Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 27, 1968, p. 9

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church history spelling bee dublin grandmothers meeting laat thursday evening wu grandmother night at the dub lin women institute meeting and nine grandmothers were hon ored mrs j lynch no 25 highway south of acton hosted the meeting with mrs mansell nellie president presiding over the meeting for the opening e- ercleee be roll call was called by mrs a mont secretary an old mtther propriety re called many favorite weather predlctloos hat hare held jo vfanuuas tor many years in the cbrreapoodence the secretary vend the choice of subjects for thetralrdng school forum and sjbort courses pre- ferences will be- chosen later- mr m mccullough andwra gorman expect to attend the officers conference on april tt may 1 and z fire ladles fromthe branch had attended the 50th annlvers ary ofbannockburnwxonmarch 20 and reported a very pleasant fathering aa april is the month for the canvass of the canadian cancer society mrs e norton offered to be captain canvassers and their districts verearrangedfor a prolsmonni lrlfuoi1 dental dr cedric dey dr leonard embrack denial surgeon suite no 3 hinton bldg 17a mill st e acton ont for appointments phone b5j1j00 chiropractic donald j armstrong dc chiropractor x ray 448 woolwich street phone guelph smttil brian v mcpherson bse dc chiropractor xrny 3 elgin st n nt mill mon to wed 630 lo 1030 pm saturday 10 am 4 pm for appointment phone 8532353 office phone 8530601 028tf architect donald e skinner barch mjljuc 17a mill street suite 2 acton telephone 8532740 office hours by appointment or 20 stavebank d port credit 2744428 optometrists arthur a johnson od optometrist wednesday and saturday 930 am to 500 pm phone 8532520 s4 mill st e acton funeral director phone 8534350 night or day bruce e shoemaker mgr appraising and insurance f l wright 20 wilbur street acton ontario phone 8534720 appraiser and insurance over 50 years in acton m the mutual life auiiuuamjk tulknv uv cawaha robert s hart agent 341 orville road actoa bui 4164514460 ret 5154531527 auctioneer c h tumn auctioneer and bvaluator phones rockwoud 8j64244 tse4373 bdbn mills ontario a aplendld donation from the branch was approved to start the fund members were reminded that at the next meeting there would be a baking competition of a loaf of bread and chelsea buns the winner- will compete at the district annual in may as next meeting will batter annual onej standing committee convener are asked to present their reports mis melntyre gave a very- interesting talk onhletorlealre- march end chewtho ifsjory of nasaagaavya prasbytahsn church beginning in 1830 the first ohurche wooden structure waserected in 1839 and it served until 1861 when the present church was- built many of the former ministers ro recalled and special mention was mania of rev archibald blair who served the neaaagewea church for jo years s mrs marlon hunter followed with a poem pioneer homes the program conveners mrs e norton and mi ji j c dennis took charge of the program a poem yesterday and today was read by mrs c mclntyre an oldfashioned spelling match was captained by mrs george robertson and mrs w mclntyre and was quite interesting mrs wlllard brltton was awarded the prize for the best speller of the group fruit cup bread made by 4h girls on monday march 18 at the home of mrs e wilson the diiblin west fruit cups heldthelr fourth and fifth meetings they opened their meeting with the 4h pledge the minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted after the roll call was answered cathy lasby took up the collection they were given their notes and tilled them in in the kitchen they made a fruit cup of oranges grapefruit and bananas every girl had to cut up an orange or grapefruit linda pierce made the pastry for the pie arid mrs e wilson made the ailing they enjoyed the snack of a fruit cup and a piece of pie on wednesday march 20 at the home of mrs hrblyth the fruit cups held their sixth meeting after the 4h pledge the min utes were read and adopted cathy lasby and marilyn bar ber made banana bread marilyn barber mixed up all the ingred ients and cathy lasby greased the pan mashed up the bananas and cut up the dates they discussed achievement day and the roll calls were an swered by all cathy lasby took up the collection they were given their notes and they tilled them in they decided to have their next meellng on april 2nd they enjoyed a piece of ban ana bread and fruit salad jhade by mrs e wilson artificial flowerarrangemeiita were presented to the nine grand mothers and a special prize went to mrs charles thomson for the momler with the most grandchildren a short geography match was enjoyed with mrs e norton as moderator a dainty lunch ws served by the hostess mrs lynch mr e llsoa and mr j mi mccull- bugh assisted by me daughter of the home mus kuthy lynch