Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 6, 1967, p. 10

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ath acton free press wednesday december 6 1967 canada wilt ch railway an elderly former resident of ac ton writes in to say she is sorry to hear they are trying to close the station here i dont believe sir donald mann would be pleased to hear his home town depot was closed she writes re minding us sjr donald had a lot to do with building the railroad from coast to coast although no firm decision has been made to close the station here there is no doubt in the minds of railway people the cnr would like to see it closed in the original scheme outlined by the cnr s public relations depart ment the railway wishes to shut acton down of course the final decision rests with the board of transport com missioners evidence this newspaper has gath ered about delayed and suspended clo sings in other communities suggests rather than being an impersonal decis ion based on revenue figures the boards findings are sometimes based on political pressure otherwise how explain the fact that railway stations in small communities like brussels wih much smaller revenues are reop- ened surely these decisions would affect the entire program cause a cessation in attempts to shut down stations with revenue on a comparable level but they dontl what disturbs us most by the cnrs decision to close stations is the taxpayer in the smaller community is gain getting shortchanged train ser vice available to those in large centres is upgraded taxpayers the smaller places go without entirely who pays the deficit when the railway has one we all dol in other words we pay for a service we dont get there are other facets of the rail ways operations that strike tjs as stranjge too but there is neither the time nor the space to enumerate them here when the railway first went through its intention was to provide a service for all canadians deficits were to be picked up by all taxpayers since they all benefitted now it turns out the small commun ities will be expected to pay their share of the deficit but be provided with few services cuts are made of coursein the in terests of economy it happened here with express now most of the custom ers here say the express service is so bad some are using more expensive ways to have articles shipped no wonder sir donald mann would be shocked the vision of the nations first railway builders was for a service available to all canadians now it is modernized to the point where it cat ers to those living in cities only acton chamber of commerce is working actively in an attempt to org anize support so proper representation can be made to the board of transport commissioners to keep the acton stat ion open we hope all boosters of this area will support it actively editorial page cngltih and their dty english people are noted for devo tion to their dogs as witness the follow ing readers letter to the editor of the nottingham evening post in reply to the comments of offic ious concerning dogs riding on bus seats may i say that i am considerably smaller than my german wolfhound on the few occasions we have had to travel together upon a crowded bus it has proved impossible for the dog to stand in the gangway without being brutally kicked by other passengers it has thus been a matter of convenience that the dog have my seat and at times on long journeys i have sat on the floor i have weak legs this has invariably made me the butt of much callous laughter and such inept comments as why dont you bring a camel as well show the ignorance of most of the travelling public cditcrial hctej youve heard of the crackerjack salesman who could sell refrigerators to the eskimos he exists a depart- ment store in the yukon reports a brisk business in freezer sales especially in whitehorse where there are 2200 homes with electricity honest confession may be good for the soul but its darn bad for the repu tation j centennial picture fallen vi ii fr t- itip 20 years ago 75 years ago the fur trade formed the ad vancing frontier of european civilization as it bwept across the northern half of the continent to the pacific ultimately the fur trade also represented a retreat ing frontier for the civilization of the indians who had more furs than they could use they eagerly exchanged them for european goods such as guns and metal tools the fur trade led to cultu ral and racial interchange as well as commodity exchange french traders and courcurs de bois married indian women along the st lawrence river around the great lakes and across the northwest wherever they were trading english and scottish traders were not permanently posted to canada and did not live away from their posts to the same extent as the french traders even so many of them intermarried with the indians of the hudson bay area the prairies and the far west but many of them left their children behind to be raised as indians trading alliances formed and broke among indian tribes and between in dians and whites wars were fought over the lucrative fur trade as the rivalry grew between english and french bet ween white and indian between the hudsons bay co arid the northwest co the organization of the fur trade re flects this bitter political and corporate competition it also reflects the harsh living conditions and the high cost of transporting heavy trade goods and sup plies up the rivers of the eastern can adian drainage basins these problems were conquered with an organization based on tough central authority and fortified outposts the trading posts aimed to dominate their territories com pletely they discouraged the encroach ment of settjers on the wilderness except in areas where the trading posts wanted agricultural support for themselves those autocratic outposts strengthened thrir rule over the