Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 22, 1967, p. 5

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town league tallies atoiis atom today on saturday t brampton down weston 2il in mo early morning paper weston took an early lead in tbe first period but lost power in the third when brampton tallied up two goale for the win alike morris copped the only weston marker from team mat brace mcpnsll for the opener bramptons tally cams from scott malcolm on an assist from john thompson and glen owens jeff shields scored from bob kll- by to make it 21 mike ware picked up the only penalty of the game for tripping novice hamilton downed st cathar ines 31 in the novice division on saturday to break last weeks tie st catharines led the game with two quick goals in the first and second periods but deterior ated tn tbe third when hamilton slapped three fast ones to come up with the win ford alton opened up with an unassisted marker and mike mitchell followed up with an other from alton dave morris len brown and john mccutcheon mustered up hamiltons three unassisted goals for the after- the first period with goals from garth taylor from tim coles and followups from dave hunt er and john thatcher rouand mccuuoch scored hersheys on ly marker early in the second period jeff cooper and ron waites came back with two more pitts burgh markers in the second with randy ferguson from ron waites and jeff cooper scoring in the third hershey picked up six penal ties throughout the game while pittsburg took to the box four times standings of teams geeretem edges actrn hence 32 tri county hockey action here last friday night saw the acton novices lose a 32 decision to georgetown jeff townstey scored both of actons markers the first on a penalty shot after being tripped from behind on a near score georgetown picked op two goals in the second period to take a 81 lead over acton alan laws scored from dean papell and mccandless popped one in from thompson acton tied the game up at the 445 mark of the third period when jeff townstey planted one with the help of gary bardon and boss vanfleet the winning marker for georgetown came off the stick of dean popeil assisted by kevin reeks with three minutes left to play acton drew two penalties tturooghont the game while georgetown picked op a pair of misdemeanors acton lineup goal inscoe kent kentner gary barden jeff townsley van fleet gerry bar- dan withers jot kentner chambers holmes timbers and ashley atoms brampton 2 2 0 weston 2 0 2 novice hamilton 2 2 niagara falls 2 1 st catharines 2 0 oshawa 2 0 0 0 1 2 pee wees niagara falls trounced oshawa 71 in the followup game with r baginsky tagging a five goal threat all unassisted extra markers for the flyers came from jeatals on an assist from baginsky and from easing on a pass from hurley johnscoyaa came upwlthosh- awas only marker once again unassisted pee wee baltimore downed cleveland in the first of a twin bill for the pee wees brian storey started baltimore off on a pass from charlie mccrae followed by stave ward from jim mcnabb brian storey came back with two mora markers one unassisted tbe other on an assist from jim mcnabb again charlie allen sttedbakiinorea oauwilh as- sts from mike ferguson- and steve ward peter pavll and wade knight exchanged goals and assists tor clevelands two points glen mckensle starred for rochester with a hat trick on saturday when he and his team mates downed springfield 43 in a closely matched game cuve dlgglns bob murray and kevin marcoux assistedslrnultaneousry on glens three goals peter hargrave picked up number four unassisted bernle taylor opened for springfield on a pass from bill paul and dave forester followed up with two more on assists from bill mckensle and bern taylor note tbe legion is looking for an other 12 players in ordertoform two midget teams in the legion town league any boys inter ested in playing are asked to con tact either bill buchanan or town league president gord james bantam last wednesday nights bant am action saw pittsburg over throw hershey with a 71 score pittsburgh took an early lead in 2 2 0 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 0 2 baltimore rochester springfield cleveland thurs nov 16 bantams pittsburg 2 0 0 buffalo 10 4 hershey 10 1 scoring derby goals a assists atoms s malcolm b d mcgluoway b j thompson b m morris w j shields b d webster b b mcphall w b kllby b g owens b novice r baginskl nf j mccutcheon h d morris h f alton st c j scoyne o e enstng nf l brown h g toth h j euerby st c j hurley nf industrial hockey action sunday night saw the orioles down the hornets 64 glen holmes hornet wingman tries to pound one past oriole goaltender frank anthony while gary ritchie skates in to help the netminder below dave papillon faces off with gary ritchie as glen holmes and bruce barber prepare to 1 make their moves on the play 1 staff photo player and team statistics as compiled by statistician barry inscoe are as follows player gp industrial league statistics g a pee wees forester s mckensle r marshall c storey b mcnab b taylor s lambert s mcrae b bantams d pink b g taylor p g masters p s conneu p j cooper p 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 goy j cunningham masales g mellon r bullough j phillips h gordon r blow s holmes g j hlulard ed team statistics team orioles j jets hornets raiders goaltenders average gp r anthony 4 williams 4 arbic 3 leatherland5 j mckenzie 5 pudgell 3 goy 1 p 4 4 4 4 w 4 1 1 1 nassaga wey a council b rief s l 0 2 2 3 gs 11 23 20 2 4 22 15 at the last regular meeting of 1 nassagaweya council members dlscussed reported shooting 0 j and vandalism at milton brick a- company and decided to write the ontario provincial police and r seek assistance and advice about 2 3 the problem milton brick com- z j plained of shooting in the pit area 4 both in the daytime and at night 32 4- and damage was done to insert ed tnery 62 learned from sharpe and nl- 71 k tha property j owned by mr and mrs