Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 20, 1968, p. 10

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ta the acton free press wednesday march 20 1968 where wayara jalu niagara falls la one of the law pieces in canada which retains in iarm for tourists the yearround tourists don t come in the same numbers as they do during the peak seasons of course but many of the falls attractions are now open all year to accommodate sightseers lis a standing okc to ask ihose who we been to niagero if the falls rre still running there s no cktubt ihe reel is still the main attraction despite all tklt glitter which surrounds them weve been to the fwls man rirrjes during the spring summer and all bo a visit recently for iho ontario weekly newspapers tonvqnllbri waj thp first time we ve had the opportunity to see rttomw the winter included i m fho visit was a tour of ihe sir adam bck power pla whero among other things we learned there is some substance to the old oke about turnincj tho falls off water is cui off for ppwor produc lion during tho winter months on larger scale than in iho other time- of the year but it makes little diffore-nc- to tho observor both the canadian an american falls still thundor and sproi i a fine mist which among other things turns hair straight builds into fabulous formations of ice and keeps ndconl streets perpetually wet living as we do only a lew mile from an attraction which draws pooplr- from all over the world perhaps wc don t appreciate the magnitude of 1 heritage which on explanatory film at the power station prove is a hanq over from the ice ago if you wore from the prairies for instance or the british fslos with its smaller scale natural phonom ena you d no doubt appreciate it moro what bettor place then in this sot ting of modern motels tourist glitter and parkland to hold a nowspaper con uention tho area has double signlfi cance for tho publishers and oditors for this is historic ground tho frontlor whore many of tho differences botweon canada and tho u s woro rcsolvod tho first provincial nowspapors woro pub lished and tho scenory unparallolod convention hoadquarlors was at tho park motor hotel only a fow blocks from lundy s lano once tho scone of a bloody battle in tho war of 1812 im agination was kindled to think tho busy atreot now still holds american invaders thoy como not with booming cannons muskets and long bustling bay onols but with big cars inquisitive oyos and money tho rocoption is more cordial only a few yards away once stood clifton house where confederate gon erals and politicians camo to plot tho downfall of president lincoln and his anti slavery government futiloly as it turned out william lyon mackenzie once pub lished an early newspaper near here at queenston a shoot which drew tho ire of the family compact the irate red headed scotsman turned the rage into political ammunition against the estab lishment among the new wrinkles at this in convention was a lifesized wax figure of william lyon borrowed from a nsrldywax museum with which you could have your picture taken several publishers and editors took advantage of it highlight o the cdnventlon which included dinners sponsored by imperial oil canadian bankers association the c nei qntario hydro and various other irms wis an address by the hon ro bertlstarf field p c c c t co lead er of the opposition mrtanflold labelled tiy macleans- magazlno as an austere calvlrilsf pat rltnan was disappointing to this writer as a speaker and in remarks he made rfi a press cbnforonco prior to his speech he looks like a latter day canadian ab raham lincoln someone who d strike you as being more approachable than the ordinary man in politics perhaps because tho job of leading canada s conservatives is relatively now to him he hasnt got the answers for every aspoct of canadas problems a fact ho modestly admits but ho spoke in generalities and seemed to have no solutions to the pressing prob lems which afflict tho country in contrast to mr stenfiejd s ad dress we found the speech of the hon robert welch q c on tho saturday night vibrant inspiring and easy to listen id mr welch is provincial secre tary and ho must tie a live wire in the ontario government maybo wo ro partial to him bocauso of the romarks he made about tho weok ly pross describing weeklies as an olo quont form of communication that has prosorvod an intimate relationship with ontario s roading public ho said wooklios aro a vital link in tho chain of communication that roaches out across ontario and