Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 14, 1968, p. 1

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ht ninetythird year no 33 tfott sttt acton ontario wednesday february 14 1968 t auihoriimi hvtoud mail by 1h famx ottum dpfc oiiwm for ioilwf ild in cnh ml acton onlarlo sixteen fagos ten cenh 4cton trver suffers cuts apth swuvino lo avoid children and then an oncoming car this vehicle driven by doug lat puddister nelson court wrapped itself around a hydro pole on main st s tuesday opp report first accidentfree week in three months for the first time in overthrew months actonhasoxperlencedan accident free week we of the acton opp salute you but implore you to continue your alert driving it is gratifying to wit ness such statistics and think that perhaps wo have in some small way contributed to it how ever neither we nor you should swell our chests too much it might affect our driving despite tho absence of acci dents tho members of the acton force were well occupied during the 240 hours worked and 74s miles patrolled the remainder of the traffic figures complied it the local office show olght persons were charged under the highway traffic act 33 othora were cautlonodabout less serious offenoos and is vehicles were checked as to their roadworthi ness general and criminal occur rences numbered 12 and resulted in two liquor and one criminal charge being laid other occur rences included reports of both lost and found property do wo have something that might belong to you senslblo operation of a motor vehicle coupled with a sound knowledge of the rules governing its operation and mechanical flt- ness are the main ingredients that constitute trouble and acci dent free driving the drivers handbook as produced by the ontario depart ment of transport should be a must in the library of even driver whether you are young or old a new or experienced driver you never know enough about driving nor can you study about driving too much the drivers handbook contains a wealth of information useful to drivers at every level of ex perience ttwui booklet can be obtained free of charge at any department of transport office as ell as at vour local police office it will be to your henobt to take advantage of the offer the honorable irwin llasxott vtlnlster of transport for ont ario capably minis up his ad dress in the booklet by saying i cannot emphasize too strongly that as a driver you have a personal responsibility to knot and to obey the traffic laws and rules of the road uy so doing you will protect yourself from many highway hazards anj make driving afer and more pleasant for all highway users tor the first time in its 115 year history a husband and wife team heads milton fair george b was elected president fbr 1mi and his wife lillian has been secretary treasurer for year over so watch hamilton hairdresser marqaret charters style a qlosv black fall m various wavs on pert model mrs pat kent- ner story and pictures on socond front staff photo rev ritchie mcmurray becomes first fulltime chaplain at u of guelph line with the current ecumenical endeavor he explained the chaplain u1 iv cooper ating miui mch other running programs and hoi ling services car smashes into hydro pole dougla- pudjuter nelson court suffered cuts and his car vva considered a total wreck after a noonhour accident tues- da at uupn mr pudllster was driving south- on ualn st s when he swerved to avoid school chll inn anj then swurved again to avoid an oncoming car the car slid sideways went off the road and smashed up against a hvdro pole dr luiclawr treated the driver at the seine for lacerations to the fonhia and mouth and he uas taken bv an txuince to hos pital in guelph rhe ears frame uas bent with other damagi to the right side roof side and windows damage was estimated at 600 and the car ws considered a eomplete writeoff the accident occurred at the pump house tho rev itltchle ucmurrav has tvon named permanent chap lain at the university of guelph and will ty leaving st mhans acton he does not know when his new position will begin but expects to learn soon the cost of the nw position at the university is to be divided botueen the anglican and united churches mr u hurray has rven acting as anglican chaplain at the univ ersity parttime other changes at m ubans include the naming of donald lindsay as the new peexiles har den and of mrs george hagvett as the church secretary treas urer ur ucllurray as the only fulltime chaplain will have an office in the neu academic build ing he will also teach phlloso- phv parttime at wellington col lege we regret very much leav ing cton he said ur and mrs ucu irray and tamllv came here uay i ims me is very nappy that the lnl- versltv of guilpo is ope lly en couraging denominational chap lains there are several other parttime chaplains for the anglican and united churches his new jointlyspon sored pevsl is a pilot project in mission work its costly since there is no income from the students or university the cost sharing is also in keeling heartv its v alen- tines uv easter exams at the high i school start early in uarch and the final uxatns on june 4 council approves school addition grants tentative library approval at noon hour the car was considered a write off with extensive damago mr puddister was taken to hospital with cuts staff photo acton public ichootboardask fld for ancltficelved approval for the 