Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 24, 1968, p. 3

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f a a ttlltttlfltt tllb axon preaa wedneiday january 24 1968 3 report fire destroys erin feed mill loss was estimated af bat men 75000 and 100000 whan kays feed mill in erin was completely destroyed by lira saturday night tha wyrold bujldlnc ibs tons of grain supplies equip ment aafl records ware all de voured by tha flames the loss was partially covered by in surance whan erin ore brigade arrived at the building located next to the cph station flames wero beginning to break through tho roof and nothing could be saved they concentrated their efforts on preventing the fire from spreading to harvey peavoys fuel oil and gas sales wooden building and weigh scales next door garnet kay of xl it 4 hock- wood had purchased the mill last august art hawes acton his son-in- law is the mill manager and bookkeeper and was the last to leave the building at 4 pm a friend returning to acton told him of the tire saturday night two hours af it was reported at 030 pm to erin tiro brigade and he rushed to tint ucono mr kay was away for tho wookuml the building was a compluto ruin whan mr hawes arrlvoil it wasnt until tuesday aftor- noon ho recovered tho safe from the ruins and then it was too hot to touch tho dobrlu was still smouldering mr kay hopes to rolxillil soon ueanwhlle he and his bon-ln- law will lie operatlngtho buslnoss from the kay farm at ium rockwood where they have threo mobile mills mounted on trucks he operated from home before buying the erin building the erin mill built in 1004 was of steelcovered wood and included an office heated by an electric heater and storage space they had hoped to build t- a store there in tha spring grain lost included oats corn barley and wheat the tire is being investigated by police cause has not yet bean determined moving thi town office inr 1 inmpor try period of from four lo hih vvnokn info tlu council ilfimlwr upl town worlmipn and olfiir till in y moncliy iftf moon rnnovnlmn l llw oldi r loc ilion will he ipi ttlncl up by llm movo nd flu of lie iff c rjliil lo r ipr from tin clamor ol huildincj noir luff clerk ulminilr llor j mr hk liu iil clerk join harrnon lr rn 1 nmlilr hr bl u righf svn ti nnrtnl office nianignr jo hurl clork and john dunn plirn 1 dolt in poilion tlw council rhrimbor i miillnr liul hriflmr ind tho town trill wn right n the oh tur sdny morning stiff photo esquesing hires caretaker explain everton jam plans at meeting january 29 a public meeting to explain plans for a proposed dam in the eve hon area has been called for monday jan 20 by tho grand rlvar conservation authority tha meeting will be hold in os prlnga public school off high way 24 at osprlnga starting at 815 pm a meeting planned for jan 15 was postponed because of bad weather property owners in the area of the proposed dam have been invited to attend along with re presentatives of fcrln and era- mosa township councils the everton dam is ono of five urge dams proposed by the do vou know the answers 1 its dark and insuring heavily at you drive long tha highway for belt vlilblllty switch your headlighra to high beam true or falls 3 youre driving along and hit an unexpected pitch of vou ihsuld a maintain tpeed and ut your car roll through tha slippery area b apply your braliea lightly c accelerate illghtly the answer to tkaie queitient 1 falls the high beams would cauie more glare from the authority in a 30000000 pro gram now before the federal gov ernment for approval the provincial government has approved the project but federal approval has been awaited for several months tha authority is seeking grants from the two senior levels of government to talling 75 per cent of the cost eiinioslng council inlorvlowud oldi applicants for tlio aro- taklng job at the townijilp offices before kcllliifr to acrupt tlio bid of llalton and pool malnlunancu ii1 1 georgetown to keop tho building and property inalntalnoil fho inccuhnful bhklor will do tho work under the miporvlslonoftho clork for 2110 a wouk on tho urging of councillor cf pat pattorson who folt previous mothodi of rovlcwlnp salartos in tho township woro by gosh and by golly council patsoda rosoliitlontliattho roovo and deputy roovo moot omployoon first ami bring their rocominei d- atlons back to council nogotla- tlons woro to bo loft however until aftor county council hail sottlod county salarlo- councillor paltorion folt town ship salartos woro low compared to neighboring municipalities wo nood more careful scrutiny of them ho told council evoryone should be paid com- moniurate with what thoy do sidewalkb in norval which aro covored with snowbydopartmonl of highways plows drew a resolu tion from council requesting tho highways dopartniont to romovo tho snow slnco it created a dan gerous situation children un- ablo to walk on sidewalks woro forced to walk on tho load widening of tho highway in norval croatod the situation snow which normall would bo plowod on boulovardi nowsplllod onto sidewalks council itll the townuhlp win not responsible for lilfihwayi plows whllo on tho mibject of snow removal mr pattorsonaldliod llku to commend road suporlii- tonilunt hud snow on tho job ho and his itaff illd aftor tho rocont storm ills thoughts woro ochoed by tlio rest of council aftor a illscussloi on its morlts huovogoorgocurrlo was ippolniod to the county industrial commllteu for 1008 vou can put mo on it but i wont tako a feo at tha and of tlio yoar thats what i think of tho job commontod tlw roovo what is tlds commlttoo askod ur patterson a commlttoo supposed 16 gat lmlustry into tho- county an swered the roovo but i dont romombor esquesing benefitting from tholr