Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 31, 1968, p. 10

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m9 the sstqn free press wednesday january 31 1 968 tfarf ijw kelp i one of the complaints newcomer to acton- have to make about living here is the lack of variety in stores many used to conveniences of city liv ing say acton businessmen do not of fer either thevarlety of goods or prices to which they ar accustomed on the other side of the coin local business people complain about the number of people- who shop ootplde fown wheh trwame 4riicles teavt be bpagljl hiere tconpettive price there are points- to be medj by both side in this pererinial wrangle i i has seemed to us a fit subjecrfer tbtf cfkambeficjf commerce to debater jmbrtgotlwthirigsjlhaf affeil the well being jfacttnl thegnamberwas involved in the commercial arj social life of thetawfp and district- if is evident fromtheir an- nuajreport elsewhere in this issue we would expect merchants andbusjness rfceri would aland foursquare behind t ir glveit all tho iuppbrt they could mostef judging by the small attendance at the annual meeting last week which featured a buffalo dinner to help draw support there are only the same few people interested enough to get out fe2 and work for measure which could only help to improve community life here either the business people here are a satisfied with matters as they are b feel the c of xi can do little to improve the situation c- are indiffer ent torthsituatlon last year the loval chamber was ipyolvd selecting a cltlievi pf the sponsoring qdfahljnddavi presented brief ortpkrkwtg to eotm- til van a tpermmejls snow the first one of itstype incanjdaa rrfeetfhe eajicjidates tiight avl inovlftrlaj dinner iwiefrih night treejburnln8 m some ovganliejopptoslttontoy h proposed cosinj of tnecnr statlpn- amongother things this year the chamber off com- nierce intends to delve into councillor ted tylers proposal for a mill stskop- ping mall atrteasure sure to engender- rpany pros arid con they are hoping to sponsor an outdoor sportsmens show of magnitude which cant help but attract many people to acton the chamber needs your ideas your energy and the benefit of your experience y who will benefit all of us z ttt jrtss editorial page ykwfkfo ttf atrihf were at about that time of the winter season when thoughts of spring start to come of their own volition even the most ardent winter boos ters admit when the zero weather of january gives way to the more moder ate temperatures of february enthusi asm for the season wanes theres nothing like a sunny janu ary day the snow crunching underfoot peoples conversation punctuated by clouds of frosty breath a glittering landscape shining under a thin blue sky days gradually lengthen and na ture points rosy red sunsets behind the stark outlines of the canadian bush smoke from countless chimneys as cends straight to the heavens without benefit of a lift by a breeze february creeps in the shortest month of the year on moccasins of sleet and wet snow there are till ideal winter days when the car grum bles before it starts and the mercury plunges but the suns getting warmer now although there are few days when it can break through clouds this is the time of year when wed like to have enough money and time to spend a week in florida or bermuda wed admit to being a little envious of the people who have but wed like to be back to canada for march when crows come out of hiding pussies appear out of jhe wil lows and nature prepares for the com ing of spring phctcj rem the pa at son tlom displayed teed end china sets to attract acton shoppers years ago the old picture located in a carton of discard had ho idenhflca- lion line store the gingerbread trim at the roof- identifies the present hlntona r its not ciear whether this gentle man is a remnant of the big storm which clogged this district last week or simply someone who stayed out doors too long its on the front lawn of the friziell home on cobble hill road staff photo sugar and spice by bill smiley than are heartening signs that a revol ution bloodless but sweeping is tajdng place in education there are indications that the oppressed people have passed the muttering stage have attacked the bastille will free the prisoners and in the process overrun the swiss guards defenders of the ancient re gime and all will be wine and dancing in the streets and chaos but out of chaos eventually emerges or der look what god made out of a heap of chaos and out of the chaos of the french revolution emerged a completely new con cept of freedom and equality that had atre- mendous impact on the world perhaps the revolution in education will produce a similar freeing of the spirit cf man allowing him to cope with the great and relentless pressures of this age and those to come education in this century the century of the common man has been failure on a grand scale it has tailed entirely to come to grips with a socloty that has been turned upside down and inside out by two global wars mass communication a tre mendous spurt of technological advance and a close hard took at traditions educators with a tew notable exceptions have been timid shying from anything that might upset the system tho public at large has ignored