ities aaet- a o atjastro- r ifcraj ok 1sj iat tours caasuroei titati 65 traffc sretres enco ix tiw same period xeslred r ttpee rxkz motarsk oeinj ctarcei mtr nrbrmr notations whje hint uers were warned vtes ooservec coirmrttnf less ser ious arjviar cfletrces itotor wtuclt accaents witt tfajvt be reportvi as oie 1 siatstc ic wtncfc ac in crease as experienced this wee nc so was injured ic am t tie iccotfas but a total of 6- oarrjipe was oooe to tbe ve- tuclts loaoivtci charges have later iaic ir bottit instances or noitmwr 6 1s67 ic aftag- istratft cvurt at acuon ten perif rv coovctec oo actoc ciurgtrs fidls levieti lor tbe 1 ior trasfc axic criminal oi- fcdr- jealt itb toulw35so0 u ourt cost of s4 being aockc tbeir duties from one week to tbe next cod that an ever increasing majority of the people they deal with are teenagers thesepeople are in one of the most important periods of their life a period of hie in which they begin to decide for tbemselres what is right and wroog good and bad and event ual wtuch path in the road of ue to take decisions made lessons learned aari gai dance given now generally determine tbe overall success achieved in life and yettris availing to see the ap athy with which ve are greeted by tbe parents erf these youthful offenders a subtle smile a shake of tire bead and oh i guess its ail part of growing p ob sa we growing up yes but to whaler christmas seals the opening of tbe 1967 christ mas seal campaign was announ ced at a recent meeting held in miltoc of tbe board of directors of the haiton county tuberculos is and health association tbe campaign officially opened on tuesda november 14 with the mailing of about 32000 letters vu polot ic earning oug resents of halton county local news items jcirgeto n is ending 67 witt ctbtr rentfrmial ball a troot porch being built stcbr kkoual ctctrv mau local hunters went aortt or tbe orst weekend of the jer season in wortnern ontario lat week many stores are putting in a fc touches of christmas decor ations already first snowstorm of the year blanketed the town tuesday and made the roads slippery plan to do your christmas shopping in acton choices and prices are excellent just thirty or so shopping days till christmas stores will stay open mondays is the holi day nears a georgetown bylaw permit- tine cable television there has been datayad for changes theres speculation as many a 170 mora homes will be built an aetna soon in lakeview and saw aubdmatca areas the attractive christmas seals have come in the mail the association has 32000 peo ple on their christmas mailing list preventing building on law than a is acre parcel and it wis alio possible to place restriction on frontages required why are planners conoerrwrt about the sale of 10 acre parcel of land they cited aeven feo iflc reasons to the county plan nlng association 1 it duplet the stock of agriculture land a it increases the demand for such services as fire and pollen protection in theareaa often re mote from the source of such services 3 it results in a ptobloms e continued from page ii though they are subject to broad interpretation he said its a matter of developing mutual respect ot sitting down and asking what is expected of planning board is street lighting an example of planning it could be replied mr adams he was asked his opinion on two contentious recommendat ions made by the previous plan ning board the hiring of a aon- ing bytaw administrator and supplying copies of building per mits to members of the planning board air adams said he felt every municipality should have a sys tem of enforcing its bylaw but how that is accomplished is up to council to find out he wondered if the requested supplying of copies of building permits was so planning board could keep up with developments or whether they would move in to some other groups area of responsibility air adams agreed with mayor duby that a town the site of act on must have enforcement des pite the problem of the financial angle he advocated adherence to the basic principles of zon ing to prevent building variances occurring in tbe first place he suggested extra staff be hired at the beginning of a building sea son perhaps a retired engineer to watch construction drawings as well as plot plans should be required from the developer be fore building permits are issued last week acton committee of adjustment reserved judgment on 13 variances when the mayor referred to the prohibitively high cost of housing mr adams agreed but admitted he had no answer to this urgent