Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 24, 1968, p. 2

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j the acton free prcli wednesday january- 34 1966 iry 2 4h girls present preview of exhibit for dublin w i life membership presented mrs veldhuis by ucw unit very ntanstlnf manner under good instructor the alria in the 4h group gain much knowudfe in many ways not only in sewing and culinary methods but in keeping their chart books neat and uptodate a brerunner of the exhibit of the 4h girls of dublin womens instltuto at the halloo acnieve- ment day being held in ballina- fad community hall on saturday january zo was given at the regular meeting of toe branch on thursday evening thlrteoiv gurts comprised the v a spleodw turnout of ladle sfcenlrfg beauties toy the attendettthemeetljui atbanlo training cours slrp4nsgar- hbjn mrs k pwrce on v meats this ff me jv loader blue sjngs rloea meaeafawljra helnkttsfmocarronairfvccndutim the meeting was -wf- mr1l uiyth miss uureno pdnt mreltnelus lnthe rorlalck was narrator and chair the institute ode was siwodtlw dlfferorit types of v mg the marvstev c fajroehtswhloh hadbeen made- v aidtilnedlbaoanal0ru iii sewing these artlele in a utters of thanks tor christ mas remembrances were read by mrs a moffat secretary payment of annual fees to the womeos institute branch were approved an appeal for assistance for the expansion mecdonald in- stltus university of guelp- rpo1d to by an annual recall centennial projects at greenock wi mrs jim mocellocb welcom ed members of greenock wi to her new borne in acton for the january meeting mrs wm johnston assisted by mr ralph sinclair present do canadians appreciate their country this was prepared by mrs sinclair a contest of song titles was conducted by mr c allan and miss e pearenwas the winner thank you cards were received for christmas boxes and get well cards and a blanket recelvedby are victims members were sskad to bring centennial calendars with their the afternoon unit of ocw trinity met jan is in the church with mrs eaton in the chair the retiring secretary mrs earl lambert read the minutes of the last meeting miss annie aldns was elected the new secretary and accepted office mrs fred cleave conducted the worship service in an om- warkiouecundthe lords pray- r the roll caujra responded- to by a law calorie recipe l arche auxiliary make plans for ctance at legion in anarch don tor the next iour years tcboeen tor 4i uaderstorth -next- course are me- t 6- carron and mrs m jjougus ths iboughtfortb day was ably taken by mrs wnvrraait her theme wa keep bapprmlndad and you will create miracles mr m neuls conducted a very enjoyable coolest with mrs h clhaanshlp tb tor4criw tor to opening 6the meeting k l v a smsp povsraorgeaerau was present ed by mrs sinclair thethirti canadian tobe appointed to this jugh office roland mlchsnerls canadas gstb governor general assuming hts otto earry la centennial year b and ws wla have already proven their suit ability for the position ttmeihber n4 entpy stichv as family reunions makings qulu andtugsplastng various trees very en airs w s p ui- j i- t7 in vl enjoyabl sing song mrs several also enloyod tr ii mccuiochagalh offered jobe the roll call was anawered bjf loaders for the iwv 4h protat the cortipletlon of rnycenton the- club girl ensirtalnsv tdal prolectvthebroightforthi a gate and mrs wal- litany things whjchnemhors will isee havo arranged fqrthe first ii k- v u jl vnm he veast project of which they arelhe tagders o canada was sung at the- cob elusion of the meeting refresh the larcho auxiliary hold lis regular monthly meeting at the library on jan 11 at b pm the presldont mrs j kulken opunod tho meeting with a pray er for he mentally retardud twelve members were present a progress riport of tho com- lng dancd on march t il us j n iff y t fs- caivx emblem loudet tlckelu-arobelngprlnt- ad aiulvilllv 4tlbiith atliindlng t members reported that iiionluxsent for christmas parties at the sunshlno school ami tho hop workshop were put to good una gifts wore dlatrlb utod and a good time was had by ovoryonu tho treasurers report as of diicomtur 3167 showod a bal anco of 2084c tho iiioollng night has been changod from the first thursday of ovory month to the second thursday of tho month the mooting was adjourned and coftoo was served winning perfect scores the next regular meeting will be held at the