Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 24, 1968, p. 1

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ht jvjcfiw jfrtt bfts ninetythird yearno 30 acton ontario wednesday january 24 1968 esquesing township ouncil chambers ftwsast tooth council chambers kasivew set of tenants this week see page three for the story in pictures staff photo b 67 building permits reflect spring boom building permit totals for 197 were totalled up tuesday by the iersra offlce to show that april waa the towns big month permits that month mostly tor new homes in lain view subdi vision amounted to a whopping 5j06so in value there were bo industrial per mit issued by the town all centennial year there were 83 residential permits issued all year totalling 795900 the ave commercial permits re presented 35 5z5 despite the move from the former mill st office to the council chambers the day before work was proceeding normally the building permits were a project of the day move or no move a suspicion t of acion bjgbt btill4ise und theyvwinf to annei vrorrt emjwslrig nrnshlp as 1 garbage disposal area wis allayed by a delegation from acton at thompwrtshlp council- monday night an agreement to transfer- the land will be drawn up by the township solicitor tho land isa 00172 acrepar- eel townowned lntbe township around palrvlow cemotory esiaioslng council was assured by tho throe man delegation from acton council consisting of mayor l duby roeve bert hln- ton and councillor d drlnkwalt- er thai the townhadnolnlentlons of annexing the land for a dis posal area mayor duby acting as spokes man told esoneslng councillors there were poople interested in the area and theylntendedtoopon up lots for building soma of which were already servicedby the town the mayor said there was an acuto need for housing in actqn y he brought tbwitsmjtreprf- aentthvas up to dahvod a land exchange wjtb beardmore andco on the present site of the town dutnp which wilt be used for gar bage disposal reeye george currie reminded the acton delegatlbn thai the last time they made a reonest tor the land to toused as a garbage du- posal area township residents in the area petitioned esonealng council to turn it down what part of the cemetery is in the town and township asked councillor patterson the older part of falrvtew is in town the newer section is in the township replied mr duby taeajmtheprfldflriycontrib- ule only about 50 a yeartotown- shlp coffers said clerk k c lindsay further discussion after tho acton delegation left brought a suggestion from the reeve that mrs oherbein resigns john goy returned parks recreation committee chairman vicechairman and committees of the board of park management and recreation committee set up in 1967 will remain the same this year with on exception at their meeting last thursday mm twin batted board accepted with regret the resignation of mr harry oherbein after aev- ea yeare of community service the board will seek someone to fill the remainder of mr otter- betas term of two years and take her place on the committees the motion to leave the ad ministration ond of the dualboerd alone returned john goy as chairman and brendan ahernaaa vicechairman chairman coy told the com mittee latest developments on purchasing the new compressor for the community centre he said one the very same installed in guelph held tee for the entire summer the new machine among other benefits eliminated possible trouble with the department of labor and did everything auto matically what the old one had to do manually in his report arena manager harold townsuy said the new compressor arrived at 130pm a welder was there by 230 and only another hour elapsed when installation was begun by the j h wilson installation team tho brand new so hj motor pur chased to run the machine cost 350 including trade ins wiring came to 33868 total cost of the whole protect was 6400 the sway of the ice machine hitting the narrow door on the way out has knocked off the back door in the arena the problem was left to the building commit tee to look at and mako a de cision the administration commltteo of the board revlowed the sum mer program and agreed 11 would be under tho supervision of don prlco a pormanont omployeefor 1968 ted tyler one of wo council representatives on the commltteo said tho commlttoo has to mako a decision on what to do with the lelshman park the hearingde it must remain parkland the township solicitor draw up an agreomeittfor transfer of tho sand with the provision included it could not be usedfbr garbage disposal we eaot bind themaaldthe clerk t what guartntae have wo- got they wont puvthelr dumpthero then asked the eeove none- rtplied the clerk wed have to go to the municipal board a suggestion from the roeve that they ask the township solici tor to draw up an agreement and let him decide what should go in it was agreed upon council seemed to be in favor of the land transfer unless it was used for dumplngpurposes assault charge laid at arena a charge of assault has been laid following a scuffle at the arena sunday afternoon during the public skating session three youths had been asked to leave the ice by don prlco and then by police because of their language and behaviour a brother