education except to hie si about the cost as a result education has been a gener ation behind the time a it has become a monolith of repression rigidity and con formity it has been an elephant waliting with a grratfe but fresh winds are blowing through the concrete boxes in which young minds are supposed to be exhilarated excited and liberated and with many another i cry a loud sincere hallelulal go into an elementary school today you may he shocked to death instead of sitting in neat rows facing a teacher and putting up their hands so they can spout some meaningless information which has been memorised youre apt to find the children wandering all about the room doing things looking up information actually talking to each other which of course is pure heresy it looks like anarchy but it isnf the teacher is leaching not just telling the kids are learning not just being taught no longer are they uttle sponges each in his own compartment there is a flowing oi ideas a ley in finding out for oneself go into a high school the teacher is supposed to be reading a poem preferably written at least 100 years ago then be is supposed to elicit from the students with a series of childish questions which bore the bright ones and ignored by the dumb ones the meaning of tho poem then there is supposed to bo the search for similes and metaphors then ho is to put an an alysis of the poem on the blackboard and everyone is happy they have done a poem they are being taught tho joy of poetry they are being educated but whafs this theyre not even sitting in rows but in a circle theyre arguing about the poem which was written three years ago they relate it to their own lives the discussion may run from nip ples to drugs to broken hearts to religion to joy to beauty they may still be fighting about it when they leave the classroom dreadful disorganised its all disgusting and degenerate but its happening and not just in the class room there are field trips in geography imagine going right outside where the- geography is a visit to parliament by a history class shocking history should be in books where it belongs a trip to the theatre for an english class sheer depravity that shakespeare can bo pretty filthy stuff if it isnt carefully censored if y wlfo tells ma that some of the prof essors at unlvorslty are actually teaching these days instead of just talking at you where will it au end tho iron hand has bean removed and one of these days were going to he faced with a generation of kid who like school so much theyll havo to be kicked out at 16 the acton free press phone 853 2010 v bunnell and editorial office tffftke cuff sl of nw liosni plates is slow hit yr and officials pradlct a big rush in the last fawv days hmjftl n l nj pumithetl tf wvtlewltlj f i v v jo ifemkwr al it uji budw 4 f ik cttit4 uki j i in iit im curti s4tbtn o pmjrtl in 4jijni- 14 b in cvuu i to i j iuunin1 ullur iun unijj tnjlar tuptfl j wih j vvunj cijw l4l kmi oil urn pjiinnnt ttja uuioiai it aviarpioj h w bjiitun ihjt n ihv rm j ftpujpfcu flu ihjl tumiti j iiw tlftltiaj 4l of jpkj l ihv rnnituus mm itftikir uh jwrfhl eiluw jur uajauiuf tail hoi w tphfw4l frtw aihahtuta i of mmuvt el 4 htm ww 41uktt or wtwsh nm mu iw i- j auikutinit it nwivlv tm olfr lu ml ad w ullmn l 4 tutu am stuiaii mi rvni c ut oo a twu puwuia maulkey celt ckm ftwelh okjhtii1 iitr u lattlery cal pt back issues 20 years ago 75 years ag6 taken from the issue of the free press of thursday january 29 ims elwood johnston wae elected president of acton fair for ims with a robinson first vicepresident and walter llnharo second vicepresident total prise money piald was 201m5 abd toe years daflclt was jfoq the- board was faeaei with a problem when secretary c b svrackimmer tendered tri reslgiiari ph tie has toense- retary for a- number ot years and during i the dlfflcub war years when acton fair wis badly handicapped without a hall or arqns shoi thel board instructed thai the vati oo be advertised a round table cpnwrencewa catmd to decide on the afsposlrlon of adon coating- uauon school id the forming of a newjlotrfh halted high school district it was d- ddd the school will remairi the property of the public school board but all furnish- ings and- equipment will be the property of the worth milton high school district board when the new high school building is ready for occupancy it is the intention of the public school board to use the high school for extra rooms at the conference were reeve alocut- cheon deputyreeve coon members of council and school board inspector skuee district trustees carbart secretary a sproat acton secretary w mlddleton and cf leatberland 50 years ago taken from the issue of the free press of thursday january 31 1918 with a view to conserving coal the pres byterians and uethodlbts will meet tonight to consider union services lieut col john alccrae of guelph auth or of in flanders fields died suddenly at boulogne of pneumonia from the proceeds of the patriotic dance in the town hall the committee purchased 30 pairs of socks and 25 boxes of cigar ettes and posted them to the acton boys overseas we have meatless days wheatleas days eatless days and baatless days now if someone would only invent frostless days a hundred wood cutters could get m- ployment