Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 28, 1968, p. 11

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news of the district guelph with actual work begun of restoring the guelph birthplace of uc0i john mocrme noted guelph boro soldier physician poet the nutter of in flanders welds thoughts are now turning to the collection of artifacts these wiu be needed to pbroe in the renovated premises wtunl ii opened for inspection by the general public about jnldmay tbs hecrs birthplace society has al- ready collected soma items of mtoret that have connection with tae lite of the maib9lng honored but hjore isneeded it i pro posed to furnish thewxue in the periods atccraes childhood that tie spnt in the water st birthplace or at his other home oh col lege ave w it suggested these are numerous things throughout tte area that have botm retained by persons purchasing them jit an auction sale of treasures ftym jaeedeld it ltf theseautnntlc articles that the birthplace society is anxious to obtain either as outright gilts or ad loan for stated periods that can be used inthe restored home erin- while driving to work ooe morning last week chester kirk of erin spotted a wolf crossing the road on the seventh line of erin township near 24 highway it is most uncommon for solves to be inhabiting this area and lot a welcome thougtt the incident has been repo- d to the authorities while returning boms from a call early in the morning recently dr w t d maxwell local veterinarian saw a most unusual phen omenon upon entering the village in highway 24 north every street light was sending a light beam kyward each like a search light and all in various colors dr maxwell returned to the sight with his camera and took several color pictures on time exposure showing the beams of light in full color fergus a local lawyer has a new desk pen in front of him it has a set of the 1837 canadian coins embedded in clear plastic an engraved plaque on the bottom says presented to douglas wilson qc by himself as a token of esteem and in ueu of the centennial medal 1067 air wilson said that be felt he deserved something so he went out and bought this gift for himself he stuck a paper on the bottom with the above words but the girls on the staff completed the job by having a local jeweller engrave a small brass plaque and now the pen holder has an honored place on his desk georgetown a hansler and t armstrong of the ontario water resources commission made it plain to council recently that any trouble at the sewage disposal plant was no fault of the two paper mills in answer to a direct question from cr bob francis are you toll ing us the mills are not responsible for any trouble at the sewage plant air hansler replied thats exactly what im saying the meeting was called as a result of a motion asking the mills to discontinue dumping their effluent into the sewage system until an investigation is made the delegates from the two mills and the owrc outnumbered council two to one since council had only mustered a bar quorum 4 councillors and the mayor cr jim young claimed a report from the owrc indicated the clay content entering the system was too nigh and had caused one clarifler to break down and the digestor 0 be replaced are we laid ig too much clay content into our system be demand 1 yes we were back in september replied air hansler but since oct ober it has been quite satisfactory deputy reeve arthur spolght contended im digestor was being overloaded with effluunt irom the mills causing the town to pay for cleaning milton a request for two fulltime firefighters for milton area fire department was turned down milton fire area commltteo the brigades governing body cited increasing staff salaries and a portion of the costs for a new pumper both included in the 196b budget in turning down the flro chief a e clemonts fourth annual request for two fulutimo men to assist him the chief is the only full-tlnv- man in the brigade the deputycliiif three captains three lieutenants and 23 firefighters are all parttime men we need a school here to serve this area of the community a group of bruce st school students parents announced monday as the bruce st home and school numbers gathered to discuss the possible loss of the towns 111 yearold school residents throughout the eastern section of the town were shucked when they read comments by milton public school board chairman donald stinson in last weeks champion implying the school tjajiserved us usefulness mr stinson had wondered if the town night want the property because the old school was not going to be an asset to the new county board of education system ballinafad the acton frea pres wednesday february 28 1968 j3 h red cross course birthday m 4h ucw meetings in news some of the details of the trip won to chi cago by carol patterson at the publfc speak- jnfl contest sponsored by acton lions is ex plained by lion chief vic britow right to carol and her paronts mr and mrs russell patterson carol gavo her winning speech at mondays meeting of the club staff photo by mrs r shortlu the ucw held both of their meetings at the home of mrs laser on tuesday feb 20 the afternoon unit was led by mrs healey who gave the de- votion and led in the discussion c concerning the purchase of a projector and also the improve rtwjnt of the wiring in the church basement at both meetings a film on japan was shown social hour followed mrs marshall mrs shprtlil and mrs emcendry assisting the bostesv miss margaret wegg visited mr and mrs bt shortlll oh tuesday mr and mrs reg french and debbie visited relatives fa tor onto on saturday several of our ladles are taking tho hod cross course in george town taught by mrs elaine sales rn a pleasant family party gath ered to honor mrs james camp bell on the occasion of her birth day thursday evening 1 the second meetingof ballina- tad 4h club was held on satur day february 24 at the com munity contre the meeting opened by repeating the pledge followed by the minutes the next meeting of the fruit mun- chors will be march 2 heather kjrkwood demonstrat ed making shortbread and fran ces mclean made a fruit salad the hockey teams playedagaln at hlhsburg arena sunday