Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 20, 1968, p. 14

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g tho acton free pratt wadneiday march 20 1968 the annual meeting of the hilton ego producers association was held tuesday even mg in hornby united church among those attending were ted hoover moderator of the panel discuss on following the meeting gor don hunsbergcr zone representative of the egg and fowl marketing board halton associ ation prcsidont don lindsay and guest speak er john stewart smith secretary of the on tario egg and fowl producers marketing board staff photo mrs j mcnabb lloyd chisholm honored by guernsey breeders by h j stanley on friday evening uarch 15 members and friends of the hal ton peel guernsey club met in the stewarttown hall for the an nual banquet and presentation evening bruce hodgtns secre tary of the canadian guernsey breeders association congrat ulated the haltoripeel club on hosting delegates to the world guernsey eonferenie last sum mer these delegater visited it the farms of urs h d ifac- pherson and jh and j d cameron he unveiled s new truetype picture of the guernsey cow this cow weighs 1300 lbs is 54 inches at the withers and produces 15000 pounds of milk per year one of th a was pre sented to urs john mcnabb for having top scores in the all canadian guernsey judging con test the other was presented to lloyd chisholm for his con tributions to tho guernsey breed over the years in regard to type lloyd was a member of the national typi committee since it was formed in the early 1950s and was chairman for a period of three years production certificates were awarded to john y ucnabb mel uccullough klngsholm farm w g booth jh j d camer on and urs h d uacpherson henry stanley complimented the club on its showrlnc iccum- pishments last year he discus sed the 4h records of tho club members with guern ey calves and suggested it was time for guernsey brooders to tighten their bolts and cut costs by culllne labbr savlncdevlcosandproduc- ing more food on tholr farms hartley cameron director to tho ontario association stated that tho haltorpeol club was one of the smallest clubs in tho prov ince but had tho ml ghost score por mombor in club activities last year a ouchie match concluded the evening al havward of acion right receives the grand champ on poultry div sion award from professor h i orr of the poultry department at part of grand show dav at the university of guelph march v the day which uidttion ally winds up colleqe royal attracted omp 6 000 vts tors us year staff photo doris tubman named president utoka party peppers thu utoka institute has once again sponsored tho utoka 4h club with project club girl entertains tjie project consists of eight meiungs each member ts ruqutrvd to keep a record book and a referonce flui an achievement ua will he held at thu end of the course leaders for this project are urs u held and ut w uckersle election of officers was held with the following result presi dent doris tuimai vicepresi dent my tubman secretary connie atkinson press report- tr kathy utekl telephone and sourtosy uarion neltls club mawhers naraedthemselvos uto ka party peppers urs fuwemng home ec onomist from arthur was pre set ti th secant meeting she hlpd to demoostrat packing a mkod cum tad discussed n- tutalalif a gusst and ratpoa- stbtntlm el a mat tabi wttiag was dueuased at a tmrd muting and was dem- oattnfcdbjrtlmludwa jr farmers firepan drama festival fri by h j stanley on friday evening uarch zi thu halton junior farmers will hold their annual drama festival in m paula united churci christian education centre commencing at 830 p m the palermo junior fanners will present a play callud thu in come tax and thu acton chit is puttttng on mr snoop is mur dered musical entertainment will be presented t each of th three clubs the w l dick trophy is pre sented to th best play he mar garet alice elliott trophy to the best actress and the j e white- lock trophy to the best actcr gwen kovachlk won the lust actress award in 1966 and 1067 the top actor last year was brian cargtll of the acton junior farm ers everyone is cordially in vited fred a hoffman optumotrkt sk st inrili s sq lulpll out telephone 8243071 milk stays fresh longer if you add a pinch of salt to a quart of rash milk for better cars better buys better go now to lous sed cars 8564235 main ft producers hold panel on egg marketing plan soil crop association plans many projects by h j stanley egg producers in halton turned mir for their itnual meeting on tuesday uarch 12 despite the poor weather a guest speaker and a panel dlscu ision on the pro posed egg uarketlne plan pro vided threa hours of very useful information john stewartsmith secretary of the ontario egg anlfovipro- dusers market board d scnjsu j the advantage- of m rkutlng board anrfsomo of theptoiteiu jaced by the egg board jig suggested that miming boards could ermlt a control on supply list year wjth an ln- cra in production of 1212 per cjnt in this country egg prices droppi i by jj ior conv the average price for ugu- to tho producer in ontario wis oliv 32 emits por doz in as coinp tr ad to 31 conls in ho united 5iajos marketing board in crease bargalnnj powur could economize in the collection and transportation ofoggs coudpro- moto and devolop now markets and havo addd financial strength through thl unity of produces problem facod by tho ohario egg and poultry producers as sociation are foreign imports especially united states and tho united kingdom in 1907 tuo million dotwnoggsworolmportod from fn united kingdom n tho frozen form compared to six million dozen the previous year another concern