across canada that is swoot music indeed for wookly publishers and editors and when bob welch proved he road the weeklies in his own riding ho could have spoken for another hour or two without any one stifling a yawn there wore sovoral technical fea lures at the convention including one by i b m which much like the modern day church afflicted the comfortable and comfortsd the afflicted about trends in printing automation is hero and tho old tried and truo methods are passe modern printers must bo electrical toch melons mechanics and mathematicians as well as holding the old skills of course the most attractive fea lure of any convontion is mooting the people in the same line of work renew mq acquaintances and discussing com mon problems cjitwial hctej one thing the parliamentiry crisis in february showed says i mport n the april issue of macleans miqi in was how various liberal ip idfr hip r 1 dictates do or don t keep cool tvkk ottawa correspondent blair fri r siy mitchell sharp and paul holly r rem mi ed reaionably calm but paul mirr n says fraser has shown oxtremo almos frantic distress because of recent events the report adds alone of 11 the candidates martin is so pmotioniilv committed to the leadership contest that fulure to win would be a shattering blow ahd the failure of others to sup port him already appears to him as an unaccountable betrayal tomorrow is thursday march 21 the first day of spring at this writing even the weather agrees it seorm not to occur to indigent ountnes that uncle sam got rich through iird work pkctc frw the pam this tree has grown into a veritable twigs seem to protrude it must be of gordian knot an improssion heightened fomintne gender or perhaps a male by the gnarly section of stump fence which couldn t make up its mind in out of which the tangle of limbs and which direction to grow staff photo sugar and spice by bill smiley tt was photographed about 1901 front in front of sopers store where hlnkms atera la now george camp- bill grandfather of mrs fred anderson is shown walking down tho board aide- walk mrs anderson lent the picture who has more pictures to lend us took about 300 of our senior students to tho movlos first thine monday morning thoy looted forward to tho outing a change from tho classroom it was qulto an ex perience there woro about 500 normal noisy teenagers in the theatre altogether nor mally this is asking for bedlam modern idds conditioned by television are oqually inclined to laugh jarringly mockingly at scenes of horror and scenes of poignancy brutality and violence are tholr dally broad but after tho reels began spinning on monday morning there werent any laughs when tho lights went up thoro was none of tho usual horseplay there were 500 shakon subduod and in some casos stunned teonagers tho film was tho war game a short british movlo it depicts in a malfer-of- fact documentary stylo what would happen if a nuclear oxchango broke out no oxcruclatlng detail is spared blat ant antiwar it is a bitter satire on our society and mans stupidity tho film is crude the mossago blunl and the effect harrowing tho bbc binned it as too shocking to be shown to the public on tele vision its all there the public ignorance tho government apathy tho triggering incident tho profiteer who sells sandbags at an ex orbitant rate the man with two bomb- sholtors and 3 shotgun to keep others out the little boy whose eyeballs turn to jelly when he seos the flash the ordinary family crouched like terrified animals under the kitchen table the firestorm that destroys everything in its path the grotesque burned lacos the people shocked into idiocy the breakdown of law and order carefully juxtaposed with pictures of children whimpering with pain and shock are tho calm pompous statements of bish ops who say wo must learn to live with the bomb and a jovial nuclear scientist who explains how many millions will be killed t whats the purpose you may ask of subjecting wellfed bourgeois teenagers to such an experience well its rather lib shock treatment it makes them wake up examine their values think about the world and the part they must play in it rather than what theyll wear to the dance friday night we talked about it later they thought it shouldnt be seen by children but that everyone else- in the world on both sides of the fence should see it t they tried to explain why tfevre is com parative silence these days about the bomb and fallout compared with the obsession wjth it and the wave of shelterbuilding that occurred a decade ago