it jvjtttwt ffiu pfcss ninetythird year no 35 acton ontario wednesday february 28 1968 fourteen pages ten cents council hi m the rtcolar tneettorotieton eowlloi-tyadseoirnolt- authorised payment of afln- andal statement amounting to 10342 credited consumer da posti to the water and sewer account accepted a five year pro jection of capital requirements asecommanded by the commit tee and authorized the forwarding of it to the ontario municipal board accepted the recommenda tion of the appointment of k marks as building inspector with the additional requirements of having the building inspector sign building permits ratified the increase from 10 to 125 of the fee charged by the committee of adjustment for hearings on variances of the sonlng bylaw accepted the recommenda tion of no 1 committee that members of the committee of adjustment not be paid did not object to the mooex application before the committee of adjustment for changes in lots 43 and 44 on cobble hill road advised solicitor c f laaiherund that council was not prepared to authorise the pur chase of property owned by d campbell on main st s near the work yard accepted the recommen dation of the committee not to support a resolution by tavistock in opposition to the re-organlsa- tion of school districts paid an account of 35 for sewer cleaning it was found the tiiiyiuga was in municipal lines paid solicitor james b thompson 781 for professions services la connection with the acrl claim authorised superintendent duby and as many employees as poaaibl to attend the south cen tral water conference to be held in kitchener amtkat jtiwry 10 hmirtb fal on monday afternoon another phony 10 bill was detected at the bank of montreal the second in hist over a week the bluwasln the weekend receipts from a ser vice station and the owner had no idea who had passed it investigation is continuing jet set flying high a big v of canada geese flew over acton sunday morning headed back north crows have been back in the district for a week or so and this weak theres another report of a cheery robin bask for an other try at life in canada dr snelling will skate at carnival former canadian seal or mens champion figure akater dr charles snelling is expected to be the guest star at this years lot carnival on april 6 dr snelling who practices in bur lington accepted the invitation to come provided no medical emergency prevents him other guest skater will be lee armstrong chatham ju venile mans champion of south western ontario and janice peters of chatham who placed second in junior ladles in south weston ontario with money from the re creation commission new drapes will be made for this years carnival a hundred children will take part and this years theme is a hound the world adminktrino okyotn to tail twister peter papillon exhausted from his arduous duties of extracting fines from hit fellow lions are st john ambulance supervisor ken thompson georgetown left arjd acton divi sional officer wally gordon while lion chief vic brlstow raises the flag the lions present- ed the portable resuscitator to the st john men at the regular dinner meeting of the club monday evening staff photo mason knitting new owner anticipates expansion here toe traditional nature of mason knitting company will be retained by the new owner brendan swan and he is also anticipating important expansion here the company which had been in the mason family for over 40 years was officially turned over to the new owner february 15 previous owner george mssonls retired and lives in toronto the business was founded by bis father amos mason actons first mayor mr swan who is just settling in as the new president was born in dublin ireland and has been in canada the past 13 years ho has had considerable oxporlenco in the textile business he was armitage chairman interim committee meets behind doors the interim study committee which will pave the- way for take over by the halton county board of education next year held its first meeting in milton monday behind closed doors three reporters were asked to leave the meeting room halt- on county council chambers prior to the opening of the meet ing by donald young regional superintendent of education for the west central area mr young told the men the meet ings would not be open to the press but reports could bo ob tained the following day from the chairman and secretary fred armitage of burling ton board of education was el ected chairman of the committee with dentil lawrence represent ing oakville board of education as secretary each school board in halton has one delegate the others are horace blyth for nassaga- weya school area board william lawson from esqueslng murray smith and thomas watson for the acton public and high school boards h p johnston and john noble for the milton public and high school boards and g v slgurdson and edwin e hall for the two georgetown boards mr youngs office reported tuesday morning that the first session was just an information al and getacquainted session this committee will pave the way for the county boards and will prepare reports about the present systems in halton tor the guidance of the new board the spokesman explained the new 20member county boardwill be elected this fall and take office in january 1969 the one board will abolish the 10 present public and high school boards and boards of education the presently exist across the county and will administer all schools in halton mondays meeting also named six twoman committees to draft guidelines for their work and be gin studies into program des criptions special services statements of board policy per sonnel and salary lists pupils and transportation schedules ac commodation and finance regular meeting dates were established for the last monday evening of each month department of education of flcials present monday included j- r thomson a sal stint super intendent of the