Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 21, 1968, p. 15

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churchill former actonian family purchase farm at brisbane bymrrmacarttur churchill congregation was pleased their putor gordon b tnrner was able after his accident though attu on crot chet to take february 18 sunday aerrlce at churchill mr and mrs don anderson vara in toronto on saturday and attended the boat show visitors at ihe home of mr and mffc ward hamilton were former high school counts m aa0 mrs wiliiajn elsasser also mr and mrs ackwlnffler all of clarksojc mrs wlndlar is the daughter of mrand mrs hartley harrison formerly of actda mr- and mswjndloc have purchased the farm prev- loaslv owned by the late mr sam nurse on 24 highway near brisbane and they witti their three children hope to be moving mr and mr- leslie swaclc- hamer visited with mr and mrs harry kroefar and family in st catharines last week relatives friends and neigh bors will be pleased to near mr spear was muchlmprovedlnhea- tth and able to return horns from goelph hospital last wednesday several from the churchill area attainted the acton junior farmers banquet last friday evening held in brookvlue mr brian beasey of hlusburg wa the guest speaker churchill friends and relatives will be sorry to near mrs har old griffin is a patient in ooelph general hospital undergoing treatment we hope she can soon return iiome sympathy of the community is extendad to m- and mrs bruce leltch and family in the- death ontebruary 7 m his step mother mrs donald laltch of santa rosa california mr and i mrs leslie swack- bimer and pebble visited on saturday with mr and mrs ross swacldurner and brenda in geo rgetown on saturday february iv mr and mrs bob kerr attended the junior farmers zone z confer ence held in caihpbellford where mrs bob kerr was the guest speaker mr and mrs bob marshall jr and family also mr and mrs bl davidson were in st cath arines on sunday visiting with bobs sister mr and mrs wil liam daley and baby lisa erin townshjp council appoints jos m leitch com of adjustment the municipal council of the township of erin mel in the coun cil chambers hlllsburgh on monday february 5 with all members present reeve alex jackson presided a bylaw to appoint a member to the erin township committee of adjustment for the years 1968 1969 1970 carried the council in committee reported the name of james m leltch be inserted to fill the position erin township donated the sunn of 50 to the hamilton branch of the salvation army 25 to st johns ambulance association 400 to the welling ton county federation of agricul ture george harrington is appointed dog controfbth ce r f or the town ship of erin to act upon notice by the clerkadmlnlstrator erin township will pay the treasurer of providence cemet ery the sum of 5350 for the erection of the fence around the aid property the sum of 40 was donated to the wellington county soil and crop improvement association the following are accounts were paid community telephone co ltd 11159 j c barnes repairing orion fire pump 1105 the following general accounts were paid erin advocate sup plies 1441 elmer miklnnon postage andsupplles761doer- lng and brown copy machine and supplies 33443 ontario hydro maintenance on osprlnge street lights 5182 community tele phone co ltd 4935 p can ada ltd fuel 5285 james do- laney building inspector 11400 bert berry postage 20 the following road accounts are to be paid h j awrey unemployment stamps 732 e s hubbell grader blades 24315 r nellson and atars- well snowplowing 2298 bryans fuel fuel and oil 498 11 j c barnes repairs 7 569 valley blades ltd plow blades 9518 l w mfgr ltd re pairs 9186 garnet tiled sanding 49100 west garafraxa twp half cost boundary 1967 6504 esquoslng twp half cost boundary 1967 266928 h j awrey stamps 5 ronald saunders sanding 308 cpr flasher lights 2m5nelllscou- structlon ltd snowplowing 2820 ray swlndlehurst oper ating adams b 42g8d henry wheeler road supt 32640 ronald saunders operating adams a 40046 police village of hlllsburgh garnet tilcox snow removal 640 erin advocate signs 35 tm hope snowplowing 100 deputy district governor visits acton lions deputydistrict governor ld wiggins paid his official visit to acton lions at their last reg ular meeting exhorting the local pryde to seriously adopt the slogan world understanding through