actlvltlos council had similar thoughts about tho county emergency uoasuros organization alter doputyroovo tom hill produced a bylaw which the euq ec- ordlnator had askod ovory mun icipality in the county to pass the bylaw would include esquo- stng in a countywldo schema in tho ovont of an omorgoncy mr ihu buttressed his argu ment with a documont outlining tlio emo part in tho soarchfor marilyn schuott hoalsoompha- sized other municipalities havo passed the bylaw tho federal government is tho biggest contributor to tho scheme paylnu 70 mii runt nftho cost no action was takun tho clork notified council township solicitor wanted tosoo thorn soon about lugal iwumlarles in norval clou wllllaiiih i imo- houso and mowarttown pooile in those placos havo lotiiandbullt iioiiko i uit cant got a cloardoud mr mndsay oxplalnud most of tho difficulty stommod from outside lawyors motly from toronto who couldnt compro- hond tho system deoils from tlio old survey wero not rogls- actons first break and enter for 1008 and the first reported since october of 1m7 aptly dem onstrates tbu importance of lock ing iloors of unoccupied prom ises the oppweekly report states a local place ofbuslness was ontorod through an unlocked door this past weok allowing tho cupprlts lo steal a quantity of money and cigarettes would those thieves have bpap iniccwsfbl 1 mora time haduwii takoo to chck the premises po- foru elpsldgtu7 asfikt from tfiohjhroat and- jkhterf criminal and ienerat ocr cusrencas reported to the aeton police qfflbo ims weokmjrvtow ixit irarric acftvlttaa waiilyttlwd ijpr v tffirpl motor vohrblo adclbants one resulting in a minor injury to a party involved caubedlljsb diniagu to the ar- sllii0ry silow coverdd streets can puriapn oxplai away tho accldujits imf in the tmd it all coniou to rest on tlw shoulders of the drivers we must adjurit our drlvlny habits to the over clmiiklng rojil anil wualher con- ice on road causes crash icy road conditions woro blam ed for a twocar collision tues day morning at 8 am on tlio crescent bridge gary mct-ad- kin pool st was loavlng tlw cvescent and ethel mcmullun poplar w was entering the crescent wlwn mr mcfaiklun brakud and skidded according to police damage to the mcladdon car was estimated at 125 and to the mcmullen car at 150 no charges wero laid jfrte press j local news items quite a few have been enjoy ing tobogganing in glenlea park tha lights for night toboggannlng aront in operation yot theres plenty of news from tho district this weok after last weeks slump there was no rural mall for a day or two aftor storm c tha dhioai bat unfortunately too few of us realise this until after the collision a nihil mum of time was spent irt magistrates court this weak aj only hree convictions were piglfprtffl iw three yidltly partia paid fines totwhrta 104 meetings which are usually hold in the council chambers aro being transferred to the library or hydro uilldlng church annual inuetlngs are coming up in the not couple of weeks soma kfikfbralks wore sllll pretty voj traphwju a fml week after the storm a travailing saleslnan in towij last weimsday told townt works supiirlntenikint alf dttty thai of all lbs towns hom ten hhrough apton btres wwn3n bs condition after tie wankend storing m evangel pentecostal tabernacle 33 httrchlll rd n acton presents torod at the registry offlco just deposltod councillor patterson said it was up to council to straighten out the hounilary disputes but tho loputyreevo acknowledged tha clorks argumont that solicitors can draw up legal descriptions better than we can had mow morlt evangelist and mrs eugene johnson have ministered in every canadian provtnco the usa and republics of south america and west indie- hear ministry of tho word and song alto euctrle piano and stringed imtrument see their pictures of s america ft w india tuesday jan 30 thru feb 4 at 8 pm a foods ica rooos iga foods iga iouds iga foous iga ioods k loons ira 25hl for answer to your quettktns about inturaiwe call for inform mon c ill fasm6m rockwood lm4 ciag insurance ictopeiuior iniurance aasoelalions of ouelph main st n acton frozen foods raspberries 35 corn niblets 55 mum i jkfjt peascarr0tsiv39 fish fries wiiwi iii iii meat pies count v0uiiti fiont quaiter cuts f sale canadas rinist rid or blui brand bllf tmvauni cvn standing mb boast blade roast boneless blade roast short rib roasts cross cut rib roast boneless cross cut rib shoulder roast rolled brisket plate brisket point boneless w 2s 74 19 iv 64 95 24 tv 85 21 64 s5 21 64 9s 24- tv s5 21 64 63 tfr 47 jbff4 frjr juicy rib steaks cross cut mb stuk blade steaw jutwi m itimttt cut plate brisket braising mbs boneless stewing beef meaty beef neck bones beef sieakettes i 30- 89 122 67 j- 22- 67 43 1132 59- is 44 if 22 67 29 7 22 w 17 52 bread fayer cake onlon rolls ii ma mt hr ya mry ttakfrll ub iw haul iw arllsa titu larf iwibut in eel aai ummtd la atritttiai la tusra yaa tf iks fswl it uua aittuirt mini owmiu fronts iii j chucks heinz ketchup ga choice cut beans 53 dm the dairy caie t u f aatutl mrchment m1rcmine canadian slices jewel shortening v uu i uail biscuits itlu 1 imitl allsorts 369 269 31 69 economy pak kleenex sugar crisp cereal 37 22 3tf9 2 59 tomatoes save oh health llautt aids in i siimiiit shampoo h 1 etui lit u mil toothpaste udv pijiici haw sruv 7 79c apple juice sctlstues 2 coffee itofubi pears 43 tm ua liea muamdiwatl tpe4 tang flavour crystals 489c uahjimc hdntosm amli ua7 af uniw u jjrt mihnk0ohs 6iiih callagi lmaw uooi uuu atlum cusr tiiiiv s79c 59c 25c 29c free free free a btmutifulgift forntrybmidbithbg t amicatioms available at your iga store ttga we reall j care ica foods ica foods ica foods

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