Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 6, 1967, p. 13

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storied horrit home restored showplace atop lovely asothar in the aeries of estojrs ky stafcnts of rock- wood pabllc school is re- prodsem hers dawn logan chose daleviewtlie beauti ful harris hone in rock- wood as her subject the ranis family figured prominently in roekwoods affairs right from the villages early beginnings dawn had a personal inter view with the present own ers read prank days here and there in era- moss and did her own sightseeing to get mat erial for the essay by dawn logan introduction y the home of the late edgar harris and his dear father winiam has been inherited and modernised by mr burton hin with the accompaniment of ms wifc tuhlan these two people did woofers with thathonwthey have changed it from an old hdldlbg to a home of beauty they worked hard to fix up the bad and built other fineries such as a good garage for their cars after fixing up the lots barton and his wile gave their new home a name dalevlew tms is an extremely good name because there is an excellent view into the dale the beginning ofdalev1ew location dalevlew is located on the top of what is known as rattle snake hm or valley road it is sur rounded by beauty all year round in winter and summer to reach dalevlew you could either go up snake hu1 or follow along number 7 highway and turn in the side- road toward the conservation area dalevlew was purchased by thomas harris nearly 100 years ago i suppose it was he who cleared the land on which be built his home l construction of home thh house which stands today lai the same bouse that thomas hrrikbittmanyyeaisagew1en hi came to this district at that time the harris family owned a saw min on the fourth use across from what is known as the conservation areas beach the trees we re especially good on the harris estate so they 5 re cut down and sawed in iris mill the house itself was of very firm structure even now the frames of the house are as sturdy as ever fineries in the early home thomas harris had every pes- stole convenience in his new home he fciffb- built with a full basement which of course was not too common in those days thomas also had central heating and plumbing installed in fact this gay chap even had his house lit byway of electricity his barns were lit in the same manner barns we are nix certain the bams were built at the same time the house was but it is probable they were there are two barns one has stalls in it and i suppose the other was used for storage pur- posts both these barns were equipped with electric power part of the main barn was used as a bulb refinery old screens barrels boxes and tools are still there to prove this fact the main barn also has wattle or top floor when i saw it it was packed with old spinning wheels cartons of paints horse equipment and other woolen accessories we are not positive of its previous use if lthadanyat all the other barn had but one main floor b is packed with things from the woolen mluand old furniture besides the two barns there is also a tool shed the tools of which you find in here are by no means modem wooden rakes antique pitch forks and shovels are only some of the many tools found in this little shed old carts nudwagons may be found behind the barns this may give the thought of farming but they were mainly used at the mills although william harris bride to live with him at dale- view this young man was wil liam harris and his wife edith walker miss walker was the aunt of the present owner after williams father died he was nominated as president of the harris woolen mill au ran greenhouse full ol these nowers and the new school site was once a huge gladiola garden he nam ed dalevlew vallyview gar dens because there was a good view intcrthe valley in 1933 edith walker then mrs william harris died at the age of 65 from then on was a florist and had many flow ers other parts of farm mach inery such as old planters may be found around the bams also owners thomas harris in the middle eighteen hundreds dalevlew was built by thomas harris that was almost 100 years ago to prove my state ment last summer mr and mrs hill visited stanley harris in victoria british columbia he was born in this house and at that time the house was already about 15 years old mr harris is eightyfive years old thomas an uncle of edgars then sold the house to william harris edgars father william harris in 1888 which is 78 years ago a happy young man brought bis well and the young couple became fairly rich they entertained many people and mrs harris kept the house and yard looking beautiful later a new joy en tered into their lives a bubbling baby boy who they named edgar besides minding edgar en tertaining and keeping their home clean the harris found time for gardening william was the president of a garden association and it was his responsibility to see that everyone received the flowers they had ordered so honest was this young man that once when he had forgotten an order for a weeping birch he gave up one of his own and plant ed it for the person free of charge thai williams main interest was raising gladioli he had a little eden mills presentation to couple parents night in hall by mrs r wright a gay time was held in eden mills community hall friday evening when dan stevenson and his bride nee pamela brown were honored with a social evening and presentation neigh bors and friends enjoyed cards and dancing then the happy couple were called forward when an address was read by jack chamberlain and the presentation of a kit chen suite was made the young couple thanked the gathering for their thoughtfulness dancing was resumed and lunch followed prise winners for euchre were ladies mrs irene turner mrs w gllbertson mrs j gllbertson gents don peeling ogg mclean john turner a parents night for the cubs scouts of eden mills and district with a large number attending was held wednesday evening in the community hall movies were shown by dr wrmltchell and a film on the world jamboree held at niagara on the lake which was very informative and was enjoyed by all the cubs presented a display of their work to obtain their bad ges which included maps of the village bird houses christmas decorations indian masks soap carvings leaf couectlons etc the group committee held their election of offlclers and chairman jim cann was re elected with 1st vice trevor clifford secretary mrs pat wardle treasurer mrs mary audersley on behalf of the group com mittee mrs r roy was pre sented with a gift for her in terest and work in the pastyears she wlu be greatly missed in the community and best wishes go with her the cubs closed the evening with prayer and the rev r sinclair said the benediction the acton free press wednesday december 6 1967 a5 disturbance theft reported iii men reponea rlarley to nalton by acton p william along with his son lived as a recluse one who shuts themselves up from the world for personal reasons until bis death in 1945 at the age of 90 edgar harris edgar