Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 10, 1968, p. 6

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jhm acton fr prtt wdniuy january 10 1961 i ji i um premature pnm ijrta we must admit balng per turbed about accusations at a recent achopl board meeting that prematura press reporn contributed to mltunder standings about the proposed addition to the m z bennett school the public school board patted a motion at their november meetlnfllo abandon rooms in the stone school so the department would endorse their request tor n addition el 1he m 2 ben- the free press representative re jxtfi tw notion wlthplfl twists tar in riuendos sorne coficerry was elhv trustees that jkeu rtvtotion wcjuld be ijilsinlerpvet ed that h would supply anvniinltlor to those opposed to building ah addition to the school as it- hiried but their rears were riot groundless some mom beri of town council did question the need tor ar addition iri spite pf being acquainted with- figures which showed i a need ewlsts however since the original motion was made at the boards public moetlng this newspaper was obliged topubllsh it in the interests o ratepayers who are after all paying the shot for this and any other additions or school buildings they are entitled to know whats hap penlng to their tax money we dont for a moment think the school board intended to keep this or any other information relative to the proposed addition as a secret frpm the nubile they were concerned only with the tlrnlng of the motion and hi impart on the public we are not advocating secret or special ryieetlngs of which we are un war ignoring the press wcinf mate r go away give a reporter the facts and in elnjostpviery instance liwitiba s betret slated and rnore- understandable than g publlcltstrelease in trtlicase a special meeting vj heldtoresclndtheorlglbal motion about vacating rortrris at the hone school the press was not notified consequently neither we nor the public are aware of why the board rescinded the molon delays in rele4iwfl certain informs tion such as personal matters tnay be luttiflable but attempts to suppress oy areas of news permanently will even tually fall and when the news is bad com plele frankness with rpminr i the best guarantee of objective treatment sttt jims editorial page r j iff awjji rtjj wjmspjmmd that ia hefotf the lead editorial leads inlovthe queilion of what is publithable nevvs some editors take the attitude news is fcvirylhing fit or safe to print an edi 5nal in a recent issue of the ridgetown dominion clarifies the motives behind news stories why do newspapers always print the bad things ignoring the good al though we question the question the stock answer of course is thai it is the abnormal in which the reader is inter ested good conduct is normal taken for granted for jnstance john doe s sunday pro gram woul norma beofho interest if he met wllh an accident it would be abnormal and newsworthy it has been suggested publicity giv en to crime is an incentive to criminals one of the best papers known nevor uses sensational crime stories therefore its hardly likely to be popular in enm nal circles ntrulh ca lalevtbe if it crealeshbe wrong impression the old storyabout two antagonistic editors who conductsduualjiaders in the same town bears this out onecoi sumed more than his share ol booje the other was a teetotaller the latter printed in his paper that editor so and so was drunk all day tuesday to the natural protest he re plied it was the truth even if it was normal his rival got bad at him the next week by publishing editor soand so of the herald was sober all day last tues day see what we mean pehjoh flan cwfhiuwif there appear o be many canadians who are stilt unaware of the compul xory nature of the canada pension plan note for example the experience of one national revenue official who mingled with a group of farmers attend ing a plowing match last year he came away in a state of disbelief time after time when asking farmers about their reaction to cpp he received some ver sion of this reply i don t think i m in terested in oimng up despite all the publicity and adver using smce the plan came into effect the financial post says that officials are oet and out a lot of canadian kids didn t get that radio walkietalkie outfit they want- ad for christmas says an article in can adian electronics engineering because santa got orders from the department of transport that these low powered radio sets rt vot toys and their use as playthings by children is against radio regulations these regulations say that if radio equipment causes interference or its operators use improper language or otherwise abuse its