Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 27, 1968, p. 1

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ht jvttm sttt ft ninetythird year no 39 acton ontario wednesday makch 27 1968 slmttien pnu tun canll acton novick wnn the o m h a nnvirr p mi hern on champlonnhip ifll mqht in oilnrlonii dt tnilino ihp nlerlnnia teem 7 1 in the jonr fnifll the victory mmn the arlon fluh hat wonftverythinri in in here they irf zifler innrfinrj n flnnlittl m the rrflmplon tnurnev s ilurrliv trnnl row lf f to right kent kentner steve nrunclle inhn mccutrheon pu van rloet inhn smynr- rehinil riry ririlen jnhn ahlv lop kt ntiif i j ft town l y polnnlnrrw pirlyhnlne rerfllri bnrclt n pon chandler in hrtrt irc orrtnt rhflniher rtvimrtnl mnnrtnnr rnn h riiiv tnroe mil nianflfjer hon vrtn rip staff photo malicious damage at j b mackenzies usllelous damage at maeken- ales lumber yard march 23 and 24 was reported to acton opp detachment it was concluded holidaying children were to blame for entering lumber sheds ripping open bags of insulation and throwing around the contents kicking over and scattering piles of lumber pull ice making switch in arena sat april 6 school carnival is cancelled anna manager harold towns- ley reported a meetlnc iflth representatives from acton and district schools monday had re sulted n cancellation of the school tee carnival this year the late date and lack of enthusiasm contributed to can cellation of the event which mi townsley says is not to tie con fused with the figure skating carnival to be hjld this year saturday april 6 it is hoped the school carnival can be revived noxt yoar at an earlier date cars damaged two accidents damages totallud 20 when h h hlnton backing from the bank of montreal parking lot was in collision with a car owned by bill benson march 22 another twocar accident was reported march 23 when a car driven by albert vuetstra backing out of a drive on main sl north was in collision with a car driven by carl timbers the vuetstra car received 100 damage to the right front fender and the timbers car 75 last event in the community contre heforo arena manager harold townsley pulls the switch on tho ice making machinery will lie the annual figure skating car nival april 0 the noxt day will likely be a public skating session doslgned to assist tho ico leaving tho floor in his report to tho recreation and parks commltteo at their regular mooting thursday the arena manager also told mom- tars that tho system of charging spectators for sunday skating was working wonderful an aver age of 220 to 250 skators turned out each sunday for the session and behaved themsolvos mr townsluy said painting tho inside of tho community co litre would start as soon as thu lco was out but he askod tho committee to pick out suitable colors both mr townsloy and his assistant don prlco will attend a refrigeration course at the univorslt of guelph in may at the committees expense chairman john goy said ho read an alarming report in the free press about cancelling the school lco carnival and asked the arena manager what happened to plans for the annual ovent tho bchools arent too interested was the reply tho music festival and a couple of other things are interfering and i got tho lmprosslon tho teachers didnt want ono this yoar mr townsley said the future of this years evont would hinge on a mooting monday momhers reviewed the pro jected rovonuo expected from the carnival and to a question from tho chairman mr townsley said lco rentals have been very good revenue from skating has already surpassed that of last year he explained with still a couple of weeks to go mr goy omphasliod that the opening and closing periods were critical times for successful financial operation of thu arena railway signal wires cut two days in succession eastern ave railway crossing signal lights wore out of oper ation twice last week and school children with ime on their hands were blamed wires near the dump were cut on march 20 making the warning signals inoperable repairs were quickly made but the wires were cut again the next day emer gency repair work s repeated and there uas no lurther tampering with the wires children had been seen playing in the area investigating opp constables were told the trouble with theifellow wfio talks too fast is that he is likely to say something he hasnt even thought of vet summer playground director don price attended the meeting to oxplain tho program he had lined up for the committee everything is going well oxcopt for finding swimming instruct ors despite trips out of town and scrutiny in tho district mr prlco has been unablo