demynn 1500 ft in lot eight of concession one reminder 0 1 1 0 2 2 0 2 new symbol signs old new charlie thomson statistician wornt of a bump or unvon tpot on fho oovtmont or road rduc pd and maintain aurf control of your vohicu wtan going ovor fh aump had been expropriated and neg otiations are settled received a letter of thanks from milton fire fighters for taking part in their parade aug ust 26 learned of provincial grants from the department of munici pal affairs for improvements done to parks in eden mills campbellville and brookvlue received word from the de partment of transport that an engineer would examine a bridge on the second line crossing at tbe cpr tracks above five sideroad the township had ap plied earlier requesting im provement on the bridge received an invitation to at tend a joint meeting of planning boards committee 61 adjust- pollution costs enormous ont fed naturalists pollution of air water and soil costs each person in ontario about 72 per year about 500- 000000 according to the fed eration of ontario naturalists air pollution costs ontario residents 25 per capita per year water pollution 22 and soil pollution 25 since 1956 a total of 1250000 has been spent to combat water pollution reports the ontario water resources commission in addition industry has spent 110000000 on facilities tor treatments of its wastes tbe costs are tor sewage treatment and disposal water treatment and other costs such as expenses for cleaning build ings from soot stains and the extra costs of travelling farther to find a clean swimming area these are the more obvious penalties we are paying because of the pollution of our environ ment but some less obvious effects may in the long run have more serious consequences for example diseases attrib utable to air pollution are bron chial infections cancer and em physema emphysema is the fastest growing disease in north america there is apparently no cure tor it oxygen bearing cells in tbeblood become contaminated and less oxygen is absorbed the victim becomes short of breath and the strain usually leads to a heart attack or a collapse of the lungs air pollution may be a major factor in lung and skin cancers in carbon monoxide there are nine pollutants attributable to carcinogens cancer causing compounds we must initiate a meaningful program dedicated to the solu tion of problems that involve conflict between man and nature says the federation of ontario naturalists the federation re cognizes man must alter his environment r denies however that pollution degradation of the landscape and the fouling of the atmosphere mast be the bypro ducts of progress a jaycees group has been formed in milton burlington jaycees helped getthem started guelph centennial steam lo comotive is to be floodlit its been placed beside the station friends were pleased to see bill lasby on television winning the queens guineas at the win ter fair again this year pictures of children with santa claus will be taken at the ucw santa fair dec 2 ments and municipal councils at the county building in milton accepted with regret the re signation of grant campbell of moffatt from the nassagaweya committee of adjustment effec tive immediately mr camp bell resigned due to poor health accepted with regret the re signation of the township build ing caretaker fred edwards ef fective december 31 1967 council expressed desire to have him continue taking care of the memorial plot as he has been doing a commendable job learned robert a rurren would have an omb hearing last friday at 11 am at brook vlue memorial building mr hurren is appealing a decision made by the committee of ad justment turning down his appli cation for a land separation of a parcel in lot one concession 4 set 8 pm november 9 as a date for mr klrkebys commit tee of adjustment hearing at brookvlue municipal building he is requesting a land separa tion at concession 5 lot 15 ed ward connors request for aland separation in concession ave lot 16 will be heard december 7 issued notices to people who are dumping refuse over the fence at the township dump after hours local news items christmas lights are turned on at some homes already the leaves are all off tbe trees but not the election post ers in fact some trees still have lush growth whenever possible cook vege tables in the bottom of the double boiler while you make the cream sauce in the tapper pan saves fuel and time she us now for a lew price or canadas fines farm building cbutleff stccktiei farm supply company 1231 eoviww ave- urunoton ontario 6342s05 a hundred yan 090 a prisoner m a turknh fortress tn the holy lond announced a ntw revtlotio of god hit name wot oho u hdh hit letter to the kmg ore without doubt the most remark able documtntt m redgiout history several million people have no responded lo hit coll have you heard of bahaitllah local clergy of off faiths hare tt received an offer of ohd u hon message w urge you to tnvetsfi gate it either through your clergy man or by writing bahais of etobicoke mrs eleanor harding secy 7 ring way cres bexdale amhw0 tst sektfkkw th acton frt prt wdrmday novmbr 22 1967 g everton montrose dams first on grand river conservation program a costsharing program for a 30000000 program of dams was approved thursday nov 16 by the board of directors of the grand river conservation auth ority the complicated formula allo cates costs on the basts of bene fits received by each municipal ity from the dams the dams are to be built over a 12 year period with federal and provincial grants totalling 7sper cent of the cost tbe ontario government has approved the program but federal approval is still being awaited the dams are to be located near west montrose north of kitchener everton northwest of acton ayr west of calt on the outskirts of guelph and near hespeler first stage of the program in volved building the montrose and everton dams and buying the land for tbe other three the provin cial government has approved a 90 per cent grant for a 