lloalsm with particu lar emphasis on youth exchange visits he complimented secretary bob hal and bulletin editor al lauder on the promptness and regularity of reports and bulle tins lion ed also advised the lions district a would be ser iously proposing trls coffin for third international vicepresi dent and every club member would be assessed one dollar to further the campaign it has been many years since a canadian has held the post which leads to the international presidents chair special awards are being of fered for lions who bring a new member into their club in feb ruary the deputy district gov ernor urged acton lions to gut brenda bruce wins public speaking af rockwood school monday afternoon buliind the membership cam paign he was introduced by uon chlof vic brlstow and thanked by secretary uob hall lion ray evelan outunedplans for ladlos night at the music centre fobruary 23 and distrib uted tickets lion john grlef- unjder read articles on inter national llonlsm and lion edu cation the lion chief told the club three impartial juuges indium selected for the public spoaldng contest at the high school which would take place that week mrs joe drat was reimbursed for her expenses in painting the mural at the cuntemiial library a project the lions uvro happv to participate in a donation of 10 was to in sunt to the canadian track and field association to help pa ex penses for canadian entries in international track niets sev en acton lions paid a visit to the north peel club the previous week and the uon chief report ed on the interesting meeting the acton free press wednesday february 21 1968 j7 brownie guide ranger motherdaughter banquet osprlnge student qrenda bruce was picked to represent the best in erin eramosa and puslinch townships in the wellington county public speaking finals brenda spoke on usd against three other competitors at rock- wood centennial school monday afternoon and was picked by a panel of three judges to go in the competition t runoorsip werebrendasmltb of rockwood school glen fair of aberfoyle nd brookoflmiller of erin village in thatorder sneaking towho judges torn dalipandro jrom our lady of lpurdes school in cuelphcom- purrtented all iti liheafays for tyelrposture poise andpfatrorm manners the tack of gram matical errors fine voice cult ure and deportment were also noted by the judges who included miss mfcelroy from the lngush department of john rosi colleg iate guelph and b klely area superintendent for separate schools from guelph mr dallcandro said judges were particularly pleased with brenda brucos speech but two points swung the chotco in her direction first bocause of the groat deal of background the great amount of study and the number of sources quoto second point was tho delivery sevonty por cont of marks said mr dallcandro are given for prosontatlon oral present ation is very important re mainder of tho marks is given for tho content of tho spooch rockwood principal grant mc- rae acted as chairman for tho contest which also featured a gymnastic display by student from tho host school while tho judges wore tallying tholr marks miss elolso watson acted as tlmor for the spoochos rockwood ctntsnnial school qym lean gave a sparkling exhibition ot tumblino for the audpnee at ihe public spanking tontpst ofmpnt monrliy two boys go ovor the elephant in ihi pholo hut girls on the team were also limehouse valentine social sponsored by wi by mrs a benton mrs paltorson has been vis iting her slmor mrs s smith at woston mr t ii price has returned from a visit with tho gordon prices at islington we are sorry to hoar that gary maltliy broke his arm in a toboggajuiing accident rocontly a ploasant valentino social was sponsored by the wi at the homo ol mrs klrkpatrlck on wed afternoon last week concratulatlons to mlcholo mumby who won tho pumlc speak ing contest at st uarttowu re cently htr topit u in symph ony orchestra mr and mrs null vmler on hold a katlieilnp for rclatms and friends on saturday evening when their soi david of toronto was the honored guest on his 21st birthday staff pholo michele is runnerup mlchelu mumbys talk on hie symphony orchestra won horsoc- ond place in tho public speaking tliuls for no 1 inspectorate at georgetown friday night tho yoitnj limohouse sch oi spealcor took mrs placx in hor on chool competition an i ho subsoquont township finals for junior