to get instructors ho blamed it on the lack of qualified instructors ami new regulations regarding swim ming pools even if you swim in a tea cup the instructor has to have a bronze medal and a life saving certificate he exclaimed he agreed to keep on trying to locate someone summer playground leailers have all boon contacted and agreed to torms the supervisor said senior leaders are jo- mario marchmont kathy krul edlo hopkins brenda ahorne and paul cooper theyll receive 35 a week while miss march- ments and paul coopers ex- perlonco merits thorn 40 junior loaders signed to 15 a week for tho six woek period are brltta larson ellen wls- seni mark hurst keith small- wood and mary freuler theyll attend a training camp at bolton for a one week period tho chairman was assured by mr prlcu that at this stage any way there was no hindrance from using the wading pool for swim ming john goy presided at the meeting with ieu member herb dodds art cooper vicechair man brendan aherne and council representative earl masales also in attendance acton teenager killed in highway 25 accident a troglc accident which it y wlrf acton youth ahotfcod claimed the ufa of thl district saturday broil down and thay warn oa their way to aaaa w at a nelnhbera brian abort carrier it 2 acta wu waak- ijmj with a f uaw varay 1 of acta no ss mbjbway two aaaae ooth of asm bar oaamratono whan ha warn struck by a car n xp aabf tha youth wa almost inatanhy umod it was m heavily mailing vubwty ooor whan tha mcmabb car canw along about 730 tua daaaaaa to tho wabida a 7 hw waa 300 of 47 tho km of m and mn ooraw carriom tjl x ada north makon opf canetahl torrybarry cam- od acton connor dr loot boctnor to mat ecoao paa mn tho youth wa bo ham haao novices win championship caledonia tuesday night thuyvu gone klmul 4s fur us they angul i acton novs took all thiifmiia nnvlui llmionnrs they fin gather by defuallny calmlonla 1 lam iilnlil in llw se il gam df the lit nf ihrue mitfin i mintlus yiuui finals playing a defensive hraml 4 m key which iiujtrjiud a caledon ia teant liuut on evening the urluu ip i naidi harry ilim nin hm- came from linhlnd a 1fl ileflcll to 0i the imrles a lurgii tfonlingiint of rhiuirlnghnoilng artmi fans who- followed ihu tuani to caliidonit wikhiiwii imip aftur the final buzor annmini ml thulr team had won the chaiiipfixishlp for harry insroi who has brought tho team alimi over ihu past lew suaxom the victory ws ihu i iilmlnatlon of mmilhs of work but last night hu was ihu happiest coach in ihu i ouulry he look to the ico anil hnlslud ihu gnalkeeier who haiuinn to bu his son homn up iii tho air as thu happy alton playuri ihruw every loose thing gloves slicks and helmets all ovui the ice in victory salute union votes yes to strike plant ijwal 23rt union voted 7112 in favor of a ttrlku at thu ii k porter dlsslon plant in acton if no contract agnernimt is slimed with the company stove wnlnsliyii prosltkint o thu aclon i ocul uld ihu union is now waiting for a report from tho minister of labor imlore ostahllshlnfr a strike iluadllnu tho company amlthu union liavu lieen nuotlatlng for some time six general muullngs have been unable lo prmluce a settlement ihure has llii iweil a llleellllg with the imiillullimolfli er which resiiltud in u rucnininunilatlon that a vole im lukuii by the mem- lairshlp nl thu union regarding strllce action a vote taken march m ro suited in a 711 nurpln in favor of a strike wages is ihu main point of contention t win a good funu to win after chalking up a declklva 61 victory in thu first game of the filial serlus here sunday tha acton ibibhaj lo be rhitfady tn win taut night jktiitels screoiieit slem the only mu jo lt homn inaem-all- nlghl put culeihmlo aluiad at he three nilnule tnark of lw flrat iwrliul ilioy iwld on to lh nil in nurgln until uluoftlw aaaotid stank whun hiimn van huel put kant kenlmra rabutind lnlh bet to tlu the score gerald larilun the liusllliig lilan mills itotinuman and forward scored the winning goal al the 180 mark of tint third period aaalst- ul by cenlre jeff tnwiinluy acloa fans raised the roof the acton club huld on to llw scant margin null i tlu final lll but not isiforu giving fans nervous prostration kent knlrwr got a iienally in tlu last couplu of minutes and caledonia yanked their goaltunikir with a minute luff to play i lien threw anethur forward nil the li e oiitniimliurud 1 a thu alton club held thu caleiknla team off until thu final hull with all its attendant hublmli fans rounted tha set imds off although thu loach wan reluctant to shower loo much praise i his own sou fans said llohln liucoe in goal was almost