home of mrs horaoeblyth mrs pierce along with bar two daughters assisted mrs d moffat and mrs m helll in nerving a delicious lunch while the ladles enjoyed a social chit chat on behalf of the group mr george robertsonexpreas- d thank to the hostess for bar hospitality to those contributing to the program and to the lunch convenors several also enjoyed making and george wallac read the motto wearing centenniaigpwns mohtd were enjoyed with mr a winter and mrs k ecknrlch bflsistlngtho hostess golden age club members are going together by bus to milton tonight to e the sound of music at the rosy theatre jhe canartlan association for reterdoitchlldren emblem of hope and care showing an adult holding thehanda of a child is becoming recognised across canada a the emblem of the on organisation dedicated to the plight of the mentally retarded euchre winners winners at last saturdays eu chre at the lol hall were joseph fuller bea anderson yvonne dewar and joan mcdon ald live measles vaccine program for children a new live measles vaccina will be administered to young children across halton county it the next month according to plans announced by the halton county health unit all children susceptible to measles those who have not had the disease and those not prev iously imtnuhitad who are now in grade one in halton will be innoculated the new vaccine is called the schwartc variety dr w g c kennoy is homo again from toronto general hospltal many friends and formor customers are sorry to loam mr harold wiles is a patient in guelph general hospital ho hopes to be tiomo again soon mr wlbs became a very wellknown figure over the years in his bus depot and confectionery store which was sold recently whon ho and his sister retired to kiw ave and it gives a longer immunity to the disease with fewer side effects halton moh dr hb hay reports although the vac cine is still scarce the halton unit hopes to have enough on hand by february to do the coun tys children in the prescribed age range e r extra doctors will be engaged santa pair projects by the health unit toadmlulter dr and mrs rowan watkor and family wlllowdale mr and mrs w l mcneil milton dr and mrs jackwalkorandfamlly hamilton renewed school frlund- slillii on sunday with t mr and mrs alt long and family throo acton teams competed tuohday at erin in the ladles macdonald bonsplul one team placed second just half a point from first and potto ry vases wore presonlodtoshtrloyhunlor jacklo blow ihyl patrick and dorothy andorson tho daylong conlercncit in georgetown hlfchschool on conditions of work for aiallly teaching and conditions for izjil rr7miazl j quality loarnlng had a vory good izjjzstissz continue during year representation from acton al teachers trustees study quality teaching goals a pilot conference to study conditions of work for quality toachlni and quality learning drew nioro than 100 teachers board monitors and interested citizens from milton acton erin and georgetown to georgetown district high school on a recent saturday tho daylong conference heard spoechos from tompherrllas- jxlsianr superintendent of second ary schools in north york and 11 j a drown business admin istrator andsocrctaryireasurar of tho toronto township board of education following each of the talks tour discussion groups were formed summarizing the conference sponsored jointly by the ontario secondary school teachers fed eration and the ontario school trusloes council groups gen erally reported a vory worth- whilo oxperlonco several groups emphasliodthe need for otfoctlve communication betwoen tho board and the teach ers h was suggested further otlng s of type would be helpful it was also reported that the home influence was deteriorat ing and this was one of the prob lems in providing a good educa tional environment the import ance of a personal interest by the teacher in the pupils was suggested as one way of com batting the problem of declining home influence and this would require a decreased number of pupils per teacher the 441 movement was cited as the kind of program urban children should also have la a different field from which they could obtain en couragement and personal con tact methods of assessing the work of a teacher were difficult it was suggested by one group it ruled out any possibility of as sessment by students and sug gested possibly evaluation should be by the profession itself