Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 21, 1968, p. 3

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council to study extended halton county services a apodal meeting to discuss regional government and consoli dated county services will be called by halton county council members agreed tuesday raeve w coulter reminded members a county welfare program had been set up last year in which municipalities over 5000 popu lation were allowed to opt oat al did uxcept acton and nassaga- wen who had less than 5000 population why dont the towns want county welfare- 1 haveht heard one solid argument against it he charged adding that the same goes for pasty asseasrtyiirf he urged a special meeting erf the representatives of the towns- and the county council m assessment ondjrelfare we have to gat moving or were going to be tbld what to do he stressed noting that peel county has special committee studying regional government and preparing for a special bill to the legislature bmve h hlnton suggested peel was going ahead in vll areas because- the people want work together its time this council woae up and got down u brass tacks the roove charged reeve alan day pointed out oakvllle was not opposed to larger units lor assessment and welfare but while the plunked report was unsettled it was not in favor of the change because of the un certainty deputy reeve w gillies suggested be need for ayaaclal com- tnltiee to look into broader problems than welfare ahdassessment at the county level members approved a motion calling on the warden to arrange a special menting reeve coulter suggested mayors of municipal ities be included if we dont have any success lets have a three roan committee hold hearings in each municipality ha urged a motion prohibiting smoking in the county council chambers was defeated tuesday by members deputy reeve w hoey proposed the motion suggesting it set a poor example for children visiting county council to have to watch through clouds of smoke despite the dangers of smoking adults were continuing to set a poor example he suggested reeve g gallagher noted in burlington council meetings smok ing is prohibited and a live minute recess called deputy reeve hoeys suggestion of a recess was changed from 18 minutes to five but tho motion was defeated 84 for a brief time after the voting there wasnt a smoker in sight tho brook was a momentary one however interim committee meets next monday the actori fre press wednesday february 71 1968 the interim school organ- iratlon committee a group of school board representatives from across halton who will lay tho groundworkforhalionsentry into a county board of education system in 1968 will hold its inaugural meeting next monday evonlng in milton donald young regional super intendent of education for this area has called the meeting for 73 pm in tho halton county building mlton it wilt be oom- prised of 10- men one wprs enting each board of education or school board in jfalton jue and burlington each rate under a board of educ- vnrs- izstow hat covets both w pubbc jntfjjgahools so each town ibjhavejpft one repre bsntatijjbaftfe interim jgoi ffljttee their delegates hive yet tq banajh nassigaweys andcsauesing townships each have jbstapublic school board and high school students from the townships are educated in either acton milton or georgetown high school nassagaweyas representative to the interim committor is chair man horace blyth while chair man william lawson will re present esqueslng georgetown acton and milton have man public and high school boards georgetowns dele gates are gv slgordsdn for the public schools and edwnf e hall for the high schpot acton has nanhd awray smith for the public school hoard and thomas watson for the high school board miltons public school representative wu brh p johnson and a high school board appointee viu be named- or thitf ek glonal superintendent young several othen department officials will attend the meeting to get the interim committee started on its task costume prize winners nt ihe gorman canadian club of halton county carnival dance in tho milton union hall saturday included witch emma wallace of bronto and movtcans mr and mrs nick soidl of hornby it was the club s annual costume ball and more than 30 couples came in wiord and colorful apparel other winnors included mr and mrs sid saitz of acton mr and mrs alfred hem of hornby and mr and mrs h massek of willowdalo staff photo regional library representatives attend miniconvention at hamilton proposes change in museum halton county museum would bo better operated by a five mem ber county committee of manogomont with advisory committees reovo h hlnton suggested to county council tuesday he suggested the advisory board members should servo without remuneration except for miloago as members of some advisory boards to conservation authorities do this would put tho responsibility for museums whoro it be longs reeve hinton suggested its tlmo the county started to review this operation reeve g currio pointed out conservation authority advisory boards are paid when i see some of the bills that go through here i dint seo many attending anything for nothing reovo g gallagher suggested reovo hlnton discuss the sug gestion