Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 3, 1968, p. 6

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dispose of your let want ads surplus items births campbell r mr and mm ron campbell 194 main st milton arc pleased lo announce the blrlh df thoir ion ronald john at the guclph general hospital on sunday march 31 1964 engagements mr ond mrs chester ix ana erson knox vt acton an nounce rhc engagement of ihelr daughter beverly ann to mr marvin h burgc of samla son of mr and mm harry m burgess hampton n b the wadding yin take place on sat urday may 2s iw m trinity united churoh aclon at 4 t rr coming events dance to the melodalree in ballinafad community hall fri day april 5 admission j2 00 per couple b408s6 north halton music festival robert little school april 910 final program wedresday even ing april 10 a404w2 keep saturday evening april 6 open and support acton fig lire skating club at around the world well se you at porls corner canlein a40872 t uchre stewarttown hall trldny april 5 jljlm ad mission 7c lunch provided sponsored by halloir and pecj jersey clctti everyone welcome 7 mo48s7 deaths ros7ell lori christine sud dinly at home on sunday march 31 1968 lctnt christine- darling daughter or klnier and leone kosiell or 10 knox ave age two years dear sistfer of wavne and john both of acton and mrs john timmcrman gail of port credit loved granddaughter of mrs wmnl i red rosell and mrs luelln ingles tuncra service was held on wednesday today at 2 pro at the rumley shoemaker funer al home interment fairvlew cemclcrv hummno arid hake sale thursday april 4 from s to 6 pm at anglican parlsjv hull rock wood auspices of tote blue association everyone welcome n40089l for sale mopfat 24 range fully guar nnleed must be seen to be ap preciated ms c w kelly son ltd guelph la40897 new used tractor tires kelly springfield all sizes low prices lxamplc 8 x 24 j36 plus is changed oh your farm mil ton tire and radlator service 1991 mill st milton 878 2711 16 if 1argf glossy prints of acton iree- press stalf photo 5x7 sic x 10 hle list plus tax cash jrriusi accompany or dcr fntaulieviow at free press orficc or bills stationary ami st r c latf implements for sale mountain union w i will hold a desscij liinoheon 12 jo wheeled discs at lignv hall wednesday april 10 luckv draws quilt dressed doll and chinj dishes luncheon soc euchre at 2 p m m81407 pdie of the pubs the rev gordon winch will be guest speaker at the 10 oclock mom mg service at trinity united church april 28 there will be an hour of dialogue after b40917 cards of thanks we wish to thank all our friends in acton for the cards and manv acts of kindness to us dunng our recent bereave ment mrs sutherland and daughter lorna 640895 mr and mrs gerard carnere brother paul and sister suxanne longstrcel would like to thank the town of acton for their expression of smpathy con cerning the death of brian ro bert carnere a40923 i would like to thank all my friends for the cards and kind remembrances sent while i was in hospital also a thank you to the doctors of acton medical centre dr proud and nurses and staff of guelph general hospital a40888 mrs helen cnpps the family or the late dr w g kcnney wish to express their sincere thanks for the manv kindnesses shown to the doctor and his family not on- iv at the time of their bereave ment but during the days of his illness at home and while he was in the hospital 040462 the acton junior farmers ond junior institute will be hold ing their monthly meeting at biookville hall on wednesday april 10 at 8j0 p m the theme tor this meeting will be form safety a film is scheduled en titled safest township any where anyone interested in becoming n member of this or ganization should plan to at tend or contact any junior far mer member 040914 spiciat- pttlcrs on new cockshutl tritclois and equip went used jrictorsv ginlnxuiul fertiliser dulls omit pinnies nninuiv spjcudcis lolideh cultivitois hairows plows fcitiliyef spieadeis blades gardcnltac tors pioneer and llnnielllc saws s lies seivice and ie pairs archie ken equipment phone acton 853 i9s9 4b404883 classified advertising