in- concluding the conference chairman john ronson past pre sident of the ontario urban and rural school trustees associ ation suggested all had the same objective learning the prob lem is how do we get there and how fast he expressed the hope the group hadlearnedsome- thlng about how to do a job more effectively u we dont weve just donated our time he ob served group leaders for the discus sions were d g lawson georgetown william tom milt on ray arblc acton dsander son erin among those attending from acton were principal e a han sen w k uephall w hoey j r bray h r force claude cook a w uckantie eg curtis r n uughlen duncan t moffat f j salt j h crelgh- pjd to be on hand for the eel- ton w a coat h c swallow brailons of these about 1000 selected for thelnnoeuutioopro- graw are in the age group run ning the greatest risk of con tacting measles the health units data pro cessing equipment is counting the children who will receive the vaccine ninlkn tttw ottawa h may ottawa we are returning will be the battle ery for approxi mately 83 local and area school patrollers this year the ham ilton automobile club la co operation with a number of mun icipalities and service organiza tions will be sponsoring a week end trip to ottawa for these youngsters the event is the eighth nat ional school safety patrol jam boree of the canadian automo bile association and constituent clubs which will be held in otta wa may 17 and 18 in all same 6000 school patrollers are ex- tbe evening group of ho uc w met in trinity united church for the regular meeting on wed nesday of last week the new unit president mrs gordon johnson chaired tho mooting the unit officers for iocs are president mrs gordon johnson secretary mrs a irwin treas urer mrs c rognvaldson pro gram mrs tom shlolds visit ing mrs wm ulddleton social mrs f houston and mrs m debaan projects for tho santa fair were mentioned each lady is to bring one article per month mrs m n reed t e watson cd anderson will be from different centres across canada call miniconvention to set standards for local libraries this annual trek toibe nations mrs william laird xftgvsez spent girlhood here play audi an important role in making safety a reality for school the southcentral regional library board representing the counties of wentworth brant and halton have as one of their projects for 1968 the setting of standards of sorvices that the community should expect from tho library and conversely what the library andcommunlty should recwvtf from the provincial body to assist in arriving at stand ards inj services which will be realistic invitations will be sent through local library boards to leaders in tho community may ors chairmen of school boards teachers librarians etc to at tend a miniontario library as sociation convention in hamilton on feb 18 and 19 this convention will be held at the holiday inn from 2 rxm to 8 pm with a break for dinner feb 18 and on the 19th from 930 am on to a dinner and pep talk al 6 puu the business of tho 19tb will be oriented to pro blems and ideas from librarians and their assistants it la hoped thai this practical method of obtaining such a broad selection of opinion and idea on libraries services and uses will prove to be invaluable la forming recommendations to the provincial authorities acton milton georgetown and oakvtue libraries are combined to form the north halton area and fred new of acton 1 the area reutreseniattve he attend ed a south central regional lib rary board meeting last satur day in hamilton public library word was received in acton on saturday of the passing of mrs william laird of windsor formerly of actotcshe was bom here and spent her girlhood years bare older acton residents will re member bar as ella gamble daughter of mr and mrs thom as gamble who later married william laird many year they moved to windsor jiar husband predecaasedyfcer msny years ago and ah herself has been la falling health for more than two year they were members of the acton methodist church while resident here mrs r m macdonald is a sisterinlaw and lira john greer is a niece children this year they are re cording yet another year with no fatalities at thelrprotectedcros- treats in store will parade an attar- circus and tours of buildings and the among i be a rnamn noon at i over dty this will be the eighth year that the hamilton automobile club has participated lathlspro- gram municipalities