schools john tost of goorrotown ook the toi laurols friday with his own anohlography a most enjoyable occasion was the annual mother and daughter banquet held at the legion hall february 13 the program theme was campfire fun the evening started with the friendship prayer well readby guldo linda sayers and grace was sung a toast to the cueen ws proposed by mrs- e browne all sat down to enjoy a lovely turkey snpper with all the trim mings topped off with dake and ice cream k the program left entirely in the hands of tho girls this year was capably m cm by mrs gloria browno whose wit and humor put all at ease the cempfirosegment was opened by the ranger company who lit the individual campflres wtdch conjered every table the j jiall was darkened as tho tapers were lit one by one until the circle was complete during which all sang the campfire song the brownies sang an action song soliller soldier wont you marry me the 2nd acton guide company put on a delightful puppet show based on the ten guide laws the puppets dressed in guide uni forms with the exception of granny woro made under the direction of mrs o chapman guide capt whose husband mad the background stage for the young puppotoors thanks wore extended to mrs newton and mrs moore conven ors the loglon ladlos scout and guide mothers and all tho ladlos who performed idtchen duty this was follouod by 1st ac ton guldo company robin pat rol performing a skit tho ranger group told of how they earnod tho monoy to buy tholr hats tlos anrlpay the reg istration foo for all of tho girls thoy wont on to list some of tho sorvlcos already performed and what they would uka to do in the future endlnff with these words the ranger motto as well aa the ctrl guides is be prepared we are willing to help out when ever possible so when you need us well be ready ah joined in a hearty sing song one action song involving fwo mothers mrs r drink- waiter and mrs gr browne added to the merriment of all present the evening draw to close with mrsbrowne reaolqc a verse written by her 9-yoar- old daughter glora vhap- iplness the singing ot vespers by all and taps by brownies ohldes end hangers a happy group of girls all ages left the hall making plans for the next time midwinter exam results for violinist karen orourke received word from tho royal conservatory of music that she again had obtain ed first class honors for violin karen is busy practising to competo in peel spring festival she has also received word from her teacher that sho has been choson for a first violin part in the guelph youth orchestra for tholr spring concort sho is also a member of acton presbyterian choir which sho enjoys very much st albans preacher canon john botjtwell replaced the rev ruehlff mcmurray at st a lbana sunday mr mc murray was attending a confer- once at ancaster brenda 8buce r r 3 acton right will rompeie n the wol hngton county public speaking finals in guelph she and bron da srrnth left of rockwood school stood one two in the erin eramosa puslinch to vnship f nils it roclood monday afternoon stiff photo sltrtoff unbelievable february savings on carpeting wool or nylon 50 in broadloom sale reo 12 95 999 sq yd v 1 1 mir itw si lie il ir i would you like to save s on your 67 income taxr mi i in hy martini i winlrm hrliiimrnl vuiit ilun it llilliin is im i iriihl iiii en n iniki siilimintiil iiiiiinir li nin i ui ii rir i in rr in tm loulin i liirj no iiiiiiikhioiii ii 1 s 1 1 1 1 sou ill i nil tin is in- of ilui mil linu mil u in n in tn iki ill itits for example i im i l tll 000 70 10000 r ion mtikaim l i i swims j 175 rr fi i nnlav hop at home tooi jfib ij iri you may shop our decorator rained carpet rep- refentative will bring tamplei fake mvaturenienla end give etll- malei a no obligation to you jutl phone 8783067 wt wv 12 foot width 100- soin nylon with porrvijnent hardrwitt pile heavy duty clor catom double jute backing imvdiatf imstauation 338 mam st milton phone 878 3m7 it ii 1 on urn nl i i r it fur i in irrn il t ip i i irniii iii llllll uilli lie 1 ml nit- enroll iwforv fvb 29 to save on your 67 income lax i i it w uiir von hill iii li 11 i ml v halton peel trust savings company your lottii trust company 55 main stttft north georgetown j a edgar manager 877 3366 otker owcti oauville milton brampton burlington cooktville simcoe delhi

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