Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 6, 1967, p. 3

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th artprvfrec press wednesday december 6 1967 3 results of voting in esquesing wards unofficial figures for mondays esquesing township elec tion are printed below ward one is the milton heights area ward two quatre bras school ward three hornby ward four nqrval ward five stewarttown ward six dublin school area ward seven limehouse area ward eight silvercreek area ward nine glen williams ward reeve councillors currie leslie goodlet lawson leslie pamerson 1 19 16 7 27 18 18 2 32 56 34 74 45 66 3 82 23 27 83 59 83 4 61 100 51 90 75 128 satol 55 85 77 110 72 86 5mtoz 58 53 75 79 32 80 6 30 42 34 47 31 52 7 26 13 21 28 27 20 8 atol 48 29 50 53 45 45 8mtoz 26 37 31 51 39 37 9 atol 71 59 45 76 82 88 9ltoz 46 18 31 48 36 34 totals 554 531 483 766 561 736 wards school board question early fisher france thompson yes no 1 12 29 2 14 24 10 2 59 61 24 64 67 21 3 74 68 34 72 65 35 4 92 72 81 97 91 57 5 a to l 97 111 35 121 77 60 5 m to z 70 71 24 84 59 44 6 46 51 13 50 58 12 7 29 34 9 30 27 11 8 a to l 44 54 22 68 53 22 8 m to z 43 44 12 51 43 17 9 a to l 66 57 40 111 72 55 9 m to z 35 42 10 58 31 33 totals 667x 694306 814 657 377 council candidate c f pat patterson watches the tote board closely for results of the plebiscite on a two year term at esquesings election mr patterson was a prime mover to let the people decide they did almost 2 to 1 in favor 1 staff photo challenging address on business growth the enthusiasm interest and emphasis currently being placed an industrial development were reiterated last thursday evening by gordon blair chairman of the burlington business develop ment when he addressed a group of interested acton chamber of commerce and development commission members his new concepts of business development were outlined alter a buttuoandbeefdinner was served to about 40 in the music centre charles leatherland head of the development commission acted as chairman dr frank oakes brought greetings from council paul nielsen introduced tte bead table and half on indust rial commission chairman joe harst introduced the guest speak er he was presented with a ws- ston saw at the end of the even ing if the town is to benefit mr blair said the concern must be tor the total business develop ment not just industrial growth being of service to the present business people is just as im portant as getting new industries if you just take it for granted any industries will grow you are on a greasy plank tilted at a dang erous angle toward economic ob livion businessmen are like the rest of us most of ttempreterbalng appreciated every business in your com munity adds to the economic wellbeing of the community by creating jobs and paying taxes the old concept of the indust rial commissioner and the in dustrial commission as such is obsolete and inadequate remember you cant do busi ness from an empty wagon get all the answers yet people may be suspicious of chamber advertising a community that has the courage to probe test and correct has much to offer the dynamic quality that makes a community good does not reside in the official struct ure but in the interests desires and purposes of the people in it the potency and effective ness of any communitys busi ness development program de pends entirely on the contribut ion of everyone in the commun ity from the mayor on down a question and answer period proved informative after the ex cellent address earl masales asked about serviced land and mr blair declared land is just a cow pasture until it has roads and services and is developed lot by lot bob lawson manages a quiet smile as results show he heads council poll in esques ing election staff photo mr and mrs p wilson celebrate diamond wedding anniversary hat of esquesings election staff re- turns monday night also assisting were ste- tuming officer k c lindsay left delmar phen saxe and geoff denny french and art benton are busy checking re- staff photo churchill white gift service at church fire death visitors in news by mrs r mcarthur there win be a white gift and carol service held at churchill church 00 sanday evening dec ember 10 at 730 oclock every one welcome service win be as usual in the morning at 1130 oclock sunday visitors with mr and mrs leslie swackhamer and girls were mr and mrs harry crocker and family of st cath arines also mr and mrs ben thlessen and family of guelph mr and mrs ron saunders normie and stephen visited with mr and mrs bob mcgin and family at orton mr and mrs alex bessey of hlllsfaurg visited with her broth er and sisterinlaw mr and mrs john near glen and earl on sunday several from this area attend ed the hatton centennial ban in milton on friday night decem ber i mr and mrs bob kerr attend ed the norfolk county annual banquet in slmcoe on saturday nigra word was received on sunday of the sudden passing on satur day night of mrs w alnsworth nee ada campbell at her home at 376 berkley street toronto who spent her girlhood life in acton sympathy goes out to the immediate family also to rela tives and many friends who re member at acton the community were sorry to hear of the fire of unknown orig in which completely destroyed the house and contents of mr and mrs alvin gauas and one girl and four boys on 5th line erin township on tuesday morn ing rr 2 acton they are at present staying with neighbors mr and mrs ward hamilton mr and mrs j mccuuoch have moved from the farm and are now settled in acton mr and mrs ward hamilton visited with their former neigh bors mr and mrs ian wallace who now reside at lucan mr and mrs fred macarthur visited with cousins mr and mrs arthur griffin and also called on an uncle mr wj young on friday of last week telegrams from her majesty the queen cards from prime minister lester b pearson and mp harry harley were among the tributes received by mr and mrs peter wilson r r 1 limehouse when they celebrated their diamond wedding anniver sary recently the couple married nov 17 1907 in