Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 7, 1968, p. 14

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j5 t acton free preaa wedneaday february 7 1968 our readers write calls for halt in viet nam war to the editor the war in viet nam is a tragic mistake a waste of hum an and material resources the vietnamese conflict is costing the united states over thirty wluon dollars a year this staggering burden has re sulted in the smallest united states vote for oconomlc aid in twenty years just td trillion dollars or leg than 1 or the vlei nan waf budget v a one time the jjfm anchor of united states foreign policy was economic aid to the free world and to the developing nat ions but ho more as united states economic aid has- boeh sacrificed on the ajtaf of war in viet naflw how will it help freedom if the united states failure to pro- vide economlcasslsunce results fit economic collapse in irfdla or africa dr parts of southamer- ica with a subseouenf commun ist takeover the war cannot be won in cessant bombing of the north has made thousands of civilians homeless has damaged local in dustry and has blown up section after section of the railroad and main supply highways but tho morale of the north vietnamese is high as morale remained high in britain in the dark days of the blitz damaged industry is restored and the bombed high ways and railroads are back in operation in a matter of hours north vietnamese supplies of arms from the soviet union and china are increased as the need arises and so in a real sense this is a miniature war between the united states on one hand and russia and china on the other united states china anil russia supply the arms the un ited states and the north and south vietnamese then supply tfeehunwn lives the solution 4nust bepeec and the only way to achieve peace s- by he cessation of bombing then- negotiation fol lowed by the wlthdrawal of the united states troops l t i sdmesay that then vletnarn willi go communist the ahs- wer must surely be that north viet nam is already communist and even the united states does not claim it wishes to overthrow the north viet nam regime in the south the opponents are the national liberation front a combination of a number of pol itical elements the objective should be a coalition government in the south based on peace neutralism and reconstruction the communist world is no longer a monolithic structure taking orders from the kremlin there is a growing independ ence among eastern european communist states yugoslavia follows an independent course adopting important elements of a capitalistic economy roum- snla follows ad independent course so much that a rouman ian is now president of the un ited nations even the giants russia and china follow sep arate courses based on n goals peace in viet nam will create the possibilities of em erging national governments bas ed more on nationalism than on communism canadians at all levels through their government through organ isations and as individuals should press- or an end o the viet nam war senator haiao argjie h s holder optomitmst m cot st eeat cuelth rhoae ta 27iw polloclc and campbell mmulaillikrs ol high grade memorials memorial engraving a3 water st north oait tckdhorw 4zi73 jbrtiie b for pleasure shvtofit bowl for mahn the entire family can bowl together v make it a date bowl where the action is i acton bowling lanes 10 main st n member ob pa 8530170 ejoht new scouts were invested inlo the 1st acton troop last thursday night in a ceremony attended by parents and friends in the scout hall skip henry da vnes and bosun kevin conroy conducted the brief but impressive ceremony and the boys were conducted back lo their respective patrols the new scouts bruce swift colin priest leslie coles mark rowe bar ry allan mark pratt joe mcconnem and barry payno pose with scoutmaster do vries staff photo fall election to name 20man school board covering all of halton family counselling service handles 298 cases in year halloas new countywide board of education will be elect ed probably in the tall of this year to take office january 1 1969 it will replace the countys present 10 boards the 20 member group will be elected for two year terms and include representatives of the various separate school boards in the county municipal repre sentation on the board will be determined by the county council the new board will suwrttft its requests for capltalexpendltures directly to the ontario municipal board for approval and its oper ating funds will be raised on a separate tat mil the ull is ex pected to be issued by the local municipalities and must indicate the amount for secondary and for elementary school purposes the ontario department of ed ucation released its white paper on the reorganliatlon of school jurisdictions in the province of ontario last week detailing the objectives and procedures in volved in establishing the prov incewide plan of county boards of education replacing the town ship and district school boards and boards of education first responsibility of