Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 20, 1968, p. 11

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our readers write memories dear hartley was quite surprised to see the picture in the last issue at the free press dldnt roaun that edna had that one my com panion on that momentous day of the first bus was glen ryder the photos ofthe past bring back many good memories the ppe of the girls- ball team was- especially good had ajettr from the formr jean smith a taw months ago we were all 1 the oldaeton contloultion school then what a marvelous- imma of our life ke the good worlt the free pcesa lssaopnd to none 1 nm world ngwiuittw indians ori this the ooly nnpeded reserve in canada quite a utile history coonebtad with thatuhesdedpart- wjll enclose fhlsinnbiichrist- mas card which had been used by hie- turners of tjttte cuirenl i st 1 11 neet people- from little current- who know and are friends of bob mac arthur bobandl were in grade 8 9 together in acton well hartley again all the best to you and your folks give my regards to one and all at the free press and i hope that henry deveau is again on his feet feeling tit and happy sincerely yours bro norm hlnton sj 1030 nanton ave vancouver 0 bc dear sir i am a tired canadian im tired of tho slob and the mob of the yankeehater and blblo- balter tho peacenik vletnlk and every other nlk who thinks he can break tho law and get a medal for doing so im tired of newspapermen who dish up tho neuq as if they were throwing swill to tho pigs poets and playwrights who havent pro gressed beyond four letter words tv producors who inspire us by raking in the muck instead of pointing to tho stars and writers who continually danglo the bogey of faclsm in front of us while dressing communism up like santa claus im tired of fatcat union bosses crying poverty while grinding their thumbs into the eye of the fixed income con sumer of pulpit pundits who preach as if they had a direct hot line to heaven and a div ine mandate to dictate the polit ical philosophy of tho church who proclaim love thine ene mies so long as thoy dont sal ute the stars and strlpos im tired of being the scape goat for evory last punk who ever stolo a car beat up an old lady or pushod heroin im tired of supporting famluos whovo made wolfare a way of life for threo generations and hippies who use it to support their cloth im tired of politicians who fawn as servants of tho people in order to get hold of the nat ional cash box and who thon pro ceed to spend taxpayers money like a prostitute lot looso at a perfume countor im tlrod of kitchen comrades who dominate open uno radio shows and pink professors who try to dominate our unlvorsltlos im tired of an apathetic john doo who seems to have spagettl whore his backbone ought to be in short im a tlrod canadian with just enough energy to say ok buster this far and no farther now get off my back or ulsel signed and pinned whore- over i can put it patricia young milton club pros wellknown here ttiuro was a full house in tho milton arena for the skating clubs presentation of tho wizard of oz about 100 skat ers took part in the closing program the club professionals there are both wellknown in acton mrs mary jane force robin son was joined at milton this year by ulss linda bralda both talented skaters grew up in act on miss bralda still lives how with her parents mr and mrs norman bralda and is a r l teacher mrs robinson is the daughter of urs force and the late ted force alter the program both the instructors jwers presented with lifts dear sir the federal government through its minister of agricul ture hon j j greene a year ago increased the support price on milk to w75 per cwt and also provided a subsidy to cream shippers of some 34 cents a pound for butterfat the canadian dairy commission has now an nounced that it will establish a minimum quota of 420 pounds of bntterfat or 12000 poiuyds mllkfor the purpose of eliminat ing many thousands of producers from receipt of anysubsldy in tbe rowjaairyvearv april 1 i960 to match 31 1969 r further the dtilrjf commls sloas review ofjjuota applica tions for prodtaeriwnhquanti- ties of between- iz0 pounds of butterfat andl pounds of butterfat and 12000 pounds of milk and 50000 pounds qf milk will mean a bureaucratic anl arbitrary ellmlnatlpn of many thousands more this- action arises from the dairy commissions mistaken judgement that its duty lstoollin- lnate small producers by with drawal of all government support the small dairy producer is already leaving the business at an exceedingly rapid rate in 15 years from 1951 to loootho num ber of farms in canada with dairy cows fell by over 50 percent the policy of tho dairy com mission will brlnggreat hardship to the lowest incomo earners older people small farmers and otherssvho