rates nihtiifl enoaormenth ronthcomtno majuuaobb niancm ii katun no chare foa haijc roil kent kt l do minimum chare tor is wtwu f pr w inl hrttmr hiibaiiii trimillnna no copy ehanaiml la minlmuini i lutrkx r r if wotda bo p word lhrftr is ftlsvoouni llwstt tar cash ytntnl comino kventh all aft or yuaukh l lor tlrat llv una i0e tar mh drlill mibi iii in kikmoltlam i lu lit tw o vmtwm cljthmiriei huh av hkai kruratc l 10 fr o tneh llox numikilh lo ihu tli 3if ddllnni cihmirin ohm i r hl 3 tr ri- su a animals roc h 4 tmilrn u vu mu b vhlrl bl rualnam m tliili 1 wtll h lllp vvll o enplymnt wnld lo hliitml jti ii r hltavtl u riiitl 13 vot lunt u winl 1 llrul i i il ifl krvln it rmi buu ii tndr iv lvl 30 all i 1 lr 31 t r tfrill k olifctory v a xt t m v s ijifii hdwarimmf 11 m whiifmiay 1 t laawil lhuuv art i rfl-t- a v 1 wmuv aunf nuiy w paid ai mli hitumrr oawnl m k piloni ant 20l0orr 2030 yrt aclon fwa pri4 vlmtinntny april 3 t96fl h i i i i i i s vehicles for sale 19a5 mustang 6 cylinder automatic bcm offer phone 8s3 1503 5140918 3 rord tvtvlinder motor complete front end for 57 ford phone a53 16m sa409i2 lfl pontiac convertible v- 8 automatic priced for cash vale phone 8131608 5a40911 organization meeting for 4h agricultural club members in dining hall erin fair grounds saturday april 6 at 130 pm projects available conservat ion calf grain corn it swine farm boys and girls 12 years of age by january 1st and un der 21 by december 31st 1968 are eligible conservation club members must be 16 for fur ther information contact harry burt club leader director or the agricultural office arthur 040904 for sale ouantity barnyard man urc phone 8532988 la40902 we uish to thank our neigh bors and friends for the many cards usrts and acts of kind ness uhue harold uas a pat ient in the guelph general hos pital spc al thanks to thoe who po ded transportation to and froti the hospital hanad and laura wiles a40893 i uish to thank eerone who em cardv ilouers and gifts and came to visit uhen i uas n the hospital and since com ivg home also dr phillips dr garret and the nurses and salf o the third floor general hospital for their good care juo re gordon turner and mr fauett eaton for their v imts and pravcrs to trinity icw and neighbors and friend and all the people who pjt im uife rides to and from the hospital our kindnesses uil aluuvs be rcmembtrxd a409i bern veldhuis edith and fred wnghi of 120 boucr avt thank their man tritnds and neighbors for their gills tlowtrs cards and good uishes received for their 50th wedding annivcrsarv our thanks and appreciation also to thc mior reeve dcputv reeve and council of the town of ac ion who presented rhem with ihe roal windsor yold china tea set on behall ot ih town ot acton we appreciatt the manv who called trom near and tar our thanks to knox thureh ladies aid uho cater ed ou all made it a most mc moiabli dav we also thank mis glare picutl and mrs i lank an wvck who entertain ed the bridi at the home of the touiui on the anniversarv dale apul i a40920 coming events umgo aiues eer mondav il 8 p in hols jlosjrs parish mall milton b47 1337 tt i uliiiv eserv saturday at 8 lm lol hall civwwmi s conion everyone uwloomc au424tf euliuv ballinafad hall on tuesday april 9 at 830 pm lunch provided admission 75c 40487 barnyard manure suitable for gardens telephone 8531355 1o40905 carriage high chair strol ler in good condition phone 8532425 ia4w63 viking wringer washer ex cellcnt condition reasonable phone 8531316 la4o903 zenith color tv low boy styling new guarantee 599 c w kelly son ltd guelph la40899 1 new firestone tire and uheel size 6 70 x 15 will for half price phone 8531427 la4044 1961 rambler amcrluan 4- door motor just overhauled best offer call 853 2274 5a4o909 1963 pontiac pansiennc con verliblc v8 standard good condmon call 8 2904 5a40908 1962 mercury meteor auto matic transmission clean used as second cor by lady phone 8569619 sa40919 1961 volkswagen excel lent condition new motor new hres mione 8530218 john van arragon r r 4 acton 5a40890 admiral 14 cu ft 2 door frost free refrigerator 1229 c w kelly son ltd guelph 1340900 duracell