asfl the acton free press wednesday april 17 1968 jtf 0 nm actcn if acton is content to lit back and be a backwater where freight passen ger and go trains go thundering through then theyll merely shrug at ihocnri decision to go through with closing the station here if people here want to travel to guelph and georgetown to board trains they are paying the same subsi dies for as people there then by all meani letsnotdo anything but utter a feebly protest yvhen ihey shut the sta- ten daor if people htfe wish to travel to ovt of town lobvoh congested highways in cars when rail service is at their door then by all means let therrt enloy it after they ctose the acton station down if elllxens here wan to see industry locate n other towns and cities because we arent even a whistle stop on the malnjine of jhe railway with a boarded op or torn down station let them keep quiet when the railway transport corn- mltlee has a hearing here if people who use the passenger services of the cnr dont mind the inconvenience of getting off trains at guelph and then arranging transporta tion to acton while their city cousins enoy all the conveniences of getting off close to their homes then by all means let them tear up the tracks too if you are satisfied with the freight and express service tendered from guelph then dont utter a word of pro test send the c n r a letter of thanks for their efficient service if we are eccustomed to dangling like puppets on the end of a string when decisions are made for us by those who have no personal stake in our future then let us accept the rail ways decision and be glad we are rid of such an uneconomical operation but if wfc are concerned with what happens to this town and the facilities available for industry and people then lets drgeriixe a squawk theyll hear from here to ortaw i 5 other fownsand village have loeclt their railway facilities open end had them reopevied with a concerted effort from everyone concerned and a little political pressure on their behalf during the last provincial election three candidates one from each pf the parties vunnlhg for office deplored he mov hen contemplated at drastic hal tort m p dr harley said he couldnt un derstand why the railway would even try to shut down a ttatlon like acton where the industrial assessment is to high lets send out an s o s save our station appeal to everyone interested in the future of acton or let us ust it back and talk about the mean old cnr and do nothingl l sttt jjrtss editorial page esljselx tyhdl end te winter we like to think the winter seaton endt officially- acton when they pull the twitch on the ice making machinery at the community centre it teemt however the twitch-pull- ing now has to take second place to the figure skating carnival which hat tig- nalled the finish of winter with better entertainment each year few more skating enthutiatts could squeeze into the community centre than did for the final colorful skating carni val this season they were pleased by the cohesion of the event which con ceived and directed locally with a cast from town and district the guest skatert especially dr charlet snelling added an extra treat for the capacity crowd it seems likely the figure skating club will have to pretent two perform ance another year to accommodate the increatlng number of people who look forward to attending the spectacle wed like to add our congratulations to those already received by club presi dent gary debruyn the executive and the two club pros who directed and arranged thete entertainments fcumpj and titter supervised dumping hours and reg ulated dump sites are an answer to the improved appearance of dumps both in town and township sometimes however hours of dumping may regulate but do not con sider the needs of the ratepayers at this time of year spring is cleanup time and satur days are the only time some have to work around the yard cleaning up the debris left by winter its also house cleaning time when home owners tort out odds and ends which accumulate in attics closets cellars and garages the natural thing to do it to dispose of rubbith after its gathered up by load ing up car pickup truck or trailer and cart it away to the dump last saturday we saw people turned away from the town dump by a locked gate this was an open invitation to take the garbage either to another dump or pitch it alongside sdme isolat ed township road- evidence exists that this is being done littering the countryside with paper bottles tin cans and various re jects of the household littering the country roads by dump ing garbage is punishable by fine any one convicted has it coming evidence alto exists that some of it is done by people from municipalities 8 long way off perhaps there should be a couple of saturdayi set aside in the spring of the year when dumps would be open all day to receive winter debris jjf pkctca fat the tajt annocwumn school pupils photo graphed in 1004 are back row dick smelts f harding will plant sandy mann john mann ray walton ah plant meble moffttt annie henderson sadie cole myrtle scott bessie mann margaret mcdonald lena mohim j middle row alex mann shirley watson chris mohht oilier mohih hu bert mann griffin sprawl paejrl mae- donald mela price elva cole helen warren emily harding susie sprowl marion lawaon ada dobbie annie dob- bie annie scott front row willie mof- f ilt perry walton jlmmle mann george moffitt billy mcdonald donnle mann rata cole aggie andrews maud cole harding martin mohih george henderson mar garet henderson lena henderson reached battered by winds and handy to the waters of fairy lake this boat will likely be the vehicle for bud ding huck finns and tom sawyers to exploro the coves and secret hiding places that maybe an odd pirate missed in boyhood dreams staff photo sugar and spice by i i smiley we used to have a superstition in my air force days about things happening in threes everything