prctper use the owners may ba required to restrict com munications or cease operations entire ly the rules specifically prohibit transmissions of a frivilous nature and communications which are nothing mora than a diversionary or recreation al activity the walkietalkies operate in the grs general radio service waveband meant to provide lowcoat shortrange communications for personal or busin ess purposes definitely rules out kids using them to play war garnet in their neighborhood park the lata do not have a tange of mora than a few city block but aaya the transport depart- mant transmissions from improperly ediualed tats could spill over into other radio banda faced with the fact many canadians still think the plan is a voluntary scheme with membership and contributions op tional to the individual the greatest concern about those in this group is that many may be short changing themselves of benefits they could buy and profit from at minimal expense it is among the self employed and specifically among those who don t file income tax returns where the problem of non contributors is most likrly to oc cur these may include marginal income farmers or fishermen women with somo income from rent and casual workers dot is re evaluating requirements for the licensing of low power units users may be required to indicate the use for which communications ere re quired okay kids over and out cjitcrial tfctej driving in snow heavy traffic or in any other adverse conditions drive as if you were early for an appointment with ydcir dentist advises the ontario safely league to get maximum attention its hard to beat a good big mistake skidoos or skimojailaswhat ever you prefer to calltrtem are becoming quite popular in this area a delegate to a convention in eng land left his car in a noparking zone with this note in the windshield i have circled this block 20 times i have an appointment to keep forgive us our trespasses whan he returned he found a reply from a courteous london policeman i ve circled this block for 20 years if i don t give you a ticket i lose my ob lead ot not into temptation vanoltd mush fallen logs and win ter ice restrict the movement of the black creek in its cold ourneyto oin the river credit but the avf flowing waters break through nndcfjnlinuo past this fourth lino enno ivenlually merrj mg with thu parr nt rvor at norval on the wrty llit rroel murrjos with sister tributaries boloro flowinf through stew artlown staff photo sugar and spice b y e y tetclwrbeot somo pretty funny notes from parents explaining tho absonco of a pupil usually its bocauso tho harassed motto r or father stabs down anything at tho last mlnuto as the kid holding for tho door and already late screams in dismay oli i gotta have a note thus you got such things as ploaso ox- euse janes grandmother for being absent due to her lllnoss the battled toachur finally figuros out that rranny had tho flu and jano had to stay homeland look after her because mom cant mlssa day at the shoe factory because thats thu only way she can muster enough money to buy jane some decent clothes so she can go to school so she can be a real whiz and help out granny and mom sometimes the notes are not so funny pleaso excuse jim for being late as lie had to appear in court this morning for drunk and disorderly but it was the other guys fault well teachers arent the only ones who receive sad and funny letters the rest ot tho column will be made up of sentences taken from actual letters received by tho toronto welfare department from appli cants for aid and assistance they may explain why english toachurs look so stunned so much of tho time tho sentences will bo in quotation marks the comments will be whatever comes to mind i am very annoyod that you have brand ed my son illiterate as this is a lie 1 was married to his father a week before he was born she didnt moan illiterate she meant illegible in answer to your letter i have- given birth to a boy weighing ten pounds i hope this is satisfactory really what could be more- satisfactory unless i get my husbands money pretty soon i will be forced to lead an immortal life and good tuck to you missus there should be a lot more of that type of positive thinking in the world mrs jones has not had any clothes for a year and has been visited regularly by the clergy mo comment this is my eighth child what are you going to do about it what indeed its certainly time somebody did something or stopped doing something i am glad to report that my husband who was reported missing is dead now there no sense writing an obituary for centennial year the spirit of centennial still survives may it never be forgot ten is a sentence