fantastic wu played a good lean eliei king game said coach inacoa aftur the game caludnula had more of thu play than we itid iwt lllir iklfellm sinful up siiiulay hurutlui acton kids ran up a 01 victory in a wideopen gaum which saw lliein uhariwr ariaindthenet gerald hardin paced the win with two goals ituss van fluid kent kentner jum towns- ley and johnny sroynu each notched one ilieru wuru large crowds at both games aiprnxlmalely 400 wad hum thu acliai team win ihu hamptonuhlp tuesday night big orange parade tmmsndous inchease in yraffic acton esquesing ask county take over affected roads thu tremendous increase in traffic causud by tho operation of industrial minerals i td acl on 1 1 must ono quarries haspri clpltatud joint action by acton and esquesing councils on roads thu two municipalities will request that the county of llalton take over thu arlerlos most af- fectud by thu abnormal traffic and operate them a county roads j m tomllnson and associates who are presently making a head needs study in esquesing made the recommend ations the olnt appeal to the county is as follows 1 continue thu county road on no a hlduroad from the 5th i i ne west to ihu 4th 1 ine north on thu 4lh i inu tothe given hoad west on thu given hoad to thu 3rd i inu north on thu 3rd 1 inu and churchill hoad in acton to no 7 highway 2 continue no 22 sldurcud from no 22 highway oast to tho 3rd i inu and north on thu 3rd 1 inu to ttiu given hoad hi wtio doi pood for good saki vei ks nultlu r praise nor n ward hut hi is iin of both in the i nd a big orangu parailu which should hu at least wire hie site of ihu onu in acton for 12th of july celebrations four years ago was projected for mumlurs of the parks and herniation com mittee at thulr muutlng last week norm fryer gary uriaikkin hill carnochan and ralph har low of acton loi saldcelo brallons in acton would take place on saturday july 6 at the last celebration here which poured rain there were lodges from four counties there could be inarching lodges from 10 counties this time spokesman norm fryer told thu muutlng the dulugallon attended the meeting to hook thu park and tho community centre for the big day which they exported would eclipse any orangu celebration uvor held here hoforu the community cuntro would kit lie used for registration uxcept in the case of rain a possibility said mr fryer with a smile which shouldnt bo overlooked a price of 50 for use of the park and thu foyer of the arena was agreed upon with an additional 10 tacked on if tha public address system was used concessions would iw the respon sibility of the sponsor a dance to close out the day was also suggested by mr fryer with tha uhaynes providing the music ills committee did not have time lo stag the dance but he thought the parks and re creation committee could do wall financially if they apanaorad it arena manager harold town sley waa instructed to look into tha ponslmuty wlthdhaynei man ager mr uclnlyre ida of tho avast utah- car lo ft office staff back in roomy y on monday the town office stall and equipment had oper ation return when they moved from the council chambers back to the renovated town offices in the vuc a building the bright new expanded quarters include the former library area main entrance is tha former eentre door of tht y to tha left are private offices for clerk administrator jack mcgtachle and office manager joe hurst to the right 1 the office of aaseasor bill ersldne and there la a separate machine room the roomy general office has another room beyond it for spec ialized office wovk and in her auditors were established right after the move washroom are in the basement office staff included mrs loroa clark mrs loru mar shall and mrs joan harrison zorgjt construction wu gas- eral eootridor for tha renova tion progran with local sub contractors new deaks and furniture have been adeud to tba existing equipment only a faw details remain to be completed including the ln- ttailluon of batunf criuag a briefs acton hccary chib 1 aeao lag a rink to play la the mihee botary boaaplel tonight wednes day deal ut april fools cay take you by autpria out mao- day morning itthard to behave the lib rary uaad to be so small u coald be aecoointodetnd aaaily u the us hand aid of the av diamond anniversary coariftcil r om m hi i fcf td and mrs david hussell celebrated both ii act ve ihey hav tpent moh of th r itvttvd la makial fattdfl t on ihe f if v c t fifth i ne frm ia ty 4rt wlef toanih p story s ni de stah photo their 60h wedd ng inryjawtjry sunday at the hore of thir ion and daughter on main st

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