Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 24, 1968, p. 7

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news of the district fergus two fergoa men mws recolred centennial medal dr hugh tamplln and x henderson black dr tempu who was editor of the fergus rjwvrecord for tirer 40 jim w also tear la nuyomar 04lds h was tarrp- thiar4bbst aofoxrlty on water consarrafjoo in canada by a tonrnerjlroifndal prendjir be worked ter many years to haty o euervatron datns tad on the grand wrir ha was on of the organtaerr of the first anhrerslrf coarse in journalism in ontario and for this heredettvdus txor dtgrw- frobuhe impvrsjry of western tiutaridc he was a member of tn fward of gorndrsof the ulwsrsuj of waterloo from itneeptiob tot teinpun is alte in jhe wrihng field ajnamher of the canadian abthrs association hejs a contrlbgtlng cptarhnfst to the xewsjueord and the kltcbeberwahrloo record ho has pub lished many books and pamphlets in his ufettme including a his tory of the town which is being updated at the present time uke all good retired newspapermen he has recently completed a fall- length novel mr blank bs been a- tireless worker tot fergus for most ofhls life he has sentsd on nranictpaltodles for oyer 50 years both the school board and council at the present time be is a most active member of council and because of bis long service is consulted on many occasions he retired recently irom beatty bros where be worked in the engineering department his skill as a draughtsman was recently put to good use when he updated the town map which now includes the recently annexed areas mr black has been a member of the hospital board for many years and served on that body through the tremendous expansion that has taken place in the hospital 4 his son john black is a former editor of the acton free press wellington county the largest body of electlverepresentauves to form the council of the county of wellington in its 114 year history elected kenneth held flsk a harriston veterinarian as warden for 1968 mayor paul mercer of guelph was present to extend congratula tions to the new warden of the finest county in ontario he touched briefly on the studies being made in this part of the province in connection with regional government and stated that guelph is concerned and desirous of working even more closely with wellington county there are many areas in which the county and city can enjoy close cooperation and be thought that the city will likely approach county council to this end there had been splendid cooperation in the past he added congratulations were extended to the new warden by many who preceded him in that important post namely reeve cameron lush eramosa township merrill j mitchell maryborough james mcmillan pusllnch township clifton kelts peel township reeve mcculloch arthur village bert holtom now of harriston former ly mlnto township r l pauraman now of guelph formerly of guelph township and david d gray rockwood vera myers clerk treasurer conducted the opening meeting and pointed out that there was one extra councillor this year the 29memher council includes a deputy reeve from guelph township which had been deprived of the doublerepresentation in the 1966 annexation of much of the township and its population by the royal cltv she staled that actually there will be 30 votes among the council lors 4msause this year fergus has attained a population rating that entitles it to three representatives on county council instead of naming a second deputy reeve kenneth denny will have an extra vote then if a situation arises in which council is dead locked in a vote mr denny will he able to east a third vote as representative of the municipality with the greatest assessment in the county georgetown using a bit of trickery georgetown council kept the mayor from talking and ended up naming him along with walter gray a re cipient of the canada centennial medal the week before the mayor would not let his name stand for the nomination since he felt it would not be proper for a member of the council making the nomination to receive the medal the trickery lay in the wording of the motion which said the mayor ba excused from voting or taking part in the discuss ion on the subject there was no discussion at all but the mayor remarked im not used to keeping my mouth shut huttohville is huttonvlfisfroamed by a pride of wild cats an elderly resident of the village has been worried by tbeao cats who live in the ruins of a barn behind her home the ontario hu mane society in cooksvllle was contacted and one of its officers martin horan of brampton drove to huttonviue to investigate the problem he aald that there were over so eats there he caught two a black one and a grey one but the black one escaped when he opened the trap that he had caught it in it attacked him and bit right through his leather glovvvnd scratched him trough his clothing v the grey one was so ferocious and became so frantic trying to burst out of the cage that it split its head open and had to be put out of us agony mr horan reported the plight of the cats to a member of the chlnguaeousy township office staff and reeve cyril clark re- ojmsted bill smith the canine control officer of the township to investigate the stllne problem mr smith spent over an hour in huttonviue and saw only one eat and what is more staled b could mtim toy traces of a large number of eats v4v one woman reported she saw nine cats stalking up the pathway by her house fyimqrff bowl for pleasure bowl for health the entire family can bowl together make it a date bowl where the action tfcl acton bowling lanes 10 main st n mimmt o ipfa u90170 the acton free press wednesday january 24 1968 congratulations praise offset fcy warning for future halton soil and crop improvement as sociation held its annuil meeting at milton last wook with professor tom line of tho soils department univerity of guelph 15 guost speaker prof lino left is shown chathnq with association president calvin ait calvin aitken president pollution topic for soil crop annual kon of acion and leavor farms manager allfln mclmn