Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 21, 1968, p. 11

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encased in ice the dredge cleaning fairy lake sits offshore waiting for ice to break up when it can continue the ob it started during tr summer staff photo council decides the acton free press wednesday february 21 1968 b3 new steel desks for town office the renovated town offices in the yuca will hare at least aome new furniture council de cided at the last regular meeting they passed a resolution author- talng purchase of three steel stenographers desks and chairs and a desk and chair for the assessor estimated cost of the furnishings is 1000 opposed to the motion was reeve hlnton who felf the items should be- budgetable rjeal wjth on the basis of ability to pay swth town o had crack ar the town furidi h admitted but it should carry 15 bwrwelght jn the budget it pospssomojnterasunkest- imaies on whals going torhapperi to the mill ratethls year oonw mented the reeve well mrglooml exclaimed the mayor a trifle annoyedattho reeves observation we should lake another look whea we see the budget the reeve went on ridiculous snorted coun cillor charles perry youre going to have a new office and a bunch of junk in iii how much is it going to cost the clerk halton mutual returns officers 42633 claims company shows profit director anajhareholders of halton mutual fire insurance co campbellyule looked uck on an xcellenfyear during the companys 18th annual meeting held in acton library recently while claims totalling 42633 were paid during 1067 the com pany showed a net profit of 45- 9m there are presently 2066 policies in force with a total insurance value of 37812553 the surplus fund has been built up to 171746 and assets cur rently total 267935 tho mooting was informed officers were all returned for ibm they include president lome e chamberlain of horn by vicepresident thomas j brownridge of rr 2 george town secretarytreasurer a t moore of campbollvillo and in spector robert w shortlll of milton directors for iocs include h craig reld and norman cantelon of milton jamos t flshor of rr 3 georgetown camoron m harley to halton by h a r at tho present tlmo the houso of commons is considering tho income tax ad which will im plement tho minibudget pro posed by tho minlstor of flnanco tho honourable m tchell sharp lets play bridge by bill coats what do you do if the opponents bid your best suit before ou got a chance tot tf you are a good player you pass reasonably quickly and hope that partner wiu help you out this hand was dealt at the adon bridge club last week the dealer is north andnorth- south are vulnerable north s- 97 h- aj 3 d- kj4 cj 10 s 6 4 west east s 52 s- a j 108 h c97 52 h k 64 d 10 9 6 s d08 52 c 97 ckq south soc q 6 4 3 h- 10 8 jx- a 7 c- a 532 the bidding north east south west pass 1 s pass pass zc pass 3vti all pass opening lead 5 of hearts both east and south have niw hands but east minagud to bid apadas first there is nothing that south can dobutpass i sat north and u hi n the bidding returned 16 nu i wasnt prepared to soli out cheaply i really should double but i docldod since wo wore vulnerable to bid clubs south came to life and toot a chance on threo no trump little did south realize that the most valuable card in his hand was the heart ton the opening load uas ducked in dummy and east won with the king faced with leads up to ten aces in dummy in the red suits east got off the lead with a spade won by declarers the club ace was taken and a lo club was led east won and again led a spado won by south declarer led a hoart and fin essed winning tho trick tho hoart ace was taken and dumtnys clubs wore run poor east had to and three discards one dia mond and one spado were easy but what about the third discard finally east parted with a dia mond and declarer had no trouble winning threo damondtneks wt were the onh pair to be in game oie pair passed out one spade which went don iuo for a top to eastwest other north souths played in clubs making throe or four at duplicate no plaver in norths seat uojld sell out to one spade on ten points last weeks winners at the ac ton bridge club were qrstjack coats and bui coats second mrs p jeffarus and cam sin clair third mrs kav campbell and mrs mury manning fourth mr and mrs f hampshire somotlmo ago tho following week will soo consideration of spending ostlmatos of various government departments which is oxpoctod to take up all of tho next wook during the past weok a con siderable portion of tho tlmo was spont considering tho amondments to tho patent and trade marks acts this pro posed legislation has now re ceived second reading and will bo considered in about ton days time the amondmonts to thoso acts are being proposed to bring into oftect somo of the recommend ations made by tho special corri- mlttoo of tho house of commons on drug costs and prices which i had tho honour to chair the lntont of this legislation is to provide loss expensive but equally safe and effective drugs for the use of tho canadian con sumer tho main objection to this legislation has boon the fear that there might bo such a flood of imported drugs into canada that it would bo impossible for tho food and drug directorate of the department of national health and wolfaro to onsuro tho safety of thoso imported drugs on the other hand the food and drug directorate fool that they can deal with the drugs that would bo imported into tho coun try under this legislation to facilitate this tho food and kltchlng of rr 2 rockwood calvin j altken of hh 3 adon r m barden of hlllsburgh and x ross segsworth of rr 2 burlington largest slnglo claim in 1967 was a 16163 loss of a barn and implements by tiro in esquosing township claims were paid for fire losses damage and thefts among the claims were paymonts totalling over 2600 for 19 farm animals ullod by lightning in cluding cattle and pigs drug directorate has been given authority to increase its staff to make the necessary inspection services on imported drugs available the government has agreed because of the very real concern over the question of safety that they will very care fully study any proposed amend ments made by any member of the house of commons can attend most meetings councillor bill williams at his first council meeting since he resigned and subsequently