5500000 interim land buying program aimed at buying land needed for tbe dams before speculators force up land prices the new costsharing formula brings all 71 valley municipali ties into major dambulldlngpro- jects or the first time the six benefits and thelrper- centage values are direct flood control 1573 per cent indirect flood control 1032 per cent pollution abatement 3878 per cent general benefit 20 per cent outlet liability 1303 per cent special benefits 214 per cent pollution abatement is the big gest single benefit derived from the dams the dams will ensure a constant supply of water in the river to dilute sewage and other wastes emptied into the river this charge is based on popu lation and will also be adjusted periodically to take into account the rapid growth of some of the larger urban municipalities smaller and more static com munities will pay proportionate ly less as the bigger commun ities grow mr bauer explained that rural municipalities contribute to the pollution of the river because of agricultural chemicals and wast es which ace washed into the streams and rivers and which must be diluted along with indus trial wastes and sewage from urban municipalities general benefits include re creation facilities to be provided at the dams beautiflcatlon of river flats and general improve ments of the river valley this is assessed on a population basis outlet liability is assessed on an acreage basis the rate at which municipalities pay is weighted so that townships pay the least and cities tbe most twoway vision swimming along in fresh water without spectacles the anableps a trop ical ash is truly a foureyed specimen this livebearer which sometimes grows a foot long has unusual divided vision its eye resembles that of a frog except that the upper portion is adapted for sight in the air while tbe lower is for vision in tbe water some people worth a lot of they have it special benefits are listed a recreation and water supply these will be assessed against municipalities enjoying a special position in relation to the loca tion of the dams such as guelph and to municipalities drawing water from the river for munici pal purposes brentford and cayuga are the only two munici palities now doing this directors were shown an ex ample of the charges against each municipality for the first stage of the project which in cludes building the montrose and everton dams and buying the land required for the other three dams estimated cost of this stage is 17000000 which after grants leaves 4880000 to be raised by authority municipal ities the example shows the charg es for the first stage if the mun icipal share is paid in cash spread over a 20 year debenture period the annual charges will be considerably less examples show the following cash amount for each municipal ity in this area as well as some of the larger ones cities brentford 832183 gait 464059 guelph 982068 kitchener ip409 211024 towns fergus 927032 hes peler 88290 villages arthur 7707 ayr 14157 bridgeport 18300 el- ora 9659 townships eramosa33271 erin 18189 esqueslng 1213 nassagaweya 0113 peel 45- 392 puslinch 20026 urge motorists to check cars as a result of a spot check of garages and service stations the hamilton automobile club anticipates that a record number of motorists will experience dif ficulties this winter in cant starts or vehicle breakdown the club reports that there seems to be less attention this year than in previous years to the vital necessity of having cars winterised and properly safety checked all motorists are urged to en sure winter starting and safe driving by adhering to the follow ing tips 1 install winter jught weight oil refer to car manufacturers charts will your car start this winter o i 2 check automatic choke and manifold beater 3 check battery and battery cable 4 check points plugs and con densor 4 pressure test cooling sys tem 6 check thermostat heater and defroster 7 install sufficient anti freeze all cars regardless of age or mileage require these basic checks and preparations to en- r think they are money because open wednesday november 22 gertrudes gift shop at i mm st acton sure a satisfactory performance in the winter months in addition to making sure that the car will start tbe club strongly recom mends tbe following safety checks 1 that brakes are properly adjusted linings are not worn out and that there is correct fluid level and clearances also have shock absorbers checked 2 tbe exhaust system is quiet with no leaks muffler and tall pipe should be si peak efficiency to offset the dangers of deadly odourless carbon monoxide fumes f 3 lights are properly adjust ed stop and tall lights and all directional signals are function ing properly 4 windshield wipers are in good condition with proper ten sion and clean wiping action add windshield washer antlfreete 5 steering is properly align ed with no excessive play were open due to circumstances beyond our control the aluminum enclosure similar to one at our milton location for the front of our drivein has been delayed by the supplier with the com ing of cold weather we considered this essential for the comfort of our customers due to the demand for our juicy tender flavorcrisp chic ken our hamburgs french fries and hot dogs however we will continue to be open to serve you b m hood drivein center f acton mvct st for the lady or man in your life yardley gift sets shulton gift sets chanel no 5 gift sets evening of paris on the wind maja gift sets hair bryers shop at our grftware island see our seiection of laura secord candies calces chocolates acton pharmacy open dally noon to 9 pjn fridaysat 11 ajn to midnight chicken whole chicken 327 381 435 489 525 633 741 849 950 ado tq your dfnnem ok pak skoals faaeffy bex of freadb fries flat sts boa me cole slaw sac stagfe urder fireacfa fries 23c sbr rckm of honey ssc serves four serves sts ix tacts o serves seven 18 20 24 28 32 36 eight nine 12 14 is

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