Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 21, 1968, p. 10

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acton presents black ana while elching when viewed frohn the rill above the bveezet one of the few promonloriet where your view it not i were matching sltion of a new tdor for tlw liberal parly is creating much interest among people of all political percua- tioni part of the reason j tho new liberal standard bearer will likely- be prime miniiter for a time the on el- ected could also detevmine the direction canadp will fake in the newt decade will he be young and vibrant with ideas ihort on experience maybe he will be a cautious middleoftheroad candidate for the pb with a yen for carefaking perhaps hell lean more to the right than the party has under mr pearton we were very interested in the com ment bill coats had to make on his impressions of the various candidate at the ontario convention his first hand appraisal gave us an opportunity to gain an insight few of us will be able to make personally sjct 4free jms editorial page impeded snow wrap fiiry lake and the town in a generou while blan ker and if extends to the high point at churchill before fadlnq staff photo well admit to being perturbed at some of the bolder statements attribut ed to those candidates who lean more to the left particularly mr trudeau on the other hand some of the more cau tious candidate sound like ihey belong in the conservative party we are among those who feel the canadian public has never appreciated mr pearson in the prime ministers role we dont doubt hell- b accorded more respect in rotrotpoct but he gave the impression of being weak on issues which required a great deal of firmness the country is looking for someone to lead out of tho wilderness of separa tism provincialism and monetary con trol from abroad if the liberal cant find the man lo do it then theres no doubt tho con- ervative have a very strong candidate for the job in mr stanfield sugar and spice j y b i i l smiley 2id penalty off nuth one of the penalties of growth for a town ihis sire is expansion of tor vicei even orderly rotrained expan sion can produce kingsired headache for those entrusted with care of the municipality acton has not seen the rapid resi dential enpansion of some qf our neigh boring communities but there has been a steady construction of houses fluctu ating over the past decide schools and municipal services have been adequate lo meet needs without any large build ing programs vwere now at the point however when schools have reached the satura tion point classrooms cannot acconi modate the numbers waiting to get m without endangering teach nq stand ardl handinhand with the rjrovvlh of the student population is a new enipha sis on teaching techniques which re quires expensive equipment and a school library unless the ontario mun icipal board turns down rhe requests there s no reason re dcnht me tnvsn will get them the proposed addition it the m 1 bennett school will uuiude tour class rooms a gymnasium and a ltr ary cost is expected to be 356 its on which grants can be collected on as high as 300000 the proposed library at the robert little school will cost approxi mately 50000 of which 90 per cent is eligible for grants this makes a total cost of 406425 a sum which is suro to bring some con sternation to taxpayers especially when added to the 487000 the addition to the sewage plant is expected to cost the figures add up pretty close to tho million dollar mark its easy to visualise what some ate payers especially those with fixed in comes are saying with some justifica tion taxes will soon be so high there wont be anyone able to afford them in spite of all this expansion how ever most of the town council is not unduly perturbed they dont expect any large increase m taxes as the clerkadministrator pointed out at the last meeting of council there arc several factors to be considered new houses also bring m more taxes we are also at the point where deben ture payments on the original sewage plant jnd it would be nice to be able to sit back at this luncture and spend some of the money which went into debenture payments into other things the town voices of alarm woro heard in tho land recently amid the ovcltomeni of the con stitutional conference and tho quickening liberal leadership race canadians wero told that tho country could bo in for serious trouble in 1908 the volcos woro not of tho wilderness nor did tlioy cry without bolng itoaril thoy were nelthor voices of crackpots or un knowns and ihoy told uy thai economically canada is in tho dumps and that tho u s and canada face a stock market crash which will mako 1029 look like a small ripple on the seas of llstross there it was stark and simple canada is in tho dumps tho words worothoso of quebec promlor daniel johnson and it was evident when he spoke that thoro was ultlu or no political motivation to his words tho othor warning about tho stock mar ket came from the notod and coutrovors 111 american oconumlst and writer elliot janeway this is tho man who was until rocontly one of tho chlof advisors to pres ident johnson ho now says tho us is under such severe oconomlc attack that thoro is sorlous doubt whothcr it will be alilo to avoid devaluating its currency and whon that happens the plug is u it lor every othor eurroncy around tho globe says janoway the cciioivjc premlurs assessment of canadian conditions comes at a tlmo whon tho nation stands at tho peak of an alltime prosperity but sooms incapable of solving tho problems of galloping inflation a wors ening housing crlelsandgrowinguiomploy- menl llttlo or