evaluation over apply to close station the cnr intends to go througn with plans to close their station hers representatives of the railway old the free press this weak the cnr has made an application to the railway transport committee of the canadian transport commission to dose acton station it is now up to the commission to set o date for a hearing- which will llkefyi be held iry acton soon to hear pro end cons of thei railways request the commission will make edecl- aloh based on evidence heard el the hearing whether the station sheuld be closed or left open public relations officer gordon soutter and express superintendent lewis woods both from the london office of the cnr said the railways evaluation of freight services here had been favorable since it has been hand led from guelph there have been no complalntsabout service since the first couple of weeks freight was first han dled from he master agency the experimental stage of plana for the jnesteragency are now over and the railways findings represents lives said indicate- freight service is run as efficientlyas it was when it was handled frcfrn acton since there was not much opposi tion and everyone seems to be satis fied with the service as it operates from guelph the railway has applied to close the acton station asked if the cnr had roceivod rtq written obioctlons about the pro- posecl closing from actart business industry represenutlves laid hev were not aware bf any- objections have been made by aciorv council chamber of commerce llonsclub ajid some industries but thoy were sent to the board of trans port commission as the canadian transport commission was inown then boll mr soulier and mr woods felt the now systom would not affoct the future of industry in aclon since the sorvico would bo as efficionl as it was boforo thoy said the system worked woll in olfior small -communl- ties whore the mjislor pjitn agency waii mow in effect the two v ropresenialivos hialn- talned tho entire tpastir plan agoncy wris e mailer economics ls intro- ductlon thoy said ended a lot of dup lication where the station agent merely acted as a gobotweon often being blamed for mistakes which originated in the central agency inequalities of tho passonger ser vice between towns without stations and those with escaped the two rail way representatives thoy said the railway was trying o enlarge its pas- sengef service but coodglve- noan- swe why thoy were ciltlirjg of f rnpt trains frorn stopping at places ilkh acton although thoy felt r was 1 mistier of ecqiomlcs the concept that taxpayers in the smaller places should be entitled to the same benefits city dwellers receive since their takes subsidized the railway also was recognized but representa tives admlttod it was new to them future of the acton station now hinges on the doclslon of the railway transport committee which could be swayed by massive reasons against cjoslrig opponentsof ihe proposal polrlt out rfiariy other stations iwlth arnych smaller revenue than whet the cnr got dilt of aclorvare still open council did- the flret regular tdmunf of acton council sine march u iu bald tuesday night in the eoundl chambers among many item of buslnsas council introduced read and passed a bylaw to establish daylight saving time in town during ims authorised the clerk to nay mm financial statement m4ss deferred any expenditures for new furniture or alterations to the eoundl chambers oppos ed to the resolution ware coun cillor charlie perry a longtime advocate of the measure and councillor pat mckenaie approved the general ex pense portion ol the 1968 flre- flghter budget a resolution opposed by councillors drink- waiter and perry agreed to purchase a on page advertisement in th acton orange lodge program andauth- orlwd use of the town reservoir ait for an easter sunrise serv ice by young people from trinity united church endorsed a resolution from etoblcok urging go train serv ice be established along in cnr una from guelph to tor onto appointed herb dodds to all th unexpired term on th board of parke and recreation mrs helen otterbeln toft when ah resigned a letter of apprecia tion la to be sent to lira otter beln authorised anadvertisement for census takers to complete th town census aurtedby the asses sor who has bean 111 and will probably be unable to report back to work for another two months those hired will be paid 10 cents name anthorlnd th clerk to mr parttime help for th town of fice at his discretion agreed to purchase two ad ditional matching chairs for th clerk otto over th opposition of th reave who claimed th clerk can gat along with what be has instructed th clerk to sand letter of thanks to the acton hydro commission for use of their faculties for meetings white th town offices were being re novated authorised payment