in this section at once motor cars are completely out of com mission these days the snow banks have effectively subdued them the most disastrous bre in the history of guelph occurred on sunday morning when the splendid store of g b ryan and co was destroyed j b uackeniie has opened a coal busi ness in acton beside his planing mill and council granted him permission to erect a weigh scale at the street council was relieved that another dealer shows excell ent promise of being able to alleviate the coal shortage situation taken from the issue of the free press of thursday february 2 1193 things worth knowing rub lamp chim neys with dry salt throw chloride of lime in rat boles beat carpets on tbe wrong uda flrst oaves apple barrel withers- papers keep everything clean aroondbe well boiled vinegar and myrrh are good aodoriaere u wkey rnstasx of wafer for makjngjttsdd glitspong wtth brandy and rose water waggon grease j win take off warts aaniolv s- the following comity constables wert mnw jamekla0prihf donald if clean ballinafa aqulila peroy con- ingbyw sopev rockwood joosthantjt ell everton miss kelly hed milliner for ryans goelph has gone t6 london and pari to select stock r s the kisses swaekhamer mclean end baldlc of xlspringe have won golden cplq- ions for their music at various antertain- meets this winter at the meeting of the board of education the property committee was instructed to supply each department with palls and cups for drinking water the government of hawaii has fallen canada is opposing any attempts of the united states to take it over as the island is needed as a landing station for vancouv er and australian cable an assembly is talked of at an early date 100 years ago taken from the issue of the canadian champion milton january 30 ibm mr a j campbell formerly of halloa mat the other evening with a very agree able surprise mr campbell who lspros- ecuting his studies for the medical pro- tsaaiod employed hiamim sundays for the last bine months in preaching to the pres byterians of islington and nalghborbood a short distance from toronto and that as it appears with much acceptance last thursday evening as usual the young people in connection with the congregation met at mr william jardlnes house to practice ringing at the close of which mr mather of islington presented mr camp bell on behalf of the members and adher ents of the congregation with a purs con taining 50 accompanied by an excellent address this purse is a very handsome one and has the recipients name engrav ed thereon mr campbell mad a suitable reply returning them his sine hanks for this tangible manlsfestatloa of their regard for him and their appreciation of his labors among them the contest in the north ward proved to be an exciting one with the result of a majority of seven for mr ell van allan church notices ajai2 the church o st auan yhe martyr anglican corner willow si and st albans drive rev ritchie mcmurray ma stb trinity church the united church of canada minister rev gordon b turner da bd oraanisl dr george elliott ma phd sunday pebruary 4th 1968 epiphany v 900 am the holy eucharist 1030 am church school j 1030 am holy eucharist ethst christian reformed church minister rev p brouwer acton ontario sunday february 4th 1968 1000 am morning worship nursery provided brother andrew mr fawcelt eaton will conduct the eivicc sunday school 10 00 am junior school to gr 4 1115 am senior school gr s to gr 8 sunday february 4lh 1968 1000 am english service 1110 am sunday school 230 p m alternating dutch and english service saturday bible classes 10 12 am everyone welcome mafie avenue 1aftijt church 81 maple ave georgetown pamor rev robert c lohnes acton raftist church founded 1842 pastor rev stanley gammon res 144 tidey ave phone 855115 sunday february 4th 1968 here is our sincere invitation to the whole family to attend church 945 am sunday school all ages 1100 am morning service 700 pm evening evangel 745 pm wednesday prayer meeting acton 8531956 georgetown 877665 svan0u mntecostal tasbtnacu pa o c 35 churchill road rev s m thoman pastor 15j2715 remember evangelist e johnsfrn ministering nightly this week tues day january 30 through friday feb ruary 2 at 8 pm also sunday februaay 4th 1968 1000 am sunday school 1100 am morning worship 700 prn evangelistic service rev johnson speaking at these services tuesday 8 pm prayer service and bible study thursday 8 pm christ ambassadors friday 7 pm crusader sunday february 4lh 1968 1000 j m sunday school classes for all ages ii 15 am morning worship the hidings of god 7 00 pm evening service questions on the second advent mondav february 5 mission circle jl home of mrs darby 12 john s tuesday february 6 8 pm deacons meeting wednesday 7 30 pm prayer bible study thursday 630 pm explorers thursday 8 pm choir practice friday 7 pm bu p text oh that i knew where i might lind him job 233 mavsvtkrun church aw canaba knox cmintch acton rev andrew h mclceiule ba bj minister mr e a hansen ba organist and choir master sundayfeebruary 4th 1968 945 am church school for aaea s lo is year 9 45 am miniswrs church member ship class for teenasjar 1100 amvpubllc worship of god sermon theme the r of mans lost idetltity y everyone moat

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