Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 24, 1968, p. 6

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fl thexcton free press wednesday january 24 knajked fat a4ice 1968 on the afjbject of advice to other people the editor is a thy at an os trich at a peek how but occasionally article pats over the desk which teem worth repeating if for nothing elie than their literary merit this week we reproduce two items submitted one it for the teenager and the other la addressed to older people just to thow we dont discriminate well gladly print something about the i group iiy between if theres been eru- thing written- for- the taenager alway we heir ie plaiitle fry j r of jhia teenager what can wei dcy wberevaiv w go theanswer igi- horn baric- the ttorcn windows pnt the wociworkv rake- the 14 svn shovef jhelowvalltwthrtw7tettehitcf cook scrub some oorrepalr the sirik build a boat gala job help the priest or rabb- the red cross the salvation army visit thtttlck assiff jhe poor study your lessoris- and whert you are through apd nof too tired read good book your parents do not owe you en tertainment your city or village does not owe you a living you owe the world something you owe it your time and energy and your talents so that no one will be at war in poverty sick or lonely again in plain words grow up quit be ing a crybaby get out ofyour dream world and develop a backbone not a wishbone and start acting like mah or lady you an supposed to be mature en ough to accept some of the responsi- s3iffliwei2ifiiii bilitles your parents have carried for years they have nursed protected helped appealed begged excused tolerated and denied themselves need ed comforts so that you could have ev ery benefit you have no right to ex pect them to bow to every whim and fancy just because your telflsh ego instead of common sense dominates your life personality thinking re- quests and demands in heavens name grow jjpand gq home- v unknown ayrhpr foklhe older people its atpraysr ufytyq otivlntf cjld like the preceding thie author it unknown lord- thou- kno west belter tvian 1 knowmyself irvaf 1 em growing blder and wlllscimedav be old v x- keeptne from getting talkative and particularly from the fatal habit of thinking i must say something on ev ery subject and on every occasion r make me thoughtful buf not moody helpful but not bossy wltlj my vast store of wisdom llsfeemi pity not to use it all but thou know- est lord that i want a few friends at the end seal my lips on the subject of my many aches and paint they are in creasing and my love of rehearsing them is becoming sweeter as the years go by give me gruce enough to listen to the tales of others pains with pat ience teech me that occaslqnally it is possible that i might be mistaken keep me reasonably welltemper ed i do not want to be a sslrtr some of them ar to hard to live with marching in a formation which discourages drifts from topping the line this fence of wooden rails makes a delightful contrast against the snow on the firsti line esquesing rabbit tracks are the only disturbance on the big while blanket staff photo jfree press editorial page waif ifcu leck at it sugar and spice bill smiley our problems arent always as big as they look its just that we some times tend to get bogged down in a difficult approach when the solution simply calls for a little imagination a true anecdote from czarist rus sia illustrates the point nicely it cen ters on the difficulty that arose in the iblh certury vfrhen what is now the city of leningrad was being laid out a number of large rocks left by a glacier from finland had to be remov ed one big piece of granite lay right in the path of a main street and bids were advertised for its removal all the estimates submitted by con tractors were extremely high priced because in those days there was no mechanical equipment for this kind of job no hard steel for drilling or crack ing the stone and no explosives except inferior black powder before any of the bids were accept ed an insignificant looking peasant turned up and offered to get the boul der out of the way for a small fraction of the price quoted by the other can didates he was authorized to try hit luck he rounded up a lot of other peas ants with spades and they began dig ging a deep hole beside the rock meanwhile the rock was propped up to keep it from rolling into the exca vation when the hole was deep en ough the props were knocked out and the boulder dropped into it its been there ever since the rock was co vered with soil and the rest of the earth was carted away our historian doesnt mention how the contractors felt about the whole thincjijfjer the rock had been elimin- ated but we can guess jhallhaylmust have been somewhat embarrassed their difficulty resulted from thinking in two dimensions they planned to move the rock to some other place on the earths surface the peasant on the other hand thought of the third dimension as well that is up and down since he couldnt move the boulder up he put it under ground pktuafrm the pam theres one thing that brings poop to to gether and makos them forgot for a few hours at least all tholr normal rotten little miserable potty prlvato troublos that is a good smash in tho midriff from that gentle old lady mothor nature whether its fire or flood