tho local boards is to name a represent ative to an interlmschoolorgan- liatton committee one repre sentative from each board or board of education is to be nam ed ullton acton and george town each have two boards while burlington and oakvllle each op- erate under a combined board escjtieslng and nassagaweya also have representation on the high school boards of acton ullton and georgetown the compos ition of the committee would in clude eight members under tho outline representation on the county board of education is to be de termined by the county council the site of the board is set up on the basis of population with counties over 150000 having 20 trustees the number of sepa rate school mambars is based on the relationship of public and separate school assessments the interim school organiza tion committee with represent atives from all the county boards is to prepare a comprehensive report on tho existing school systems including existing pol icies procedures special ser vices personnel lists salaries accommodation pupils trans portation and finances existing school boards are ur ged to arrange adequate staff and supplies to carry through to the end of june 1969 to relievo the now boards of some routlno administrative details for tho first few months of operation and permit them to concontrato on policy matter of high priority at that time speaking during tho weekend on tho subject george korr ilua announcod the represent atives to tho now board would be elected in soptombor or oct ober this yoar and tho cost of the eloction would likely bo borne by the provincial treasury at no cost to the boards ho speculated the wardsystem to be established by the county council for representation would see burlington with seven or eight representatives on tho 20 member board halton county family coun selling service handled 298 cases throughout 1967 it was noted in a report to county council re cently this included 14 in acton 111 in burlington one in esoueslng 29 in georgetown 47 in hilton four in nassagaweya and 92 in oakvluo a total of 1103 interviews wore conducted and as of dec ember 31 52 cases woro active this represents a slight de crease in referrals from 19gg but an increase in interviews twenty couples attended mar riage counselling classes last winter this yoar a second serlos is being conducted with lectures by doctors lawyers ministers financial authorities two home oconomlsts and the director of tho service reconciliation botwoen hus bands and wives was estimated at 50 per cent and other famil ies and individuals were helped to make decisions in other areas of life and coping with their problems roferrals loading to active cases included 129 from family court 35 from agencies and 134 private concluding the submission family counselling director rennle j vivian stated ho be lieved a mllestono had been reached in the services short history and further development is necessary thanks were exprossod to the county clerkadministrator and his staff for tholr assistance and tho need for more personnel training office spaco and fin ances was cltod area speaking final tonight seven students of local schools within tho local suporlnlendency will compote this ovonlng wed nesday at ulllons martin st senior public school goneral pur pose room to decide the public speaking champion of nassaga weya acton and milton tho winner from this compet ition will represent this area in tho district competition to bo hold shortly arthur a johnson oo tuesday ajaa to s pw friday to t puts im main it uhtom give her the best i give moirs heart boxes 55 875 we alto have regular boxes ja at m by ice cream ssssvssj neilsons vi gal cream 89 watsons restaurant 15 mill st ast 24 hour towing service tires and batteries service and repairs gasoline and oil richs bp service on hwy 7 at 5th lin of etquetlng renny and dick voskamp 8532940 acton mini shop 200 comics for kids now at 8c each nurse books from 20c 30c ea hundreds of magazints we trad paperbacks cemlca 16 mill st e acton aid wius sua depot ab supermarket 9 mill st 3tcton 8530075 grade a fresh 5 9 lb average turkeys 39 lb town club no 1 mb pkg side bacon 65 schneiders 8oz pkg cooked meats 4 si dutch loaf pickle pimento mac cheete bologna head cheete chicken loaf luncheon meat pork loaf golden ripe bananas 2 25 us no 1 head lettuce 2 33 redpath golden yellow 24b beg sugar2j39c grade a medium eggs 37 sealtest fresh daily free vi pint of half and half with purchase of each jug of milk at regular price fray bentot 12oz tin save 18c corned beef 55 libbys 20oz tim save 48c crushed pineapple 41 nestle 2lb tin save 16c quick as 79 salada prior park pkg 100 save 10c tea bags 59c facelle modeme 1pry 2roll pkg save 24c bathroom tissue 4 2 1 clarks 19oz tins save 28c pork beans 5 1 heinz 11oz bottles save 15c ketchup 239c clarks 48oz tins save 28c tomato juice 3 2 89c frozen food birdseye 1 1oz pkg save 35c french green beans 51 crecker new sew 4f sunkist orange cake mix chiquita banana muffin mix 31

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