la the hamilton automobile club delegation to the jamboree were acton brant- ford waterdown saltfleet town ship dundas stoney creek an- caster duanvlut burllngtoaand georgetown do it yourself doesnt work in insurance either why run the risk of do it your self insurance our expert help makes it easier aafer and less ex pensive call us today b aafer aave money qjej dtnnts insuranct- agb4cy 17 mm st w acta tt4m rbidens milt 8532343 bill s533645 harold 8532565 a jsjingtoin a number of acton pop members tdasplilngniernbsra of tb r pjtl r nd squire dahc club jourhwed to falington vxfc dayjanuary ib to attend v hpeclajjiquajvojuiea thlardancii wall celled by earl park a nationally known caller from yorkton saskatchewan ho m approximately zoo daaerl6 mostly liuglhwrs from the sur rounding area ui a very onjoy- able evening i of modorh square dancing those attending from acton were hon and edytho douglas george and marluhargravosisk and olive joe gerry and jean patton stu and nan heod don and annetta van flunl david lidkoa hrlan ilea joan rama dan john itamsay gall need gordon hood howard itonzull and bobby townsoni eellent nunr reading god guides your fata man pro poses but god disposes if god is love what about catastroph es etc we must have faith to beltove in god even if the heav ens fall god has a purpose and a plan for every indlvldual mrs force finished the study book the church in the world and its purpose dmlllngbrlef- jy on the tweriyuve branches or splits of jto protestant ehorchv irfcenadev v mrs bhoutnakor report d a largo whntrrottng report on shut in and trill sick mrs lindsay prenta the retrftng uader mrs vidbul wjljc theocw tits fnembsr- shlp ln as anxprassloh of the group for her devotion ahdlf sacrifice af following- ihia an amplo lunth wail served liy mrs llndsay and r group jf most all dapartmont hoads on tho staff attonuyicl principal todhan- son joo bray bob laughlen harold swallow paul martlndalo olga martlndalo and mrs rood all tho school board members but one chairman duncan moffat tom watson ray arblccnoster anderson and secretary fred salt three mombors of tho ad visory vocational commlttoo claudo cook jack crelghton and hr force gw mckenzle re presenting council councluor pat patterson representing esq- uoslng council and dsputyreeve bill hooy reprogentlng nassaga- woya council renovations at supermarket denovallontt at a-bsupormar- kot are now comploto adding lo customors convonlonco and shopping ploasure thorou a now tllo floor comploto paint job now shelving for bettor display and a now checkout countor now carts have boon added as woll painting of outside doors was waiting for belter weather coowners of the mill street store are sam bloth and max zellor both of toronto store manager is actonlan don lindsay arthur a johnson od tueraday f ajo lo s pjia rvlday aja ia plttt im main it mhtom pvis jeweheje bmg for your comfort our waiting area has been enclosed dive in or convenient takriout service the en closed wailing area will keep vu comfortable while we prepare your order f tinder juicy riavor crisp chicken chicken by the piece available in any quan tity the ideal solution for surprise company or your next euchre chicken snack 79c chicken in a boy h39 special pak t20 eami1y pak j3o0 paptv pak 525 phono 8531201 b 4 m hood drivoln cme acton auvcl and ottem i actom january sale 25off chiidrens winth jacktts and snow suits ladies rayon panties 3 pair 1 f assorted stylet and color spcial candy mixtura of claaring unas chocolates hard candy creamt gum spacial 29c coloring books and crayon sate rsfl 153 suaclal h plastic housewear assortment clothes baskets water pails dish basins watte basketi cutlery trays handbasins veluet to 149 spacial 87c cgw fm out complete stodc of dfaasf to srfl winth snow boots foam bed muowj snodal 14 cotton bed sheets 72 or bo h 100 997 ft j47 muow cases hno cemon spclal 13 wr tw fg au hockey skats and ssfassf yv valt eouipment ft houri k tkatct wild bird soaclmjaturaasukltftwor s b aaewa january record sale fa u 147 por the house putfe statin window wetu tape wtuhtrttjtpping a km the car aoroaol bomb deice k so snow bruahaa fob seaorlno whoal coven tsc c fki ow camoleee stock ef wooauoe dttasf tv wh and corduroy yard ctojs the store that gives ychj a better choice a better guauty and a lc5webwicje hintons 5cto1 store a h y

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