supervisory sec tion and regional business ad ministrator roy brand general managoroftrlmtitcom- pany in rexdalo before becoming general sales manager ofmontox apparel industrlos in rexdalo both are highly dlvorslood ap parel manufacturers married with four sons ho will continue to live in wost tor onto and commuto to acton a group headed by mr swan pur chased the local business which now employs about 70 charlos klrknoss remains as general sales manager tho samo mason knitting unos are bolngproducod but a ug change is in the offing he has obtalnod the canadian rights to make and sell tho famous carter lino of childrens wear and ho lntonds to integrate this una into tho mason framework with the necessary expansions this will entail over a period of time wo hope to turn masons into one of the finest knitting com panies in canada ho said this week wo have the technical re sources all wo need is time wo intend to start carters production in the near future he said we havo started re search and development new machinery will be installed mr swan feels actons typo of labor market is ideal andoxpocts to use it as much as posslblo when expansion begins councils five year projection- of capital expenses was approved at their regular meeting tues day evening the projection is updated each year and submitted to the munic ipal board omb approval of the projection facilitates final approval of the project when it is anally undertaken the pro jection also provides the omb with a better understanding of the municipalitys capital re quirements in relation to each project added to the projection this year was the year 1972 when 3250000 has been earmarked for storm sewer installation other minor changes were made in the forecast deputyreeve oakes remarked it is better to overproject and be approved if the schemes do not come to pass no harm has been done mayor duby pointed out we may have underprojeeted but its the best we can come up with reeve hlnton reviewed the as sessment tax rate and county rate over the past number of years clerk j mcgeachle advised council the present capital in debtedness of the town was a little over 900000 which does not include the high school de bentures apportioned to other municipalities in the school area he estimated the gross deben ture debt as slightly over one million dollars an estimated 465000 will be added to the debenture debt for the construct ion of the addition to the sewage treatment facilities in the projection 425000 has been allotted for i public school extension in 1963 in 1969 storm sewer exten sion is set at 75000 street paving at 75000 and the towns portion of the cnr underpass at 25000 in 1970 water qrk extenr ions and sewer rnairi extensions are called for at 50000 each in 1971 sidewalks come in for attention with a possible expend iture of 200000 1972 sees the quarter million dollar storm sewer program on the basis of debentures issued at the present time pay ments on principal require 128555 in 1968 131257 in 1969 165469 in 1970 154993 in 1971 and 148530 in 1972 to these annual principal pay ments would be added payments on the sewer plant extension and airy of the program which might be approved far the discussion of the five year projection councillor me- kenzle wondered what part of town had no water councillor tyler pointed out it was pro posed to loop the water main on the third una north and all por tions of the town are presently served councillor masales asked if the committee had considered buying up older property for a renewal project and felt the com- planning board approves two minor variances sets budget lor 1968 two applications for minor variances that went unopposed before the committee of ad justment were not opposed by acton planning board at their regular metlng last thursday the applications by monex construction call for minor variances on lots 22 43 and 44 plan 772 the property is situated on cobble h1u rd at the foot of victoria ave the variances were made necessary because the building on lot 44 through an error was situated too close to a lot una the application involves ad- justing property lines on the three lot and incorporation of the street allowance on the extension of victoria ave which was closed sometime ago secretary iain williams in formed the board proper notices had been sent to neighboring property owners board member stan joe summed up the feeling of the board when he said i cant see anything wrong with that present at the regular meeting were board members melbourne blow stan joe and councillor charles perry sid salt vice- chairman conducted the meeting in tho absence of board chair man bob drlnkwalter two accounts were received and payment was approved for one account 30430 to project planning associates for profes sional services rendered during november and december 1967 a second account from them of 45212 was held in abeyance until it has been clarified if the copies of the zoning map are completely up to date the proposed budget discussed at the january meeting was re viewed the 1968 budget amounts to 2745 and with a 1967 balance of 83401 the amount to be requisitioned by the board for 1968 will bo 191099 members informally dis cussed areas and subjects to be considered in future planning the meeting was held in acton library doityourself forecast kit for weather watchers friday with each copy of todays acton free press you get this free bonus a doityourself kit for ascertaining specific meteorological phenomena be the first on your block to know whether itll be warmish or frigid on march 3u its easy its fun no complicated instructions in french or even in english just look out your window friday morning march 1 and zap youre a prophet if the this weather smiles back at you like end atlantic gale freighter in trouble flapeared iamb simple lamb bevare the of march if it roars leering lion back at you before- youve even sipped