we discussed the moral implications of shooting peoplo who wantod to share your sholtor of the police in the film shooting victims of turns who had only a few hours to llvo and those hours in extreme agony of what thoy themselves could do about it all some of them were shaken out of tholr cosy conformist little sox others were overwhelmed by a feeling of futility and some were filled with a fury at the idiocy of holr olders who had allowed this to happen and others were just plain scared and wanted to know what preparations we were taking for such an eventuality and a few believed that man could prevail and ovorcome the ovll we ranged from vietnam to hlpplos and tiscapism from morality to the instinct for survival from whether they would rather be red than dead to what they would do if the yanks decided they must take over can ada for their own military safety most of th joys would tight take to the hills i think it was good for them the world of tho future is theirs and they cant gopn blaming us forever see tho film yourself if you can but take a paper bag if you have a weak stomach school teachers and children have the weather cooperating with them for tho first winter holiday week genor ally comment seems to favor keeping it on the same date each year mslead of moving around like easter the acton free press phone b53 201o ne and ed tonal office touiikj n ii jnj pobl uvj every udaeidy jwuiums un on 4fk utmbcr id tw auj i duiciu of c uuiumi lh cwna ad ousa a i ntf t un rrgurti suthifip- t un ut4hl- j jfu woo n camutla 70fl n a uuni uhtr ult cajvajj unju copt lk auitvur ijjt vnund clan uiii pmi ofu ivpj m n ot juj ad trtiauuj it liiud oe in kj win hjl n tw r nl of itruijrajuucavj r hj solium ul hr aj rl aj t4 us uputl b ih tf mtattui un utivther wills imsm jt dluujrur lot hljiu u mill mm bat tuij fiw tw ih- tuufua- of itw tjivfllwmmmf uill tw pj fur l lh apiuthu u in ik wit i uf j rtlmjlaphttal attar ajirftttkifil htuatb tw uitud a j ui tn niur gooja or vmtfm uui ujl i fltj ajwh lfl nuhrlu an ul lo urll ftd au be- wtlhdaian l v llv oau imetttmtf 4h keuutlalaj c uai dttuj k dll publulur turtkty coim don ihut kditor cunki 147 j uur 20 years ago taken from the issue of the free prasa of thursday mcrch 1 ims the tanners look the first round of the o ha playoffs eliminating portdsjhouste 53 leno mario norman morton and wo mario were moat affective for the locals there arent many subscribers oa tjsi free press mailing list who have bn there since the first lsaua 1i years ago bat on thursday mn c brown vanawad ida subscription for the mrcftlme he recall ed that the first issoe u 1s7 was much smarad wlf grease only two- of his old classmates are atiir in acton ha rarely mlssofl a day in the sttfpwot dspartmea of the storey olpve co walking slang the psvament oa mill st mr a m mcphersan was struck by a car and sustained cuts and bruises miss mamie mainprise who nascoma to acton to live with her parents mr and mrs wm mainprise wss a guest at a dinner in her honor in torootowhan friends and fellow teachers presented bar willi gifts at the last ys mens meeting new mem bers inducted were claude cook ray can- ham and foreman lawrence balunatad church womens aasodattoo put on a play henpeck hollar gossip in the hall in the play were mrs fundall mrs f smith mrs f w shortiil mrs robt mcenery mrs naker mrs mitchell mrs j cole mrs l marshall mrs w burt muriel hilts mrs john snow born to dr and mrs garrett twin boys 50 years ago taken from the issue of the free thursday march 28 1918 3y press of while trimming apple trees at his home mr george leslie treasurer of esquesing had the misfortune to fall and fracture his arm in three places photos ot corp george cook who snow in the trenches in france nave been re ceived this week by mis cook the corp oral is wearing ms sheepskin coat and steel helmet and ooks well and fit mrs w hall main st received a very chatty letter from clarence matthews who has been in the trenches in france for several months he is doing his part as a soldtor with characteristic temerity the demands upon acton public library are growing and accommodation is now entirely adequate rev mr wilson reeve hynds rev mr large and h p moor were appointed a committee to inquire about a carnegie grant to build a library since the number of readers has grown conatdarably larger the board decided to reward the talthfulneas and efficiency of miss lattle scott the librarian and tier assistant mlas margaret wilson by in creasing their salaries to 10 per month tor the