batteries last up to 7 tinus longer all batteries tesud before you buy at sports corner la40906 hoover spin floor model fully 169 c w kellv guelph dry washer guaranteed son ltd ia4089b mixlary easy 10 cu ft refrigerator full width freezer 6 mos old 159 c w kelly son ltd guelph lu40901 bicycles accessories and repairs we sell ccm with a lifetime warrants at sports cor nir mill at wilbur la40907 vvcstinghouse v range vltk and limir with rolisserle iwndou in door in new sondlt lun ji2s c w kells son ltd cuilph ja40896 1urnibh three rooms for only 39900 fabian furniture lr the milton plots milton 8782091 urf this weeks special simplicity wringer washers h9 00 vsith trade terms as lou as 1 55 weekly daveys appliance furniture 12 mill st w acton phone 8534600 liuo used cars 19a6 dodge wagon 880 model beige brown interior 383 4- barrcl carb automatic radio power steering power brakes power seat power tail gate window whilewalls and wheel covers lie x8055 price 2395 1965 dodge 440 4door sedan beige brown inferior 6 auto matic radio whitcwall tircfi and wheel cover lie j82313 price 1395 1965 morris 1100 4door sedan green brown ulterior radio lie j82139 price 795 special i960 corvair 6 automatic lie j2166 price 150 at phillips chrysler dodge limited no 7 highway georgetown 8776481 empire 45722 eas terms with i ac purchase plan 5 vehicles for salb v buy with confidesnco horn milton mojor sales i iimiiii ml mini st mill in 8782355 c aim ac poniiaf i1iik k iiiaijmoni acadian i iki iiiri ml i kill ks a oodwiii usidiahs 5a40 wanted baby tarnis hnon also sat s 4494 ziuid son phont sstv 7a40882 sucessful sales begin with listings in the free press classifieds i0w illirk uiviiua 2 door iiaroroi in jh4h7j lullv pcvuiiltl uul lnmhtf1 in silvti hiiv milillic with hlitk in tciioi sit ul iliw uul stmvitltl by a ikisnuililii pitsliyt iu that alius nnith stc and ilsi tlnve totliv um ask inn price l f h7s is um uflow his lint aiitoinohiu s list prut onlv j27s down and jl 26 monihlv a mm i or rortmr lit j82t10 ownu tlnvtn siikc now and kiluimu mtiuuvs powci ilii wnulctw for vcnld alion without a draft i xlii ln value at out asking pi ice ol 1 190 oi 2s down and s1 montlily i9m tiirvnotrt 4 ton pick up lil 1103724 this dressed up half ton has a cus torn lab with tinjthf chrome fender and several mouldinus an 8 cylinder engine with au tomahc that gives vou smooth performance that most iriilks lack mnny ex tras including whilewalls and junior west coast mirrors original owner traded ihls truck in on another deluxe vehicle with similar equip ment that lists for j3s42 our sale price after a thorough lheck up and refimshing in red is only 1 475 or s25 down and 62 monthly 1965 beaumont station wagon lie x972s this is the deluxe model with auto matic and big 6 engine scr viced regqlarly bv owner and reflects good care goad val ue at our asking prile of 1 975 or 25 down and 80 monthly 1968 pontiac 4 door lie j88787 equipped with 8 cylin der engine automatic radio rear seat speaker whitewalls wheel discs driven low mile age by our salesman asking price onlv 2 982 or 25 down and 98 monthly 1968 beaumont 2 door hardtop lie j87102 this is the custom model with 8 c under engine automatic pow er steering and brakes cus torn push button radio white walls wheel covers and floor mats our sale price onlv 267 or 125 down and 112 monthly 1964 mercury econoline van lie c98298 finished in w hitc and equipped with au tomaiic this chicle is in out st inding eondition as it has be- n used tor tamping and regul ir transport iiion our asking price i07s or 25 dimn and 4 munihh nt acadian 4door srd an lie jb4082 ii oure looking lor something a little spceiil in a compact see this like new owmr driven trade in tod iv our asking price on 1 si ths or 52s down ind 68 monlhlv i9m pl molt 11 stat ion macon lie 90l an feon ollllull dllll purpose vehicle equipped with 8 evlinder cng ine ogi asking priee 9t5 or 2 down and 45 numthlv our reputation is vour jssiiranee ol i nr deal s it ist is t ion u 11 m teed with evir sale ot a cioodwill l sed car or the all new wide track pontije ot vour thoiee trom milton motor sales