Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 22, 1967, p. 1

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ht jvjdtett ninetythird yearno 21 authorized m svcond claia kfll by the post otfto drat ottawa for pcmtac paid tn cuk hi acton ontario acton ontario wednesday november 22 1967 sixteen pages ten cents bill lasby acton high school students steer wins queens guineas at royal whan 17yearold william la thy a grade 12 student at acton district high achool wrote an asay last week entitled queens gulrnaa hera i come it was more or less private dream on paper the dream came tru tor the modest young man last week at the royal winter fair he won tlw queens gulneasthe ultimate award or a 4h club member hla 990 pound shorthorn steer took the grand championship woo bui the 150 prise and than was old to dominion stores ltd tor 9 a pound which amounted to 9850 tor the young owner bills entire family from rjt i rockwood including hit broth er bob 16 a top competitor as well were on hand to cheer the young man on there was a lot of time and effort involved in the project which meant first of all getting 75 per cent in his acton 4h club project starting in may the steer had to gain two pounds each day over a ave month period to qualify for the finals it was a thrilling day for us enthused bills mother mrs g wallace lasby when he won the queens guineas sire of the calf that won the award took the e bralda trophy for two years in a row at acton fair both grandslres were from the prise shorthorn stock of scotsdale farms owned by sg bennett nino bralda one of his leaders in acton 4h club work was delighted winning the queens guineas was an achievement which start ed back in 1907 when bills great grandfather wallace a lasby bought a shorthorn heifer the family has raised the breed ever since capturing many coveted prises from their nassagaweya home bills win was the culmination of years of breeding and person al selection a total of 209 ex hibitors had the same ambition who helped most with advice on the project my father sad bill without hesitation mrs lasby agreed i donf think a boy could achieve what bill has unless the family was behind him all the way a member of edenmillspres- byterlan church where he sings in the choir and is active in young peoples activities bill tt htv in brief halton county council directed the centennial manor com mittee of management to proceed with construction of a new home for the aged in the south of the county before any farther additions are made to martin house in milton the resolution drew extensive debate but was approved on a recorded vote supported by the representatives of burlington oakvtue and the reeve of georgetown through the weighted voting system at county council this gave a result of 18 in favor and u opposed representatives of acton milton esq- uestng and nassagaweya were opposed the debate refelcted general support for the construction in the sooth off the county ofthe next home for the aged hot those ifpttflng the resolution suggested the council should not direct the committee of management without further information on the subject introducing the motion deputy reeve frank rogers of burl ington emphasised be did not feel it would be cheaper to est ablish a new manor in the south he maintained however it would put residents closer to their friends who now find it difficult to visit them in milton reeve g gallagher pointed out the committee was already studying sites for a south halton manor and he was hopeful something on this would be initiated soon reeve a ledwlth urged time for the committee to present a report detailing costs before council directed a decision deputy reeve a day of oakvlue stressed the county council should go on record on where the next manor should be reeve h hlnton of actonpressedfortabllngaf the resolution noting there were other considerations in the decision he mentioned current thinking on the establishment of rest homes and noted the department of the provincial government would play a part in the final decision warden coulter pointed out martin house has facilities to permit economical expansion of its accommodation but this could also be utilised at any future date i do feel we should have more facts before directing the committee to a course the warden concluded gas explodes ron langfords barns burned the frightening explosion in natural gas lines at huntsvlue monday destroyed two barns on the farm of former acton res ident ron langford the explo sion rocked the entire town at 530 pm and flames shot hun dreds of feet in the air the explosion left a crater 10o feet long surrounded by a large burn ed out patch of mud a large rock hurled by the blast crashed through the roof and kitchen ceiling of mr and mrs langfords home about a quarter of a mile away mrs langford and tier 88- yearold mother mrs mary hammings ran to a neighbours home then drove to a relatives her 85yearold motherinlaw mrs alice langford who has a heart condition was rescued by an opp constable who drove al most to the edge of the flames to