Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 1, 1968, p. 1

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harry harley wont contest seat again ballon mp harry harley ended all speculation and second guessing about bis political future when he told a press con ference sunday he would not contest the riding of halloo in the june 85 election dr harley was first elected to parlia ment in 1962 and waa reelected in 1863 and again in 1965 he defeated pc allan ltaaaon and ndp murray kernighan in be last election although he has no concrete plans for the future dr harley indicated be would like to continue making his home inoakvlue where he has lived suce 1856 he we medical doctpr there until be entered pol- c the artompttshed liberal mp told the conference his decision had been delayed lb his own mind until saturday might and many many personal reasons ware the basfa of his decision he assured newsmen the election ol pterre ejuot trcoeau as prime minister had nothing to do witb his decision its simply a matter of timing ive been in politics now for sir years ana if elected it would likely be for a four year term and this would mean 10 years away from the medical profession be explained dr harley said he felt ii was ume to dr harry harley choose between a ufe in pbtltlqg or the medical profession asked if he would still work locally with the party he replied 1ma uberal ive always been a uberal and i will continue to work as a uberal but i will not contest the riding about his future plans dr harley said he had none the big decision to run or not to run is done with and ii will be easier to make further plans now harley said he bad no job and joked aboil being unem ployed he cites the highlight of his career as chairing a parliamentary committee on food and drugs and having some legislation en acted as a result of his recommendations the food abdjdrug committee recom mendations included ihe skfeiy anov costs nfmrugs the committed has recently been studying abortion and birth controli dr harleys committees research on ihe safety of drugs resumed in is recom mendations at ihe committees urging the government las year dropped jls tax on preseriptroh drags i libera association executive member rud whiting said there would be no prob lem finding good sound candidates well have a candidate all right but finding a man of harry harleys calibre is another mailer said whiting dr harley told the executive of his de cision at az pm meeting suriday with his resignation the doors swung wide open for a new uberal candidate wkt jlttjott jfett ft nlrwtythlrd y rno 44 acton ontario wednesday may 1 1968 sixteen pages tan cants chamber honors citizens of year members of the st john am bulance brigade honored at the annual cltlten of the year din ner and dance saturday night were accorded a standing ovation by over 100 citizens and admir ers gathered in ihe music centre called modern crusaders in a citation which traced tho his tory of ihe order from its found ing lo the present the brigade was out in full force for recog nition which as cltlxens remark ed was long overdue the eleventh annual cltlxen of the year dinner sponsored by the chamber of commerce was tbe first time a group rather than an individual was honored divisional superintendent ken thomson of georgelownaccepted the engraved plaque on behalf of the st john group also sharing the spotlight with the cltlxens of the year were managers and coach of the champion acton novice hockey team they were introduced to the dinner crowd individually as well as former cltlxens of the year george musselle fred wright and william mlddleton special guests included the area commissioner of the a john brigade dr a a gallo way obe a st j cd md deputy commissioner of the ontario council col h lawlor brown and ihe director of communications for the st john brigade mrs christina sc landers they were introduced by tbe chambers first vice president orval chapman chamber president paul niel sen omphaalxed ihe importance of the chamber of commerce partners with ihe three levels of government federal provin cial and municipal he reminded those in attendance that anyone interested in the welfare of act on was welcome to join ihe chamber and assist in its work fresh from acardc sem inar on decision making in local government mr nielsen called on mayor duby to read ihe cita tion for iho st john ambulance he praised the acton mayor for the manner in which he presided as chairman of iho organisation in his introductory remarks the mayor said his capacity as personnel officer and safely co ordinator at boardmore and co made him tppreclato tho work of the st john brigade more than ever ho cited their coopera tion in the safety program at the plant as indicative of their work anywhere they are asked to go divisional superintendent ken thomson and his predecessor george hargrave accepted ihe award on behalf of the brigade bob hart staff officer of the halloo and peel corps replied recalling when the acton divis ion was aet up 11 years ago at tbe community centre admit ting they were severely strained sometimes mr hart said there were still many enjoyable hours our job la to serve quickly quietly and effectively it la reward enough if you feel we have performed this role ha concluded area commissioner g d gal loway in urn performed a duty for the st john ambulance ont ario council by presenting aeopy of the while cross in canada a st john history to chamber president nielsen charter members of ihe acton st john brigade present in ad dition to mr hart wore division al officer wally gordon