have endeavoured to supplement their low incomes by dairy production will be forced to a still lower poverty level init iative will be penalized and social wolfare rolos will bo in creased it will condemn a whole indus try the cream shipper and the butter producing creamory to hardship and to the possibility of early extinction and the quota is also against the whole courso of government economic andwol- fare policy which has been to in crease the incomosoflowlncomo earners it denlos what should bo a fundamental right of citizen ship namely to share in tho benefit of irovornment policies on a fair and equitable basis in opposition to the policy of the canadian dairy commission and hoping to focus public at tention on this injustice i have introduced bui sm in the senate i trust it will bd given the support of farmers farm organizations local businessmen and all those lntorosteil in tho wolfare of agri culture yours truly senator hazon argue the acton free prois wednesday march 20 1968 fj3 change in grants for schools made charges trains speed four charges of spoodlng havo boen laid against canadian national railways after trains were clockod with radar timing devices by milton opp halton crown attorney potur k mcwuuamsordorodthepollco to chock cnit train speeds following a christmas evo fatal ity at tho mansowood crossing in esquosing township whon two milton teonagors wore killed at an inquest following their death tho train crewmontestlfied the train was travelling at 40 to 50 miles per hour the crown attorney has unearthed a 1903 ruling in tho railroad act which limits trains to 10 miles an hour ovor a crossing where protective signals have beenorderedbutaro not yet installed protective devlcos for the mansowood level crossing were ordered last november and are to be installed within 10 months to keep peanut butter onbruad from sticking to the roof of your mouthturn tho broad upside down milton driving school now operating full time licensed instructors 41 duel controls fully insured call 8783342 or 8783797 ever wonder whcriojd 6 wrecked esrspo thii- auto grovovavcvllkejrib olfifrhdnisvisnddenjrt the- ecuesing bush lustbolo thceksrprhent unlike the- elephant cemetery harley ib haitbri b y h nr r y harley rn p ihpre isno tyory tobereco hory- uit wheole old tires ancttli other ptareghavnajja fcusinessy niblof and fthe aotci staff photo sinco my last column the house of commons had boon debating the new tax increases which were outlined in my last column these proposod changos had to be mod ified somewhat bocuaso of a rul ing by tho spoaker who askedthat clauses similar to the previous bui bo removed this was done by the government and resulted in the now bill being very short and consisting of four clauses only tho bill has now oceivod second reading and has passed- in tho commlttoo stages it now awaits third and final reading which should come within a day tho financial probloms we are having in canada would appear to bo minor in comparison to the gonoral probloms confrontlngtho wostorn world concerning gold and monetary pollclos in gonoral thoro is no doubt that the can adian dollar is heavily tied tothe american dollar and that the amorican dollar is undsr groat pressure to bo dovaluod the samn ond would bo achloved by raising tho pricoof gold it would appear to mo that if tho amori can dollar wore dovaluod a simi lar chango would occur in all tho curronclos of tho wostorn world obituary william saynuck born in ukraine william saynuck 84 passed away at ills homo 133 cres cent st on february 19 ho had boon in falling hoalth for somo tlmo mr saynuck camo to canada from the ukraino in 1013 and had hvod for 55 yoars in acton funeral sorvlco at tho rum- loyshoomakor funoral homo on thursday fobruary 22 was con ducted by tho rov a h mc- korizto pallbearers wore loo- nard pronkewich brian glvons lloyd glvons walter chmlol- nlckl horb ritchie and j gan- cher the ladlos attondlng tho sorvlco carried tho flowors as is tho ukrainian custom interment was in fairviow co mo to ry his wlfo mary saynuck pre- decoasod him surviving arc daughters mary pronkowlch toronto ann purcell montreal audred glvons rockwood and sally klatkowskl acton ho was a cousin of the late anthony seynuck of acton and the net effect would be negli gible i wouldhope that the inter national monetary fund will soon be able to bring into power their monetary unit which is not based on gold tlus would appear tobe the longrange answer tothe gold problems facing the world today the main debate in the house of commons at the present time is tho financial position in the world generally and in canada particularly the minister of finance has announced three methods which the government will follow tocorrect their deficit position because of tho failure to pass the recent 5 per