with the acton representative on the board if he was un happy with tho prosonr operation urban board debates puc while there are other benefits aierglng water and hydro serv ices under a public uuutlea commlslon would be influential in forcing the government to consider a twotier system of regional government for halton milton councillor colin smlllle told the north halton urban board on wednesday operating the two servltesunf der a locallycontrolled utilities system would be a good reason to a twotier govjrnmenl and night preserve spnw local autonomy in a regional govern ment he said miltons recent discussions on merging its hydrp commission into a kux with water services prompted the topics appefcrorice n the urban boards agenda councillor smllua claimed hy dro commissions bit with large surpluses which should be spent on the municipality as they ac crue not saved up for future capital expenses i there is not enough account ability to the taxpayer under the hydro system he added acton reeve h h hlnton men tioned his town could not afford a decent office for the town staff yet the hydro commission has a large new building mayor lea duby defended the hydro how- over the new building was fin anced from a hydro surplus it was a credit to the town it would serve the town for many years and it replaced a dilapidated old shop that was a disgrace to the municipality he said several agreed a pudbad merits but several othtfrs felt there was no sense in creating a job for ourselves in the face of regional government by scrap ping a hydro commission that was working well and showing a surplus institute euchre friday acton w i held a very suc cessful euchrtt and penny sale last friday night at the parish hall euchjre prizes went to anne thompson and second to mrst 4 ear lambert gents to ken thompson second to jim van fleet uicky door prlzewent to mrs bolton of rockwood the peany 1 sales prizes went to mrs n lambert pnd glasses be andersoocoratiroy cushion mrs lome weld towel mrs cora walters place mats jas jeeslman colognej janice thornhtll milk pitcher mrsi delia kentner jewellery loiswaordqn carving set alex commando guest towet mrs ellen deforesf perfume bert davidson desk set mrs n lam- bert towel set sandra sinclair water glasses oral norton towels mrs c sto y tray of groceries linda dot orest dish towels mrs grace nelles tow els mrs w mceachern pillow cases mrs c agnew pillow cases mrs les hotchen towel george provls cup and saucer mrs c landsborough jewel lery mrs lois gordon salad server miss ruby clark pillow pases george provls dish tow els mrs h blttorf apron mrs j mcnibu pillow cases mrs j greer groceries leftover baked i wans disap pear quickly as crustytop bak ed beans place the beans in a greased baking dish sprinkle with grated cheese top with but tered crumbs and bake 40 min utes in a moderate oven the first mini ola miniature ontario library as sociation seminar started at approximately 230 pm febru ary is at the holiday inn ham ilton the object is to dolor mine standards of service for public libraries standards of servlco is a phrase simple and easy to wrlto but very difficult to define a solution to this problom seomod to be a condensation of a broad spectrum of opinions for tho library profession tho laymon and others interested in tho so services to this and upwards of 200 assorted people representing tho provincial library system public schools high schools townships librarians qualified and unqual ified trustees municipal part- las separate schools press and radio under the auspleos of tho south central regional library board nut to attempt to and a practical solution tothe problem the chairman c johnson in troduced a boll public librar ies w dagger university lib raries j haxelton community collage libraries j trlmblo school libraries and f powell cspectal libraries each spoke in turn on tho functions and sor- vloes offered by each of tho ttvo libraries the meeting separated into five smaller groups to analyze discuss crlticlie and finally to summarise on tho minimum standards and linos of commun ication considered njcoisary for each of the flvo typo of library services the groups met once more where the chairwoman or choir- take brief to cabinet two area nun wore with the ontario federation of agricult ure executive friday whon the federations annual brief to tho government was presented to the cabinet a roy coulter of campbell- vllle second vicopreslekml of ofa and halton federation president duniil lawrenct of milton who is a governor tor this district on the ofa exec utive sat in on the session wo had a very good meeting with the cabinet mr lawrence said the cabinet compliment ed us on our presentation mr coulter added the brief was submitted to the liberal caucus on tuesday of this week and on thursday will go to tho ndp caucus for study u contains many complaints and sugfeatloas on behalf of the arm people of ontario and covers a variety of subjects man of each group gavo the summary to tho assembly tho working part was ovor for the majority tho assombly broko off for rofroshmont and dlnnor the after dlnnor spaakor was rabbi baskln who kept tho as sembly onchantod with pearls of wisdom and anocdotes on com munication its aims andpltfalls on