get her in his cruiser at first the roar of the explo sion and flames was so great the women could not hear each other airs langford felt it was mir aculous they were safe about 20 homes were evacu ated by police train service was delayed and gas service was shut off between sundridge and bracebrldge the fire a thundering torch 500 feet high burned furiously for two hours aftw fbtys new toy shop owner orders fast minute doll for girls a mini toy shop which after christmas will switch its name to mini crafts has opened an entirely new field of endeavour for mrs mary hegedus mr and mrs hegedus and their two sons moved from tor onto to the robinson farm on the sixth line off ksoueslng jest be hind the cedar springs motel three years ago now mrs hegedus who likes to see the traffic going by has opeaed a small shop in acton next door to the bus depot on tuesday she decided there was ao nse watting until everything was aapacked and properly dis played and she opened the doors to her first customers she g the children with pleas ure and gave them small gifts whoa she looked over her stock she realised with some dismay that after years of dealing with oaty hoys she had filled her shelves almost entirely with toys for boys she hastily had her hnsfttad pick her up a battery gie doll la toronto to be a tocos of attention for eager young female eyes mr begeous had his doctor ate ta law tn hungary and when tae revotetloa came the family with harrowing difficulties es caped from the country how mr recedes is a social worker la toronto with the cath- ottechuoraefs aid society for eight years mrs hegedus kept eight foster children all boys in her home so no wonder the store is heavy on toys for latisl her own two boys are now well past the toy stage zoltan who has been helping get the shop ready attended st michaels choir school in toronto and then went two years to study music at university one at baltimore conservatory and an other at jacksonville university he studied organ piano and the ory then his interest changed to psychology and he is now working at the warrendale school and taking a psychology course their younger son attila is a sculptor and artist and after graduating from the ontario col lege of art became a teacher at st michaels college he teach es art woodcarvlng makeup for theatricals and is stage de signer he was just recently married there are also 13 german shepherds in the famllyl mrs hegedus has been back to hungary to visit and finds con ditions much improved travelling through acton she saw the good hungarian name of toth on a store and went in to visit frank toth crossed the street tuesday from his shoe repair store to give encourage ment to the proprietor of the new business present twp toandl signifies theft stood for nomination municipal electors la esques- lng township will have a chance to nominate candidates for the offices of reeve deputy reeve three couaddoss and three mem bers of school board at the town ship nomination meeting monday november 27 the meeting will be held in kaqnastng com habstew- aittuwu quisxed by the free press all present members of tto township council signified they would he miming for office again although the deputyreeve would not say where councillor tom hub saldthere was much wnflnl shed bastness left to he dealt with and hed be toss ing his hat into the ring councillors patterson and goodtet were also committed reeve george leslie said he would contest the reeves post lasbys main interest in lite is agriculture hed like to be an agricultural representative and has some of his prize money ticketted for tuition for the course required bill was on the 4h trip from halton to maryland this summer and his whole life is centered on a love of agriculture pursuits mrs lasby is happy with his decision one shared by the rest of the family ive always lived on the farm and i think farm life is wonderful the honor and the money are of course the big things when one wins the queens guineas but theres a trophy to keep for a year ribbons and a silver tray he retains these awards were presented by ontarios minister of agriculture william a stew art could be there will be yet an other winner of the queensguln- eas from the lasby clan bob placed in the top 10 of his short horn class while a sister cathy 14 has ambitions of her own for next year all are students at acton district high school cathy was the top first year 4h member in halton last year halton county council delight ed with the third queensgulneas to halton in 13 years presented bill with cuff unks and a tieclip with the county crest on at their meeting tuesday afternoon warden bill coulter presented his fellow nassagaweylan to council with pride the young herdsman was on tv on the cbc program this land saturday night it was a coincidence the producer of the show owns 10 acres of land across from the quiet sideroad where the lasbys live oh yes that essay it was a coincidence too bills mother thinks he should write a sequel now queens guineas winner 7yearold bill lasby of rr 2 rockwood shows the cuff