Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 3, 1968, p. 3

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omctks insfalud at walker lodge for 1968 front row left fo right wor bro e g franklin immedlato past ma wo bro c d anderson installing mastor worbro grforgo lee master bro v j patrick junior warden second row wor bro r h elliot treasurer v wor bro h l ritchie socre tary bro d w van fleot senior warden v wor bro i lov eu bro ray mison senior steward back row bro m blow junior steward wor bro t s newton director of ceremoti iw bro alf duby senior doacon bro cal mclntyro organ ist bro c l rognujldson junior deacon staff photo reports from boards committees given at nassagaweya meet reports from several com mittees and boards highlighted the yirnd meeting of nassa gaweya township council unable to attend duo tolllnass vduoean uoffat mailed a written report on the acton high school board the board had a 1067 operat ing budget of 335456 with nas- sagawtyas cost averaging out to about 269 per pupil annually maurice newton representing the township planning board not- ad that body received two resig nations during the yoar from chairman fred benson duo to business reasons and grant campbell because of his health at present they have 154263 cash on hand with an outstand ing debt to project planning as- soctatesfs 3028 an official plan was finalized during the past year and the toning bylaw is almost com puted but there are still mat ters for clarification from pro ject planning and the ontario municipal association two representatives were sent to meetings of the county plan ning association to discuss such issues as 10acre lots mr newton noted during 1968 the board plans lo give attention to several issues including al lowance for roads on lano sop- pontlnmd from page 1 board rescinds original motion the ease arose of an oxperionced supply teacher who taught 17 consecutive school days in nov ember and december the increase in tho dally rate brings this aspect of salary in una since the new chalrmaa4nade the motion be vacated tru chair and the meeting was briefly chaired by mr brlstow as the veteran secrvtar in sisted on procedural correct ness mr bishop mused ididnt last in the chair long board representatives will at tend meetings of the canada tax foundation at the royal york hotel toronto january u and 13 member expect to benefit from meetings on financing and to learn about the tax structure of the new area board arations clarification of the authority in charge of exacting retribution for land separations the revlow of nassagawoyas rather stringent subdivision by law and establishment of apollcy on the oddly shaped plccos of land loft when crossroads and s bends are stralghtonod by roadwork tho chairman also suggested tho planning board could use bot- ter office accommodations for records and maps committees of adjustment re ceived 14 applications one of which has been deforrod until confirmation of the loninghy- law of tho remaining 13 ujven were approvod and six wore de nied nassagaweya school board at tendance officer stan norrls re ported he made threo calls dur ing the past year it was later noted in corres pondence appointment of a school attendance councillor will bo up to the school area board rather than council beginning in 19c8 roovo william coulter thanked mr norrlsh for his work a report on acton fire area board which held only one moot ing during the past yoar was given by jack milne the three- year agreement between nasba- gaweya and the board oxplrcs at the end of this yoar horace blythe representing the nassagaweya area public school board reportod the group has had a busy yoar mr blythe arrived at the meeting immediately after tour ing the broolcville public school addition with architects hardtop paving will be done in spring and another bus will be added january 1 to supplement the crowded transportation fac ilities presently used although it was hoped building of the addition would negate use of portable classrooms one has already been prebsed back into bervlce to accommodate the load of pupils all rooms within the bchool including two opportunity clabu s of ic students each are filled to capacity since 1968 will be the labi year the board is an independ ent body mr blythe suggested chooblng of a bite for a mu school in the campbellvllle area should be done soon deputyreeve william hooy congratulated mr dlythe and his board for keeping clobe to their budget for 19c7 correspondence was rocolvod from royal city ambulance sug gesting the township discuss with them establishment of an ambuf- anfc contract nassagawoya will have one cit izen named by council for a cen tennial award clork jc mclntyro will reply to tho letter reeelvod noting the township cannot possibly chooso a suitable person and have the answer back to ottawa by the end of 1967 as requested itho reclplont of the modal will be announced at some lator date road superintendent grant mc millan reported tho commlttoo has a now bander ready for op- oration on nassagaweya roads a bylaw to authorize issuance of dolientures of 283000 for tho addition to brookvllle public school was passed plus another to fulfill the requlrement of tho emergency measures act in re gards to mutual aid and sorvlco in event of national disaster council entered committee of the whole to study a report from the committee meeting of the personnel and office administra tion staff minutes of this meet ing were amended the reeve an 1 treaburer were authorized to pay all road and general accounts on or before the yearb end mr mclntyre was instructed to arrange a meeting with the minister of municipal affairs to abcertain the cause of the i in approving nassaga- wejas official plan and zoning bylaw an i to uscuss recom- ndatlons eoncenung amend- jiunls to the planning act former resident dies at 86 years charlotte marsh widow of tho lato john thomas marsh of 15 konway road toronto18 passed i away at groon acres nowmark- ot on docomber 29 sho had boon 111 for tho past four years and was 86 yoars of ago sho is survlvod by daughtor mrs gwon broughton 15 ken- way road toronto brother wil liam walsall england sisters mrs florence holmes acton mrs emily lloyd loleostor england mrs d bracknell aid- rldgo england mrs elizabeth baggott yorkshire england one grandson david broughton and greatgrandchildren kathloon