librarian and f 5 per month for the assistant 75 years ago taken from tt issue of the free press pt thursday march 23 189s tramp tramp tramp this does not refer to the actions of our noble volunteers as spring advances the number ot tramps calling on his worshld the reeve increas es nearly every night the downy couches presided over by officer graham are in raonialtlon five of the fraternity dream ed dreams in the cells on sunday night three on monday the demands of the perambulating gentry are nothlig if not presumptuous one when refused meal tickets said he didnt expect such an in significant place as acton to know how to treat a gentleman right the lack of food is fully supplied by goodnatured cltlsuns the tanneries are now well protected against fire a quantity of new hose and real has been put in those who celebrated the seventeenth of ireland thought the slippery side of the ice was up mrs bardwell of eden mills has been given up by her physician about 170 horses were offered for sale last week in milton 100 years ago taken from the issue of the canadian champion milton march 19 1888 an attempt is being made to start a grammar school in georgetown which we trust may be successful as there is a good opening for such an institution in that ris ing village it will require very little effort to secure a flourishing school there is no doubt that it could be well supplied with pupils and between fees government and county grants it would be amply endowed financially we have often wondered that the idea was not mooted before as the want of a high school has for a long time back rendered it necessary for the cltlaens of georgetown and vicinity to send abroad for a collegiate education the party who took the bottle of brandy off the shelf in g smiths store on mon day the 18th inst is hereby requested to stay out of the shop in future as he is known he has also taken money at other times the church of st aufan the mahtyk anglican corner willow st and st albans drive rev ritchie mcmurray ma stb tfunirv church the united church of canada minister rtv gordon b turner ba bd organist dr george elliott ma phd sunday march 24lh 1968 lent iv 9 00 a m the holy eucharist 10 30 a m church school 10 30 am morning prayer mid wick services are cancelled until further notice but sunday services will continue as usual uthfcl christian rlformtd church minister bev p brouwer ba bj acton ontario sunday march 24lh 1968 10 00 am morning worship nursery provided the cross of christ and the christ lan 4 my god whv hast thou forsaken me sunday school 1000 am junior school to gr 4 11 15 a m senior school gr s to gr 8 sunday march 24th 1968 10 00 am english service 11 10 am sunday school 230 p m alternating dutch and english service saturday bible classes 10 12 am everyone welcome mapi avtnuk baptist church 81 maple ave georgetown pastor rev robert c lohnes acton baptist church founded 1842 pastor rev stanley gammon res 144 tidey ave phone 8531615 sunday march 24th 1968 here is our sincere invitation to the whole family to attend church 9 45 a m sunday school all ages 1 1 00 a m morning service 7 00 p m evening evangel 7 45 p m wednesday prayer meeting acton 8531956 georgetown 8776665 evanoel pentecostal vaubujacu paoc 33 churchill road rev s m thoman pastor 8532715 sunday march 24lh 1968 10 00 a m sunday school li 00 am morning worship 700 p m evangelistic service tuesday 8 pjn prayer service and bible study thursday i pjrt christ ambassadors friday 7 p m crusaders thii it an invitation to attend tha church of your choice on sunday sunday march 24th 1968 9 45 am church school and adult bible class 1 1 00 a m morning worship 7 00 p m evening service wednesday prayer and bfble study 730 pm thursday 630 pm explorers thursday 8pm choir practice friday 7pm bhf text behold we go up to jerusa lem and the son of man shall be dellv ered unto the chief priests and they shall condemn him lo death math 10 33 huvtfrian church in canada knox church acton rev andrew h mckenrie ba b d minister mr e a hansen ba organist and choir master sunday march 24th 1968 9 45 am church school for ages j to 15 years 945 am ministers church member ship clatt for teenaajers 1 1 00 a m divine worship and recept ion of new members sermon iii in series deviations from historic christianity christian science 8 jo p in adult study group at swal lows 186 tyler ave preaching next sunday rev dr hugh davldaoq secretary of board of stewardship and budget bveryooa moat wdoosm

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