Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 27, 1968, p. 11

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eafl the acton free press wednesday march 27 1968 cxftanj jo train terifice tke possibility of go train service being extended northward to include acton as suggested by halton east m p p jim snow in his maiden speech at queensjark has been pigeonholed temporarily until a study of the present lakeshpre service is finished highways minister george gomme said the government study wont be completed for two or three years then decision wll bit made whether uu feasible to extend the service- thflrehaye bean rumors for toms lime thai the govrnminl was consider ing evtenslcfn of the llhenorthwvds but offohso track them down to the source have been unfrdltm conecjur was themrierurnors were jsaks from the provinces plans for the area but mr gommes statement seems to scotch that idea as jim snow say these commuter tralns have had a valuable impact on transportation facilities in the south end of thje county approximately bno in every three workers in halton county travel to the metro toronto area go trains have pulled many cars off the highways and given commuters en al ternative which they have found con venient and safer expansion of the existing lines would provide a service which many commuters in this area would appreci ate theres no doubt the service would meet with the same success and accept ance as has been experienced on the iqkeshore- route- it would also as mr snow pointed out allow the areas mentioned to dfc velop as planned satellite clsles 4 tug- v by many planners it seems ridiculous that a study of the go trhln servlos- wpuld take two to s vars to cpmptef if as mr snow has indicated the present service is at capacity surely the study could be speeded up so it could be completed in two or three months or is mis another instance where perhaps private initiative would be more efficient than government studies stalled by red tape surely the needs of commuters take precedence over a study of a service which is so obviously successful jtttt fjrtss editorial page mekihy reteluthn bird sanctuary teachers who complain about stu dents smoking while theyve got either one in mind or in hand will not like a recent resolution which emanated from a health conference held by ontario pedagogues recently the resolution will ask ho ontario teachers federation to endorse a rec ommendation that leachors consider not smoking on school property because it sels a bad example federal health minister allan mc eechen hailed the resolution as one for serious consideration by touchers in olher provinces too he said in the face of current knowledge of serious health hazards of cigarette smoking it is encouraging to know ontario teach ers have decided through their own ac lions to discourage smoking by their students although it is a commendable reso lulion it is doubtful if it will have much effect on students school days espe cially high school days are limes when the process of growing up means you must try out all the adult vices or be labelled chicken it takes someone with copious amounts of intestinal for titude to withstand the taunts of fellow adolescents and not take your first drag on the weed teachers who may suffer twinges of conscience about rapping students for smoking while they do it themselves will undoubtedly benefit the most if the resolution passes it will help them shed the habit and theyll have no qualms about lecturing students on the hoalth hazards sugar and spice by bill smiley when he smacks us with tones the minister says its to bottle the beast of inflation its for our own good and everyone should stop roaring with deep indignation pretty rotten doggerel but i hope i speak for the rest of you serfs when i serve warning to all levels of government hare and now publicly that weve had onough salaries bated merit one of the many changes that will flow from the decision of the robarts government to do away with local school boards as we have knowrt them will be the new balance that will exist between teachers and boards no longer will salary negotiations be betweon from as few as six or eight teachers and a board involved now will be several hundred teachers and a board perhaps this would be as good a time as any to acknowledge what boards have long contended and with which many teachers agree and that is that teacher remuneration should rec ognize teacher ability perhaps this is the time to establish as a principle that teachers salaries should be on a merit system and not as a result of automatic increases or long years of innocent ser vice the point was made qarlier this year at the annual assembly of the on lano secondary school teachers fed eration when i m robb longtime sec retary of the organization warned that the new school system would force tea chers to adopt a new policy in order lo maintain their salary position suggesting in effect that increases should go to good teachers and that those not contributing should be weed ed out mr robb called for professional rather than union standards it is no longervalid to fight as the federation has done for more money for every teacher good bad or indifferent each year and if possible the same amount for everyone it can be agreed that there are many good teachers entitled to more than they are receiving it must also be agreed that there are even more teach ers who in terms of their contribution lo their pupils and the community in which they are serving are overpaid the problem facing the new boards and the teachers organizations will be to bring these opposing facts into bal ance in the long run the teachers the taxpayers and what is most important the pupil will benefit