Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 17, 1968, p. 1

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4 snow ice smother district et is stlu digging high id ij m m cvlrorkns ses overloadedhythi storm the fluffy white stuff is the subject of comp which dumped another fpoj or more ofinow lelots he eesheje effect on hdpses ii grud- on top of the existing depth evert though glngly admired stiff phqto the district is stlu csgglng oat from the first ug storm of 68 and the worst in some years blocked roads power mack- outs closed schools and moon- tains of ice and snow character- lied the sundaymonday storm story lee began toe affair coating everything with gleimiijj shards of frorep rain tb snow follow- d bringing sucbioidcoodltloo ifs fortunate 4fe ij ttot mb sccinti r pftwijig crews worked day epd 1 nlgm those who could staytiome ddcpollkeptcralslnexiow- er in nassagaweya was restore before- the situation gbt dojperv ate all corisldered foater- rible bouple of days thlngsiwere noftoobad everywhere the schools were closed on monday its an un usually bad oform 4bat closes acton public schools pot the high school and many rural schools the cancellation is a logical one since many students cant be picked up by bus nassw- agaweya esqueslng acton and erin schools all opened once again on tuesday but in esques lng the public sphool buses were not running some esqueslng pupils cauldnf get to high school truuportatlanltber wprtaheti wofkedtbrough monday night t day kjonday- atfif monday jlight at a crash snewplowlngajid removal prc gram they even managed to oplleci ijnuch of- the usual mon- i day garbage police i forked ijn cop junction with them seeking owners of parked cars to move them so the roads could be plowedonly oh main sj n by custom cleaners wiis a car barked whose owner couldnt be found the car had to be towed away to permit the plows to keep the highway pas- under peaks of snow sable drivers shovelled for hours all over town cars are burled sunday night thinking theyd be the- vehicles wear while shroud as thpv awi owner wmllng to dig hem out of snow baoks wtycjv piled up high on drivowiyj and walks staff photo ninetythird yearno 29 authorised heond onu iuuii by 1h pi ottlo dt oi lawn far poaljuf paid in ch at acton onuiio mttt fjtfess acton ontario wednesday january 17 1968 fourloon pngos ton conts simwalks wtw choked even by wednesday still streets for business people by drifts which blocked some it was often dif ficult to find a place to put the snow staff photo wiuow strut rocelved its quota of the white manna plows pushed huge banks alongside the road making access to parked vehicles difficult staff photo what council did at the regular meeting tues day night acton council introduced read and passed a bylaw to fulfil the require ments of the emergency meas ures organisation act deputy- reeve frank oakes said council was not doing anything special it is a canadawide plan to act in cooperation with the county and other organisations on a natural disaster plan mayor l duby told council although there were scoffers recent events in london ontario illustrated the value of emo he emphasised the system can be used to get lii operation again fter any type of disaster introduced and passed a by law to borrow 300000 from the bank of montreal at 6 12 per cent tomeet current expenditure until taxes for 1mb are collected authorized the clerktolssue cheques to cover financial state ment number one for 616655 authorited purchase of a 100 canada savings bond and a 25 merchandise voucher topre- sent to retired town employee wm shepherd in appreciation for his years of service r a resolution request ing architect donald skinner de lete the stained glass window at the front of the yuoa from the contract to renovate town offices at the request of the y board who wished it left in place agreed to pay tbejnemher- shlp fee of 20 to belong to the association of mayors and reeves authorized the clerk to re new the depot taxi license and three licenses for reliable taxi for 1968 turned down a resolution from goderlch requesting an amendment to be made to exist ing legislation so cities town and villages will not be required to contribute to suburban or county road systems a recom mendation from no 2 committee that it be turned down preclplt- ated some discussion in which it continued on paoe 3 sidewalk clearance problem for town councillor ted tylerthrewthe floor open for suggestions from councillors at tuesday nights meeringof council about a meth od of getting people to shovel sidewalks after a snowfall he said a goodportionofyonge and mills sts was still notsbojl ailed as he made his way down to the meeting he wondered if the town was taking the right task suggesting perhaps they should follow the example of hugh orourke elected head of chcrttlters hugh orourke was elected chairman of acton legion chor- allors at their elections last week he succeeds jim hlgglns other officers are secretary fred gordon treasurer gil mal colm librarian lou petrlc george musselle will continue as leader and george hall as pianist until mr musselle health is improved ted hansen will act as the groups leader mr musselle has been in the hospital other communities and look after sidewalk clearance reeve hlnton agreod the for change to some othor method was valid ho cited tho case of one former resident of town who died as a result of snow shovel ling those who are physically able dont do it and in other cases homo ownors cant copo with the snow mr hinton saldtho towntrucks added to the problem by stuffing driveways would the problem be more easily solvod if tho town did tho whole thing ha enquired clerk j mcgeachle said tho town superintendent was disturb ed about recent snow clearance in the business section where business men pushed snow on the streets the plows clear the streets and property owners push it back on town property making no effort to put it else where about tho town plows plugging their driveways to wait until the plow la finished boforo they clean thorn out said tho mayor aro we supposed to cloar the snow off the sidewalks or not askod tho clorkasmlnlstrator the problom was dumped back into tho laps ot no 2 commltteo for furthor study aftorhlntswero dropped that citios like toronto onforcod sidewalk cloarance sure to get out monday to go to work however all their efforts were smotherecjln drifts by mon day morning most people in