356425 addition to tho u z bebaett school at last nights tuesday meeting of- council theyll apply to the ontario u m- iclpal board for approval tentative approval was also given for a propbsod library on the robert little school at an estimated cost of 50000 this was a surprise presentation and left some councillors gasping until trustees at the meeting in a body explained tho roason for the request school board chairman cyril bishop acting as cpokosman for tho delogation gavo council an uptodato plcturo of tho pro posed addition to tho mz ben nett school tho board wont ahead with ground work pending a directive from tho department of education ttion they applied for approval and received it for four classrooms a gymnasium and library the board had tho cooperation of architect donald skinner in drawing up vorldng plans ap proval was roquostod without do- lay so tho addition could bo ready for september occupancy additional pupil onrolmont necessitating anothor kindergar ten teacher at tho robert little school has rosultod n tho dis placement of the school library for tho third timo mr bishop told council ho said tho school needed a permanont library and a roquost for approval was sub mitted- to- the department he asked tentative approval from council so the building program could bo coqductod at both schools simultaneously estimated cost of the proposed extension for a library on the robert littleschool is 50000 with furnishings anticipated grants could be as high as on 00 of tho tfost questioned by doputyroovo f oakos the board chairman said tho library would be locat ed on tho oast ond of the school ono thing im like to malm cl lar said dr oakes is that debentures issued in 1968 will bo paid for by tho joint board of education in 1009 but woll be taking on othor pooplos dobts councillor pat mckonzlo said the need at the schools is urgent thoro is no place to go if the delay coniinuos well have to con sider portables in september if the addition is approved to what oxtont will this roliove tho congestion asked council lor bob drlnkwaltor board vicechairman vic brlstow said even if children aro movod from tho robert lit tle to the mz bennett school it wont necessarily moan moving kindergarten children roason k tho mz bonnott kindergarten is also crowded why bring in a library askod roovo hlnton why did we hover know about -this- be fore its happened since he last time vve talked with council answered ur brlsiqv there are three classes in the robert little kindergarten now if the rest- of the houses are bulimr lakeviqw this spring we may need four idndergartetfclasses ive no intention of blockad ing this submission but we must havo a projection of your capital costs ovor tho next five years before we can get approval from tho ontario municipal board dr oakos told tho board after long lookdt the school poexs submission- the reeve said it sounded reasonable as long as the town was not over- bulldjng he mentlonedthe poss ibility of separate school in actoo and thought additions would possibly be suspending the idea although declaring himself neith er pro or con council reviewed the history of the proposed addition at the school with frequent reference to the county boards ideas for schools in tho future asked the size of tho proposed library ur bishop said it would occupy 1025 sq ft water heater inspector story has happy ending for valonllnes day a police tory withahoartonlngondlng last wook tho acton a p p reported a call from a housewife that a man posing as a water hoator inspector had ordered her homo and had loft aftor sho ques tioned him tho police warnod household ers to sook credentials of any unknown callers but were unable to do anything about tho man since thoro was no ucense number or othor information tho soquel ho came back to tho same house the woman called police again a constable went to the house and discovered the man was in deed a water heater inspector and a rather surprised water heater inspector he came from union gas ham ilton and was happy to bs able to identify himself after reading last weeks story some others also began to wonder about unknown men whod been in their basements the local hydro commission does not send out water beater inspectors in library lobby actons history comes to life in mrs joe brays large mural ft costs jbboqo for a library to serve ouc 4500 people and 50000 for one to sen boot puttied the clerk i the figures seem out of pro portion admitted vlcechalr man brlstow but they are a different type of operation the department says every student should have 10 books in the school library mr bishop bfoke down costs for the proposal as follows con struction 42000 architect fees 2520 furnishings and equip ment 5000 contingencies 2- 100 councillor uckenxie in his dual role as councillor and rob ert utile principal explained the changing concept of a school library the written word is no longer adequate a library is also a repository for film strips projectors tapes and a work room setipait for the books a library for movies asked councillor tyler even tv shows are taped in the morning so they can be used later in the day explained ur uckenzle ur bishop explained the board wished tentative approval on the library but expected a sound ap proval for the uz basse ad dition a resolution carried approv ing the proposed addition to the mz bennett school approval will now be sought from