would go along well for a week or two then the roof would fall in wed lose three pilots in one day or one pilot would have three extremely hairy experiences in a row a ballout a criahundtag a tire it happened often enough so that you be gan to believe in it in wartime super stitions tend to become principles it hap pened to me one day i was hit by every thing but the kitchen sink and came home with 32 holes in my aircraft including one about 18 inches in diameter and just two feat from my seat i had to land without flap and brakes nothing much left except a chawedup piece of metal almost useless and a whitefaced pilot almost equally useless next day one of my bombs developed a hangup and i had to land with the thing- detonated and ready to blow dangungunder my left wing this dldnt improve my morale much either people started avoiding me the third day i was shot down and taken prisoner uet paddy byrne of dublin one of the tew survivors of my squadron in a london subway station after the war and he told me the boys were running a pool on when id get it but that was in tho old days when men were men and boys were terrified at least i was however the war was peace ful compared to present days now things dont come in threes but in sixes and sevens same pattern things go along ok for a while and then the gods clobber you with everything they have the other night for example kim and i were preparing for one of our exotic din ners it was a peaceful domestic scene she was playing the piano i was right on top of the dinner the rainbow trout were crisping nicely the baked potatoes were baked and i was just giving the canned corn that extra little stir that makes it so delicious when the doorbell rang rff the cuff the interest rate ceiling on govern mentjniured national house act mort gages the financial post reports will move up to 9 per cent or even higher for the second quarter of 1968 un less there is a dramatic improvement in the bond market or ottawa alters the formula for letting the ceiling before april 1 the ceiling it currently set at 84 per cent the figure is fixed each quarter at 2 per cent above the aver age yield of longterm government of canada bonds as published on the four wednesdays before the beginning of the quarter it was our neighbor the one on the loft where the bank robbers wore caught last year it was about 30 degrees outside and his internal temperature was around 212 he wanted to use tho phone he was about to kill the man on tho other side of his house because ho was needling him he phoned his mom asking hor to come and stop him its rather difficult to avoid hearing this sort of thing when you are five feet away poking the potatoes and flipping the fish anyway two hours and a couple of beers later i hadnt had my dlnnor but my neigh bor had and ho was cooled out enough to go borne to bed well thats tho way things went all week next morning i almost murdered myself putting out the garbage the cans are in a little stoop with a lid over it made of twobyfours i pushed back the ud and started to wrestle out one can which was frozen to the bottom when tho darn lid fell clunked me on the forehead almost knock ing me senseless dripping blood i stag gered off to work that weekend i was caught in one of those lastldckofwlnter storms and died a thou sand deaths creeplngthroughwindandsnow and drifts a fourandahalfhour trip that normally takes two hours had a fight with my daughter which she won uy wife is having an operation my piles are screaming the backyard be cause we dldnt get tho loaves raked last fall looks like hiroshima tonpeoplewant mo to havo a committee mooting about noth ing we tud a cloudburst and my cellars full of wator ru tho light bulbs in the house are burnt ott i j you need a ladder to replace most of them i nearly cut my entire upper up off when i sllppod on soap while shaving and i havent paid or oven thought about my income tax i wander whether they take old guys back into the air force where things only happen in threes the acton free press phone b53 2010 net nd editorial off jnj puhl vhj n0 ufiiimhliy 4 un itn jthj umbr ol thjt 4 t ubion ih iwhia 4jvj rountkj n ji w u 4uj i burrii uun4 4- ima pjjm ip ill uu i ihr iun ijnja tingle- hupwe itk 4uhiijd j winnj tuv ul rsml ottkver dipjiinu tk mi ajutiinn uiipuj oa ih xij turn ihl n trw rtrni uf itrukjf apttugj iiu ihjl pittia vj rw jtmiiiftj tpjtc us mpuj b ih iiruiwotit urp luiket mills i4suj4bu elujuejuc ui ilfuu mill wm bt hjfn j ur hu ih tu jrut- ul ihf tvhiumuj will ik pi j i m 4i ihe 4pilujfiu in its f lpiif jphit al rntu ejtarduatf foude uf mur el j utuaf ptw exiuja tw unuta nut nui tw wilj 4tliaiitt ng i nwrwlv a utttt id mil bj nut he- uukjieun ah iihm iuai htausif 4l rilhhliiej c lu twttj dtllt puklljktr hjiuv cuim dim rvjty 20 years ago taken from the issue of the free press of thursday april ib 1mb hoclrwood town hall was well fllledforthe united church chutr concert with its john ward a4 chairman and mrs frank stout as chair leader a dust was anloysd by br- hara vaxdajidjictinrockwoodffrankguild tw choir gave some w numbers chi harris tntije a camolimsniary address and helen ifecoftmlt preaenfed ms stout with bouquet of flower mrs l plpurlag mrs ej caldwell mis moffat mrs f cleave mr at browp mrs mowai mr h dirty mrfc g a dills mrs f cocfter mrs jams moore mist mainprise ml m 2 hehnett misse hawthorne afienoad the annual presbyterta meeting in mlttoo spring ores had the acton brigade with almost a baateta track to the cvescant last wek there was only one exception to the souinaast direction and that was the chim neyfire at the home of mr w h danny last friday morning none of the are were serious miss nellie anderson was guest speaker at the knox wms thshkoffsring meeting she is just lately returned from george town british guiana mrrm macdonald thanked her for her excellent address 50 years ago taken from ihe issue of ihe free press