Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 17, 1968, p. 8

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the acton free preii wednesday april 17 1968 bauinafad grass fins sunrise service newcomers illness of interest awsfc by mrs r shortlll mr and mrs wlttlkook moved to ihalr new location at norvsl wttore they have bought ths cor ner grocery new owmrs moved on saturday into the house they vscsted which is on the corner of the woods farm grass fires msde necessary the emergency rsll to the fire department on friday in the region of the former dr fteld farm on the seventh une above balunafad mr and mrs w clements of alton visited the pattersons one cay this week mr and mrs donald mclean visited the beawtcks st ham ilton recently congratulations are eitended to mr and mrs lee longstreet jpn the safe arrival of their new baby son gsry l mrs cameron mrenery has not been well lately we hope she soon will he in belter heslth a lumber of young pecple attentat the sutlrpm service faster sunday at isfo at the kidney farm t jfltt jjrcss loan news herri i- starting thursday morning with call to the cretcenl above acton flrefighteri wore deluged by gross firos over the holiday weekend anworlncj summons in esquosing erin end nesssgeweye townships before sundays relative qulel worst blsare was at the estjuesing dump where flames threatened to engulf houses along ihe ourlh line their promptness in answering ihe calls whu h came in clusters saved thousands or dollars in damages bin tonk ils toll on the brigade most of the firelighters were hone weary after pending most o friday and saturday fighting fire like the one above staff photo rmeniher its illegal lo ughl bonfires ia arton without a permit thi polite werent especial ly laisy nvr the wmikend hit the firefighters made up for it the hurches had large con gregations fur tatter sunday hypochondriac one who d triply cannot let well enough alono sales soared on the weakend in spsclsl dvpsrtmertu fresh flowers nursery slock hot cos limn and chocolate eggsi the ront page bears an un usual number of important fig ures this week we hope none of them come rait wrong and return to haunt us as thy do every once in a while mrs phldsla snow accom panied by her daughter mrs gates is leaving for a visit to saskatchewan this week to visit her uncle dr and mrs held hsve re turned from their holiday ip florida ten tables of michre were played al the community centre on tuesday night april 0 mr and mrs john plerson david anr itolwrt attended the church service hundsy ijujrlng the sbrvtca the sacrament of baptism was administered by revijotuisrin lo wee hubert they tf sited whh imbelr parents mr and mrs jesse mtfnery the real pf the day tkii uairmi was well rilled ur faidday for ihe hasw ifervjce mr and mrs cornlah and family also mrs cornlah fir had their l0l euchre 25 miler for experts only winners al ihe last loi euchre al crewsons corners were ladles high alice wilk inson ladles low monica how ell mens high david dewar mens low john dewar lone hands prise alice wilkinson door prise monica howell two bruce trail hikes here weed inspector a new halton county weed inspector was appointed on tuos- day by halton county council he is d currio of milton a retired farnwr mr currio will take over his new job on may 1 bruco trail clubs aro schedul ing two interesting hikes in this district in the coming wook this sunday april 21 the cal- edon hills bruco trail clubs spring hike is to cover 10 or 11 miles of the trail walking north ward from tho central burlington area club members are moot ing on cedar springs road just north of highway 5 at 11 am sunday and would welcome nov ice hikers wtuilng topartlclpato those whoaroreallyhoppod up on hiking the toronto bt club is planning a 25mllo mid- toond hike of tho uoctlon of trail for which thoy aro rotpon- 8lhlo on sunday may 12 lam yoar 78 of 80 stariori wort able to finish tho longthy strotch and ouallflod to roeolvo a club luilge two groups will start at op posite ortds of tho toronto sec tion for tho may hike ono group walking south from torra colts awl one heading northf roni koimo whim ihny meet in tho centre theyll switch car keys and after complollng tho 21 mllns drive each others cars back to a con tra mooting place atllmohoum this hike is rosorvod for ok- porloneod hikers with plonly of stamina its an allday hike starling at 7 am sharp the strike al the university pf guolph has been settled var ious district and town people are employed there in ihe trades and were involved warm weather brought out many shoppers last wookospoc- lally on thursday evening before the holiday nov illtchle mcmurray formerly of acton was holy woek speaker in guolph at the serlos of services sponsored by tho guolph ministerial associa tion evening tea held by greenock belles the greenock belles loaders ulss elva pearenand mrs ralph sinclair hold a toa on friday overdue at ihe home of miss elva psaren tho guests were tholr mothers institute