of 2- 71284 to th cnr tor th towns share of th eastern ave creasing signals accepted th recommenda tion of no 2 committee tonend superintendent a duby to th roads school at the university of guelph with all expanses paid instructed th clerk to send setter of thanks to beardmore and co tor z0m yards of au they supplied for th water pol lution control plant it was very generous of th company commented councillor bui wll- hams speaking for the entire council approved installation of wat er service to a new boo being built by btll stuekey oachurchlu hd n in the township of esau- sing th service is installed to the lot una at mr stuekey expense tad to must pay double normal water rates tor til water eoostunptloa councillor t ty ler jr opposed th resolution with th statement to didnt feel linaaasii reaitteat wereoontrlb- tattag their fair share towards cottlfcwed oa pes tc- nlnsvtythlna yarno 41 acton ontario wednesday april w 1967 vzxuw c sltr pn cw dlttmct txputy grand mastir d h caughlll of waterloo paid his official visit to walker lodge monday when a banquet followed the meeting left to right g h lepper toronto past grand steward mr caughill herb ritchio past grand sword bearer and walker lodge secretary george lee wm of walker lodgo and william wilkie of guolph grand organist toasts wore proposed by molbourne blow and calvin mcln- tyre with mr caughill and bill hamilton of goorgolown re plying staff photo pet s outgoing charm impresses acton delegate acton high school teacher bill coats an alternate delegate tothe liberal convention in ottawa last weak was impressed by the out going charm ofpierre trudeau canadas new prim minister elect in a brief meeting with ur trudeau bill found him easy to talk to and commented on his affability although he favored john turner personally or the post of prime minister i would have voted turner turner turaeraadthenswitched to trudeau on the fourth ballot said ur coats halton had six voting delegates at th convention five from oak- vllle and on from milton ur coats was an alternate i excitement at tho convention which delighted tv vlewersand has toon termed the most exciting political event in canadas history was viewed with equanimity by the acton delegate he said tv viewers were able to participate more fully and be on top of changing v trends at the convention better than delegates in tho warm crowded arena we could only sit in the seats between votes and guess at what was taking place on the floor he commented ur coats sees the swing to pierre trudeau and an endorse ment ol his policies as an in dication of tho dividing of the ways between canada two major mr mrs larsen daughter citizens mrs and urs jens b larson and tholr daughter leno of r r 3 acton were sworn in as can adian citizens at tho last citizen ship court hold in guolph judge r h tugman of hamilton pre sided at the court and prosontod 18 new citizens with tholr certif icates ho wished urs larsen a to uted happy birthday during tho ceremony when he noted she had celebrated the ovont the weok before a reception in the guelph log- ion followed the ceremony political partlos voters will havo a clear alternative now whan they vote progressive conservative or liberal ha felt mr coats flew homo on sun day from ottawa announce plans for no 7 hwy among tho ontario department of highways construction pro- tacts planned for tho 1968 sea son is cloaring and grubbing the rightofway on no 7 from georgetown to acton the work is being done in preparation for future reconstruction 1 copper equipment reported stolen copper sprinkling equipment valued at 200 was reported stolen from beardmore filter bods on wednesday april 3 cons kressler is investigating the theft of piping valves sprinkler heads etc st john brigade citizen of year for the first time a group rather than on individual will be honored when the chamber of commerce holds its annual citizen of the year night choice this year announced today for the first time is the st john ambulance brigade a group of local volunteers whose faithful and timeconsuming services go in the main unnoticed and unremarked these dedicated men and women of the st john brigade attend every major func tion in acton their training equipment and fr always at the disposal of any- ontjtrvnied they have ust concluded a season of riguia attendance at hockey games ending rlihing carnival they regularly offer courses in home nursing and first aid their sponsorship of cadets brought valu able training to many acton girls their accomplishments will be outlin ed in detail at the special dinner which highlights the chamber year it is schedul ed for saturday april 27 in the music cen tre also to be recognized for their achieve ment will be representatives of the cham pion tricounty novices chamber officials