no progross has boon made in tho strugglo to bring the atlantic provinces and parts of tho west up to ontarios uvlng standard needs like sidewalks but it just isnt possible were in the midst of c pan- sion whether wo like it or not the town sat on its fanny for many years content to bask in low taxes when expansion struck it created a sudden demand for services which had been overlooked partly as the result of the depression and fear of a repitition the best we can ask in this era of expansion is wise leadership a realiza tion on the part of elected representa tives there is a bottom to the tax bag the burden on the taxpayer now is heavy but if he can see tarlrble results fiom the spending hell be content to confin protests to polite grumbling pkette frw the pam 0 the cuffl pctum of acton wttti ono-butt- llng station it part of the e e perry- man poilcard collection john williams horudwn but looked after tha mail and many passengers at rhe pauline johnson collegiate in ftranttord they have apparently beat en the problem of long haired students working in their school shops by giv ing students the choice of either qettmg ther har cut or weannq hair nets techrwil director p a vannesl re ports thai since the hair nets were dis tributed the long hair problem has dis appeared to the delight of local bar bers a hair cut was preferred by most male students the real substance of conservation lies not in the physical projects of gov ernments but in the mental processes of citizens aldo leopold while tle govornthonls galhor over more tax revenue to thumselvos ottawa alone will spend 10 billion dollars in the next fiscal year tho little governmentii such as the municipalities find their tax sources actually drying up while canadas growth rates show signs of stagnation many nations appear to be retreating into over moro narrow orbits instoad of tho industrial natloksexpanding tholr trade by progressively cutting away tariff restrictions as was onvlsloned by president konnedy in tho trade negotiations since known as the kennedy round tho countries of tho world show signs of repott ing tho oconomlc natlonallsmwhicli followed world war i and hogot world war ii this at least is flu thesis of ur jano way who says the u s will face a grave oconomlc crisis this spring to protect tho dollar drained off by tho war in viet nam and u s business invostmont abroad tho american government will have to slash trade hike intorost ratos and possibly do- valuu tho v s dollar itself janeway says tho nations of tho world aru ropoatlng all tha same mistakes of 30 and 40 yuars ago and that tho oconomlc infight ing now going on can lead only to business collapse followod by a fighting war britain devalues the pound to give it an edge in foreign trade franco seeks to undercut tho u s international financial position by selling its american dollars so as to roduco confidence in tho v s econ omy japan appears pointed for a hugo devaluation of its money in order to put its exports hack on a moro competitive footing meanwhllo overy oconomlc signpost which springs up in tho u s stand- out in ovor bolder typo in canada whan tho us ship of state rocks tho canadian rowboat is swamporj three percent unemployment tho is produces a jobless rate of six percent here a hike of fourpercontlnprices thoro pushos up tho cost of living eight percent here tim prima interest rato surges up half a percent thuro a full poroontago point lioro and at the bottom of it all lurks the u s ndlltary lnvolvemont in asia at a cost so great that tho richest nation in the world is unablo to meet tho burden abroad and achievo its social goals at homo america is trying to carry out britains old rolo of tho empire maker east of suez but the days of empires are gone the acton free press phone h53 2010 11 i fdmjl oltce jikj obiishfj i 4utm uui au j lilj km itw ln nj lttka 4 ll 4ibs 1 ib mi n l 4kaj4 1 j ilk rj j vohul mi i rul lulua iklixlmni 41 fetvpiaj ub rw- nun it llljl in itw uj ttpur4jtutl j 14 lv miiitj t ik vfilur llh jsjuh irvc in m1 nul w j t hui w tuun i- 4 v ajivrtlumm ill br pjhj 1h at apailw akt iit in itw pt aual r km jw nnuid ujt nut run ha wu1 4jtfii rf b ntk jft lo wit bi jo tw um 1 u km ww pteit uj itfilij ca ua twttj b ml fuutuu htu coim dl rkj 20 years ago takan from the lisue of the free preaa of thursday fobmary 10 ims stapa for the organisation of the rotary club were taken feb 11 by a group of 10 buiireia and profeaalonal men tboae praaeoi at the organ aatlonal mxtlngeuict- d the following offlceral prealdant amos ifaspoj first vteapresldent w j uoattyi directors thvp garrett dr rvc oakas smretary r it aylesworthy traaa- ttrerjcw haysnl other present vrare john m andarson roy r arnold harold w ilaxtagdsrhl jennings david undsay aured ung4rardlmroll ustarife swain artfiur padbury victor ruiuy prceorga slrrsi fred wright v 1 tthro u mtiactlvtty and progress hs- tng tnaaa in the interior of the nw odson theatre mng eracted in a don actipn junior farmorifrhvt with kerwin mcphall in the chair vac sprowa chairman for a- spiunhld program given by ray tvorduir barry stewart hetty brit- ton song and tap dance by ilfargaret tarly doruun ferguson acton juveniles wort the group champ lonshlp when thoy sank the georgetown entry 105 ur grant campbell of moffat is away in scotland purchasing purebred stock llmehouse school had a holiday while tho furnace pipes were cleaned monday 50 years ago taken from tho issue of the froe press of thursday february 28 1918 the hakorlos are now supplying the new war bread orderod ly tho food controller that made liy u edwards and co is light sweot and nutritious with the