when ihey suc ceed huron expositor seaforlh with one mora tax hike of any kind tho fall of the bastille and tho october rev olution of 1917 will look like a couple of sunday school outings the guttors will run with blood and heads will roll yhve never seen a gutter running with blood but i dont think it would bothor me much not this month at any rate and how would the head of the finance minister look stuck on the end of a pike it cer tainly wouldnt do much for his image in the liberal leadership raco ptctcj frw the pam owbi xvk view shows the attractive homes now occupied by rev and mrs gordon turner miss ruby clark and mrs r algie the fourth house once the kenney family home and the storey glove factory were torn down to make way for the new post office herb ritchie owns this post card remember what happened to tho british whan they went too far with taxation it was a nice cup of tea with boston harbor as the teapot shortly afterwords they had lost half of north america eighteenthcentury france had absentee landlords we have absentee mps but the real cause of the french revolution was oppressive taxes the absentee landlords lost their heads some of our absentee mps may lose their seats and if you want to be vulgar theres not that much difference come to think of it same story in russia inflation and tax ation ivan was making four kopecks a day it cost him three to live one for taxes the cur jacked up the tax on vodka by one kopeck and something had to give it wasnt ivan now im no george washington robes pierre or lenin but i do have a shotgun and when our leader emerges ill be there i me cuffi we ve got the compact car and now because of the recent tax increases we re going to gel the compact cigar ette one tobacco company in the face of a market trend toward extra long cigarettes is gpmg to market a shorter model with a quarterinch cut off the size and two cents off the price hope the street sweeper is able to remove much of the sand from streets around town before dry winds turn it into dust which permeates homes and leaves asthma sufferers gasping a welmtnown company has intro duced the only dog food that dogs ask for by name art fully loaded if i can afford a jug at cur rent prices and shouting blllngually a has les taxesv i dont want to sound unreasonable about taxes soma arc ossontlal education taxes for oxamplo wovo got to keep tho idds off tho streets somehow and at the same time turn thorn into potontlal tax payers so that well in ablo to draw our oldage panslons and i dont mind contributing to thoso soma oldage pensions and help for tho crippled and the blind and tho holploss nor do i mind paying for sewors and gar bage collection and streotllghtlng but 1 do object to subsidizing tho free loaders the credit card boys who can write off entortalnment drinks food travol the crafty knaves who use unemployment in surance as a private bank the shiftless dogs who revel in welfare as a- way of life it irks me to help maintain an armed force one chaps all but one which couldnt defond this country against a determined attack by iceland as a motorist i am willing to pay heavy gas and car taxes and uconso fees so that roads may be built but i have an adomln- atlon for taxes on building matorlals and clothing and a contempt for taxes on rest aurant meals and entertalnmont at the moment my pet hate is paying taxes for a new municipal snowblower that throws up on my lawn a filthy mixture of snow salt and sand guaranteed to kill lawn flowers and probably trees the list is endless and arbitrary but i know im not a lone voice crying in the wilderness id be happy to hear from others who are ready to respond when our leader cries aux barricades all youse who art ground in the mills of the tax gods the acton free press phone 853 2010 uiineii and ed tones office t s j j r ii thrj i r 4ljiwiujv a 11 n u ni ul lh uj uuu ju i u n the t1a oun 4 a j 4 w ux n tafujj it 00 ajler kuptct lla lu j j l mi y t wi ik a m o j j 4 j cpij ua ru j n ihj i r trw t n a rtsirtphhal it nj l xi f h j crl n sx sx upkj tl her tlh iiih uill iwf b hj j 1 r tsu he- th jiu uj ih ajivii wnwrtl will it pt j uf jl tker jpplu tlf rl in itw c 1 t j ih pk jl rnif ij i nj oijt mkl im ufitti ajttf vlv jn oil to tell jlj mjs tw ssilkj ia 4 l w tttli hfauutf mj ktubudf cv uj- 0ssj diu puutajwr kutltv coin dun tttjtr jree toss back i 8 sue 8 20 years ago taken from the issue of the free press of thursday march 25 ims five veterans and their families were mate happy on monday when mr philip meyers who is in charge of the rental of so wartime houses in the new subdivision turned over the keys to sve units and they were able to take oceuparioy the first flv0 houses war txi mcdonald blvd no 3 was allotted to barnard ten- runt a wat veteran with his wifaaddiwo children who have been living intwocooms on crescent st house no4b will be oc cupied by titr and mrs patrick kaeney and their on ehld mr kenney fa a vat- eran of two wars no 4 will be udntuj by mr and mrs ctordon allan nb 47 by mr ind mas laoclou and no so by mr- and mrs gordon mckeown bents are iz a month or 2750 a month oc j 30 a month the houses are nicely arranged on a crescent narrud after two former reeves of acton and ex wardens of halton county a mason and j m mcdonald more homes will be available in a few weeks roevj f j mccutcheoft has opened a new grocery and meat shop this week at the corner of young and mill 50 years ago taken from the issue of the free press of thursday april 4 1018 the commendable spirit of christian un ity was manifest when caster services and sunday school services brought together members of the presbyterian mathodlst and baptist churches the warm christian fellowship was delightful dublin school examinations