links and tie clips halton county council pre sented him to sister cathy 14 brothers bob 1 6 and david 4 his third try for the coveted prize bills steer was selected from 209 on tario entries hes a member of acton 4h club staff photo bennett shorthorns sweep royal the scotsdale herd of sg bennett near balllnafad made an exceptionally fine showing at the royal winter fair both premier breeder and premier exhibitor banners were scot wins also grand champion male scotsdale wellington and grand in females scotsdale abretla queen end of the line bus careens off highway driver injured saturday from the last ys mens bulletin a lot of people are in debt because they spend what their friends think they make a gray coach lines bus out of control early saturday morn ing ran off highway 7 crossed a parking lot ran between a big signboard and tree crossed a ditch and ended up on elizabeth drive the driver of the bus it s only occupant suffered facial cuts and a possible fractured skull he struck the heavy front windshield he was taken dazed to david van der bents office for treat ment and then to guelph general hospital david jamleson of queen st e toronto was driving the big bus through the fog on slippery roads when- a car with highbeam lights approached him he said as he pulled toward the side of the road to avoid a collision be struck the ditch on the west cor ner and lost control of the heavy vehicle the accident occurred at 655 am the driver was following the regular early morning bus to toronto cons bob hlldreth investigat ed damage to the bus was est- this grey coach bos left the road in front of leke- view discount centre on main st n early saturday morning and the driver guided it through the nar row opening between an elm tree and a bill board over a four foot ditch be fore coming to rest on elizabeth dr the driver was the only occupant of the bus he was taken to guelph hospital with a sus pected fractured skull spectators were amazed the huge bus was able to navigate the narrow open ing between the billboard and the large elm staff photo lmated at 1800 to the steering windshield and scrapes to both sides the steering mechanism was completely inoperable in its careening course the bus plowed a ditch through the muddy ground it reached the end of the line 49 miles too soon beside the les halladay home slippery roads and foggy wet weather contributed to the acci dent also police figure thcl bus was viewed by dosens of spectators as it stood cross wise on the corner of elisabeth drive and main st it was thought at first the big vehicle hit the guard posts only a foot or so from the home of les halladay but police believe bent wire and posts was due to an accident of the previous week residents of the house thought someone had tumbled from bed when they heard the noise struck by tar cory meet ham hurt monday fiveyearold gary meecham of 100 church st acton suffer ed facial contusions when he was struck by a car monday nov 20 at 4 pm he was treated in guelph general hospital police said the lad wan run ning east on the shoulder of church st when he ran in front of the car driven by roy will iam short main st erin he was hit by the right front fender of the car there was no damage to the car cons bruce kressler invest igated the boys symptoms resulted in an exploratory operation at guelph but no internal injuries were found his ailing append ix was taken out though if youre making easter boll- day plans far ahead dont forget the next winter school holiday march 16 to 24 good friday and easter monday april 12 and is are holidays too acton men involved in area accidents one man injured five acton and district drivers we re involved in three accidents milton opp investigated dur ing the past week just one was injured daniel robert almond of 146 longfleld rd acton whose car rolled over and hit a hydro pole sunday mr almond suffered scato la cerations and a bruised chest and was taken to georgetown hospital for treatment damage inthe one- car crash totalled 875 which included 125 worth of hydro poke a three car collision on the sixth line nassagaweya south of highway 1 saturday caused a total of 725 damage parked ears driven by ranald papiuon of 80 roseford terrace acton and wilfred j doval 213 mason blvd acton and a car driven by kristjan larsen of 163 long- field rd acton were involved the same day a car driven by george e leslie of rjl 4 acton rolled over on the third lias esojneslng just south of limestone quarries 1000 damage lions at track members of acton lions clan wives and guests were at mo hawk raceway moada where they enjoyed t stayed for the race prograaa over so attended fas sad night which lion ray evaian convened hew skating hazard on pond skating on airy lake b 9 a inn woe bet on tu ch vnawarw of law new ike e water wfckli slews tvawsbwj hals fa ala has sew b the lee to tfcew work can mlffwet from thw abate tbore is e patcfi of epawi wafer i 15 and is fwet ew who are wfml wav4klr0 ekwnms wmt ma h vlhav harm to learn hie now feasant ef

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