cent surtax those threo measures are- 1 a further reduction of gov ernment expenditure by 75 mil lion which will include a freeze on the number of positions in the public service 2 a 3 por cent increase on personal and corporate income tax 3 a prices and costs review board will be set up by the gov- ernment to review changes in commodity prices adding to our cost of living in addition to this it has been announced that the united states govornmont has exempted can ada from all their recent res trictions on the flow of capital outside of the united states in this way united states subsidies in canada will be allowed to re tain their profits in canada- for use in canada in addition the government has made arrangements to borrow almost 1 billion from other countries to serve as a reserve to safeguard tho position of the canadian dollar tho resolution on tho 3 por cont surtax is now before tho house of commons and is ox- pectod tobe totatod immediately it is anticipated that like the previous dofoatod 5 per cont tax increase it will receive actlvo opposition and if it is defeated thoro will bo no alterna tive but for tho government to roslgn this of courso would moan going to the country in a general oloctlon working conditions relations with board work conditions in north halton secondary schools leave something to bo desired ac cording to a confidential teach ers survey the survoy af employment conditions in ontarios second ary schools was made by ontar io secondary school teachers federation headed by robert smith of nelson high school burlington it indicates that work condi tions at acton and milton high schools aro only fair while at georgetown conditions are rat- od as adoquato it indicates that acton teach ers consider their relations with tho school board as excellent georgetown and milton toach- ors rate relations with their school board adequate asked to rate tho attitudes of their board toward oduoailotul improvement both goorgotown and milton toachors considered theirs good acton and burlington ratod tholr boards oxcollont oakvlllo high school toachors woro not survoyed for tholr op inions burlington toachors rockonod relations betwoon staff and school board were oxcollont but rated work conditions as being only fair the questions were gleaned from a questionnaire circulated among ontario schools in janu ary a system of reporting has been developed which allows board to compare with others and to see how thoy shaped up from previous years tho osstf hopes tho sur- voys will assist toachors anil school trustees in improving the quality of education offered in tho province tho survey ratod oxcollont as being betwoon 75 and 100 por cont good g674 r cont fair g0g5 per cont adoqu- ato 5059 por cont and poor under 50 per cont for each quo st ion tho questions were 1 how would you rate the attitude of your board toward educational imnrbvomont 2 how would you rate relations bowoen board and staff and 3 how would you rate conditions of work in your school a summary of scores from north halton schools indicates acton question ono 84 por cont question two 84 por cent and quostlon threo g4 mir cont goorgotown g6 51 57 and milton 69 59 g2 the figures for burllnjton woro 8570 g2 altogether 231 ontario school boards took part in tho survoy the hon william g davis minister of education announced a number of changes in general legislative grants r the year 1968 the foundation level will be 280 for each elementary school pupil this represents an in crease of 20 which will provide more assistance to elementary school boards to meet cutpini pperatlngiexrnajtores for high- school boards the foundation levels wtll be in- creased from 450 to- 465 per nonyocatlbhal pupil and from 580 toleodpervocihonarpupn significant additional assist- anca will befsxteridedfor special education programs and ser- vices the eligible atpbunts for such programs will be increased and the number of programs eligible for grant will beextend- led this will beof special help to those classes tor children whose mother tohguv is not the language of instruction in the school the amount approved for such language classes in ele- mentary schools in addition to all regular grants will be in creased from 3400 to 5000 per class a change in legislation in 1967 provides for a board to charge twice the normal fee for pupils from mother board in special education classes the sending board will bo paid a special grant at the boards per centage rato on tho excess ofthls fee over the normal fee the amount approved for the purchase of library books pro vides that every board will re cover at least its percentage rate on its expenditures up to 10 per pupll the benefits of the corpora tion tax adjustment grant will be extended to provide assist ance to certain boards which ren cetre tax