re turned to the post notified coun cil he would now probably be able to attend most meetings his employer read of his plight in the paper and granted permls- ion to attend regular committee and council meetings mr williams thanked council for their consideration and made it clear there had been no pres sure from dr oakes for him to return dr oakes was delegated by council to review mr wil liams resignation with him tho human body has approxi mately 2500000 sweat glands with about 2500 por square inch on hands forehoad and the soles of thq feet where they are most numerous shortill miu st sheet metal plumbing a heating acton 8534270 specializing k clare bros heating equip ntliifd united oai daur we carry a complete stocf of pipes and fittings c shtvtcf call bs301t7 0 safety is important toyotacrown 4 cvllndut ohc if a most la owh disc uakfs 1 su mils car cakpfts 1 aik our cuatdiwan uckit siats hew they like h hiavlia mktai batata you buy stvakata mam anything ma park motors 779439 sauh a stttvtck ofomitown ohm ivfninos worked it out at 99750 including sales tax but mr hlnton felt sev eral eitras would be included over the years weve hadpro- blems in the works department bringing equipment up to date but through persistence it was done admonished the mayor no 2 committee decided the office needed new equipment and its got to be done he intimated the raeighas one point vll taken admitted the mayor its the effort ofll to spend mooeylntho right place the office hs never ulcou snow blowers and then throw them out either charged the reeve past councllshavo the office has recolyed ho rocog nltlon by fho- same token you dont go for overythlngmn one year if you open a new office you must have furnitdro in it re marked mr drlnkwaltor you discuss a 300000 school a 00000 library with no tronblo but when it comes to u0o yol renege he charged tho reeve we cant deprive the town of things wo need mr hlnton said be was con cerned tho mill rate would go hog wild this year since even government was backing up clerkadministrator j mc- geachle sitting back listening to the exchange of ideas saldthe reeve wis prematurely alarmod at this years budget several hems in the budget will bo lower this year dehenifird payments drop and there could be a fair surplus fron1067 he reminded the reove present furniture ihthv town offices was a hodgepodge r pjckedtip inadcond hand stores whejn will the town rfflces be rady for occupancy ln about three weeks8ald the clerk for councillor earl wasalos the nutter of how furjilturo was cuf and dried when people uy a new house- they dont sleep on the floor hanliservoii the reeves attempt to refer tho new furnhuro purchase tothe budget committed as an amend meht was lost council passed tho original motion with tho roovo oio only dlssontlfig vote jarbage on roadsides brings police warning several complaints about poo- plo dumping garbago on town ship roads in north halton havo been registered with tho milton detachment of tho opp tho olp patrol all township roads in esquosing and nassagawoya section 98 of tho highway tralflc ad deals with llltoring tho roads and a penalty for this offence is up to 50 for a first offonco sgt c j parkinson warns hosldonts should visit tho townships garliago disposal areas during open hours or make arrangements for tho sanitary disposal of garbage froiuin foods wore invented by charles illrdseyo who discover ed that for the host results food had to bo frozen fast ratepayers township of esquesing take notice that after march 1 1968 the township office will remain closed on saturday morning except on saturdays proceeding a monday holiday k c lindsay clerktreasurer bell lines by l g denby your telephone manager lluvtr voct bvcr spcnl limitcjsiryi frtilnitliiu iuu tnllliing around ihroilgb slacks ufjobl papers coupons ir iijalktikmik niverv un a lrlcphonc- nurtibrr inn vi wuniv lit ketfi and nownikp cj vmiiiliimsjil m v liilky von hod ll wflilln oh i jtimpltri uni nu1op panel w v x well its relyey h keep all ihom imporrunl riilin httn ah in omt plcnd mc v the phonr wrvc fvdmitm- d mir handy bookut u which oy can keep all yur 1l- phorle numbers fend llscalrtd ihr pcnofml dlrrclfiry ll marl and trtodern looking though comiwtl in m its larje enaush to hold all lha numhera fhal you tall tre- querilfy u has spacw for names addrcmcf arcacole and lalephonc numhars jusl ilisldi llit trolll wivor is- 1 spiiifl smll ll vi ml hi giiu numbers ll miglil bt 1 good idlj io iuli vur mjmi iipjl ir township aikki- police md tire niimlurs inn and wf vi iiilludvd sp ice or unportuil c iles von w nit io ttmliiiilhr siilii is blrtlidiv uul innivi rsirk s i l liki von 10 h ivc vour irtl tiipv lor i 111 sure von will liml 11 1 tonwnieni is i do jusl liii our husiness fjflui mil w ii hi i ipp in send ou one or two ll von ni i d ihi m ami while im talking about irlephone numbers ptr imps its ihs right moment to include a reminder of u spe cial number list when youre going out for the evening here are a few suggestions that may help you and live haliy sitter relax tikc 1 few moments io wrile down tlun iiih incl telephone numbers of iho pi ices you ire ioinu nul tin ipprowiin ilu limes vou ii lo there have emergency numhera including the family iloc tors written down too ounces iiv the biby illtr will iilvlt need ilu livt but vhi and she know 11 s right beside ihe pbom if mtdtd having taken these precautions step mil ind h ivt 1 u i ix ing inn lillctl evening recently we heard about a telephone repairman who had been up a pole doing some work on ihe lelephmie line when he slaried to come down the pole he saw a large ferocious dog growling and waiting for him on the ground the repairman didnt panic instead he just climbed hack up hooked onto a line and called the police on his lesl set an officer came pulled ihe menacing rover away and the telephone man climbed down in aafely this is just another example of itow people gel help quickly and easily with their telephone cam sh 9gf old fashioned 4 big days feb 21 22 23 24 only red tag sale days all flavours old fashlotmml ice cream half gallons r 11 99c sherbet pints save 25c mmmt i choice of flavour 2 for la ifr74c e sav 36c ice cream pints 3 for 99c 1 choice of flavour hs s tju e t marks grocery wiles bus depot royal z dairy store

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