th q un a motion also passed granting tentative approval to the propos ed library at the robert little school at a cost of 50000 at th request of the public school board actons pioneer past and bur geoning present aro deplctod in an 8 x 10 foot mural which was lnstallod in tho library lobby on sunday afternoon tho talontod painter mrs joe bray has boon working on nor unlquo contennlal project slnco tho fall a recent nowcomor to acton sho did much research boforo her sketches for tho strlklngpalnting wore submttod to tho library board the lions club made a donation of money toward mat erial for the big project tho four panels wore painted separately at the bray home and then assembled in the library on tho brick wall at tho right hand side of tho entrance theyre so high thoy wont be touched by curious young fingers but for protection the entire painted surface has been sprayed with a plastic finish a small plaque belou tlie mural lndlcatod it is tho gift ofuolanlja and joe bray with materials supplied by tho lions club mr bray is high school vlce-prln- cipal urs bray has had no formal art training butherpaintlngsara widely admired and many have boon sold sho used up her whole supply of paints and brushes for the pro ject the hard board wore out nearly 20 brushes completely sho had to borrow a brush from a nolghbor to sign her name in tho cornorl tho dull wall as transformed by a painting was first visualized by urs bray about a year ago and the thought was nourished with encouragement from the lib rary board and the sorvlce club work began in he fall but slnco christmas urs bray has been devoting most of hor spare time to the plan with two spirited young sons it hasnt all been oasy wet paint is not the best thing to leave unattended in a houso with proschoolers it was lots of hard work and fun sho concluded sunshine yellow and vivid lem ony greens predominate in the background with accents muted from all the gayer hues of the palette seen from outside ontho street on a cold night the buildings and figures depicted melt lntoatlngy impressionistic painting thatom- anales the beat of july research andreacungproduced the subjects for the scenes earliest in time isthe wagoapre- sumably bearing the adams family the first settlers pio neer scenes are spotted here and thoro tho stevenson plough company once famous is there with an oarly locomotive the once- lmprosslve town hall the old post office and the quaint aquatic club the dominion house was the original one not the present hotel and the storey glove com pany plant is no longer here the first reeve wa storey is here in portrait as is robert little with the early school be hind him the authors of actons only history actons early days h p uoore and a a dills are included all the schools are shown and the churches can be located factories range from beardmore and company to h k porter and micro the new music centre is shown and even the centen nial library each section offers more for the curious eye and as theyve said for years it has to be seen to be appreciated urs brays library project lent quite finished yet she is painting the ontario crest and acton crest to be hung on either side of the picture of the queen guide brownie banquet held tuesday night about 130 onjoyedthe gulch and brownie mother and daught er banquet tuesday evening in the legion auditorium also present were the ads rangers in the newlyformed group wearing their uniforms purchased with money raised by themselves their perky caps are like stewardesses lead ers are urs ginger and urs coombs the girls prepared and pre sented the entertaining program a highlight was the puppet show based on guide laws given by urs orval chapmans group the puppets operatedby strings deformed in guide uniform on a specially built dollslie stage mothers joined the girls in a singsong of camping favorites attempted ink4 bi twfi an attempted break and entry at beardmore and co was re ported to police uoaday eight at 10 pm watchman earl vivian discovered three men at th pip shop they pulled their coats over their faces and fled en loot their footprints were followed as faras the crescent botcoulekrt be traced further nothing was reported stolen final reading bylaws for new sewage plant muml mmctino atlont history painted by mr joe brey wai initelled sunday in the library lobby it depictj acton landmarks in with yellowy onsen predomlnat- steff photo final reading and passing of two bylaws so construction of the addition to the town sewage plant can proceed was parsed at tuesday nights matting of eounell engineers have almost com pleted plans for the plant ad dition estimated cost of which is not expected to exceed 47- 000 it is expected they will be ready to call tenders by th ad a february a coflstrucuaa bylaw and a borrowing bylaw received unej readings so the work can pro ceed councillor earl uasales expressed his sail atactica with the way things were going with pun tor the plant many accidents happen af work 1m figures just rebusd indicate that mm srird as- eldest est which rnasni asif dalnt were asttatd lamashss cosnty seveaelbseeelfrilosei were mai 11 msisdtrvsr- efcasat disability asllmaeaaw d tempnttry total tflsabotty halted didst register the high est figures el coins tost county wod that eadealnbt unetloa wtth tlfitt datss set tled in ibm taopl dags last at wort

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