decided two years ago to announce their decision in advance so relatives friends and anyone especially interested would be able to arrange to at tend before that the announcement was a surprise the night of the dinner and this mad planning difficult council asks school board to cut 30 tint off levy due to asubstantlallncreaseln the mill rate for 1088 acton council has petitioned the public school board to reduce their re quisition to lbs town by at least 930000 efforts to set the mill rate have been hampered by a lack of in formation on the school board levy from the ontario municipal board and council passed a motion last night tuesday ask ing the board to reduce their levy opposed to tho motion woro mayor l duby doputy- roovo tv oakes and councillor g w mckenaie the way public school board has budgettod they keop coming up with a 20 to 30000 surplus each year and toll us thoy are cutting to tho bone said coun cillor bob drinkwaltor in pro posing the motion now weve got a five mill incroaso on the public school levy deputyreeve oakes said he would go along with the motion if its purpose was to keep the board aware council didnt want to go into 1069 with a surplus because of the new form of school govern ment scrutinizing the school budget councillor tyler stated the tlst three items alone on the budget woro up from z0 to 30 par cent can anyone onllghton me why ho asked wo can pass a resolution said councillor mckonzlo but it wont boar any weight school board is an olocted body rospon- slblo to the psoplo wo can pass any amount of resolutions and thoy dont mean much i agree with mr mckonzlo saldino reove wo donjtdoany harm in asldng them to take an other look however i agree with the reevecom- mentod dr oakes we cant compel them to dolt the onus lies on us but if they are short wd have to produce monies for them its a gamble we can take councillor mcksnzle said it was spelled out at a recent meet ing in milton that a surplus in 1008 would come backtothe town not to tho now county board the same thing applies to a deficit councillor drinkwaltor had another purpose for his motion howevor he said weve got to take a stand on this school issue and take it now wo cant continually accept raises of ave six seven orelght mills oaeh year the minister of education says school demands are going tobreak the country and ill go along with him the motion came tothe vote and carried 63 the mayor deputy- resve and councillor mckenzle opposed competition keen in choir classes at north halton festival tuesday again this year young singers from all of north halton schools assomblod at the robert little school in acton for the tradition al spring music festival milt on acton and rural schoolchild ren filled the auditorium and all available space in tho school on tuesday whon the wollenterod choir classes woro schodulod tho re were solo classes wed nesday morning with tho annual final program on wednesday evonlng garfield bonder of kitchener was the capable adjudicator making his comments clear to the attentive youngsters as woll as the many adults in the aud ience he even had one group of entries rise and try something again the way he preferred it he commended the choirs on their uniformity of voices re fined tone and expressiveness concluding with the vital placing that brought subdued squeals of pleasure from the competitors tuesdays results triple duot grades five and six seven rooms and over sleep baby sloop glen wil liams robert little acton m z bennett acton eight entries primary choir seven rooms and ovor spring is hero j m denyes mlllon bruce st milton speytlde ten entries junior choir grades five and six seven rooms and over plow gently sweet afton rob ert little j m denyes brook- vllle eight entries continued oh paoa a four persons injured twocar collision in four acton and rockwood res idents woro injured in a front- end collision on highway 7 just west of the nassagawoya fifth line friday evening mlas elaine johnson of r r 4 acton driver of the westbound car suffered cracked ribs and facial lacerations and a passen ger in her car miss linda demm of fourth una esqueslng had a broken wrist and lacerations to the mouth the occupants of the eastbound car were also hurt driver jan loot and klaas druef both of r r 5 rockwood received num erous bruises inthe collision eastbound traffic was backed up two miles to the village of rockwood before police and tow trucks could clear the highway milton opp investigated and totalled the damage at 3200 chiisttnl wfm and cathy weldon malts pretty sunflowers in the acton figure skating clubs presentation of an english country garden a capacity audience greeted the annual spectacle enthusiastically at that com munity centra last saturday story and mot pictures in the second section staff photo