of which homlngway would bo proud not a syllable too much or too uttlo tho emotion is retrained note that slio said glad not dellghtod and heres one with the lame theme but a different twist please and for cer tain if my husband is dead the man i am living with cant oat or do anything until he find out theres drama for you thorobtraeedy think of thu poor devil starving to death unable to smoke or drink or pick his tuuth or pull the fluff out of his bellybutton here another that shows a nice nvpoct for bureaucracy in accordance with your instructions i have given birth to twins in the enclosed envelope and they thought the pill was a big dealt another mom wrltob i cannot pit sick pay i havi six children can you tell mo why theres a hoautlful logic there somewhere if you could just put your fing er on it i invent any children as yotas my hus band is a bus driver and works day and night hut think of all that overtlmu and finally it sounds uku an old chest nut but teachers actually got notes like this i want money as quick as i can get it i have been in bed with the doctor for two weeks and he dousnt do me any good if tldngs dont improve i will have to send for another doctor this is medicare the acton free press phone 853 20ict bui nsi and ed tor al office iukd ii rul puh itvrj to slnrixit w v ax j e u tx j tu uj ilu it j rf ir lfc4 mj ova 4- t t vil fi i f 41 ij jn uixl i lnjj iw i utj he i t 4 ijja hi sw gutter is 4ulh j j wiuivj iu uj4 rjl twi im kj l a a- tuuj nil h u j ij ju rsses uf vldtg itiul iu hj isui ki il h ej tu4a uh ea upiru h n ait sua ua he with j 1 wits- j tuufu all ol at jjl 1 ft h w w jm i ueutu utll b pjjj i u al tfw aittuhatw lu u aw tl i j a 4lul nu j t u4 ajstt si n-m- j j st u ruit o uituri i j rw tit u 4j i 4 s w j u wl u i i jl k h kj ik i si i i 4h it iu ojthj m la t fuutaiwi liajtllv ctu ikmi eutikw 20 yedrs ago 75 years ago taken from hie ittuuu nf llm kroe iroos nl ilwrulay january ii 1u4h cllluiiu in every walk nf life will rug ml to uiaru that mr and mr j m mi llonald are iinivliig to islui up rutdikmi e iii i orontij a minliiieptary unto u torufarod mv m tvnjaldtjy tlw fl alilruitturd f loarllrrtlroayri ci wtili llonr iw la- ixiuii axtrmualtiil for malty vri lnirlug tile lift ywitr lie rubfiled iiare hi- iarvail trhihii nurivcouik ii n uei kilt wai- bn ef ksuuajiiit hafttx pritillt t tho- legion pant nitstaf il walkvrjikle au oftliwr li tjte i fiki jigtu wkilitol a tnnywbptrirlii tlio w servlmiliiabie r a mpr wilhbslfttt ww ktuiwhow hraeuirmi tell yearn nl wlwii hm lfl llure ttie rl04e u 1147 wax nl jl klst lislil fnp iiillwi- yosr inr mr vvk oraliam nianagvr the liankmf nova fluaia acton wediwbihty if last week mr giuliani re- hred from ihe barvlm nf thu uul- jii i mr a w ilayileii ol iiireiiro aasuiiuid ills ikit- les mr grajiini wus unliuu in that for 31 yaru he hulil the uiamujereldp f the ac ton liraix h in tiubu yeai u hu lias tu- iiiiiiu a part of tlie town and all are pleased it is his intention to ronllmie in reside iii alton he says 31 years ago hank man agers were i lurks al all thu farm saluu dure were just two imlustrluu lleardmnre and co and lliu sluruy glove co iwth go- ing strong slniu 1844 anil ibfih ruspuitlve- ly aclma tlrst 1jib haby is david mi mil- ian kiiol mr and mrtj ml haul mi mlllan 50 years ago taken from the issue of thu lreu press of thursday jaauary 10 iu18 officers of walker lodge inutalled by a j mcklnnim incluk t ii cook w u uulun ji wlldgust w j held w m cooper john kenney it m mcdonalil norman meuiovl alevamfctr kean jolin uwsnn i g klnp ii a ccut n p mclam w h konney a rousing rucepllon was tendered on now years for gunner a u smith who return ed from france at chriutinastliki he was surrounded on the platform with a remark able group of mull who have done their bit and returned incapacitated serg w j gould sorg robert hynds sure f coles serg harry harwood corp a w barge pte george lantz and pte liuchan ho received the usual gold watch most rs woodhall and harbor have boon elected with messrs w r kennoy jp and d a henderson to bear the burdens of municipal government with roevo hynds members of the school hoard some of them new aro root scott robt mcphor- son john kenney c c speight james ramsliaw and d c russell there was considerable excitement dur ing the election in nassagaweya james w moffat was elected reeve trce jjress the church of st allan the martyr anglican onier willow si mil si alb in s dnv riv riulia mjvliiiriy ma sfh summy january 14 vim i pipti my ii j00 iin t lie holy i nth insl 10 ii u in uiureh sliiooi 10 30 i ni morniny hriyer ethel christian reformed church mllnslir rev p rrouver aelon onl irio sijmijay jani ary 