is ths lnter- provlnclal trade with eggs m vlng into ontario from qusbec and manitoba however ontario ex ports 16 per cent ofthe eggs pro duced to othir provinces a panel discussion then took place on tho proposed changes to the mwitlngpanforeggsuncjer the chilrnianshlp of till hoover burlington pi members were donald cndsay halton president gordon honshorir provincial erector coorgo martlndale caledonia ant rss mckwen lincoln cgu ity i the panel expressed many op inions vn the propoij liintis to set quotas for tigg producers with ill etrgs with the execution of direct sale itocustomoi itobe sold through the uakotln boardvquallty isvoryltnportantt it was stressed i hit mre em phasis must he placed on quality not just on tho farm but in the retail outlets with one selling agency ltwasuj24stedthateggs would lose thalr identity and lie personal rolatlonshlpbotwooutho consume- in i iljcor might be lost forocasts as to the slzo of the profitable poultry farm of te fuuro ranjpd frqm 2000to250- 000 hons tho smallor prod ucers mir prduc3 ihelr own food and markat tholr eggs dir- octly to consumors egg quotas for the proposed plan would be based upon tho area of preson poultry housing 01 has are being suggested as a moans of controlling production all egg producers in orlrio are to vote on tha proposed ctnn- ges in tho plan on april 9 and 10 in each agricultural oftico 900 am o tf90 pjji fhroctprs- appointed tew the ontario egg and fowl prehears marketing board for 19m joih walton are georgu coulson lon unduay nd6 eiu director ojoetod to tho halton egg prorfucoxi assdclatlon are esqueslng dtjrt jultl ay poug hdbertson acion ut e j maxwell h olsoni oakvllldki alderson harry ldwden burl- lnpton gtorge coulson oqotw szabo nassagatwya bill pricey hatchery ted hooveri trads jack may bj jounok repair wow now is tho tlmo not for all good men to come tothoaldofthov party but for all farm machin ery that isnt ready for sprinu work to bo flxad equipment in good repair is bettor equipment since it does a good job wlthou tho worry and fuss ofabroakage breakdown of machinery can bo dangerou because delays and makeshift ropilrs can sotups for an accident by h j stanley the directors ofthehaltonsou and crop improvement associa tion chose a number of projects or 1966 th main project is featuring crop cost studies on hay corn silage grain corn and spring grains soy beans are to be encouraged on a few farms in the county with an attempt to prove their adaptability andyleld potential in halton all members of the 4h forage club are to receive 3 assistance to help purchase their seedcornwlutw purchased or tho members of the halton 4h corn club and a 4h seed judging competition is o be sponsored tile drainage demonstrations have been tajrloddh on four firms in heavy clay solljiirlhu the past three years thoskdejn- onstratlons have shown ihat 40 feef is a maximum width forltle in this typ of soil this yoar plastic tile is to be installed on a trial basis a bus trip is to be sponsored im worrledabout my car groaned the motorist if i dont trade it in pretty soon ill own tho darned thing a free press roador noted our comment there seemed to be fewor cardinals aroundthlsyear not long after he took a look at his feeder and thero wore half a dozen cardinals far more thanusuall in the summer to the new farm at elora owned by the university of guelph all halton county farmers are eligible to become members of the halton soil and crop improve ment association and topartlcl- pate in these projects dublin fruit cups planning exhibit on ttturs march 14 dublin wost fruit cjips hald their third mooting- at 7 oclock at the jiohw of mis be wilson they opened the meeting with the 4h pledge ugh green uookvcbvors with black letters was djcldod for tpe club books they talked about tber exhibit and decided that doris black would be connmntator evory- one was to find information on dried fruit of the speech oiv dried fruit the roll call wai answered b all the next meeting is to ho hald 01 mon march 18 at 7 oclock at the home of urs h blyth karen plorca and kathy boyd made the ovensteamed fruit pudding and urs wilson made the sauce some of the girls majj a fuss to eat it and somo just ate it and onjoyod it bjt when they were flnlshod hoy said it was delicious then tho meeting was ad journed pacing proqress no canadian should romoin mdifforont to tho fact that thoro is in this country a program whoso objoctivo is to promoto procjross in dis advantngod rural aroas arda is a joint federalprovincial program and its goals aro to incroaso incomo and omploymont opportunity of rural pooplo and incroaso tho officiont uso of rural lands n ordor to achiovo thoso objoctivos arda is using various moans in ontario for example major emphasis is being directed to tho farm enlargement program and to the counselling training and mobility programs which are applicable to the ontiro rural population the problem m ontario resolves itself into tho improved utilization of both human and natural resources our changing technology almost dictates that society will be increasingly urbanized arda in ontario can and is as sisting in the many facets of relocating rural people in urban centers while at the same time and wherever possible tho land resources of the rurol areas are being developed and brought into improved productivity to bottor sorve the rural population n brio social and oconomic dovolopmont for rural pooplo and optimum utilization ol natural rosourcos aro tho two concopts inspiring arda agricultural and rural 1 development act of canada deudtmlnv o iomtivnv amd mumat oavslomunt

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