members and friends barbara and marlon galos sot up tho dining room table for a buffet suppor csmplole with floral cuntrepleco candlos dlshos and cutlery thon loah and sharon leslie explained two floral arrange ments ihe first an attractive oriental design of pussy willows and daffodils to decorate a separate notice for school tax under new county boards for the first time students had a fourday weekend over faster they had already had their faster weeklong vacation a month ago in bettor balance the school year beautifully handmade out fits go with the doll which ihe scout and guide mothers hsve as a prlso in a draw the draw will he made at their liake sale in simpsons saturday lads weru enlhuslasllcslly peddling lawn fertiliser door-to- door on saturday irocuodsweru for tho trl county minor hockoy association thore was a now kind of lalo late show friday nlghl many were outside with tolo- scopos or peering from windows to see tho total eclipse of ihe moon those who wouldnlget up to see tho phenomenon dont have another chance until 1971 limehouse young people enjoy breakfast at church by mrs a benton miss wuhamona pool is re cuperating at home following a knee operation she was injured in a gym accident at high school we hope she makes a complete recovery communion services wore ob served on april 7 easter ser- vices were well attended at llmehouse presbyterian church on april 14 birthday greetings are extend ed to mrs angus lawson who was eightyseven on april 16 umehouse youngpoople enjoy ed breakfast at the church on good friday mr and mrs w ustor have two nephews from newark new jersey visiting for easter holi days the v m s thankohering meeting will be held in the church on sunday evening wheneveryone will be welcomed mantlopleco or tv top tho second a centreploco of spring flowors for a dining room table an attractive plate of fancy sandwiches for an aftornoon lea was tho baslsforademonstratlon to be given on achievement day and explained by norma loslle tho correct way to pack a travelling suitcase was shown by marjorlo johnston with the bulky and personal items placed on the bottom while dresses suits and other clothing arc folded on top during the evening punch was served games and contests wore arranged for everyone and prills awarded to the winners in appreciation for the patience and understanding marlon gates prosenled the loaders of their 4h project the club girl en tertains with a small gift as a remembrance on behalf ol the monitors tho girls served fancy sand wiches with relishes and fancy cookies madi by themselves mrs a gates and mrs g les lie poured tea and coffoe mrs thos hemslcy thanked ihe girls and their loaders for a most enjoyable evening many aspocls of the new county boards of education are still a mystery to municipal officials charged with tho responsibility of offectlng tho changeover gradually howovor the com plexities of tho now system aro being oxplainod by tho approp riate governmont department the financial aspocts of the new system came undor the scrutiny of the association of ontario counties at their rocont conven tion in toronto rove bort hln- ton was able to gather some in formation on financing tho oper ation nine ofthepotntsfollowlng 1 the local share of the cost of operating the public and secon dary schools in a county will be divided among the municipalities comprising the school divlslonln proportion lo the provincial equalised assessments of the municipalities concerned 2 the council of each municipal ity shall levy and colloct its shtro of school costs and transfer ii to the board from time to time as roqulred but not later than dec ember 15 3 the notice of taxes shall be given separately for school purposes or in a manner that will clearly indicate the taxes imposed for school purposes 4 then will be no change in the manner in which taxes are col lected at prosent or in tho method of taking action for uncollected taxes 5 the county board will issue its own debentures c the clerk treasurer of the county and of each municipality will notify the treasurer of tho divisional board before february i 1060 and before january 1 in succeeding years of the amount of principal and interest due and payable in that year in respect of debentures issrtudior school purposes 7 tho troasurer of the divisional board will pay to the county or municipal treasurer the amount roqulred for school debt charges before tho due dale of pay mo nl by tho county or municipality 8 tho arbitration of the assets and liabilities of the former boards will lake place in 1060 and tho determinations of the arbitrators will be effective in tho year 1070 0 each divisional board will appoint lis own auditor and the troasurer of the board is requir ed to publish or distribute the auditors report easter thankoffering meeting held by wms the easter thankoffering mooting of the aftornoon auxil iary wms of knox church was held on april 11 in the church with mrs fred anderson pre- peel halton