mrs george hargrave and bella maye roszetl mr gordon came off duty from all day service for the projectaction marathon re turning afterwards to help the final walkers cross the finish una another presentation was made after official ceremonies when mrs edward heffernan received her while heather certificate of contlutd on paot i mcwilliams enters race peter k mcwilliams of oak- villa heltons crown attorney for tbe past 10 years confirmed tuesday evening that be would bo a progressive conservative entry in the june 25 federal election race in helton riding mr mcwilliams hopes to gain the nod of fellow pcs at the partys nominating convention on may 16 honeymoaner hits car here a car owned by bill thomp son parked at thompsons gar age rocelvod an estimated 50 damage when it was struck by a car driven by a toronto honey mooner anthony edward ruther ford last saturday the nuthor- ford car recolved 350 damage firefighters prevent serious blaze at beardmore and co no settlement strike still en at ilk porter there lsnolndicatlonof settle ment in tho strike at tho h k porter plant in acton members of local 236s0 of ihesawworkers union have boon on strike since thursday april ib and the plant is plckolod there have apparently boon no further attempts made to sottlo the deadlock involving wages and the pension plan stove woloshyn the president of tho local says tho union is open for talks at any time but tbe company has not indicated their intention of renewing negotiations an educational seminar for striking members of the union was held at tho band hau monday other moetlngs have been held there as well the prompt response of fire fighters from beardmore and co and acton brigade averted what could have been a disastrous fire at beardmores oarly tues day afternoon sparks believed to have or iginated in amotorlgnltedhlghly explosive lacquer in a finishing machine in the specialty leather department flames were sucked up by the huge vent in the machine creating a pillar of fire in the sky visible from as far away as lakeview sub division beardmore offices and the specially leather depi were hastily evacuated while fire fighters from the plant and the sprinkler system doused roaring flames which also ignited the roof they were soon joined by acton firenghterswborushed two trucks to ihe scene and as sisted the company fireflghtersln dousing company officials feared a nearby building containing many barrels of the highly explosive lacquer used for finishing lea ther would be affected by tho fire if it caught ihorod bo a torriflc oxplosion said one with a force greater than that of dynamite fortunately iho company brigade is well acquainted with the special conditions of the area and they knew oxactly what to do company officials praised their prompt action and indicated they appreciated tho quick response from aclon fire fighters they wore horo in two min utes from the ume tho alarm went off said safely co ordinator los duby the large machine which sprays on lacquer and dries the leathor was a blackened hulk after the tire was extinguished production will bo impossible for a few days until it is re paired company officials vliiwod the mess caused by tho flro with a mixed sense of relief damage was confined to tho machine but they were thankful tho flro never spread lo the adjacont lacquer storage area whore ii could have causod a serious explosion and attendant conflagration mike ledwith is candidate j m mike ledwith a former mayor of milton and an active community worker an nounced tuesday evening he would seek the uberal nomin ation for the halton riding in the june 25 federal election a charter member of milton rotary club and a past district governor of rotary international he served as chairman of the committee that raised funds for the milton community swimming pool and has been active in many community organizations in cluding the hospital board and chamber of commerce a resident of milton since 1957 he operates ledwllhs supermar kets in milton post owice employees honored harold webster on rhe occasion of his 80th birthday with a presentation at the office wednesday morning postmaster gord mckeown slides a new watch on mr webster s wrist the gift of his fellow employees who watch mr web- stort reaction delightedly mr webster is still active after 43 years as a rural mail carrier staff photo council calls public meeting to oppose station closing to close the c4ul abjttea la aotoa caeacu baa decided to csrilapabtlc seeet- uc tetaecekracucaasaberaoesl ato itottociossas latarasta4 aarttea aaa ie started dttaaac of the n lasted to attest tad gel behind uv opposition to pre vent closing of the station i think this is the first atep said deputyreeve f oakes well find out what the people adjwiatabld tt theyre interested theyll be here eald councillor tad tyler mr masales precepted by committee of whole caatraaa a w mdceatiesaideounelllora should generate interest la meeting themselves by drcusat- lng among ratepayers with their chairmen of the chamber of com- nplnlnaa neree aad the indeatrial com weve already ccenphined mittee be t if they weve dons ahoet everything wont do anything than we cant council can do said mayor go any farther daby the fro press has already the eady other fats we eosld bad a good eduortalonltcono- do la aak mrs dtttricb to write duor mckensie said maybe a fetter to eiary aaueteetarer la the press could help ua acton aegasstad couadbor theyve already doat their tytac job eaacheded the mayor aapa a vnd laoajhv said cosadnara ware eoaeeraad that the coaodl chaasbara weald not be tarts eoongh outside