returned to the arena and in assaulting mr price also involved a woman spectator and child twelve pagos ton cents kaz uwandowski eliboth dr pulled this 9 lb lake trout from a hole in the ice on lekjrsimcoa nea hawk toov suncjay thj largest fijhker has ever caught b uirjd jive mln- nowcavbl hriobk 15 minulos to- land iiasijid bv v boddvjinil- ll it was the fial io hii own fish hut ths yoar ior the 1 pair vy- 4hey ve age logai bacft- vv andtryfor mor ik iimcoo they assurii the- phrttogvjipfwrvya foil of fish like this gtfvphoi6f mrs nan hurst graduates in first winter convocation bob drinkwalter heads planning board for 68 at the planning boards first meeting of 1968 bob drinkwalt er was again named chairman sid salts vicechairman and iain williams reengaged as secret arytreasurer mr williams and afeb blow were appointed the board repre sentatives to halton county plan ning association cranston griese attended the meeting last thursday evening in the council chambers to see if it would be feasible to present a- plan of subdivision for his prop erty chairman drinkwalter sug gested he wait until the seynuck estate is flnallaed a letter was road from halton county planning association ask ing tho acton boards opinion of a resolution on ton acre lots limitations mr williams was to inform tho county board act on was comptotoly agreed and would uphold tho resolution a change in the plannlngact would be ontallod tho annual budget is to be prepared for presentation to council discussion on possible areas for annexation will bo continued at upcoming moetlngs all members of planning board were present except stan joe and meb blow mr tyler said be matter left over meeting a new sutxmvlder might be going thenfjuid it could be an opportunity io create a park there i dont want to see it go on another year perhaps grow weeds he said it could be enlarged or ex changed for a larger park area suggested councillor masales itcould be in conjunction with the band hall envisioned mr tyler webavent got a park where you can sit wed need a dam at the lake continued vicechair man aheme also discussed was the park land along the lake on elisabeth drive the subject was to be put on next months agenda the committee also authorized the secretary to pay the financial statement of 24417 paid membership for tho ontario municipal recreation association agreed to meet the third thursday of every month in tho new library instructed the secretary to send a cheque to the high school board for one dollar in payment for the old boiler cigarettes change stolen at legion cigarettes and change valued at about s have been taken from the legion the theft was re ported to police early saturday morning by lloyd masales apparently entry waa made through the front door which was found to he unlocked taxes collect 889b 1967 taxes ung ivvfe auditors poring over the town books came up with one piece of information which assured coui clllors at their meeting last wi that acton citizens were cl minded clerk j mcgeachle told coun cil 8794 per cent of the 1967 taxes were collected when tho auditors checked the books and extremely low figures the ar rears has also been consider ably reduced since then few municipalities in the county can even come clow to that figure commented reeve bert hlnton q it shows tbereaoikpfdv- le minded people in acton councillor tedtylersummadun a charier member of welling ton college and tho only grand mother in a group of 22 grad uates mrs nan hurst will re ceive her bachelor of arts degree from the university of guelph at thswlrst winter convo cation tho 22 undergraduates and 28 graduate students wilt receive degreos at convocation friday at 730 pm in war mem orial hall all the undergrad uates receive ua degrees ox- eept one who receives a bachelor of science degree mrs hurst majored in english and history and lspresenilyem ployed in the arts library at the university of guelph one son and her daughter are still univ ersity students since the number of those re ceiving degrees in the winter isnt large graduates were not limited in their guests who could attend mrs hursts family will nearly all be therei husband joe town office manager son michael whos doing postgrad uate work at york university to ward his master of business administration degree daughter jill an undergraduate at western university son jon and his wife and son mark acton per parents mr and mrs harry halo georgetown and miss frances hurst richmond hill son peter a communicator with tho department of external affairs is postod in lagos nigeria so ha and his wife cant attend and hor two grand children aro too young mrs hurst rolurned to high school several years ago and after graduating continued on to unlvorslly in tho new arts college at the university of guelph the unlvorsllys recently introduced semester systom results in this first wlntor convocation mrs hurst is undecided about her future since shoslnterested in both library workandteachlng construct road into industrial basin town receives 750 cheque from rubin co all contributions to the town coffers are gratefully accepted especially when they come un expected like one from the rubin corporation clerk j mcqeachle brightened last wooks council meeting by reading