town walked to work carrying hastily made lunches many started outoftown but turned back buses were running late highways yjere kept open at all times but oft vlrof eowfltiooa were haiardous especially when the gate- swept ukj sno across- the windshields shovellers ho really puttner backs into it got alttwwarwn to the- dayold tcvbelowi then some of tiemeven put skates bn tostioveltfnowl s ycnlldiwivbmssbd with ah un- expected holiday romped in the snow for hours there wefe monstroof banks to slide down only two accidents in towh were attributed to the storm one involved a town truck out- slow plowing neither v ious and there were ns injuries irt nassagaweya township about 100 homes were without power from about 4 am monday until 1 pm the same day bad rpad conditions prevented hydro crews from locating the trouble- readily to add to the problem families who might have gone elsewhere to get warm were trapped in their chilly homes by drlfts those wllh fireplaces imprc- vised oldfashioned meals over theflames snowplows and sanders of the department of highways sand pit west of town on no 7 highway wore out in full force from noon on sunday through that day and night all day monday andthrough monday night there are two drivers for each of the two dho plows so the men put in many extra hours the snow drifted in as fast as we could plow it said one man by wodnesday both highway 7 and 25 were bare after salt continued on pag 3 mayor hopping mad over unreasonable criticism of town staff where else could they put it asked councillor pat mc- kenxle mayor los duby is hopping mad about the unreasonable criticism somo citizens have heaped on tho town workmen over snow cloarance alter the huge snowfall ovor tho wookend and monday in general people are most understanding but tho re aro a smoke fills micro plant alarm sounded saturday fire of unknown origin filled micro plastics main st n plant about halt full of smoke saturday afternoon firefighters respond ed speedily to the alarm and were credited with preventing what could have been a serious blaze the plant was empty except for a few employees when vinee dunne noticed smoke lloyd broostead head of the mainten ance crew turned in the alarm searching through the billowing smoke firefighters located it source in piles of cartons bealde grinding machines the heat set off sprinkler heads in the danger area of the plant and water poured down on the cartons a tow motor was usied to pull out the cartons and they were wet downagain firefighters re mained at the plant almost two hours cartons and boxes of plastic were lost in the fire an id advise teoplewlkirjlonad w f most vohomont ovor conditions tho mayor said this morning ho recolved two dozen phone calls from people com plaining about snow conditions and the sceno st railway cross ing whore snow is piled high the town staff is dolngevery- thlng in its power to bring con ditions back to normal they worked 36 hours around the clock plowing and street cleaning i can stand tho criticism but i donf like to see the work force criticized when they are already doing the impossible electrical circuit was burnedand had to be cut off there was also some wafer damage as a result of the sprinkler system going off mid mom over the eaves of the garage this huge drift made a snowy playground for children around the post office garnet king of the castlel staff photo mhl up 500 firefighters collect record 764 for md a record 76455 up 500 from last year was collected by aeton firefighters for the miiyntr dystrophy association of canada during their campaign in november and december the flreflghlerfl used a new technique this year a house to house canvass as against their old method of relying on can- nisters in several locations cannlsters were used in addition to the canvass and the results astonished the committee committee chairman herb dodd was assisted by leo symott and harry otterbeln in organising the campaign we also received donations from the lions club and the beardmore fire department explained herb which also helped boost the toul benefit of the bnandal campaign will be sharedby children and adults afflicted by muscular dystrophy in koonrflon of hit service to the town and nation mayor les duby was chosen by anindependent committee to receive the lone centennial medal conferred by the municipality the mayors vklde interests and work for the town made him the logical choice the committee agreed postmaster gord aac- keown and publisher dave dills also received the medals staff photo the mayor emphasized that town workmen were able to be gin garbage collectiotujumime monday although conditions were far from normal in addition to their regular duties it took three hourato open the cemetery to get into graves for four funeral that day what those who criticize dont realira the major charged is that people are doing thelrlevel best to clean this snow up he wondered what some eomplalners would do if they lived in places where there was no hydro serv ice and streets were not cleared yet he polntedout that aeton roads were all passable monday morning the road committee of council after a late session last night tuesday went to the scene st railway crossing to view the road situation there which is al ways complicated by a narrow road everything is being done to correct the situation and were not sure who is responsible for that area since it affects the railway the highways department and the town perhaps concluded the mayor those who aro so quick to criticize should do some self- examination move town office temporarily town office renovations at the ymca building are disturbing the office staff so much and vice versa the office will be moved to the council chambers in the town hall for a temporary period from four to six weeks clarkadministrator jack mc geachle told council last night tuesday that the contractor was not getting a great deal ac complished because there was limited working area he talked to the contractor and it was agreed workmen could get a lot more done if the staff could be moved mr megsfchm suggested tha council chambers as an alter native until work was finished and council agreed suggestions la use the hydro otflof considered but council felt tsey would interfere with the hydro staff a resolution passed authoris ing the clerk to move the office temporarily into the council chambers v

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