monday one of tho guest speakors was di bascom st john on authority on oducatlon mayor duby ottondod special session on circulation while mrs watson and mrs williams joined the group on roforonco sorvicos tho unique miniconvention was tormodabootstrap opor- atlon fofiibrarlans to dator- mlno tholr own standard there wore 15 public libraries reprosonod from halton bant and wont worth with six com munity collogo librarians in at- tondanco statistics wuro provided which luustrolod whoro oach library stood on popularity oxpond- lturos circulation por capita etc avorago por capita oxpond- ituro for books is 278poryoar varying from a low of 115 in south dumfrios to a high of3c5 in milton actons fs 121 and georgetowns is 240 library trustoos woro told to have moro conviction when ap proaching councils for manoy despite the shoots of statistics figures can bo misleading and tho valuo of tho work done must bo considorod dologatos were told red white winter carnival of values outline sportsmans show plans at parks recreation meeting plans to hold a sportsmens show in prospect park and tho community contro woro unvollod for parks and recreation board members bytwo roprosontatlvos from tho chamber of commerce thursday night c of c president paul nlol- son and second vlco president john shadbolt oppllod for per mission to uso tho contingent facilities on tho civic holiday weokend they planned trap shooting model aeroplane fly ing archery boat show on the lake and outdoor movlos indoors at the community contro wed like to moke acton the centre for a yearly sportsmens show oxplainod mr nielsen wod like to work it into on event known all ovor ontario it would b good pdbllcit for the town por haps a commercial suc cess but wore not worried about that we just want to put acton on the mapl various aspects of the propos al wore studied b the committee who askod questions of the dele gation including where tin trap shooting would take place ovor tho lake answered mr mud- bolt who engineered last wars show ho pointed out uxperts would vlow the site to make sure it was safo tho arena would bo used mainly for showing urn supplied by the conservation authorities and the department of land and forests tho vonture got the commit tees blessing anil promise of a 100 charge lor the facilities for tho day we have to promote our facilities us well as ou fellas chairman gov reterrud to the cliarp a request from the acton fig ure skating club represent d in phil elliott and mrs john shad- bolt for help to inn 10 ards of no drapen was received gui- orousl b the committee cost is 75 the delegation explained the present drapes used as a lack- drop for ice shows we re showini the result of wear and tear as well as being short revenues from the figure skating makos it a good invest ment doclarodtodtylor its also an investment for our build ing observod thvchalrmanput- tlng his stamp of approval on the purchase i think we should stay wtth it said john goy in reference to school lco carnival problems outlined in arena manager har old townsleu it provides a lot of parent interest mr townsle referred to the point system which was geared lor rural schools as wall as tho two acton seats of learning however spevslde and llmo- house now onlv go to grade six sevens and eights only attond stewarttown it was agreed to limit tho actual school competition up to grade six lor the benefit of rural schools the vcton schools could still conduct tholr own personal rlvolrv or grades 7 and b bchooh are to be notified loin pork roast 34b average portion 53 lb pork chops 79 tenderloin portion vv 57 schneiders mild cured rindless bacon 69 fancy wax or green beans tina best buvi save 17c green giant 6 1 maxwell house coffee 85c best buyi roasted 1tb bao best buy save 17c rose colored mb parchment pack said one father to another of course two people can jive as cheaply as on my wile and i can live as cheaply as our daugh ter in college leaver holstein makes fine record nursoland sovereign ernest ine a purebred holstein cow ic the herd of george and l h leaver campbellvllle has re cently completed a one record of performance production test as a sevenyearold in 305 days on twlceaday milking ernest ine produced 22743 lbs milk containing 811 lbs fat avuragu test 35 pur cent buttertat this record has a breed class aver age of 191 per cent for milk and 186 per cent for tat in five lactations on twico-4- day milking ernestine produced 138426 lbs milk containing 4731 lbs fat average test 342 per cent butterfai for this achlevenwit one was awarded a blue seal production certifi cate abe feature 9 value 1 1 magnetic plastic broom olhfibt0m aiird csjui regular 149 jtt qor thurs frl sat ah gordon hardware mill si e acton us37m margarine 4 89c best buyi save 8c clarks fancy 4b- tin tomato ju maple leaf lard mb pbgs tenperflake 19c save 10c red white 3oz pkg jelly powders 10i1 29 save 23c puss nt boots 15oz tins cat food 6 1 luncheon meat 12osc tins kam 2 89c duncan hines save 13c deluxe cake mixes 285 save 6c billy bee 2lb freezer jar liquid honey 63 sunspun sav 13 pint bricks icecream 2 45c crisp flavorful no 1 jumbo stalk celery 29c prices effective feb 21 22 23 24 -own- every monday

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