a letter from the rubin corp in which was enclosed a choouo for 7s0tokeepthe towns good will over the issue of slit in lakevlew pumping stations pumps big builders in the lakevlew subdivision in 1967 rubin said their operation might be contrib uting but they felt most of the silt in the pumps came from the towns sewage installation pro- vet on elmore drive however the company decided to contrib ute 750 to the town to keep the good will of the municipality the letter was withheld until the committee of adjustment and the ontario municipal board hearings were over so the com panys motives would not ha questioned very nice letter a moat acceptable gesture chorused several councillors someone else thought it might be a good idea to send a copy of the letter to other builders in town mayor duby commented we won the game of checkers chess outl the clerk was instructed to write a letter of thanks to the rubin corporation acknowledging the contribution t4 true canadian robin a robin has been spotted at the frog pond by the dump a crescent st boy called the free press to say hed seen the welcome sight wonder if the bird just arrived or if its a true hardy canadian spend ing the winter with us a recommendation from no 2 committee that anindustrlal road from main st to ihe industrial basin be constructed this year was passed by acton council last week council decldedtoproceedwlth the construction of a basic road after first receiving recommend ations and costs from the engin eers we want to make this basin accessible to people who want to visit it explained road com mittee chairman bob drink walter we have to spend 5000 or 6000 so it is foolish not to get the job done the basin is no good until its accessible reeve hlnton said he was not pro or con but it put council in an untenable position when they didnt know the cost it would be ridiculous if costs went to 10 or 12000 he could see no reason for council tocommltthomselvos at this time clerk j mcgeachle suggested council could ask the engineer to do tho preliminary work and get an estimato of tho costs involvud in the job our commlttoo isdetermlnod to get a road into thlsproperty councillor drinkwalter told tho reeve ho explained it would not be a paved access strictly a basic road for the first yean im in agroement with tho commltteo said mayor duby ive always felt we needed a road to prosent the property pro perly furthor discussion and tho roeve agreed to go along with a resolution providing it included a provision for first receiving a recommendation and costs from the engineer resignation turned back for study acton council sent a letter of resignation from councillor bill williams back to committee for further study at their regular meeting last week mr williams cited shift work and his inability to attend all the meetings as his reason for re signing however be waa to be contacted before any dadaion is made on accepting the realg- nauoni usual procedure in a ease like this is to contact the runnerup in the election and ask him or her to serve the remainder of the two year term 47 die on halton roads in 1967 sptsimmf km ttm town dump this new arth moving machlna also cam in handy at town workman cleared streets of snow banks wednesday and thursday nights last weak tho mill end mam st butinett taction wet the main target of the loaders a flaat of trucks was kept busy loading end unloading staff pholq a ttatitticel report on fatal accidents within halton county compiled and released by crown attorney peter k mcwilliams shows 47 people lost their lives in motor vehicle accidents in helto county during 1967 the score includes seven double one triple and one quadruple fatalities in 1046 only 27 perished in highway accidents but in 1c65 the flgurf stood at 40 those killed include 19 drivers 19 passengers slk pedestrians and three cyclists motorcycle seven drivers with a blood aleov hoi reading of over 05 per cent wore involved in accidents in which all seven drivers and four other people died six people died after being thrown from their cars three died of steering column injuries and none of the three motorcyclists killed was wearing e crash helmet although only one died of head injuries while in accidents where the vehicle was demolished e seat belt wbuld have made little difference none of tho occupants of deathcart wore seatbeht tlvw pedestrians died of which three were at fault and one was struck by a drink ing driver throe train accidents accounted forsix fatalities all at crossings unprotected by sig nals the number of collisions in overtaking vehicles increased from one to five one of them a double fatality was caused bv drinkinq driver ariblher double fatality wat partly the result of the limited visibility at an interselcion which is inadequate for present day speeds f in its summary ik4 report called for a general review by the county and local municipalities of the adttquaclm of itwalr reacts for present day traffic with particular regard to sight lines at interselcions width of bridges and shoulders at to conform to current de sign standards eight of the 17 drinking drivers war killed and 31 of the 47 fatal crashes involved drinking drivers

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