problem nwit tw teller rtl aiut mor frequent nulnumfuiw tiiolmtllt mm removal 4 ll mik vmwary h eutvlitiiittiiri f additional mohool faoilllluw in w rural rvn or of the lntrtiw man of m wrvltfew to curry shuteiitn in l whoou in tirhaii aroax t ii ud to contamin ation i4 land ami tho ultimata mtnl lor a public water numtiy ami for military wweih n llr- banlmtton by moan of lot wltli areas of 10 acres or more greatly complicates future uixl assembly for development when the lime tor planned urlmnlia- uon approaches 7 lack of weed control by owners of largo lots not related lo agriculture pursuits seriously affects farm ing in the adjacent areas thin all means added expense to hh municipality esqueatng reeve o i site told the county association tho prob lem gets worse every year in that township the problem of div iding 100 acre farms into 10 ac re parcels was slowed down by a requirement that every parcel have a frontage of 370 feet on an uhuminimmi road the situation in esquoslng though according to officials in terviewed by this newapapor is that already 1000 acres of land has twett out up into nmall hold ings from 10 acres to an acros and 40 percent of this was in tho last three years the 10 acre parrels linvo sold from a low of 8100 to a high of 1 1 a 000 and in one case a pur chaser bought 130 acres for 110000 twforu cutting it up into the smaller parcels a member of the jcsquuhlng committee of adjustment point ed out there had boon iso appli cations for land separation for parcels under 10 acres this yuar this is in addition to the parrulu over 10 acros which do not ru- qutro conimltloo of adjustment approval tho shape of the 10 acre par cels is the major concern of many officials since tho divis ion of a 10 aero farm can result in tho 2200 feet of frontagu be ing tlvlded ovonly in unltii of 220 foot with tho depth of the resulting lots about 2200 fout mm shot in hunting mishap rid two counterfeit bills a minor hunting accident and the discovery of two counterfeit bills were among tho 49 genoral occurrences reported by the mil ton detachment of ontario pro vincial police from nov 5 to 11 one of two burlington men hunting partridge and squirrel was shot in the left leg above the knee by a 22 rifle bullet he attributed the wound to a rico chet police also report one 20 and one 10 bill bothphony appeared at mohawk raceway during the week other occurrences include two break enter and theft investiga tions with two persons charged in connection with one and four other offenses invest gated under thecrlmtnal code a minor theft three liquor control act investigations re sulting in four persons charged and recovery of a stolen car lot another force as well as the dis covery of an insecure property complete the roster of occurr ences except for minor items during the week of nov 5 to 11 personnel of milton detach ment worked a total of 80714 hours find patrollod 5740 miles on area highways as a result of patrol 29 charges wore pre ferred 25 traffic violation warn ings were issued and seven vehicles were safety checked there were 24 convictions regis tered in magistrates court there were 10 property dam age accidents investigated and two personal injury accidents resulting in seven persons being injured and property damage tot alling 5645 there were four charges preferred as a result of these accidents causes of acci dents were driver lost control fail to yield right of way inatten tive driving improper turn and fail to stop for stopsign let us help you build a complete roof of planned protection safecoaufecoegeneral insurance home el sesiiif wjiiffttm be safer with safecusmoadmsk homeowners policy youll save money too homeowners check the big eitras in safeco one policy cavers everylhingno dan gerous gaps or overlaps- you save money too for the finest most complete roof of planned protection call us today dennys insurance agency 17 mill si w acton 85301 so residences milt 8532243 bill 8532645 harold 8532565 rrv v 1 n- v jfblli milady jfftfflk hair i kj styling m rrrrrrrhl hr get a hhrwrh swikihesirhbirrrv efjubriiv hrhr k open jygjy every new wa iejnrnerrrrrrrhnhqb rrnnnnn bs saturday creation kam until new l pp or nearly half a mile the strip dovolopment it is suggested permits a house at the road all owance and unused acres without future access at the rear of all the properties regulations to avoid thtsp rob- to in have taken the form of min imum frontage requirements llnkod up with maximum depths milton planning board al though not dlroclly concorned with tho