liniiud 388 main st milinn 878 2333 rcmcmbrr yuu can pay mure but uu 8 help wanted lahmliu wlnliil iniikt vc x 1 i 1 11 lh in 11 i toi mill fnrni ilc in it iv il v woik an pl mtn 111 miilmihn i atni 2s lliyluirt alton hiumii maui lll tiller iull 11 ilhlilp iiii 1111 anil taku over ol 1siibltflu il iliintili acton in 1 niiiiiil hy hljiiiv cnun si mm iisiiiliil 11i an 11i1 i id 1 ill mis j mclnivii- 877080 8a40 ml lades turn spare time into ii on hivt two spue even nips i w k ami the use of a 1 i bcolino fashions is tlu inswtr call 8773757 h14h secretarytreasurer i or halton mutual fire insurance co applu ml in ipplv in writing onlv iuiciliills required si ul silu ixptuit applkont 10 si in vi iv i sinil application to head office campbellville ont 8b41 accounting will maintain complete set of ledgers including financial state incnts also entire pavroll re null in tax etc and necessary povtinnient forms completion ol income lax returns tor 1 complete service or any part ol the above please con i ict e c whitred rr 1 acton phone 416 8542456 after 6 pm 16a37 tf 9 employment wanted available tor part time norlc cirpentry gardening etc plume 8s3 1999 9a40394 otrice uork typing and of- fiarroutine ano stvitchboard iiun giorgetoun area phone a3 1744 9a40915 16 services acton woodcrait peter p uxicr carpentry trim work cupboard ulaim itpilm ultertillonh ii m tin st south adon phmii 853 2133 i6u4l milmlih upiioistury kitchener spccialuti ill iv tipholhlerlng hi si giiullty innrerliik fine wotkniaiihhlp pompt xervle riirihlir refllihltne t mjl 1 ttiirir yhone b3nio murks irocxiv jidifti tf don driving school i ii ly imsurk iv till div o tvenliiit ftpwlilnejlk call 8530459 laaltlf bob collerton masonry contractor i1kickwokk stonwlhk yliockwokk iikipiacis clilmmtys acton 8531048 i6a39 t s electric industrial maintenance commercial and residential insinuations a 24 hour service it fstlmaten p1ioni1 877 2413 i6a24t furniture restoration crillsmun rellnishliig npliol slery repairing antique special 1st tree estimate pick up ttnd delivery 15198332210 w white erin la25ti electrical contractor 24 hour service commercial icsidcntiil rcc rooms and new installation phone bob watson 8530789 i6a27tf maple view lodge for senior gti2ens lovely surroundings in coun ry with planned activities phone 8532698 acton for appointments 16b40 for appliance service call 8530600 daveys appliance furniture la40 paconi dead stock removal limited highest cash prices for dead r disabled cows and hors call operator ask for zenith 97950 lie no 94rp68 126c6b 16atf 16 services kitchpner upholitery ex pert re upltuulerlny reflnuhlng pnd repairing of nil kind of furniture for free estimate cull main variety phone 853- 0411 acton 16atf septic tank pumping 111 tp sirlno enterprizes milton call collect 8786869 s uts andys pi umliinf it pije pitting ejtvich inicrgiifioy chiis home anil factory hay calls 8lbll night calls- 8fl46 ron anderson propilelor i6u31 speyside rentalls powih and hand iools avaiiai11i ai kpasonaule raies roto millers si chain sawa etc call speyside general store 8789603 16bsi cedarvale sand and gravel ill run k ravel clrntnf gravel cemenl and hriek and ouarry chips tnp soil rfjtlltl ni inure hu975i i kin 17 real estate property wanted listings for spring inquiries buyer looking for 2 and 3 bedroom and duplex homes in acton or nearby villages nnd country locutions nlo 100 acre riruit or nmullcr please contact jack holmes real estate brokeit 4liurcrt slfcef hast acton 8531650 located besjde jhork building 173b w wragg r r 2 acton 16a39 if first line television sales service phone 8531057 r r 3 acton hwy 7 west at tirst line compilti srrvice on black whitlcolor tv i m stereo radios towers st aiiicnnas installed ai l work guaranteed color tv a specialty we sell the best and service the rest 16a36tf 17 real estate 13 for rent so acres good pasture prlnb led stream 8532088 13a40889 4 lrge rooms furnished or unfurnished all conveniences oltkr responsible adults pre- icricd phone 5 to 7 pm 853 0113 i3a409i6 bayne s farm animal service up to j5 00 for fresh dead disabled cous or horses top prices