wilderness when the two rival furtrading companies merged but eventually slowly and grudgingly thev vieldcd their grip as the fur supply dwindled and the frontiers of heavy settlement moved westward industriali zation followed quickened by gold rush es the advent of steam powered trans portation and the formation of strong central government provided by the- act of union and confederation one of a series taken from the issue of the free press of thursday december 4 1047 by a vote of nearly four to one acton cit izens on monday gave approval of the band tax bylaw the vote was 129 to 20 each year an annual amount is levied in the tax rate it is not a grant cancellable by coun cil unless the band tells in its performance or requirements acton has had a band since 1872 the vote is a worthwhile recognition of the suc cesses of 1947 under bandmasterc mason there was considerable interest last fri day in the presentation to the acton inter mediate c team which von the ontario championship tor 1947 presentation of bench coats with crests was mace by ed ryder president of helton county league and jf royston was master of ceremon ies those presented with coats were bob footltt dude lindsay jack kentner man ager matt tyler pete chaubun lloyd rob inson johnnie goy norm morton sammy snyder bobby anderson lome masters don ryder and bill waterhouse others who were unable to be present at the dance were owen masales lorn evans jack waterhouse and percy woods bat boy 50 years ago taken from the issue of the free press of r thursday december 6 1917 the 18th annual social function of the acton fire brigade held in the town hall last friday evening was pronouned a de cided sueceai the attendance was large there were nearly 100 visitors from guelph benallicks orchestra was much enjoyed two acton foreigners were fined for vio lations of the temperance act 200 and costs each the bishop of the diocese has transfer red rev che smith to historic st marks nlagaraonthelake this is a deserved promotion for rev mr smith mrs smith will find a flourishing chapter of l0de there offering her opportunities for continued activities in the congenial sphere bronte fishermen have contracted with the government to supply 400 tons of late herrings acton will have over 100 women electors at the next election if you are a soldiers wife mother widow or sister do not tall to register for the coming election messrs cc henderson and sergt wj gould are the enumerators a cable gave the news tiiat pte a mlno llmehouse has teen wounded a cheerful letter from pte fred wright in hospital in england says he is improving sugar and spice by b i s m i ley focal points of early acton the churches and the schools these two postcards are from the e e ferryman collection and the dates are unknown im beginning to realize what a widow with children goes through its tough be ing both a momma and a poppa ill be glad when my wife finishes her college course gets home and can fight it out with kim on the old basis no holds barred recimlna- tlons aplenty ferocious threats and tears enough to wash the kitchen floor last weekend i nearly gave my wife a heart attack after spending most of the weekend screwing up my courage i gritted my teeth took a good stiff pelt of walkers special old nerve tonic and announced gravely dear pve got something to tell you about kim now dont get all upset ev erything will probably work out for the best shes not she shrieked oh my godl im afraid she is i said sombrely but youve got to face the facts you cant keep a ud in the nest forever these things happen in the best of families there are some things in this day and age that we may not approve of but well with hindsight 111 admit i was pretty stupid butafter my wife had flown three times around the livingroom with out ever lighting it emerged that we were talking about different things she thought kim was pregnant all i was trying to do was tell her something even worse that kim had after giving me a real feminine logicless charming con job join ed a group shes been invited to play the organ and sing in one of those shouting belting deafening groups that are driving every adult over 30 out of his little old square mind this is just a sample of the troubles 1 have my wife thinks that classical music is it and groups are for the wellknown birds kim thinks a young person is miss ing a vital terribly important experience if she doesnt ever belong to a group i think wells never mind but my paint is that in the good old days kim and her mother would have fought it out with frequent appeals to me from each side and both sloes ignoring my rational compromise mow i have to take the dec isions lay down the law designate get- tlngtn hoars and try to force the kid to eat some breakfast not to mention cheering her up when shes down cooling her down when shes all uptight telling her to pick up her cloth es and roaring at her to put the lid on the jam bottle and put it away after breakfast and shell read this column and say you dont like me do you dad im just a nuisance to you i wish mum was here and 111 say stop feeling sorry for yourself did it ever occur to you to do the dishes i wish mum was here too shed straighten you out you little bum and shell say oh you think im a lit tle bum eh well thanks a lot that cer tainly makes a person feel wanted and 111 say bum senium get the car rots ready for the stew and then get at your homework and shell snap thats all you think about carrots youre getting more like a schoolteacher all the time pompous and arrogant continued on page b3 the church op st alban thf martyr anglican corner willow st and st albans drive rev ritchie mcmurray ma stb sunday december 10m967 advent ii 9 00 am the holy eucharist cocoa and rolls will be served fol lowing the eucharist and a movie of in terest to teenagers will be shown