of thursday april 25 191b a number of younger member of st albens church met to organise to promote ihe social life of ihe church mr maun- sall was elected president mis uxxie prevost 1st vicepresident mr u g king 2nd vicepresident mis jessie stuckey secretary and mr j wood treasurer loafing i now illegal all persons are now supposed to work or show cause why ihey are idle this law applies to all be tween the ages of 16 to 50 and heavy pen alties are imposed against the offenders snow shovels are in use again friday hesults of the easter examinations fol low those who passed can qualify for a certificate by working on the crops most have already gone or are arranging to go roy brown olive mowal marguerite stew art all honors in middle school entrance lower school luena campbell alice john stone clara lants belty lowrie jessie mowat florence robertson elsie stewart jack waldle duff wilson bessie woodhall laura mcdonald driver frank day who is in france sent a neat silver brooch made from coin to his aunt mrs r h wansborough lake ave thbmhurch or sf a1ian thi martyr anglican comer willow st and st albana drive sunday april 21st 1968 easter i 9 00 a m the holy eucharist 10 30 a m church school 10 30 am holy eucharist rev ritchie mcmurray guest clergy mthtl christian reformed church minister rev p brouwer ba bj acton ontario sunday april 21st 1968 10 00 am english service 11 10 am sunday school 2 30 p m alternating dutch and english service saturday bible classes 10 12 am everyone welcome evangel pentecostal tabernactl paoc 33 churchill road rev s m thoman pastor 85j271s sunday april 2lst 1968 10 00 a m sunday school 1 1 00 a m morning worship rev thomas lotto 700 pm evangelistic service tuesday 8pm prayer service and bible study thursday 8 pm christ ambassadors friday 7pm crusaders i am the resurrection and the life he that believeth in me though he were dead yet shall he live john 11 2s mapi avenue suwrjt church 81 maple ave georgetown pastor rev robert c louse sunday april 21st 1968 here is our sincere invitation to the whole family to attend church 94 am sunday school all ages 1 1 00 a m morning service 7 00 p m evening bvaagel 7 43 p m wednesday prayer meeting acton 8531956 georgetown 1776665 this is an invitation to attend the church of your choice on sunday 75 years ago taken from the issue of the free press of thursday april 20 1893 the council met monday at eight oclock aw after hearing the minutes were about to adjourn for want of business however messrs w turtsn and w jean repres enting acton comet band rrired itnetur eemng for iso for the purchase of neto tnusle and asinstnlment or two a he committee on afreets and walks have not prepared their estimates- for tile year the matter was tabled x lord aberdeen ha heoo appointed ccor- my oeaeral of canada ithey sail this month will visit ihe wovuls fair and spend a month rusticating ju hlw lordships- british columbia ranch there are 5947 school children in hslton more tuut a fairth of ourpopulahoq however the -avesage- attendance in our public school i only 2261 the highest salary paid to any teacher in haltort county is ttoqi the average to male teachers i 412 and to ladle 304 there are no separate schools in the county browns saw mill started the sessons cut on monday the mill is well slocked mr thomas perryman sr is excavating for his new brick front on mill st it is absurd for hamilton to consider ii- elf a city when it ha loll gates right with in the city limit 100 years ago taken from the issue of the canadian champion milton april 16 1868 each champion is stamped with the name of the subscriber and the date to which he ha paid up thus peter smyth septem ber 1 87 algnlhs that master peter owe for the champion since the 1st of september last and the best thing be can do to wipe out the spot on the paper is to forward one dollar to the editor and next week he will have the pleasure of receiv ing it marked thus peter smyth sept ember 1 68 by simply changing the 7 into an 8 4a has received a legal re ceipt for hi dollar and has paid his paper in advance there is no danger of his dy ing in debt to the printer the town council met at the usual hour mayor in the chair the finance committee presented a report on the present state of the dog law and the town hall committee presented a report on altering the daw of the hall to open outward both report adopted the mayor reeve and council lor mora van allen and matheson were appointed a court of revision all appeal must be in before the 29th inst church notices trinity church the united church of canada minister the rev gordon b turner ba bb director of music dr george elliott ma phd sunday april 21st 1968 1000 am morning worship nursery provided sunday april 28th special service on the mission of the church the preacher will be the padre of the pubs the rev gordon winch ba bd an hour of dialogue with mr winch will be held following the service sunday school 1000 am junior school to gr 4 11 15 a m senior school gr 5 to gr 8 acton raptist church founded 1842 pastor rev stanley gammon res 144 tidey ave phone 8531615 sunday april 21st 1968 9 45 am church school and adult bible class 1 1 00 a m morning worship no evening service monday mens meeting in stratford leaves church at 6 pm tuesday 8 pm quarterly business meeting wednesday 730 prayer meeting and bible study thursday 6 jo p m explorer thursday 8 p m choir practice friday 7pm b h f if christ be nol risen your faith is vain you are yet in your slrtsu i cor ft 17 wrytuuan church in canada knox chimcii acton rev andrew h mckenxle ba bd minister mr e a hansen bx organist and choir master sunday april 21st 1968 9 45 am church school for agata 3 to 15 yean 945 am minister church member ship class for to 1100 amcivlne worship sermon theme will the technolog ical age supercede christianity sunday april 8 njn ost choral evening involving acton church choir and tagiaa chor- uers