blizzard or drought a blunt reminder every so often from good old mothor has a salutary offect on the perpetually whining donlzens of tho twentieth century this tlmo it was that cold snap in january i like that form its a typical canadian understatement and wo delight in it as wo do at bam fires hoat spoils torrlblo thunderstorms beautiful autumns and throofoot snowfalls its peculiarly canadian and it makos us all become human again if only until its over pooplewhotiormally trudge around with a face ulco an old rubber boot people who wouldnt be caught dead in a ditch together suddenly start shouting witticisms like cold nuff for yon beaming through dripping noses and purple countenances people who wouldnt be caughf tspeaklng to each othor in the black hola4pcaieutta find they have a great doatln common neither could got his car startodthis morn ing then there are the braggarts but wo even put up with them whom wo would normally detest with the greatest of good spirits they come in different wrappers lets say its so below outside but thoros always tnmujr mtovotsumi of past masters op walk iooor up to 1m some character wholived in kapuskaslng or yellowknlfe who swears it was 80 below there all winter and wasnt even cold just refreshing hacking their lungs out they say this is nothing and theres the reverse snob through rattling teeth and hunched shoulders be too claims this is nothing why back in 59 it was down to 50 below and stayed there for a week then theres the rugged type pounding himself on tbe chest he burbles this i great this is the real canada this is what makes us a sturdy independent people three days later you get a card from him from florida two typesare hippy everything is golden when there is a cold snap tbey are the fuel man and the towtruck chap and bully for them say i but my point is that a nature crisis gets people out of themselves and perhaps its better than medicine in this neurotic 20th century forgotten during the cold snap are the vietnam war higher taxes on booze and fags your rotten boss and the fact that you cant live another week without an auto matic dishwasher there is a certain joyous drawing to gether against the olements and a definite pride in the fact that you can cope for once including sexpo there is a common bond as we rub our ears and stamp our feet and blow our noses in a great national chorus that to me expresses the real spirit of canada and at least temporarily freezes all thoughts of separatism divorce abortion and wfajes going to be tbe new lib eral leader when you go out tftihe morning and find that the battery is flat you dont fuss and cuss you feel sari of proud that youre taking part in a heroic adventure you know youre not exactly scott oftheantarctlcand that you can phone a cab bat you know that all over town other cars are going argb- argh arh ab uhnn and it gives you a sense of shared dancer and hardship theres a tingling and a jingling la tbe atmosphere people are grinning and shak ing their heads and shouting laaf that a brute of a day and even the domestic problems abate the other night it was 28 below sera iiy wife is always saying that she might as well have unless i can show sce understand ing kim continually threatens to run away to vancouver and become a hippie i opened the door and said goodbye chap itiimelt seconds later they were tspstalra watering tv good old homer h once in a while she badges us back to normal even though the nudge knocks the wind out of us 20 years ago taken from the issue of tbe free press of thursday january 22 1948 the ladles of grenock red cross group met at tbe home of mrs jennie mckaown to organize a branch of the womens in- stltute tbe following officers were cboa- am president lira j uckeown vice- president mrst hemsley 2nd vice-pro- aidant mrs h field districtdirector ural hemsley scretaryftreasarermlss etoa ifearan assistant itsk johnston audit wore lirs c ifckeown mra j er cob- rvsners mtjj ahau mrs c allen airs x mekeown ifr ej pearen mr t- mcctifcheon mrs a thompson mrs p west mrs fwohnson the name cren- y ockwomensinsjjtiitawaa chosen twelve members attended jhvdnaugural ineetinga mrs edgar greyai organizer was assist- yd by mrs earl moore and mrs wm baltontyne of mimosa institute mr and mrs robert fatteraoo of young st acton celebrated their both wedding anniversary- v 50 years ago taken from the issue of tbe pree press of thursday january 24 1918 snowshoeing is now a popular pasttime the annual meeting of acton fall fair was wellattended with some driving in eight or nine miles to be present after five yeap of faithful service george havlll retiredxfrom the chair mr j e pearen of erin township who has been first vice- president since acton organized an inde pendent fair was named president directors elected are acton n p patterson george hynds e j hassard george havlll h p moore c woodhau a b mclean john r kennedy r m mcdonald wm johnstone l h storey and w k graham esquesing thomas coze s m lindsay w j l hampshire nell gillies donald waldle erin j e pearen john smith charles mckeown eramosa w h hortop n h black nassagaweya duncan campbell w lasby honorary directors hon d hender son alex waldle w a storey reeve joe dr coxe a t mann george wallace capt beardmore dr anderson h p clinton swackhamer and duncan mcdougall this year