right mr mclein and firm owner david lower wore both riresenlod with silver tnyi by ih issociahon in approcniion for hotinq the corn day list sunimor slaff photo nearly 80 enjoyed a pleasant evening together wednesday evening well after the rush of centennial fair when acton agricultural society held its an nual directors dinner the en joyable evening was spiced by a very thought provoking address by the rev ds vriesoihespeles wtro augried present world it- nations with those ominous por tents of world wr il- the ladies of the baptist churcvaieredtothetllnhqrlnthp sajrtiet churon tpsemeni its the horns ohurch of fllfst vice- president wilrrfryer 1jh1 nhukk chairman of the di niter eoijimlttoe ruddouble duty aid also acted as chairman for the ovening when first president jack marshall was unable to attend this yoars agricultural ser vice diploma is tp tie presented jo john mote a former district rosldenl ami past president of the fair whes now with ontario rural hydro mr mplss couldnt attend and will ho glvon his certificate later ono of thom award is made each yoar at tho dlnnor special guest woro throo young pooplo who havo tnado outstanding achlovemonts during centennial year carol swack- hamer bill lasby and keith aitken carol was hadon dairy prin cess and a finalist at the cne bill was the winner of the cov eted queens guineas and keith was high member in both acton 4h club and acton calf club the past year the accomplished trio- wire introduced by club leader russell hurray speaking briefly and bringing greetings to acton aljf execu- jives wef nasaagaweya reeve bill coulter erin reeve alec johdson acton mayor les dtiby georgetown agrlcutturaloctaty president keith webb and uton agricultural society secretary- treasurer mrs c readhead seated with distinction at the banquets hear table were bui milieu first vice wllnwr fryer second vice don matthews the rev stanley gammon guest speaker rev do- vrles arthur the ontarloassoclallon of agric ultural societies with mrs ro wan mrs jack marshall sect retarytreasurer mrs wallacs swackhamer and mr swack- hamer mayor and mrs les duby mrs mel mccullough 1967 prosldont of tho ladles division and altractlvo cenlonnlal queen miss urenda spear the speaker held the aud iences rapt attention for nearly an hour as he recalled his ex periences in the war and drew parallels with todays world sit uation rev de vrles was a child in holland during the occupation and vividly drew a picture of their starvation and privations there was no heat ajnd no light the rnlnlsjr of s jame church hespelery stated hijfl worry tor the ffiture and warned jis listeners to bs alert hp called his address freedom our mostcharfshetlpassusylon fie was introuuted by wllmer fryer apd thanked by mrs mc cullough thd directors dinner is al ways held in january whsri the society members andthelr guests have time to relax it prueddod the annual meeting its next saturday when plans for nuxl years fall fair will begin vornal oqulnox kthl firit day of spring and tho autumnal equi nox tho llrst day of autumn equinox i that period whi n tho day and niplik art of oqual length by henry j stanloy despltotho doop snow somo 75 members of tho halton soil and crop improvement associa tion mat in ttio masonic hall milton for tholr annual mooting on january 17 tho piost speak er was prof tom lano soli sclenco department unlvorslty of guelph spoalddc on tho popular topic pollution reports woro prosoniod on tho various projocts carried on dur ing tho past year with spocial emphasis on tllo drainago on heavy clay soil and on tho grow ing of ulrdsfooi trefoil two minutes sllnncd was hold in memory of tho lata director frank robertson prizos uoro prosontod to tho top members in tho hay grain and corn competitions tho gold watch prowmtod by kon horn of tho unltod coopurativos of ont ario was won by gordon losllo who had tho top ylold of barloy david leaver and allan mc lean woro also rocognizod for their assistance with tho regional corn day hold at goorge and l ttloavors farm this yoar j2n graved sllvor relish dishes were prosontod to each offlcors ami directors for 1008 are past prosldont calvin alt- kon acton 3 prosldont claronco ford jr milton 4 vlco-pros- ldont harold mlddlobrook mil ton 2 socrotary honry stanley 181 main st milton directors are hugh boaty claronce ford jr colin mar shall john wlllmott ernost al- oxandor sam harrop harvoy nurso earl wilson frod ball tom fostor harold mlddlo brook russell hurren claude inelos john kltchlng donald matthows deloeatos to tho toronto con- foronco aro tom fostor and john wlllmott with calvin altkon as altornato and tho dologato to tlie halton farm safety council is claronco ford jr hugh boaty will bo tho dologato to tho halton fodoratlon of agriculture be alert a good way toprovont accldont s is to expect tho unexpected bo alort for clangor at homo in tho bam or on tho road drlvo as if tho othor guy is going to do some thing foolish and allow yourself enough room to keep out of trouble and dont lorgot tint yourcldldron aro always lip to- somo mlschlof so with thorn too expect tho unoxpoctod when tin moon is in perigee it is closest to tho earth apo gee farthest from the earth that make the meal lovell bros modern meat market tdnrjer blade or short rib roast 79 c iii laan beef van i hw shoulder roast 3 ib rorlc 9wn none m jp shoulder roast 47 fresh lean ground chuck 69 frath small link sausage 59 lovell bros 77 mill modern meat market acton daily dtuviftv mumm 1533340 c announcing delicious takeout chic southern fried ken starting friday feb 2nd starting friday feb 2nd individual dinner 3 pieces chicken french fries salad hot bun honey light snack 2 pieces chicken french fries cooked to your satisfaction 80 serves 8 to 10 people tub 20 pieces chicken 55 box of 9 pieces chicken 250 fish chips 50c box 14 pieces chicken 5 hot buns g honey j90 fishburger wmi prsnch fttes 65 sinoie ordil french fries 25 onion rings arlmmmnufvumju 25 c per order your order is as close as your telephone just cam 8532114 home delivery 5dc extra b p snack bar

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