and mlssishlrley sxyefcs mrs h blyth was coiirtesconvenar described to unit william lawman held repre- sehtatlve for the canadian national institute or the blind was guest speaker at the meeting of the evening unit of trinity united church women on wed nesday evening march 20 he told of the many causes of blind ness and the manner in which the blind are taught useful occupations some blindpersons working in industry seem lo boost the morale of their co workers who see what can be accomplished by a person with such a handicap he showed the readers digest in normal form and then in braille whlchconslsteredoffour volumes each 12 by 15 inches and abou two inches thick he was introduced by mrs t shields and thanked y mrs a irwin the business wait conducted by the president mrs g john ston and the devotions wee led by mrs c l rognvaldson i imvj personals mr and mrs a hufnagel of alllston visited in town during the week several teachers attended spe cial meetings or courses during the wtntor holiday last wuuk mrs robert algio has return ed from a two week visit with her sons and tholr families at sault sto marie and orlllla mrs ruth morrow nut moun tain sask spent the past week at the home of her parents mr mrs j h price willow st anmts darwin criops queen is a patient in guolph general st hqspitaf v l i j jpavlti clark is home on leave i a j- v tathel armed services after genera hospital mrv bernard v veldhuls returned hiihve this serving in germany andexpvcts uys judith lee mason plans toronto wedding may 11 mr arid mrs r m ellloti haveretvrned ti thelrhomu after a three week holiday in florldi mr stan norton is a patient in guolpb genertl hospital and friends hope for a speedy re covery mi and mrs vic bristbw and family spent last week visiting mr and mrs william barralt and family at carlyle massa chusetts mrs norman small of nia gara falls visited with her mother mrs r m macdonald a couple of days last week mr and mrs w george mas on of toronto aro happy to an nounce the engagement of tholr daughter judith lee to mr gregory mathus son of mrs kenllwortli h mathus of hart ford connecticut and the late mr konllworth ii mathus miss mason was graduatod from guolph colloglato institute and ryerson polytochnlcal insti tute in secretarial science sho is presently omployod as a sec retary at arthur d little inc cambridge massachusetts mr mathus was graduated from hall high school in hart ford and received his bfa in industrial design from the rhode island school of design ho is vice prosldont of research and dovolopmont at morningstar corporation cambridge mass achusetts a may 11 wadding is planned in toronto mr and mrs syd lamb and family flew to miami beach last monday on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary mr lamb returned friday and mrs lamb and children will return this thursday staff- mrs macphersoh auxiliary hostess mrs a m macpherson olz41 arthur st was hostess to the march meeting of the afternoon auxiliary of the wms of knox church miss isobel anderson presiding the topic was the faiths of men and their beliefs in different parts of the world we should try to understand them as god is love we should try to love our neighbors under stand their problems and wel come th9tn n tin church miss anderson wasasslstedby mrs f cole mrs w mcleod and mrs f mccutcheon miss bella mae roszell favored with a solo accompanied y mrs o moran refreshments were served by the committee mr john motion who has been a patient in torontogeneral hos pital returned home last week but expects to enter the hospital again tor surgury mr and mrs turry freeman and son christopher from north- wood england are slaying here wlufcouslnsvmrjind mrs lawr- j ii mason and family ejimbre drivel before movlnitb toronto where mr fremanls nbvom- pfoyel ivp iasi woek group of weekly newspaper eduprsandpjihilihefs tiiurird arimed forces basssln- garmay and pave bills as among them an account aitd pictures oflhls trlpwill appear in next weeks paper we hope only local twrson he met oiit thojre wasmrsd lajnjeur the former janetday and daughter of rockwoodpostmasterand mrs george day whose husband is in the services jfrtc jjrtss jjomjim 0jf q the acton free press wodnosday march 27 1968 acw projects quilting knitting y four seasons florist h k 46 mill st acton ont tj pleasing you means our success i exclusive but not expantiv 3 order your easter plants and cut flowers now always a weekend special phone 8531603 day or night w taugraph plowut anywhar yield mot to temptation dont let the fine spring weather and bare road tempt you lo abandon safe driving hsblu at this time of year youll probably notice a few foollih driven on the road but cartful motorists will travel at a reasonable speed at all time if youre a careful driver find out about ciaa automobile and accident insurance just call ed pasmore uuvru insiham the anglican church women met in the parish hall on wed nesday