harris was a rather un happy little boy being the only child he didnt have anyone to play with i suppose that most of his early life was situated around his parents and helping them in any way he could how ever the young lad had good schooling and when he became of age he attended pickering col- lete after that he then went on to a textile institute in philadel phia although he went to those different places rockwood was always his home alas when edgars mother- died everything feu dead he and his fatherwere like recluses the house fell into disrepair the pair uved on like this until wll- uam died in 1954 edgar uved alone and became a real hermit fear grew inside this lonely old man he pointed his old shot gun at trespassers finally in 1965 the poor mans grlevlngs were over he died from a stroke burton hill after edgars death his be longings were divided among relatives according to his will the house was left to a first cousin of his by the name of burton hill mr hill along with his wife and family lived in gait he varies in his work he is a life insurance man and a quaker minister at first when burton inherited the house he hadnt the slightest idea as to what to do with it it was finally kclded that the house and yard should be fixed up thus it was in august 1966 the htll family moved into their new home rebuilding fixing up the yard the first thing the hills did when they took up the task of fix ing dalevlew was to clean up the yard they removed all the old lumber and dead wood and then cut the grass later they made a garden and tore down the old stone fireplace in order to fix up the house h1u employed a company from gait this company replastered every room put inboard sidings put in new beating and electricity and also built a number of other necessities such as closets fire places and vanities after having new windows and doors put in hiu got mr milne of rockwood to paint the bouse r was painted white and trimmed with black shutters and a new veranda were also applied most of the furniture from the house was packed into the barns after edgars death later when burton found time he began the slow process of cleaning the barns out much of the junk was burned some given away and some sold somethingof interest since edgar was ahermit many antiques were found in the house such as woolen equipment old furniture and some old toys many old documents were found in the harris estate some mar riage certificates dated back to 1785 they also have the mar riage certificate of john harris and jane wetherald the first settlers of rockwood school diplomas have also been found the harris family owned three mills they owned a woolen mlh in rockwood a saw mill on the fourth line and a grist mill in rockwood these mills were widely used by people from all other areas when they were first built among the many things the harris owned i find the most interesting is hi pot lo park this park used to be practically all of the valley road and was privately owned it lives up to its name the high cliffs pot holes and low yalhinake this a very appropriate name bv harry harley m p since our last column the house of commons has processed without incident some noncon troversial legislation which does not have any particular signifi cance for halloa one of the matters debated in its resolution stage was the in crease in postal rates for first- class mall this came to a sudden and unexpected vote at the beginning of an evening ses sion and the resolution was de feated it means that this matter cannot be ralsedagalndurlngthls session of the 27th parliament and therefore no increase in postal rates for firstclass mall can take place at this time the commons has returned to a consideration of capital punish ment which should come to a vote within a day or so the commit tee on health and welfare which i have the honour of chtdrlngjs studying the matter of abortion this is a highlycontroversial subject it was hoped that it would be possible to have a report ready for the house of commons by christmas however there have been so many requests for hear ings before the committee that it is now obvious that this date can not be met it is now hoped that a report might be possible by the end of january 1968 canada has again been subject ed to unwarranted interference in canadian affairs by general da gauue the prime minister the rt honourable mr pearson pubucly rebuked general de gaulle in the house of commons to the applause of all members of the house regardless of political party as the prime minister pollock and campbell manufacturers of high grade memorials memorial engraving 62 water st north oait telephone 6217580 for all ages we have a complete display to suit everyone see our action toys books gifts wool we specialize in battery operated toys open every weekday from 9 am to 9 pm until christmas- acton mini shop adjoining wiles bus depot arthur a johnson od optometrist open bvery wednesday and saturday 34 mill st e acton 8532520 train to toronto askaboutconvenientdepartura and return times pnomow iogm cm canadian national be a master christmascardsender in time for christmas mail all your cards jf before december 13 out of town and december 17 local delivery or better still now for postal information see the yellow pages of your telephone rook said canadian affairs will be decided in canada by canad ians it is hoped that these state- ments win not cause friction be tween quebec and the rest of canada general de gaulles statements are undoubtedly meant to stir up trouble and in ternal strife in canada a disturbance at the royal cafe on saturday december 2 resulted in a customer being ejected police reported this week malicious damage and theft at lindsays mill between dec z and dec 5 were also reported gas and a car battery were taken sometime in that period police are investigating intelligent actspreventaccl- dents for gas appliances sb richardsons tv appliances 201 main st e milton 8784949 freezer specials acton acres farm 85301 85 stock your freezer now hinds sides fronts 69c lb 59c lb 49c lb all orders custom cut and wrapped free the finest grain fed local beef only red and blue brand beef processed please clip phone no for future reference after 6 pm call 8534185 save 25 trade now on a new electric portable smithcorona electric full price 19995 with tradein 1495 electra 120 the prestige portable with a solid difference fast and efficient electrically obedient to your touch no uneven strokes every character types clearly for up to 10 carbons fingers float over keys saving you valuable time and energy automatic repeat of dots dashes underlines xs and spaces 5year parts guarantee ensures lasting quality and dependability tradein we will pay 25 for any typewriter in work ing condition when you buy this electra 1 20 trade- in must have 4row keyboard with all type and key tops backspace key and frame and carriage must be intact special corsair typewriter 2 only repossessions for only 4995 dills stationery i 56 miu st e 8532030

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