and auraloo sho was born at walsall eng land in 1881 and camo to canada in 1904 living in acton fromthon until 1924 when thoy movod to toronto rov r mcmurray conducted tho funoral sorvlco in acton on jan 2 and lntormont was in parle lawn comotory toronto the last couple of days of centennial yoar finally produced sevoral requests to continuo the contennlal picture gallory on the odltorlal page so woh koop it up as long as tho pictures last but uort be ploasod to rocelvo somo more wod like somo groups such as school classes and maybe more pictures of the district halton county jail governor g ryder reports a christmas dinner of roast turkey with all tho trimmings was enjoyed by the prisoners notlce m i i take this opportun n iff think all in this lie i whom i h ie liul lie prmkn uf sinnik is i full turn ii nl i sur enn iliii ui tlu p ist 41 t us the linu li is eome ivliin 1 must limit m pi u hit in ixinl inli i t li i hun mil pi isthlllis if n i u rt o litemnini w jhiiiii ir i i id ytwr cooperullon anil understanding of this restricted practice- will lie appreciated bv uppnlntment onl dr al i an j bui 11 man f bowl for pleasure j bt the fimqrf bowl for health the entire family can bowl together 1 make it a date bowl where the action is acton bowling lanes 10 aaain st n member o b p a 8534i70 tins service will provide you with plenty of hot water for alt your household needs ydeos hew hot water service a low monthly charge cover installation of a modern auto matic electric water heater all service and maintenance including replacement if necessary coat of electricity our staff will be glad to tell you all about this nllim luaive hot water service acton hydro electric commission 43 auci st u31410 breakdown tha acton free press wednesday januafy 3 1 968 order new corn pressor for community centre acton parks and recreation commltteo plaquod by a sick refrigeration plant at the com munity contro decided to go for tho bundlo and order a new compressor lo roplacu the ex isting one at a special mooting of the twinhatted board last wednesday nlphi cost f the now machine ordurod from j u wilson co in milwaukee wisconsin 1 5v0d chairman johdgoyautllorlzed to do the buying ordered lilt machine last friday morning arcnanitiiagor harold townsley hopes the now romprosjjof is already on lt way to roptace its brokendown predecessor ttio commltteo met with john wilson a consultant from wilson and co rofrlgoratlon plant specialists at the omorpency acton mayor at mississauga in ills capacity as town and village president of tho ontario municipal association acton mayor los duby will altond the inaugural coremonlcs- for the now city of mlsslssaiua on friday jan 12 75 damage parked car a hit and run accldont occurred decombor 31 on church suwlion a parked car ownod by lloyd murr rocolved 75 damage mr murr heard the crash but by tho tlmo ho roachod his car tho damage was dono and tho othor vohlclo had disappeared from sight meeting mrs wilson described the oxtonsivo and expensive re pairs nocessary to repair the old machine tho machine would have to bo moved to ttie company work shop for repairs he bald lstltnatad cost for tho repair job t 1500 tmjn said tho refrlg- oratloil expert thorty was no guarantee h wvmldwdrk properly i rho machine would reqeiltd a imw piston work onjtliwsluevtjh and n facfnv of tho hoad ajejyl as any other lanugo u4rioli cduld have btion doito in ula t the compressor partof a pirkafco dead bought from a browing company ulioiitho arena was ronovatud was already 1z yean old when it camo here mr goy reminded his fellow committee members it lias op erated in acton for tho past soyan years the board was faced with the alternative of buylnganowmach- lne and putting tho rofrlgeratlon plant in working order within two weeks or having the old ono repaired and porhaps waiting as long as two months beforo re pairs were mado the committee visualized the offect a long wait for the repair job could have on the arona program before doclding on a now compressor also consid ered was tfio tradnln valuu of the pro sent machine it according to mrwifsonwaa worthless to ids firm tho now compressor unlltce the- old one which roqulrod at tention every tlmo it burped will como equipped with tho latest in automatic controls if it was ordered by oec 29 it would boat a projected prlco hike tho comtniteo decision was unanimous in tho same vein tho commit- too leftagdecisioo in arena man ager tllwnsioys hands as tp whother tho present solup riotor could bo rowounct or it would be nocssary to buy new one department of i labor reg glatlomsr require a 2t hour watrh ovorthe prosorii 75 hp motor ahd ho committee electod to roplace s k with a 50 hp iij4 so they would comply wth reg ulations tail eview discount centre your r headquarters for building supplies paints wallpaper bruihai efe floor covering tiu phone 853190 pollock akct campbell vi mill ii linns ui high grade memorials memorial ftmgraving 63 water si north gait tiltphoiu l 75ro r christmas tree pickup onje day only friday january 5 starting at 9 am have your tree out in time to be collected for the tree burning saturday night january 6th clerkadmlnlttrator jack mcgeachie ioa foods iga foods iga foods iga foods iga food5 iga foods ga foods iga foods iga foods ka budget balancers ardmoni fancy sliced h jfeholiday spending ltm you sours 449 strapped babyfoods 8s99 1 jr foods 5 89 i ira lams 4 i ana this j mm hj k weeks prices catsup 239 an i ki v i at kg a w reall care show it spaghettini mi w spaghetti or n qa e macaroni m beans pork van camp in i0maio i s0ckeye salmon tn uno bid hurt oiruiuini donjjts 249 iga pie 0luut7i un oi rolls of 6 awake 2 65 insit i fancy peas 49 fillets 43 facial tissues 2s49 crjocf iilw zlaund lifts sill sh0b1 cli wholf 0 mali iga flour 49 1 y warslmiallows saldnes 29 sav0iv tiopical i1av0ub go101h ripe tlsi 49 ib umi in a iasmt c haddock a 49 front 0 lamb u21f 1u iimwwn kiuii tv lth will tbimmib shoif cut io i uul u a a coffttwch 19- loiniamb chops 49 pel p0tat0es39 porkioim 65 ci 39 1 sliced side iac0n 59t tuu ju1 55c onions v29 margarine 2 53 iu kraft slices i side spare blts iga foods main st n acton w i lb 4y if tivil lu t maclean st ubiim mm toothpaste 57 arrio roll on idorant 57 iga foods iga fooos ka io iga foods iga foods if a foods iga uous ica iqo

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