Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 28, 1968, p. 13

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man machinery fire theme farm page j gerald carton safety president by g taylor the first directors meeting of the hilton farm safety coun cil was held on february 12 in the agriculture office milton gerald carton rr 3 milton an area farmer and safety pro moter was elected president of the hilton farm safety council for the 196869 season and mrs w webb cfcmpbeltvllle was- ejected socretlprytreaiurer there was a- very gbod re- presflniatlbn of the farm orfian- liauons in haltoocjcojintf tta ltf68therae of th ontario farm satetygouncll man machinery and fire will be promoted during the coming year by the local council in their efforts to cut down on the increasing num ber of farm acrtrientr anions the safely promotion ideas dls- cussed the sale of first aid idts fire extinguishers plastic gog gles and in particular slow moving vehicle slgnf were con sidered to bet among the most effective as in previous years safety wiflbe avail able free on request to farm organisations iii the county mrs webfe whb- jrepresented the hilton farm safety council at lhejrecent road safety worlr shop held at the inn on the park toronto demonstrated the use of the new reflecto tag issued by the ontario safety league these are luminous at night on reflection from car headlights and are suggested for use by pedestrians the tags hang on a string and may be suspended from any part of the clothing or carded they are 10 each and will be available from the agricultural otflcemllton v it was decided iqhavaaah sajetyv safap book campetttlco wit the topic belnj centred aroonlj he councils theme man machinery and fire the acton free press wednesday february 28 1968 p illegal garbage dumping increases village costs ospringe rockwood mjnttng costs of garbage collection are being fur ther increased by handy and n discriminate djmplng on rock- wood village streets by outsiders prior to pickup how to cope with this problem vas discussed at length by village trusted- at thalr last pietlng deplored iibo wis the township- planning boards tvclstontohold the next pubilc moving lncen- lejuiia school irtsteai oun fha traditional and centrally located tpwnmiau- the- planning board proposals to tegulaiel squarer footigo- fi new and renovated dwellings wire discussed at lenjth- and will be further ex amined at the february za moot ing indications were that all trus tees will attend the- march 4 township council meeting when water and sewer propostls may be advancod toward flnallzatiou advance removal of trees that stand in the way of spring-ache- duled itreet and slowak paying in the school area was ordered repalrsr to the waking town lull toot were ordered as soon as weather permits accounts forttha mirith weroitudled andj approved j i youngsters awards presidency win districts congratulations it is much safer to limit your speed thin to speed your limit halton county junior farmers held their annual mooting in milton last week and elected these six to the main executive for 1968 president brian bessoy and county director joy hayward are seated while vice- president earl burt newslettor editor ruth mason treasurer bill robertson and secretary bill sinclair aro shown with them staff photo brian bessey heads junior farmers howard roszel wins crest contest brian bessey was elected president of halton junior farm ers for 1888 during the groups annual meeting wodnesday even ing in milton election of the executive forming plans for another busy year and annual reports oi the past yoars work woro highlights of the meeting the remainder of the execu tive includes vicepresident earl burt secretary bui sinclair treasurer bill robertson pro vincial director joy hayward and newsletter cooditorc ruth mas on and ernest alexander brian carglu paul may dwlght may and bill sinclair were delegated to the halton federation of agriculture sam foster don brander and mur ray harris were appointed soil and crop association delegate junior plowing match direct ors are bill coxe jim leveck and bryan marshall harvey bolt representing junior farm ers and carol swackhamer rep resenting junior institutevwere named to the halton farm safe ty council barbara brltton is junior institute representative i results of the competition to design a new junior farmer crest were announced during the meeting and howard roszel of acton was named the winner his crest is a circle with a double border containing the words junior farmers assoc iation around the outside with a urge letter h and the word halton in the centre for his prize he will receive a junior farmer sweater and a copy of tho crest when they are made tho crests wiu be affixed to new sweaters the juniors will be able to purchase this year how ard also took second nrlzo in tho contest for another design ho submitted and earl burts tdoas won him third prize 184000 bushels of wheat produced in halton county wheat board meeting learns by henry j stanley agricultural representative the annual meeting of the hal ton wheat producers was held with the halton federation of agriculture in tho agricultural office milton on february 22 otis mcgregor asslstantsoc- retaryuanager of the ontario wheat producers markoting board was guost speaker he stated that no rebate was given for the year ending june 30 1967 as the marketing board had 1050 bushels of wintor wheat on hand conditions on the world market have changed greatly in the last few years mexico and bulgaria have changed from wheat importing