courser flour the authorities of the toronto sulxirban railway ovldenlly consider acton is well worth cultivating for buslnuss for tho line a station master is to bo placed hero with in tho next few days who will give his whole tlmo to the sale of tickets shipping de livering oxpress and othor matters capt w g c konnoy is in hospital in alexandria egypt suffering from fever auctioneer kerr lost a fine driver this week while driving home from mr tal bots sale ho met ur j e poaren with a load of chop on tho second line near ur ualloys he drove off tho road to lot the load pass and tho horse broko its lug in tho deop snow ho was drawn on a stone boat into mr lynns stable and it was thought for a day or two tho animal might bo savod but while mr kerr was attending a salo at lllltsburgh hope was ahandonod by tho votorlnary and tho poor horso was shot amateur gardeners must raise more food this year tho farm istho main thing but not tho only thing tho lack yard should do its utmost back 1 s 8 u e s 75 years ago taken from the issue of tha free press of thursday february 21 1891 the former school law regulrlnf that children must attend school 100 days in the year has been repealed the present law states that children mast attend regu larly for the full term parents should hear thisln rrdodana jave theraaelve trouble ma said enairspaper mans sea i know why sduors call themselves whyt ios the manhodoesh111ks ttui article will think there are too many dopuforumtosi v against lib crinodne most likely to appeal fo the yonfir laotea la thai statistic are said to prorjefewermar- riages occurred during the ustlcrlnouns oraie than when reasonable costumes were jnjrn the deiili pf ui geofte l beardmore who has been known andtilhly esteemed irt actooforaorne twentyjelghtytiars oc curred last friday v mr alfred g easton of chicago form erly of the free press was in town about a weak ago with his newlywedded wist a young chicago lady he made but a short visit two old woman in a remote district of russia were detected in the act of mmling a child and subsequently confessed to hav ing killed and eaten a number of children whom they had kidnapped the two female cannibals were burned to death by a mob of peasants 100 years ago taken from tha issue of the canadian champion milton february 20 1184 town council met at the usual dour members all present a petition of thom as bradley and 25 others was referred to streets and sidewalks committee tha license committee reported that all five taverns had tha necessary accommodation and recommended that they should obtain licenses the report not adopted ur haute do moved that b jones be appointed assessor after a prolonged discussion on tho license report which was re-coruider- ud tho council adjourned for want of a quorum exhibition of the pupils of the deaf and dumb institute conducted by ur watson in tho hall last night was a complete suc cess eighteen dollars was reallud from tho sale of tickets and subscriptions will bo taken up by mrs leltch miss bsu and miss totter and tha amounts handed in to rev mr tremayne for transmission to hamilton we trust that tha people of milton will give liberally to thia noble institution iprtc stress yhe church op st alban the martyr anglican corner willow st and st albhns drive rrvriilhiir mlmurrny ma stb sunday mhrijary 25th lm8 qnmciuiyisima quo a m the holy eucharist 1030 am church school 1030 am morning prayer asm wednesday i 28 4 10 pm holv eucharist 7 10 pin llo eucharist beyhh christian reformed church minister rev p brouwcr acton ontario sunday itbrlary 25th i8- 10 00 i m ennlish service 11 10 jin sunday school 2 10 p m alternating dutch and english service saturday bible classes 10 12 am evervone welcome mapie avenue baptist church 81 maple ave georgetown pastor- rev robert c luhnes slndvy i brl ry 25th im68 here is mir siiucie in v t a lion to the uholi- farnilv to attend church 0 45 i m sunday school all ages 1100 am morning service 7 00 p ni evening evangel 7 45 pm wednesday praer meeting act n smft georgetown 8776665 presbyterian church in canada knox church acton rev andrew h mwkenic ba bd minister mr e a hansen ba oi janisi and chojr matter church notices tiinity church the unllbd church of canada miniiter rev gordon d turner ba bd ornmim dr george elliott ma phd sunday ppnruary 25th 1968 1000 j m morning worshi nu provided sunday school i0n im luniur school lo gr 4 ii 15 am senior sthrxj gr 5 lo gr i acton baptist church founded 1m2 pitor rrv stanley gammon hes 144 titlev ave phone 5h6i5 slmday ffhruary 25lh 1968 45 um church school jnd adult ilihle claii 1 1 00 am morning worship crovcnctl with manv cruwnv 7 00 p m fvening service second mivmonary journey wednesday 7 00 pm praver end ilihle study wednesday 8 00 p m teacher meet thursday a jo pm esploren thursday 8 pm choir practice friday 7 pm oil f where shall i go irom thy spirit ur vshcrc shall 1 flee from thv pre- clue psalm im 7 evangel pewecostat yaurnacu paoc jj churchill road rev s m thoman panor i5ji715 sunday ffhruary 25lh i8 45 am church school for age 3 lo 15 years 1 45 a m minisiers church member ship clas or tcuntifen llv a m divine worship service commemorating lord ba- denpouell lur cis scout broan- jes and guidci 8 jo pin adult study group in mary ellen anderson room everyone most welcome si nday ffbrlary 25lh i9aj 1000 j m sunday school 1 1 0i a m morning wonhip 700 p m evangelistic service tuesday pm prayer service sjod bible study thursday 8 p m chriti ajabjitmtors- friday 7 pmcrussders this it an inviution to khad the church of your cholosr on sunday

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