or wornout socks and wlndburn they picked up along tho 60 mile route mike marchmont loft and jack irwin showed no ill effects aftor finishing ihe project action marathon way out in front of other walkers they started out from markham alopm fri day and finished at 12 noon saturday raising 24 for ihe cancer society ii was the second time the pair havo lod iho parade all the way staff photo walkers raise over 1300 teenagers who limped over the finish lino with ugbustorstlrod tondons and a casoofbonoweary fatigue raised ovor 1300 doublo last yoars figure of 600 for iho cancer society in pro- joct actions second annual marathon walk saturday ovor 1c5 toonors 71 year old charlie thomson and oven a dog participated in iho marathon 25 trudging a co mllo course from markham fourluavingfromtor- onlos now city hall and 140 set ting out from thornhill a scant 40 miles away backed by sponsors shelling out 20 cents for every mllo ihoy walked ovor half tho starters finished and although final re ceipts havont boon tallied project action spokesmen and their helpers estimated tho lake would bo well ovor ihe 1300 mark determination sheor endur ance and stubbornness pushed many ovor the finish line whore they were greeted by crowds of well wishers many of whom had shuttled back and forth on ihe routo all day long in cars last marchers to stumblo across ihe finishing point in ihe eastern end of ihe town came in pitch dark ness with iho aid of flashlights about 1130 pm over 16 hours after ihoy started out from thornhill first lo finish a few minutes after 12 noon were mlko march- men and jack irwin a pair of track loam stalwarts who made tho so miles from markham in 15 hours shaking tho dust oflhal community from ihelrfeet around 9 pm friday night gary kelly and george cook another brace who darted out from markham were over the line next goorges mother mrs horb cook oscorted the boys home tho last five miles admit ting sho foil sho hid gone the entire distance first finished from tho main pack who started out at thornhill were cralc weldon mike plold bob andrews and david blttorf followed closely by joo tar and bill sovorlnsld all of whom fin shod before 5 pm joan glbblns daughter of mr and mrs gordonglbblnswasthe first gal lo hit iho tape arriving homo just in lime for supper othor parlies came in singles duels triples quadruples and soxlollos until tho last arrivals margaret paplllon nancy frost and art thomson crossed ihe finish lino at 1130 pm oilier marchers who didnt mako iho entire distance wore forced out by blistered feet tightening muscles and sheer weariness charlie thomson who admits to being 71 hoofed 25 miles be fore be decided lo climb in the st john ambulance beside wally gordon who maintained a eon- continued on pagr 3 kernighan morison macdonald probable starters for june the the asayor piorro elliot trudoaus call for a federal election last tues day sent all throe major parties electoral machinery into opera tion almost immediately each party will hold anamina tion meeting at which time they will choose a candidate to repre sent them in the contest for the riding harry harleys decision not to run in the new riding of halton threw the door wide open to new comers from either of tho thrco camps with the exception of the new democratic party no one has suggested who may represent them in the contest murray kernighan is likely to seek the ndp nomination he said last week there will likely be others too mr kernighan said but ho did not know of any chal lengers yet mr kernighan announced the halton ndp nomination meet ing would be held may 3 at the united auto workers cenlru in milton at 830 pm the uberals have slated their mooting for may 14 at 8 pm at hornby towors golf course hornby and the conservatives will name their candidate may 16 at an oakvlue high school this will be ihe first federal election to be held since the re distribution tbe old riding of halton has been split vertically with oakville milton acton esqueslng township georgetown and erin township forming the new riding of hilton and nassa- gaweya burlington and east and west flamboro townships form ing the new haltonwentworth riding haltonwentworth uberals slatod tholr nomination meeting for may 8 at 8 pm at aldorshot high school john morison who represented wenlworthlnlhelast session is expected to contest the haltonwentworth riding june 25 ted macdonald a contestant in the last provincial election is expected to carry ihe ndp nomination for that riding the progressive conserva tives have yet to announce a dale or place for their nomination meeting or any possible candi date a returning officer has 45000 voters approximately 45000 voters will be eligible to cast votes in halloo riding for the june 25 election returning officer gord on blake reported yesterday three hundred and twentyfive enumerators wlu work at the 180 polls there will be two enumerators at each of the 145 urban polls and one at each of the 35 rural polls halton riding takes in an area of approximately 200 square miles including land from the lake shore lo hiusburg stretch ing on the west from burloak town line to winston churchill boulevard in the east near peel this includes oakvllle milton acton esqueslng georgetown erin and erin township tho 180 polls will be broken into eight polling districts there will be 28 polls in oak vlue west 35 la oakvllle centre 27 in oakvllle east 21 in oak vlue north 17 in milton 32 in georgetown 17 in acton and 11 in erin there wlu be one advance poll in each of the polling districts

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