all teenagers are welcome 1030 am church school at 3 pm in the parish hall the church school begins rehearsal for the an nual christmas pageant children in terested in participating should be present at this time 10 jo a m morning prayer 3 00 p m family baptism 1000 a m wed dec 13 holy eucharist for mothers with young children and shift workers followed by coffee and a movie lethfl christian reformed church minister rev p brouwer acton ontario the acton hi free press phone 8532010 business and editorial office toundrj in 117 nd pubtuhed nrry wednesday 1 59 laillo si anun ontario member at ibc auji bucu of circulation the cjftna and ovna adtertivin ratr on rrqurst ssibsfnp- liwn pjtblf in adiancr j 00 in canada s7 00 m 1 iouniri other lian canada tinflc copies 10c aulhorued as second class mail pott office drfunnvnl ottawa adscrtisin is accepted oo the cuodiliun that in the csetit of lipofraptilcaj mw thai portion of the adtcniunf space oc ciapard in ibc erroneous item tofelhcr whlh reasonable allowance for signature mill not be ctvarned for but the balance of ihe adnrrtisement will be fsaid lor al the applicable rate in the escnt of a fpofraptikal error advertising poods or serxice al a wrong price food or services nut noi be told adienisinaj is merely an offer lo sell and mil be withdran al anv time otlaj rsfcs and rasmwdssj ce ud daid dills publisher coles don rsdcr ink c eitor copyright 17 ad manager sunday december 10 1967 1000 am english service 1110 am sunday school 2j0 pjn alternating dutch and english service saturday bible classes 1012 ajn everyone welcome maple avenue baptist church 81 maple ave georgetown pastor rev robert c lohnes sunday december 10 1967 here is our sincere invitation to the uholc family to attend church 9 45 a m sunday school all ages 1 1 00 a m morning service 7 00 pm evening evangel 7 45 pm wednesday prayer meeting acton 8531956 georgetown 1776665 acton baptist church founded 1142 pastor rev stanley gammon res 144 tidey ave ph s53161s sunday december 10 1967 1000 a m sunday school classes for all ages 1115 am morning worship 7 pjn evening service wednesday 7 jo prayer bible study thursday 6j0 explorer thursday sjoo choir practice friday 700 pjn 8 h p taken from the issue of the free press of thursday december 8 1802 last sunday rev we norton pastor of baptist churches of acton and georgetown announced ho had placed his resignation in the hands of the managers and would leave shortly for owen sound he is an accept able preacher and while a very attractive pastor spends ample time in his study last friday messrs willie anderson elwood wilson and hugh alkens jr of knatchbull were out hunting in the nassa- gaweya swamp and were fortunate enough to shoot a wild cat about three parts grown at first the boys did not know what the an imal was but on investigation it was found to be a young wild cat a couple of young men went to the resi dence of the newlymarried couple in eden mills a few nights ago and stated to the groom that there was a large crowd gather ed for the purpose of charlvarlng them but if be would give them enough to treat the crowd they were willing td let them off being a stranger he willingly satisfied their demand the two adventurers know ing that nobody knew of their game divided the spoil and then went their way rejoicing a full house is predicted for the lecture in the methodist church this evening by conductor snider on life on the rati and the people you meet immense audiences heard him on his visit of the 13th novem ber 100 years ago taken from the issue of the canadian champion milton december 5 1867 at the last regular meotlng of the vic toria fire company no 1 the following resolution was passed moved by pb zimmerman and seconded by charles nle- haus that victoria fire co number one disorganize until such time as the town puts the engine in proper order and furnish a proper engine room so that the frost will not hinder and further that if the town does not wish our services we do not wish to force ourselves on them ed note it is now high time that something was done in regard to protecting the town from fire the old company did their duty as well m possible under such discouraging circum stances and we hope to see the town council do theirs by having the engine re paired and proper encouragement given to a fire company to attend to the matter at county council the warden address ed the council and informed them that tbe bank in which the council formerly mads their business had failed recommending them to take some action towards trans ferring the county business to some other bank church notices trinity church the united church of canada minister rev gordon b turner ba bj organist dr george elliott ma ph d sunday december 10 1967 1000 am morning worship nursery provided sermon series the prayer that spans the world and the worldly no iii our dally bread sunday school 1000 am junior school to gr 4 ii 15 am senior school gr 5 togr8 7 30 pm hi c for teenagers under the leadership of mr and mrs bill coats evangel pentecostal tabirnacu pa oc 33 churchui road rev s m thoman pastor 89v2715 sunday december 10 1967 1000 ajn sunday school 1 1 00 am morning worship 7 00 pm evangelistic worship tuesday 8 pjn prayer service and bible study thursday i at 8 pm christ ambassa dors sunday school christmas program fri day december 15 at 7j0 pm presryterian church in canada knox chintca acton rev andrew h mckenzie ba- bjl minister mr e a hansen ba organlit and choir master sunday december 10 1967 9 45 ajn church school for fes 3 to 15 years 9 45 am ministers church member ship class for teenagers 1100 am universal bible sunday wor ship sermon theme the alltime best seller everyone most welcome this is an invitation to attend the church of your choice on sunday

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