support- from munlclv pallties where ttui proportloiof corporation assessment js three per cent- or more rather than the present- five per c0nt or more h s holden optometrist j cork st east guelph phone ta 27im dont drive a car thats only half insured a safeco family auto policy gives you a complete profile of protection at all times youll sjvo worry mjy save money toa with a family aulo policy from sjioco insurance wo will mako sure thai both you and your or jru protuctod by j policy with no danrjerous gaps no coitly overlaps safeco insures only carofu driven to you tiw there too and sateco pays claims quickly call us today nsumanc dennys insurance agency 7 mill 1 w actm tkmiso residences milt 8532243 bill 8532645 harold 8532565 whfh you adi tmlatid 11ki a mhsom hoy nummn that make the meal from level i bros modern meat market maple leaf sliced 1lb pkg side bacon 69 boneless beef r roast 95 maple leaf sp cottage rolls 59 ib ib lean jm- gf ground chuck 09 ib choice wing roast 9 5 lb for your freezer rep brand beef sid 6qc lb fronts soc lb hind 72c i lovell bros modern meat market 77 mill i acton mmm a533240 oaiiv uuvuv 32000 issue nassagiwoya building inspect- or w savagbrsports building permits wore issued tor 3ai20o worth of construction within the township during february the projects included two res idences t 15000 and j7200 each and an addition to a res idence evaluated at 10000 so far in 1968 there has been 172800 worth of building in the area compared to 277800 by this time inl967escalatedbythe brookvllle public schoouddltlon of the same value whon preparing iced tea try using orange julco instead of lemon julco forapleasantchange sales service ryders tv 49 main st n georgetown 8779796 featuring solid state tv and stereo by motorola first in the world with solid state tv ssrvlcing all modou antenna inttalltllan jbell lines by l g denby your telephone manager individual computer service has long been ihuughl ol as bting in i he preserve of larye corporations new developments in computer service however are shift ing emphasis rum the computer as an electronic brain and an aweinspiring highlymysterious piece of equipment to that ol a problemsolving tool of husincss now through the concept of computer timesharing identical computer service is ivailahle to small businesses by timesharing im referring io a modern highspeed computers ability to deal w iih mam hundreds ol different problems at the same time and still give each customer undivided atten tion bell canada is playing an important part in bringing computer service to the small businessman through our new datacom service which provides the link between computer ant customer participation in a centralized computers limesharing program is availahle the moment its needed its that time of the year uguln in the last week our annuul report for 1967 hutt been mailed out to our ihare- holders some of you may have received one since more than u quartermillion cunudlans hold stock in bell canada it has been u busy exciting year for our company behind the financial figures are several stories of events which marked our progress during centennial year our sponsor ship with other members of the telephone association of canada of the popular telephone pavilion at expo 67 wasnt the only milestone in montreal if you visited expo and used any of the attractive public telephones while there we had almost 550 located on the expo site your call went through canadas first electronic telephone exchange we opened this exchange in time to serve expo 67 andnis millions of visitors a similar unit will be added this year to torontos telephone network and work is being started on one for ottawa as i mentioned in my column lust summer we grew past the 3 million mark in the number of phones served in fact 2m060 were added to the total at the service of our customers our construction program was vast for the first time in a single ear we exceeded 300 million in con struction expenditures to further expand and improve our cnmnuinicil ion network interest in space age communications was reflected in two projects in the first we started construction of an earth station at bouchette quebec designed to teat satellite relay of tv data and voice communications into canadas far north in the second we joined with mem bers of the transcanada telephone system and cncp telecommunications in the proposal to provide a dome tie satellite communications system for canada of special interest to all of us wai the companys ability to continue to hold unchanged at the 1958 level our basic schedulu ol local telephone rates a significant victory in the struggle against inflation i think that you will agree rt has been a busv and successful year for bell canada l sclt

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