for old horses call guelph 822 801 collect license 49r67 64c67 24 hour service 16atf 14 wanted to rent olv couple no children nunc 2 or 3 rooms including kiulun bl isi md bithroom phon illcr 5 14 140849 vtl d to rem 50100 acres ol i uul apph in unting to g oldh mi r r 2 norval or ih nu 6 w 14a40884 uaciibr wants nice 3bed in itn home oceupancs preter el i ul summer months ex ec lie ni ten nils relerences plum guelph 822 5912 14140851 16 services cannot bus better 5b48 atc interior decorating w dip ipcrin painting tiling lloois ccilme etc call v burt k r 2 gcorueiovsn 877 2301 i6a408j ixoor ri finishing we now hiii i modern sander and idni we uill refmish your doors or rent ou the equip ment to do the job yourself j b frank phone 8532040 47 liedetick st s acton 16itf walnut ranch ltd crippled and disabled cows and horses 24 hour service lie mos 133rp 208c42 waterdown mu 91044 16a tf gibsons dead stock service s 00 for large animals sc lb for old healthy horses at our fergus plant we can let sou know cause of death call fergus collect 8432240 8432519 lie no 78c67 60rp67 16a30tf for best results mjl tin tavici consult a member of the orangeville real estate board 17a32tf leonard r chandler real estate broker courteous professional service thinking of selling for fast results list with leonard r chandler a leading real estate broker 8249199 rr 1 moffat homes farms acreages businesses 17a4i tf new listing on main highway 3 bedroom ranch brick bunga low with attached garage on half acre kitchen with plcnty if cupboards dining room good slc living room 4plece tile lalh high divided base ment could have large rec room covered palio lovely view south ol acton asking 26000 full price carries 113ft monthly interest principal and taxes call marie shadbolt 853094 hi rb mcarthur 8532849 frank simioni 8532784 or syehiey k lamb realtor i mill sl e acton oirt 8531030 member of canadian ontario si orangeville l district real estate boards i7a40 19 legal notice to creditors and others in lha estate oi emerson patrick isle of the town of aclon in the county of llallon security gluctd all persons having claims ag ainst the aforementioned estate ol emerson patrick who died on or about the 28th day of january 1968 are required to hie proof thereof with the un dersigned solicitor for the exe cutors on or before the 8th day of april 198 after which date the estate will be distri buted having regard only to the claims then filed dated at acton ontario this 13th day of march 19a8 c f leatherland oc acton ontario solicitor for the executors 1940 20 auction sales complete auction service chris a sehouten auctioneer sales of all types sales conducted anywhere tel area 416 8782576 r r 3 milton out 30butf ed mcmullen contractor cement floors sidewalks tt stoops chimney it plastering repairs stucco work fireplaces phone acton 8531818 1633- tf move in quick from r0500 to 21000 full price 2 3 4 or 6 bedrooms remod elled brick and modern taiich sisle or buy cheaper and remodel sourself in town and eouptr locations please contact jack holmes real estate broker 84 church street east acton 8531650 t located beside phone buileeulg 17b40 rent it here people are desperate for hom es announce your rentable via free press tor rent classified advertisements phone is32q10 clearing auction sale for owens uaeoonald lot 17 con 5 on the 4th line west chinguacousy 3 miles north of no 7 hwy oa comer of 17 sideroad 4 miles west of snelgrove monday april u 1230 pm david brown tractor 990 die- sel with front end loader and hydraulic bucket 230 hour int m tractor int h tractor int no 201 swather 10 ft cut like new int no 46 baler with thrower used 2 yean buehler wagon with rack for bale thrower new holland ma nure spreader pto cue 10 ft wheel disc dion right hand unloading forage wagon pto lilhston reversible snow blow er find a full line of farm ma chinery and dairy equipment and articles too numerous to mention terms cash with clerk on clay of sale auctioneers walter and donald reinhakt owner or a will to4 be rcaponiibl lor any ac on the premises on day all

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