roll of honor beatrice mclsaae nellie stewart may gibbons catherine kelly clarice stewart madeline gibbons william kelly violet crossman frank creamer nelson mlno annie stewart irene morley martha fos ter george mlno bert scott muriel crossman utile kelly minnie creamer pearl foster florence foster ralph frank johnny black haltle mcciung teacher poultry keepers lie considerate of your neighbors and keep your chickens in their pons the lawns in some parts of town were so well dried up some girls were able to play croquet conwot and mclean advertisement cor set stock complete for spring four hose supporters 5 clasp studs worth 125 for sale at 15 cents boysl have you considered enlisting as a soldlor of the soil for the summer 75 years ago taken from the issue of the free press of thursday march 30 1b93 the evangelistic services in the metho dist church each night have been the means of leading between 30 and 40 toleadchrlst- lan lives there is evidence others will flee frpm the wrath to come a pitiable speciaole presented itself at tbogimlph stallop when an bid manappar- atly in the last stage of consumption ar rived from halifax where he had hajud from the old country he was anxious te reach erimota in which township he had a son hacking school hsufving officer clark had the man driven tohiacstlnatlorl it wont be long until another and r laager journey wtllbthls our millinery 1 lq full bloom elaborr ate dlsplsy of mantles wraps andparnols all nobby stuff and the price is right wm method and cov notwithstanding that easter is early easter egg are selling unususlly low at li 12 cents let us all aat oranges german scien tists claim they are excellent things to kill cholera bacteria with 100 years ago taken from the issue of the canadian champion march 26 1bu a lad named christopher crlpps living near rockwood out of mere curiosity to know how long it would take him to cut spill and pile a cord of wood put his strength and skill to the test a few days ago and performedthe psrhapsunparallsl- ed feat of putting up the cord in one hour and twenty minutes a number of persons stood by while he did it on wednesday the lbth inst dr a bucks team was engaged in ploughing a piece of sod which turned upln good order being very mellow and crumbly a law yew since it was a perfect frogpoad and could not be drained by surface draining the doctor determined to pipe the whole lot the result is that he is able to work his land while fields close beside his are not ht to step on he considered his suc cess a standing proof of the benefits to be dsrlvad from underdraining the post master general has issued an order forming savings banks in a series at a certain number of post offices among these georgetown and oakvllle are in this county the name of milton is omitted but it may be inserted on the 1st of july next as we are informed a number of ad ditional savings banks will b formed that day we trust that the government will not overlook this place as it would prove an excellent point for a bank of that nature jree jjress thr church of st mian thi maktyn anglican cnrncr willow si nnd st albans drive sunday march 3kl b lent v passion sunday 9 00 a m the holy eucharist 10 30 a m church school 10 30 am holy eucharist mid uclu services are cancelled until further notice but sunday services v ill continue as usual betmtt christian reformio church minister rev p brouwer ba bd acton ontario sunday march list 1968 10 00 am english service 11 10 a m sunday school 2 30 p m alternating dutch and english service saturday bible classes 10 12 m everyone welcome maplf avinui hafyuy church 81 maple ave georgetown pastor rev robert c lohnes sunday march 31st lvo here i our sincere invitation to the uhole family to attend church 9 45 a m sunday school all ages 1 1 00 a m morning service 7 00 p m evening evangel 7 45pm wednesday prayer meeting acton 853 1956 georgetown tfluti tvanof i inyccostal yaustnaclf paoc 33 churchill road rev s m thoman pastor tsmfls wilume lu district ca youth rally biiurjas march 10 i pen alton literature blitz by ca s salur das 4pm 6pm gut speaker rev n schtarbaum ladies triple trio eastern pentecos tal bible college peterborough si sday march 31st 1961 10 00 a m sunday school 1 1 00 a m morning worship 7 00 p m evangelistic service tuesday 8 pm prayer service and bible study thursday g pm christ ambassadors friday 7pm crusaders church notices trinity church the united church of canada minister rev gordon b turner ba bd organisi dr george elliott ma phd sunday march 3lsl 1968 10 00 am morning worship nursery provided the rile of confirmation sunday school 1000 am junior school to gr 4 11 15 am senior school gr 5 to gr 8 acton baptist church founded 1842 pastor rev stanley gammon res 144 tldey ave phone 8531615 sunday march 31st 1968 9 45 am church school and adult bible class 1100 am morning worship 700 pm evening service wednesday 7 pm prayer and bible study 8pm teachers meeting thursday 630 pm explorers thursday 8pm choir practice friday 7pm b h p text behold we go up to jerusa lem and the son of man shall be deliv ered unto the chief priests and they shall condemn him to death math 10 prubytuian church in canada knox church acton rev andrew h mclcenaie ba bj0 minister mr e a hansen ba organist and choir master sunday march 31st 1961 9 45 am church school for ages 3 lo 15 years 9 45 am minister s church member ship class for teenagers withdrawn this sunday if a am divine worship guest prea cher the rev dr hugh f david son secretary of the board of stew ardship and budget thursday at pan precommumon preparatory service everyone moat welcome this it an invitation to the church of your choice on sunday

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