Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 24, 1968, p. 11

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hem 93 mtmbtn accomplishment pleasures recorded in golden age clubs annual report the following u a concise re name th afttitt a pleasaras of acton golden age cbb for the past year at on beginning of the year a centennial qomnrftte was ap- pointed art the cntnnleltheae w fore moatabdortne the year tl eomolttaoboe abeaoti- fal njbby afrwgo4miol- tetonvtad dooabrd it to actons cramontal ubrary acentepnlal tearbook wa tefnnty lira donfald kennedy who spent tnaov uateootlaounc mate rial aridplc- td3wsfilttliecnewalfloit tntbw actbnfairfelrsaepnd- prt in it class tbecbbrallerswereclvenlzs ttere maying tasjnf at fepo aa an expression of fbe honor they ware bringing to acton james houston was presented with w past president jewel mr jack creasy was appoint- d the representative to the com munity service council and at- tonded several of their meeting the piano in the y was tuned many members acted as volun teers to telephone prospective donors for two blood donor clinic several gdlts ware quitted ln- elndlnf one iarc heintlfnl quilt made by mr jean smith and taken by bar to england as a wedding gilt to mr only niece another quilt made by ft quilt committee won first prise in its class at acton fall fair itwas drawn for at the fair and the sale of ticket on tt added a good sum to the centennial fund mrs kennedy had spent hours marking beautiful intricate pat terns on these two quilts mrs nelson lambert was a land and wilting hosts for several quitt ing mrs don reed and mrs r l davidson were appointed official delegate to the 8th annual con vention of united senior cttisen of ontario incorporated in ham- won aug 2829 and brought back interesting reports and a deter mination to attend the coming convention in waterloo univer sity if possible and to persuade as many other members to go aa possible bus trips were taken to oak- wile to the annual zone picnic to couingwood aug 3rd to loo- don oct 4tb and to tb zone rally nov 12 the junior farmer took a bus load from the acton and milton clubs to see the christmas light in toronto oakville and milton december 21 an enjoyable picnic washeldln prospect park sept 7 with a wellplanned program of sports arranged by mrs robert mc- enery the rhythm band under the capable leadership of mrs john cossar bought some instruments and made good progress they wan invited to perform at the milton manor afjhe annual kotarlans duoer for senlorcit- sens in georgetown besutos putting o a vrtltweevad num ber at the zone rally tasorge- tojn and entertaining 4 some of foe club meeting much oreom is- dee mr cosset who spent much time on thl project and worked bard for its niece on oct 3 acton golden age club hosted the zone executive meeting when nine of the lochibs of the zone were represented au were sorry to see miss m z bennett sell ber home and moveaway the- club was saddened oy the anxb of several valuabbt and member mrs wm evans mrs basil john stone arthur 8wackharoer and wilfred coles their famla were given tributes of plant and messages of sympathy a minute of alienee was held for each several menibars were bereaved by the ldssof close relative and were remembered mis annie aldus arfl cpn- vensrj continuedto doari excel- lent job of sending out getwell cards also christmas cards to shutins mr and mrs robert wcenery happily celebrated their 55th wedding anniversary and mr and mrs ifcl brown happily celebrated thilr 58th wedding anhlyerry doth coupleswere given plant along- wth the con gelation best wishes of i the member ttne various lunch aridenter talnmeot committees deserve jl great deal orcredlhor wdrkwalt rhythm band under the leadership of mrs j cosier entertained el golden age club rheetings end had some outoftown engage ments loo during the past most successful year staff photo golden age club off ken named at annual meeting fred klngstnlll ably acted as installing officer at the owim meeting of acton golden age club in the luxton hau on tues day nlgnt bob wlnton was chair man of the nominating committee and the slate of officers with few changes was duly installed counsellor mrs george fry er past president jas rolston president tludavldson co- president mrs rldavldson first vicepresident campbell agntw second vicepresident robert warns secretary mrs donald read assist secretary mrs jas rolston treasurer mrs jack craaseys assist treasurer mrs campbell winn pianist mrs percy woods card convener miss annie atkins welcoming committee mrs wlldsrspln miss annie atkins convener for euchre mrs millar mrs lam bert convener for crounola ed healey robert allen auditors miss aildns mrs j lambert a good annual report was given by the treasurer with a bank obituary