14 lw8 1010 j in i nylish service ii 10 j in sund ly school 2 10 p in allernulinit dulth and i nyhsh service sjluidav hihlc cijs ti 10 12 am helronc welcome i mapie avenue baptist church n h maple ave georeiljun i pastor re i robert c lohnci sumday january 14 198 here is our sincere invitation lo the whole tamilv lo attend church 9 45 a m sundav school all ages ii 00 a m morning service 700 pm evening evangel 7 45 p m wednesday prayer meeting acton 53 ls3t gtorcoun 8776665 evangel pentecostal tabernacll paoc 33 churchill road rev s m thoman pastor 8532715 laleeil ruin the iaaue ulilio free praas of lliurailay january 12 1803 ilosllolitu of a ton alul vicinity havelaen i onsiilortlily liiconvenjeikaid lately far the want if a kiiilol hut thin vacanry la now well fllhil uooiiis have twu iumd and iiloitlity tiirnlelrt1 over iha dnlfvore mui ljrjt wllldiwon u at hru to jiy eoliliiif uu aervlcesi a vofy punjaiit avanimiwar apent licet thlowlsy by the fhinuirsuf tha hoard of kitiusllixi in ural a4tnwyfr parlour after the ajjpotuing repeat aliort apeechea weie- made by kev cji pojke meaartt g tfinw duairjnans rt wbont prliwl- mlyuv mooreaeirotarytreaiturorja mcuili th harding and jijlui cameron arehltuel ollw new kitiool vku aiuruaf niontliig uf the congregation kim clmrili was hell with good atieiid- iuum tla repntt of thu uesslmil prestiiited ly mr jolin 1 4wson ehnwell tlioro was a yiln in inaiiiliurshlp nf wight himnilul affairs were much more bat- isfaitury than treasurer i heiiuvrsoij m i had ijuuii able to ronort for years and revunuu for all purposus missions ini hut- hi was 2400 100 years ago taken from ihe issue of ihu canadian chanililnn mlllon january j 1018 ilw grainmar sihoal was resumed on luusilay last by the ruvnolsoi llurnsand thu altundaiiiu already gives promise nf a full sdiuel we tiust that there will lie a determined effort to sustain the exertions of mr ikirus in ids arkious undertaking of rusuiir hating the school wiilrh has almost become extinct wo are sure that nothing will lie left undone by thu teacher whom we can onflduhtly rorommend as in every respuit iiiallfiud for his position mr ilurns is ikislroun of forming a class of pupils from ii lo 14 yoars ofatfjatul while net negluillng thu elasslra by devoting great attention to tlielr lngllsh branches to uilablo ilium to pass the inspector u grammar school iwpllu anif in this manner pave the way for a good grammar school composed of a pormanent class of pupils the county council will ho omposed as follows tgiuuklng j mcnaiighton and j ilmlsay irafalgar j ihick and wc ileaty nelson s korr and ii fostorjnas- sagaweya a campbell and j ramsay milton john dewar jr jakvllle p a mcoougald georgetown j it barber just as we aro going to press we learn that owing to dr mcgarvin returning off icer for acton ward not bringing in tha poll book col clay was declared utected by 142 majority mr murrays decision is clearly illegal as siibsuctlon 8 of sec tion 100 of thu municipal act clearly lays down that ejl tho poll books must be in be fore the declaration can be made legally it is rather suspicious that a political frlund of mr clay delays returns where lie is 143 behind and another friend de clares him elected church notices trinity church ttw i rilled church of canada miniilcr hi v gouloii ii turner ha bd uiyin si li ocorg 1 llioll ma phd si mjay jam ary 14 1968 iii 1x1 i iii mommy worship nursery prov ided i in sici niieni ol holy communion si mmy school 1 01x1 in junior school llogr 4 ims i in senior schojl gr 5 to gr 8 acton baptist church founded 1842 paslor rev stanley gammon res 144 fidey ave phone 85ji6i5 si mjay jamjary 14 1968 ixj a in sundav school clasvev for ii ages 15 a rn morning worship the second advent 00 p in fvcning service s imc precious thing dusday 7 30 pm -c- prayer bible study ursday 6 30 p m explorers ursday 8 pm choir practice dav 7 pm bll f text as it was tn ihe days of noah shall it be al the coming of the son man uitt 24 37 presbyterian church in canada kmjx cfluuch acton j rcv andrew it mckeruie bjl bo mini ter mr e a hansen ba organist and choir master week ot praye services tuesday fn dav january 912 inclusive sladay january 14 1968 10 05 a m sunday siihool i 1100 am morning worship 7 00 p m evangelistic service tuesday 8pm prayer service and bible study ihursctay 8 pm chnsi ambassadors friday 7 p m crusader sunday january 14 196 4 45am church school for agee i to 15 years 9 45am ministers church u mh r- ship class for teedaastra 1 1 00 a m public worship of cod sermon subject chanting use tar get c 8 00 pm adult study group at iw tyler ave everyone nasli

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