poland was also honor ed with a framed scrou from the province of ontario signed by premier j robarts both mr and mrs wilson are in good health and active around their farm and home they mov ed to their present home 22 years ago after arriving from plnkham saskatchewan where they farm ed in spite of it being their 60th anniversary mr and mrs wil son were completely surprised when relatives and neighbors feted them at their home sunday november 19 a son rudy his wife and two children flew in from alberta to join the celebrations with the couple guests were present from toronto arthur rockwood and limehouse areas the couple thoroughly enjoyed themselves and were again taken by surprise when their children and close relatives gave them a new living room ruglnremem- brance of the occasion mr and mrs wilson have five sons michael in saskatchewan paul at rr 1 limehouse frank at home rudy in alberta and ed ward rr 2 rockwood there are 12 grandchildren and one great granddaughter the free press joins with re latives neighbors and friends in wishing mr and mrs wilson many more years of happily wed- dedllfe mr and mrs peter wilson rr 1 limehouse recently celebrated 60 years of married life at their farm home staff photo approve two continued srom page 1 year concluding the meetings re marks reeve george leslie took councillor pat pattersons re marks about the poor turnout of voters and compared todays fig ures with 1961 when the town ship had 2000 less people mr leslie got over 1000 votes in that election almost what both candidates polled monday in the reeve race ratepayers stayed to congrat ulate successful candidates and convey condolences to losers for a while after results were known the successful candidates handed out stogies diploma an official notice to start looking for a job opp three vehicle accidents in safe driving week christmas trip for b cubs fourteen b pack cubs tour ed christmas fairyland in the automotive building at the exhibi tion grounds toronto sunday aft ernoon with the lads were four other children cubmaster mur ray scoyne mrsscoynemr and mrs george ware mr and mrs vic morris rides displays ahugechrist- mas tree andsanta clans delight ed the boys on their christmas jaunt esquesing ratepayers may i offer sincere thanks to all ratepayers within the township have greatly enjoyed serving in the past as your reeve george leslie motor vehicle accidents once again headline our weekly press release despite safe driving week beginning december 1st four motor vehicle accidents were reported in the week nov ember 26 to december 2 1967 three of these accidents occurr ed on december 2 and 3 and re sulted in six persons being in jured and over 51000 in damage to say the least it is not a very impressive start to safe driving week other statistics compiled in the same week showed six traf fic and one liquor charge laid 13 traffic warnings issued and 602 miles patrolled during the 208 work hours totalled by this six man opp detachment general occurrences were again low as only six complaints including one missing person who was later located were re gistered at the acton office but one complaint did result in a lo cal person being lodged in the ballon county jail charged with a criminal code offence in magistrates court at milt on on november 27 18 acton in formations were brought before the bench but only 10 were cn- allxed eight persons were granted remands to a later date one person saw the charge again st him withdrawn and one per son gained a dismissal in his case but eight others were an found guilty and paid fines totall ing 150 excluding court costs of 21 winter has truly arrived and with it jack frost comes paint ing his artistry upon our wind ows to children his beauty is delightful to the motorist it is but one more delay before set ting out for work each morning or so it should be unfortunate ly we are plagued with a group of people who and it unnecess ary to clear their windows you can see them each morn ing motoring through our town their noses pressed against the windshield peering through a 4 inch clear spot oblivious of the pedestrian and vehicular move ment au about them one morning soon these peo ple win be subjected to a rude awakening the ontario legis lature has seen fit to pass into law a section of the highway traffic act which requires the driver of a motoj vehicle to have a clear view to the front the back and to both sides in the interest of safety and in our duty to carry out the en forcement of our laws the act on qpp have every intention of issuing citations to persons who fail to heed this most sen sible piece of legislation a short time ago the a p p marked the first anniversary of its public information service of which this press release is a part we sincerely hope we have been able to enlighten you on some of our activities and ac complishments experiencedtrom day to day can you suggest any improve ments we will gladly consider any offered its bad enough to be a quitter but its worse io finish some thing you never should have started many thanks may we express our sincere thanks and appreciation to the voters of esquesing township who supported us on monday for school board seasons greetings to everyone chester early lloyd fisher dr c a thompson swifts premium cryovac cottage rolls 49 lb schneiders rindless mb pkg bacon 69c presswood lib pkg wieners 49 clarks 14ci tins pork beans 2 25c large assortment tang flavor crystals 5f75 campbells 10oz tins tomato soup 225c best buy save 20c lib bag maxwell house coffee 75c upton chicken noodle ft turkey noodle so u p 2 packs 49c best buyi 189 value maxwell house instant coffee 1 43 prices effective dec 6789 by the piece bologna 39 lb small unk sausage 49 lb fresh sliced pork liver 39 ib best buyi save 20c bicks 32- jar plain or garlic dills 43 clarks fancy 4oi tins tomato juice 399c fresh produce us no 1 florida good size grapefruit 12 for 89c us no 1 stalk celery 29i best buyi save 6c kraft 1fc pkg velveeta cheese 73

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