balance in the general fund and in the centennial fund the secretary gave a concise resume of the years accomp lishments it was decided to have an an nual membership fee of 1 a hearty welcome will be extended to any folk over 60 years who would like to come out to the meetings and join the club entertainment committee for february and march is mrs wlldsrspln and mrs j lambert lunch mrs fryer a discussion was held re- ww apartments for senior citizens in acton and it was felt there is a definite need for reasonably priced apartments suitable for senior cltliens in acton as in so many other towns these should be situated near stores churches and the post office plans are underway for a trip to maple leaf gardens or to see a good show such as sound of music mixup games were played with mrs woods at the piano a bountiful lunch concluded a very pleasant evening award john roo medal john root mppforwelutig- tondutferln has been awarded a centennial medal by the secre tary of state the hon judy la marsh mr root has had the honor of being elected five times to the ontario legislature where he was appointed vicechairman of the ontario water resources com mission a body which has be come increasingly important over the years he has served the commission for the past six years mr root lives near orion c of c election the chamber of commerce annual meeting tonight wednes day follows a buffalo dinner at the station hotel officers for the coming year will be elected former hakon sheriff w j l hampshire dies a former sheriff a man active in municipal affairs and a dedi cated church worker william james laird billy hampshire of speyalts was buried in fair- view cemetery- acton last week ha died in milton district hos- pltal on saturday january 13 in bis mth year wall known through hamon as a man interested in his com munity mr hampshire possess ed a keen wit and an excellent memory in bis later years h rested aithe macnabchap- 1 in milton where a memorial service was bald on january is burial took place later in the week pallbearers ware all neighbor john and edward brown jim fisher ernie wil son stan wilson and jack win boo rev s smith of boston presbyterian church conducted the service born in fergus ha cam to hatton county a the age of sev en months and spent the remain- dr at his hit haw his grand father jabnmenaughtonemlgret- d to new york state in 1103 from scotland and came to can ada to u1s to settle on ksojms- lags town una mr mewaugbl- oa was kaqneaing first reeve a smmbar of hiltons first coun ty council and its second ward en mr hampshires family had a 200aer farm at speystde and la bis youth ha helped clear tb virgin pin which covered the land the good pin was sent to england to build shin tad tat atassps vara asad far stsaaa wldoh sun dot the area la the lo he carried mor tar tad stoat to help txdid a stow boas oa highway 19 jaat bstow 10 vdtread wuchhelafer boaghf la uli mr hajnpaaire and his sister lived there aatil eight years ago whan she was killed in a car accident sine then ha resided with neighbor stanley brown until two year ago when he moved to the kelly nursing home at acton educated at dufferin school speystde he later served 30 years as a trustee of the school plus a period as caretaker he spent seven years on the esiquesing council two of them aa deputyrmv and two as reeve giving him four years as a county councillor a member of boston presbyterian church for 10 years he first attended services there 93 years ago for26yeare he taught a bible class be was sunday school superintendent 25 years and a member of the board of managers tor several years he was an aider from 1930 to date it was in 1935 that he became sheriff surrogate court regis trar and local registrar of deeds for the county of hauoa a post he held until 1946 he never had any hangings to do but had three jsllbreaks to cope with one the first day he bald the onto of sheriff a haitong liberal he ran in the 1m6 ttdsrel election but was beaten by the conservative ean- dtdate dr r k anderson mr hampshire was also president of the county sunday school associ ation for several year and did a lot of public spealdng at churches around the county h was one president of the club la milton a mans social ebb us rente for loagevltj was his assort disposition and a good hard days work although bothered by a kaa lajary he waited a mil every day aatll reoaat year ha lovad hf pipe aad started smoking at the age fit billy hampshire ks iwtal fat following their request tohlgh school board for a reduction in rental tee for their december 1 dance in the high school project action received a reply last weak from the board the board advised the group they regret thai they cannot at this time make any changes in the tea which was established at