to exporting countries wheat bought by the federal government tor food aid to other countries has beon in the form of hard spring wheat rather than our ontario wintor wheat and canada has lost its pakistan winter wheat market to the united states the ontario wheat producers marketing board have devoloped new markets in the marltimes and are attempting to reestab lish their market with the united kingdom this market was lost because of our low wheat pro duction a couple of years ago at present the board owns over 4000000 bushels of wheat mr mcgregor stated that tal bot and genesee are still tho varieties to be grown in ontario yorkstar has not yet proven its ablutyto yield a high weight per bushel and thus requires more testing before it might be lic ensed whoat growing is diminishing somewhat in the tar western counties of ontario because of a land price of up to 50 per acre some farmers have found that the sale of wheat straw has greatly increased their profits per acre in the 1966g7 crop year hal ton produced 184000 bushels of wheat on 4500 acres and 257 halton county farmers produced winter wheat roy coulter was returned as committee man to the ontario wheai producers marketing board he has been a board member since 1958 and was pres ident in 106263 gordon malm- strom was selected to the new position of alternate committee man uammwwuwwwwwutamimuiililmiiwwwmhwwwwwuwuwwm jmmm g varcoe septic tank service announces tk arrival of modern swg ditpoul system for residential and industrial pumping capable of pumping and spreading the liquid manure in todays farming tank capacity 1500 gallons fok miompt tmcitmt satvici call 8530658 mnmmmvmmmwmmammmwmwmmmimmimmmmmmm howard roszel by mrs d g robertson a number of neighbors of the late murray mcdonnell called at the funeral homo in streets- vllle to pay their respects mr and mrs robert auld select ff coulter lor pollution post a seat on tho provincial gov ernments nowlyiformod air pollution control advisory board has been given a roy coultor a sem retired lowvlllo area farmor an orderrlncouncll dated fjbruary 12 names him andsav- en othors representing agricult ure business labor and me tclwi to tho board farranging dutle9almod at curbing air poll ution in ontario mr coulter said ho expects his work on tho advisory board will bo just part tlmn mr coultor also loarndd re cently ho has been awarded a contennlal medal in recognition of his years or sorvlco to ag riculture the appointment to tho air pollution com tlttoe is mr coul ters third appointment to a gov ernment conuilltoo last was to the wostorn ontario bean market commission and tho provlous appointment was toac irrunlsslon on mdical care spent a tow days with relatives in toronto mr and mrs len buck return ed home from a pleasant holiday spent in barbados during their absence mr and mrs gary buck of guelph stayed with tho family barry bruce of wostorn unlv- orslty london and miss bovorly bruce nursolntralnlngat wes tern hospital toronto spent tho weokend with mr and mrs byron bruce and family mrs f swain of niagara faus spent last week with her sister and brotherinlaw mr and mrs e fisher congratulations to mr and mrs a winkler 1st line on tho recent arrival of a baby daughter mr and mrs wm mann sons stophon and potor roturnod to toronto following a couplo of weeks vacation at tholr farm on tho 2nd lino tom lovoll an omployoo at tho local garago is taking an olght wook course for mochanlcs in toronto congratulations to brian bossoy 3rd lino who was re cently named prosidont of acton junior farmers brian was also tho roclplent of a woks tour of sovoral agricultural busines ses in southorn ontario which provod both educational and in to ro sting mr and mrs omor davis of chantry mr and mrs raymond johnston of komptvlllo visited with mr and mrs h r howard mr and mrs nllo shantz of orangevllle were sunday visitors with d g and mrs robertson congratulations to oscar vlon- stra a grade 8 student at the local school who received the canadian cancer society award and a 50 cheque for tho best poster on canadian cancor society work judging was based on tho message they communicat ed congratulations tootobronda bruce local school student who won agalnln the inspectorate pub lic speaking contest electric heating creates no dust no dirt no fumes no kidding x acton hydro electric commission 43 alice street phone 8532410 5t pollock and campbell mmiuliitmvi ill high cjrade memorials memorial engraving 62 water st north gait telephone 4217540 per resolution at of march 1 1968 all application fees for variances separation etc a presented to the committee of adjustment for consideration shall be set at 2500 for further information please call iain a williams secretarytreasurer acton committee of adjustment would you like to save on your 67 income tax you cun by starting a heiistered retirement savings ilan at halton peel trust you can make substantial income tat savings cacli year there are no loading charges no com missions to pay anil you decide the type of plan and lion and when to make deposits for example ihkd incomk apikoxim ati tx savings s 5000 7500 v 225 375 10000 525 i 975 1 hatvril uii uriiiil ti rutr for a married taxpayer farnin s 10000 with ii flwnlantt enroll before feb 29 to save on your 67 income tax call or white for purttikh dktails ih1 halton peel trust a savings company your local trust company ss main stftttt mouth georgetown j a edgar manaoer 8772264 othr offea oakville millon brampton burlington cooklvillo simcoa dalhl

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