messrs w h storey and son are celebrating their 50th year lnbusiness mr storey commenced the making of gloves in actoa in 1868 in tbe premises now oc cupied by mr starkman merchant mill st jree fhtss trinity church the united church of canada minister rev gordon b turner ba bd organist dr george elliott ma phd sunday january 28th 1968 1000 am morning worship nursery provided focus on youth and their futur es presentation by one of a team from emmanuel college sunday school 1000 am junior school to gr 4 1115 am senior school gr 5 to gr 8 umei christian reformed church minister rev p brouwer acton ontario sunday january 28th 1968 1000 am english service 1110 am sunday school 230 pm alternating dutch and english service saturday bible classes 10 12 am everyone welcome maptl avenue ssapflst church 81 maple ave georgetown pastor reyfttjtjert c lohnes sunday january 28th 1968 here is our sincere invitation to the whole family to attend church 945 a m sunday school all ages 1100 am morning service 700 pm evening evangel 745 pm wednesday prayer meeting acion 85ji954 georgetown b77a665 evanoil pfnttcojtal tarjhnacu paoc 33 churchill road rev s m thoman pastor 8532715 sunday january 28th 1968 1000 am sunday school 1100 am morning worship 700 pm evangelistic service tuesday 8 pjn prayer service and bible study thursday 8 pm christ ambassadors friday 7 pjn crusaders coming evangelist and mr eugene johnson january 30th through feb ruary 4th 8 pm hear this talented couple minister in word and song with electric piano and stringed in struments see pictures of south america and west indies back issues 75 years ago taken from the lasue of the free press of thursday january 26 1892 several of the small boys nave had nar row escapes from hanging on sleighs the new municipal council has hardly gotten into harness yet and consequently half an hour sufficed for their business rockwood can hello as well as other patces now ths line is to good working or- db jk thrtm eevaraj subsorlpara an evenly contested chebksyimatchwaa jbeitf between acton and ctmehouse the other night resulting in ylctoty for the rocks by one game acton playetsiwere j matthews x harvay l lambert ils holmes jobn isawson j blacker utnaw house players ft lepoidevin rj whesletv jpraoo wv irtrine sharp wwiokell the canada glove works now have the new power in their factory in full wprkfng orde the engine and shafting were placed by mr arch mcnitbb andpronoancedaper- feet job the power is supplledtto each machine apd- is so skillfully adjusted the operator has complete control over it the glove makers work should be less arduous and less trying on the health each employ ee using the power is charged fifty cents a week for it this is not extremely popular but messrs- storey and son say they will be able to do from 25 to 40 per cent more workv the acton free press phone 8533010 bunnell nd ediloml office rmiruil in l7t 4m whntlv ttrrv wtthwtday j 9 utluiu i a ion on i j r mi umlvr tf ihat audl llurju r lifiuullon ihf cvunm ami ovvsia aili nimnj jli m friwil luwrlp in pnjhl hi 41 jmc moo in cinijj 7 in 4ll iiiuriliii utrur fun onidi tinjju mplft 10 aulhon- j snunj cij ujil pint offur tkpji i mi- n i hun j aijtviiiting it jurrtifd on lh- ilinn ilul in hh- tnl til it pr4phlil irfiif ihjt uimiin ilu uttutn ipii ot- nipn1 ik lh ffuktu hrm liiflrurr with njmnjhl jlli- f iignjiurc will ru tw ihjftkd i mil iht hjumr of irw dtvrllwhnl mill h- pjil ir 41 liw jpftliumr til in th run l il 4 hfni ftir ailicrthinj fundi in uritts- il j uttna riruc iumii m tfut ibji nit i t- nlit 4ilntliiny i nsvivlv an utttr lit 11 nl rtiji h- uiitulrjun al tnv lime ulle pviallakf wj vtu helitsaf c let pjwj p dtllt rukllslwr lliritsv cout dun rytvr kdllor cmvtihl iu7 atli uanaer church nofices w the church of st alban the martyr anglican corner willow si and st albans drive rev ritchie mcmurray ma stb thursday january 25 10 am the holy eucharist for mothers with small children and shift worker cotfee and film afierwards sunday january 28lh 198 epiphany iv 900 am the holy eucharist 1030 airri church sjchool 1030 iinrj morning prayer as a guest preacwctltoday theologi cal education sunday we are de lighted lo have mr william mckea- chie ol trinitv college toronto 700 pm choral evensong in the church 730 pm si alhan annual vestry in he parish hall acton baptist church founded 1842 pastor rev stanley gammon res 144 tidey ave phone 85j16i3 sunday january 28th im8 1000 am sunday school classes for all ages ii is am morning worship majesty and mercy of cod 700 pm evening service ouestions on the second advent wednesday 7j0 pm prayer bible study thursday 6 jo pm explorers thursday 8 pm choir practice friday 7 pjn j3hp text as it was in the days of noah so shall il be at the coming of the son of man matt 24 37 ntbbvtefuan church in canada kjsiox church acton rev andrew h mckeiuie ba bd minister mr e a hansen ba organist and choir master sunday january 28th 1968 945 a m church school for aget i to is years 945 am minister church member ship class for teenagers 1100 am divine worship sermon theme the danger of be ing religious 215 4j0 pm r presbytery cjturch school leadership conference in brajnplon 830 pm adult study group al home of clarence coles everyone most welcome

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