your morning coffee better days are sure to cornsu sooner or later mittee should look into t mayor duby suggested this would fall in the lap of plnrf- ring clerk mcgeachle reportedthat the senior citizens group had provided him with an additional list of people interested in low rental housing the list was for six single units and two couples in addition to what was sent in to the ontario housing corpor ation this indicates a require ment for 11 single units and three for couples councillor tyler asked what the change was from the recom mendation of the committee with regard to- the appointment of building inspector ernie marks the mayor said there were no changes other than that the build ing inspector would sign all building permits council was advised the com mittee of adjustment had revised the charge from 10 to 25 for a hearing before the committee and council opposed the payment of committee members mayor duby said it must be thought of as a public sendee he pointed out there were many other appointed bodies in town which could conceivably ask for payment if the precedent were established councillor tyler asked if council was all agreed that the consolidation of school boards was acceptable the subject came up on a resolution from tavistock who were opposed to the consolidation of the school areas councillor tyler said he could not see how the whole county can function as one school board except through anlncrease in cost reeve hlnton said 11 was his opinion that the quality of the professional staff le adminis trative would reduce the urn spent by the elective school board the clerk advised members the urban board had arranged a meeting with mr thompson of the department of education to which will be invited school board members councillors and the general public the meeting will be held march 13 at 8 oclock in martin st public school in milton the assumption by the prov ince of tba cost of administration of justice wiui think cost acton more said councillor drlnkwal ter while certain chares tor administration of justice will be assumed by- the province the only revenue from justice would be the ones assessed on infractions of municipal bylaws councillor perry expressed the bop that council member are thinking of the small chant cohtlmutd oh pto 3 acton realtor witness on deck of queen elizabeth hk h texas another trip for choraiers with memories of expo still in their minds acton legion choraliers are considering an other trip to another fair this on in san antonio texas a letter was read at their last practice sunday suggesting they come to hemlsfalr 68 to sing there will be 20 countries participating including canada the fair lasts from april to october while the singers showed im mediate interest in making an other trip they agreed to in vestigate the possibility of lo cating a sponsor prehaps government assistance of can adian legion backing ailing leader george mus- sells hasnt returned tools group yet meanwhile their leader u ted hansen who directed them publicly last week acton realtor syd lamb ex- pectod his vacation cruise on the liner cuoen elizabeth last week a boyhood ambition real ized would be a breeze he never expected the stiff breezes the cruise ran into would increase to a gale however nor that hed be part of a sea rescue mountainous seas caused by the high winds ran the ss scillary a canadian freighter into trouble off the coast of georgia and the nujastie queen of the cunard line closest vessel was asked to give assistance by tho us coast guard she steamed 75 miles off course to find the solitary wallowing in the north west gale in a 20 ft swell youve no lda of the size of the waves said mr lamb who confessed to liking rough seas the rougher the better spray from the waves was coming over the bow of the queen elizabeth 90 t high passengers in the hundreds among them mr lamb lined the decks to see tho troubled ship which by than had fixed the broken steering and waj able to bold her own in the gale at a speed of three knots the queen could go no closer than half mils to the scillary for fear of collision in the rough swells ship officials saidlflheyever collided the freighter would be smashed to pleee on the hug liner syd explained after standing by for an hour and 15 minute a vs coast guard cutter arrived and tba cunard liner was able to leave mr lamb said he attempted to take 8 mm movies of the stricken scillary as she tossed in the stormy seas but does not know yet how they turned out- he doesnt know how the scillary made out either when pas sengers disembarked at new york they immediately bought newspaper but could find no mention of it in spite of the detour the queen elizabeth made it to port on time scheduled she speeded up to 32 knots from bar usual 26 knots and you could tell the difference in the fierce wind said syd in spite of her size the liner shuddered and shivered passengers had no inkling of the intensity of the gale until they were well out onthe atlantic tb liner left nassau two and a half hours early because of the gala in harbor tba queen sheltered the ferry boats from the high wind sunday morning at 5 am the radio room received an scul from the sdllery the vs coast guard at miami asked the uner to standby until their cutter ar rived passengers were kept posted by the public address system lining the decks of the cunard queen white she steamed to the rescue captain of the ship was commodore g t marr retired officer of the royal navy he was in command of rus devon shire during the last war kate and hearty after his voy age a trip hed recommend to anyone mr lamb looks back on the experience ofacrulaeahlp and a sea rescue as one be will never for jet commotkmu o v mam captain of the qon sbuba4h nutate syd lamb during hit stay on the ship last week thai captain commodore of tha cunard teat was in command of the famous british warthip hms devonshire during tha last