night jack ridley cartage llmll m concrete blocks 1 conceit mtfck cinder blocks- clay jock sand stone livestock and metiuje faim service and suiies- dump trucks tor hire eully inturd cv clan m 1 r acton phone b3307m new store mr and mrs glenlster who moved recently to lakevlew from toronto are opening a flower shop in the small store besidu the ymca this friday mr glenlster brlngsthe flowers from toronto dally public speaking winner talks to lions club carol patterson wlnnor of the lions club public spaaldng con- b ets play bridge by bill coats when you direct a bridge tourn ament as i did rocontly you mill notice on a few hands a result completely out of line with all other results itis voryonught- onlng to look at such hands and i wish to present ono hero on this hand east is dealor and north and south aro vulner able au i know is that tho final contract was six no trump so i have had to construct a reason able bidding sequence north s- j2 hk 8 5 4 2 d- a k 52 c 7g west east s k 10 s 7 6 4 3 hj10 3 hqbg dq j 10 8763 d v0id c 9 cc 10 8 5 5 2 south s- aq98 5 h a7 d94 c a k j 3 probable bidding east south west north pass is 3d 3 h pass 4 c pass 4 d pass 4s pass 4nt pass 5s pass g nt au pass open lng load queen of dlam- trump there aro four spado tricks plus two in hoarts two in diamonds and throo in clubs thats only 11 where tho ro aro 11 tricks there is often asquoozo for 12 west must guard diam onds east must guard clubs so who takes care of tho hearts declarer must assume that clubs and spades aro wollplacod ho should win tho diamond and take a club finesse when this wins ho should load a low spade conceding a trick to king west will roturn a diamond which is won in dummy tho spado jack is takon and a club led to souths hand aftor running spades tho following position is reached north s- hk95 d52 c- west s- h j 10 3 d- j 8 c south s5 h- a7 d- c a 3 onds as statod oaruer i can only- guess at the bidding tho final contract was g no trump and de clarer mado that contract the result is unusual in that although no one else bid a slam no one else made 12 tricks olthor sup reme efforts often result from overbldiing how can south make six no east s- hgbg d- cg10 west can lot go of a diamond but east must lot go of a heart dummy discards a diamond now tho clubacosquoozoswost when west discards a heart dummys heart suit lb set up last uooks winners at the acton bridge club masterpolnt night tied for first betty ashluv and jackie nolan uith bui and gloria coats third mr and mrs jack coats fourth cam sinclair and kay campbell snow kerr get posts the ontario legislature ins assigned the various mpps to their respective committees for the year jim snow rookie mpp for halton east has been named to six committees and veteran mpp tor halton west george kerr wiu sit on four this year mr snow wiu be working on committees baling with agri culture and food education and university atfalrs government commissions highway and transport 1 natural resources and tourism and standing or ders and printing mr kerr wtu work along with mr snow on the highways and transport other committees mr kerr will deal with include legal bills and municipal af fairs privileges and elections and public afccounta liberty la the only thing you cannot have unless you are wiu- lag to give it to others canadian citizenship applications applications for canadian citizenship will be accepted every wednesday and friday from 930 am to 4 pm t queens square building 24 queen street east brampton ontario applications also accepted monday through friday from 830 am to 430 pm at the court of canadian citizenship 150 main street west hamilton ontario for information regarding documents required fees etc phone brampton 4511240 extension 12 tost at acton high school gavo hor prize winning talk on monoy at ho regular dlnnor mooting of tho club monday ovonng sho spoke on money oxplodlng tho myth it is the root of all ovll tho lions woro impressed with hor talk and tho clear manner of dollvory she was thankod by lion murray harrison andlntro- ducod by lion chief vic brlstow carol was accompanied by hor paronts mr and mrs hussou pattorson supervisor kon thompson and acton divisional officer wally gordon of tho st john ambulance woro also prosont to accopt a rosuscltator as a gift from tto lions thoy lixprossod thoir appreciation and promptly trlod it out on tall twister potorpap- lllon who was busy oxtracting monoy to onlarge tho convention fund contemplating a trip to tokyo a uvoly sing song lod by lion hay evelan concluded with a rousing rendition of the baitlo hymn of the republic an acton club favorite at least live lions and their wives plan to attend the district convention in quebec city in may approval of theclufs expenses of 300 for the llirary mural was also passed it was decided to place bound coplos of tho prize wlnnlngessays in tho peace essay contest con ducted around the world last yoar in tho three schools and the ubrary lion chief vic brlstow pre sided at the meeting robert r hamilton optometrist 116 mountairwiew road s georgetown the name to remember when you buy chocolates and candie sea our special selection of boxed chocolates candy mixtures mixed nuts enjoy the best acton pharmacy 2 main st n acton 8531620 bill yundt mgr iris the biggest party of the year no one was too hot no one was too cold no one was stifled by cigarette smoke vant to know why a modern gas lurnuec vas balancing the heat and humidity circulating a constant supply of fresh tillered air into every room ol the house 1 he evenness ot aulonialil gas heating never gave the air a chance to getovcr healed tromtoo many people or dogged by cigarettes constanlcir- culation never allowed the air to settle into a cold stagnant pocket when natural gas fuels your cen tral heating system you can tie sure ol dependability economy and cleanli ness and when you equip sour g is lurnacc with a power humidifier and electronic air cleaner youll have dis covered lotal comtort so go ahead live it up in corn- ton see your heating contractor department store or union gas united gas with natural gas you can take gentleness for granted

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