meet health merger possible the spark of posslblut has been rekindled in an earlier pro posal to merge halton and pet 1 county health units both county councils opposed the move despite the dangling carrot of an extra 5 per cent grant from the provincial gov ernment when the subject came up late last year now peel county council has had a change of attitude and has called for a committee of halton councillors to meet with them and reopen discussions halton county council has named warden v f hunter of georgetown board chairman hoove a milton and finance chairman hi eve g of health ledwlth of committee currit of esqueslng to a studying com mittee oakville and burlington councillors attempted to have a southern municipality represent ed on the halton commltuc uhen it was set up but failed siding and guests present from neighboring congregations mrs robert kerr of churchill was introduced by the president and gave an inspiring message on brotherly love in closing she issued the challenge to all to open up our hoarts in love and compassion for our fellowmen the worship service followed tho easter theme and was led by mrs william mclntyre miss isabel anderson and mrs h mainprlie with miss dorothy simmons accompanied by miss jean mclean contributing two solos he died of a braken heart and teach metopray later all enjoyed a period of fellowship in the church hall where tho committee in charge served refreshments quality ba products save you money gasoline motor oilt dieml fuel foal oil stove oilt m iotnaai oil burner finance flan 10 years le pay small carrying charges dependable service thompson fuels ltd 44 young st acton phonf 533174 acton electric company residential industrial commercial free estimates no job too big or too small mtetm 330234 63 main s n acton asphalt driveways tired of mud stones call ontario paving for a no obligation e5tiaaate now locally represented e k stewart manager ed owen 1334307 many satisfied acton customers chicken southern fried tub serves 8 to 1 0 persons 525 box 14 pieces buns honey 390 box of 9 pieces 250 individual dinner plus trimmings 135 light snack 2 pieces french fries 80c fishburger 65c cheeseburger 40c and 50c hamburgers 35c and 45e fish and chips 50e french fries 25e onion rings 25c sandwiches made to order hours open r monday to thursday am to pas friday to sunday m to 10 pm deliveries 50c extra bp snack bar 8532114 membership transferred to bel li naiad church the sacrament of ihe lords supper was ot- served the choir sanf an anthem mluanneshorllll taking the solo part miss kathryn sinclair was organist llev johnson spoke on the resur rection miss dlsruw hnow spent the weekend with her parents mr and mrs blwoorl snow cftngreliilatloiis are extended tu mrs i la allan whose mar riage mr otto wiggins took place on saturday hi carvvolmsr is kept busy diiiwrlmmrsery stock iromhlir garden rfiitro miss uiaaiawr spun ih waelund al kmiw v wli are- glarl in rfiorl w mr honry mlrts alllintgh rtl in hospital is mtih iwuer reactlon to the naming of the st john ambulance brigade as actons cltlrent of ihe year is very favorable everyone has seen them over the years faith fully on duty al all major com munity events brigade mem- bora were pleased lo learn the news last tuesday from chamber president paul nielsen it was publlahed ihe next day in the free press for the first tlmo fred a hoffman optometrist 58 st georges sq guclph ont telephone 1242071 film oh cancer on tv tonight x milter of time a srwwal documentary film inidu al tho prln maritarui hospital will lie shown on ihe fill cdc tv rutlwork at 030 pm on wud- nesday april 17 ilui onehour drama allows thu work done al ihe hospital andbv ihu ontario cancnr lusfnulo the film is being shown during canrur nionlh when cancer drives are underway all ovur hie province acton canvassers began ihe first of ihu month lilt havent completed their calls yet 1 v vr a f s is save j vttjft soles i wwe btm jlv wakt 5 s r waor i fhrough free press classifieds is there a gap in your insurance profile of protection there are six kinds of needed car insurance you can got them all at low cost at safeco wlion you mi ininjtfjd by 1 uatut o family aulo folir y all jnvri in you ttimily run tin ruvnuut tot hie following 1 tub 4 aduiont 2 ii10m b mfofinity uiniqb i liability 0 f nurl cnsh with 1 balai o kintily auto plan you tuvn vvririy tjjuo monuy loo ue iiutn thotw am no djnyniout uupfe no only ovfitlafjt cull u indtiy dennys insurance agency 17 mill si w arten mj0is0 residences mill 853 2243 bill 8s3 2445 harold 8532565 where vou flf theatco like a pehion mot numsitt bapeco nsgnanci that make the meal from lovell bros modern meat marled maple leaf cryovae sp cottage rolls 59 boneuts prime rib roast beef 89 lb choice wing roast 95 tender rump roast 89 lean ground chuck ox for your freezer red brand beef- sidei 60c lb hind 72c lb frew 49c lb lovell bros modern meat market 77 ml i oahv muvoev

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