march 6 following the 730 pm lenten service thi members were very sorry to hear of the illness of mrs j creasey sr and wished hsr a speedy recovery and return to her position as secretary mrs cw taylor volunteered lo take over in her absence and this was approved unanimously by tho members present the minutes of the february mnetlng and the treasurers report were read and approved notice was given of the annual anglican church womens meet ing for the diocese of niagara which will be held on april 4 it is hoped that there will be a good representation from acton although it is a weekday the elmira syrup festival trip thru sugar bush childhood memories for thou sands of canadians include tramps to a sugar bush and in an effort to retain this gyeatpart of canadians the fourth annual elmira maple syrup festival ontarios original will beheld saturday april 6 this year city dwellers will be treated to a trip through a working sug- buggies and wagons their quaint black broadbrimmed hats and bonnets to sell such country de lights as cooked cheese summer sausage shoofly pie sauer kraut and dozens of other local delicacies an oldfashioned auction sale is part of the entertainment on sale will be braided and hooked thankofforing contributions will bo taken to this mooting a draft copy of tho acw constitution was road tor tho information of the mombers a quilting boo was organized and beginners wore invltod to como and try tholr hand wool was also distributed amongst tho members to bo knitted into mitts for the missionary halo since the last mooting tho nylon edging had arrlvodandlthadbeon wound into balls and some knitted up into slippers for display at tho mooting thoso aroused a groat deal of interest and most of them were bought on tho spot together with fancy nylon covorod coat hangers also made from tho edging enthusiastic knlttors took homo with thorn balls of the nylon and pattorns for making the suppers they wore also remlndod to bring to tho april mooting an article for a babys layette and articles of good used clothing for preschool children the moeting was closed with a prayer and lunch was served on tables with a st patrick days the mo arlngoff shanty in as authentic rugs mennonlte cook books vltinlts luioh lnaiimrlrli l1to nlnna tmnln an maple bush the town population 5050 is expected to quadruple in size for the day when the main street will become a mall for four blocks and rich creamy flapjacks smothered in maple syrup will be served the mall will also feature local crafts and cooking through the cooperation of church and school organizations proceeds will be channeled to local charitable organizations elmira is situated in the heart of the ontario mennonlte country known as the plain people they retain centuryold customs and traditions as participants they will line the streets with their boston cuts down boston is beginning tobuyback liquor licenses in an effort tocut down the number of liquor outlets in the city so far ib licenses have been sold back to the city at 10000 each representing eight package stores and nine on the premise drinking spots ac cording to an article in the rtf4ehan science monitor handmade quilts place mats ap rons and plenty of home and baking plus a display by local artists officials have stated that the parking problem has been solved this year cars coming to the town for the festival will be routed to parking lots throughout tho municipality taxi service by tractor and haywagon will be avallablo from the lots to the downtown mall the tour through the maple bush will be by wagon or sleigh and teams of horses or tractors elmira is located at the junc tions of highway 85 and 86 12 miles north of kitchener and 15 miles west of guelph from highway 401 it can be reached by highway 85 through kitchener or highways 6 and 86 through guelph guaranteed products and service from imperial gs ok ltd furnace and stove oils greases gasoline diesel fuel motor oils jerry skirrow ultimatic furnaces no down payment 10 years to pay power humidifiers 8532340 taburite- cautet i usui ouautv hid or hue hand llil clarks soups wishing well drinks kutu m he raymond quibs short rib or jlfjijdihilwi blade bone removed 89 2 39l t239c 239c iga 10mai0 catsup 17 cuif wit chmu assjmtts nun asyas z cross cut rib or boneless shoulder roasts ii 1mt 1 hjaiau u1m ul uttill 57 picnic bologna fcattuu tui u hi fillets 49c 33c i mild cheese v59c cinnamon 1011 29 soft malgatlhi 49 iu ici cium 891 toothbrush- 17c clllllf i ugh guard j i7 nos fluit saits 7 charh0 asa uiuts i7 irvlciifm o mt lustii cham shampoo 3 c01ga1i y00th astrs7 free 3free 3jfree gifts food eaton tam lb a4 tm au tfeual tmavaw mavaaaau el au ail mil tawe at 4 i1mimi uwweatl i1m ie1 imc totm u facolf wihiluhiaaalum tliutttttel aau mu iw um un nit coul himiumiw1uh fkselmnhi cmc1 sctmcftttu mjfmiuhn yoim tnza mjf mas maw item

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