the november is meeting annual meeting location of the fair board an nual meeting will have to b chanced wite the town offices taking over the council cham ber for a month or so the date of the annua masting is saturday january 27 churchill church service whits in news by mrs rf mcarthur owing to rev gordon b tur ner having an accident while aid ing on saturday he was unable to take the service at churchlu church mr allan lauder took the ser vice using as his text the word power leaving all who were present much to think about there wlu be no confirmation class tuesday evening au hope his accident was not too serious and that he can soon be around again mr and mrs harry kroeker of st catharines and his parents mr and mrs jake kroeker of virgil vlsltdd on sunday with mr and mrs leslie swackhamer and girls mr and mrs wllbert brown and family visited on sunday with their neighbors mr and mrs w butler in fergus a couple of weeks ago mr and mrs harper mcnicb- ol of toronto and mr and mrs klngsley mcnlcbol of mono road spent the weekend with their sis ter mr and mrs ward hamilton and family mr and mrs roy hall and klnuny of gaelpn spent saturday with ber mother mrs alfred sauaders mrs alfred saunders spent the weekend with her daughter mr and mrs bert rogers of htlisburgh mr and mrs carman maltby and boy of umahouae spent sunday with mr and mrs nor man turner sultana and david mrs lorn saunders attended a baby shower for bar aister-ln- law mrs jack cowley la toron to on sunday mr and mrs james lelieb war sunday visitors with mr and mrs bruce lelich and bev erley mr ford contlnuedio b an efficient and reliable malntea- bncemari mrs jack lambert euchre and ed healey ctokinola were worthy of praise for their successful efforts in making the- afternoon meetings pleasure- the annual christmas turkey dinner held in luxton hall and catered tobythe anglican ladles guild was the highlight of the yar mr and mrs rl davidson again gave wonderful leadership many of the other members could be especially mentioned centennial year has beenavery busy successful and worthwhile year we have been made mora aware of our wonderful heritage in this bountiful land of purs many paid homage to their for bears by wearing centennial cos tumes may we all try to make the next hundred years as glorious and progressive as the last century anyone over 60 years of age is welcome to attend the meet ings and join the acton golden age club thero are now 03 members and room for more elsie reed secretary opp log 974 hours patrol 6394 miles during the week of jan is 20 inclusive personnel of mil ton detachment ontario prov incial police worked a total of 974 14 hours and patrolled 6394 miles on area highways as a result of patrol 30 charge were preferred 47 traffic warn ings were issued and 12 vehicles were safety checked there were also 61 convictions registered in magistrates court tber were 14 property dam age accidents invastigaud and- five pursonal injury accident resulting in sight person being injured tand total property- difmage of lg06q cause m annoltncement the acton free pre wednesday january 24 1968 accidents were driver lost con trol of vehicle improper tarn improperly parted vehicle fol low too closely and speed too fast forroadortrafflecondltlan there were four charge laid as a result of these accidents during this period there were 27 general occurrences reported including one minor theft from a parked car one motor vehicle tolen innassagaweyatwp being investigated one stolen motor vehicle recovered for other opp detachment and one pre mise found insecure at night all other occurrences were tt aminor nature layman a lauder preaches sunday allan lander anelder of trin ity united church preached sun day at acton and churchill chur ches taking power as his subject mr lauder is leader of the boys tyro group the minister the rev gordon turner was at trinity but suf fering from a siding injury lat er in the day he was taken to guelpb gensralhospltal and i tttt jast for an in jured tendon corolla bmc uoo vw 120o vive ranaoh 10 pclcr i iwjniijti iis ia m mrv o- i- ry so 4 wladit iiv me- wv bh ski- 3j tee s- j 7 f pterin- j 1 vi mm iv7 j1i ma h1 don ir mcmillan the sun cife akkuruncc company announces the ap point men of don h mc millan au representative in halton county and sur rounding area don is a life lonu resident of the area and would welcome the op portunity to serve vou toyota corolla your best buy park motors 8779439 georgetown open till 9 pm dajiy chest freezers at model kc2241 models priced from exclusive kelvinator features porcelain exterior finish five freezing surfaces polarsphere compressor 5year food spoilage warranty see them now at 1 11 3 wyndftam str guelph ont w

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