problem rocontly ap proved a ro solution calling on tho provlncu to rnqulre commit- too of adjustment approval on nuparatlons of 30 acros or over oakvlllo in its hid to protect rural land pormlltod two lot sales a yoar on a 100 aero parcel and only ono tialo a yoar on parcels undur 100 acres until 00 per cont of tlm frontage in gono thin iih now boon changod to annual meeting pc association of haton west the annual mooting of tho hal tonwost progressive conserva tive association will be held at the estamlnot restaurant burl ington monday november 20th tho business portion of the meeting will consist of reports from tho executive election of officers for the coming year and a speech by george kerr dancing to stan bernards mu sic and the serving of refresh ments will follow all progressive conservatives are invited to attend association officers are hon orary president george kerr mpp president andrew frame 1st vicepresident rev andrew h mckenzle acton 2nd vicepresident mrs june and rew campbell viue secretary mrs gladys sprung aldershot treasurer john savchuk burl ington permit the sale of only two lots from a 100 acre parcel alto gether with previous sales con sidered no matter how many previous owners have held the acreage this has still not prevehted the sale of 10 acre parcels how ever which are beyond the con- trot of the committee of adjust ment on these the municipality requires a frontage of 550 feet at the county planning assoc iation nassagaweya clerk cal mclnlyre suggestod all sever ances of land from large parcels should be subject to the approv al of a committee of adjustment ho noted a requirement of a min imum of 30 acros would still permit a half acre for a house and 20 and a half acren for woods he maintained the land at tho back would be bettor re tained in ono block than tipllt up bstweon 10 ownerfi woll need that land in lie bark tin streswd warden coultor pointed out tho purchaser wan not roupon- slblo for the horrllilo strip ho suggested the col of the town and city lot wan what wa driv ing people to tho rural townuhlpu you can buy a 10 acr parcel for the fiarrw price as an urban lot he maintained the prob lem was followed through he pointed out when the purctuwr finds he cant get a building por- mlt for the 10 acre parcel hula bought turning to nasnagawya war den coulter noted five farms had bsen split after the passing of the recent bylaw and there was not one lot on which bulldlngpermlta could be issued as the number mounts the re could be sufficient pressure to force local councils to change the regulations mr coulter callad for sepa rate and specific legislation in the golden horseshoe area which would require all separations of jand to bo presented to the com- fttttoo of adjustment who should havo sufficient flexibility to per mlt varied uses nassagawoya councillor rois gordon presented the predica ment of a farmer not knowing he is selling for speculation ha cited his ombarasnment at sail ing his farm and seeing it split- up into 10 acre parcels whlla personally opposing such daval- oprnont at ihii racent ontario feder ation of agriculture convention roy coultor of burlington chalr- id a panel lisciirjolon on the sub- jt of 10 vra ia during those dlscuhnlomt it was noted the exploflion of 10 air lot sub- dlvliilonn increased tax in rur al municipalities and aeriettaty harrprd agriculture by making it more difficult utr farmer to xpand their holdings the county planning aswjda- tion will tjhmldftr a naouum at ltd next meeting atfclflg the rifi lo vtiti rratfjicipalin rrrnl vtjn to pass legislation to yintrol ttife problem mixed euchre at acton legion auditorium oti saturday nov 18 830 p roast beef prizes admission 75c furniture and appliance centre on cardigan st formerly the warehouse telephone 8223280 ext 55 save 25 to 40 manufacturers samples sale hundreds of furniture items simpsons sears guelph has been fortunate to receive the manufacturers furniture samples used in the photographing of the winter catalogue and these furniture samples are being sold at 25 to 40 off personal shopping only please r3j choose from chesterfields chairs chests-of- drawers and many other furniture hems kjbwmwmt open this thursday only till 9 pm is jp- and every friday night til 9 pm i i juamaaaaaaaaaasassaaaaaw wan n win i nritrr irons iu snutam satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded use your allpurpose account convenient monthly terms service charge added after 30 days

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