Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 1, 1968, p. 10

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tha acton free wednesday may 1 1968 fee ii i lttui tumttj itfutirefioeetreai yu hi ttlhtrj 1 tlak a mrp a rcw v fle hau pen v djst cu pea psicnir inrmriru73h3l pot cit sbnipr him of ft a tar a foe zenith oos5o f national w th4ern cruaadera choice of the st john ambulance brigade at collective citlxens of the vaar wai a worthy and popular ona it la difficult to hat the number and variety of events which the st john brigade hat attended both here and iri the dlttrlcl ilnce they were firat formed 1 1 year ago during that period devoted mem ber have logged an unbelievable 25000 hour of tarvlce to the town caring for people in all walla of life and in utt about any altuallon you can think of we can think of numberleta time they have quietly ttayed unobttrusluely in the background until their service were required then they acted with peed and detpatch caring for cult bruises fractures and more aerlbui in juries competently with a minimum of futt mttt fjtftss editorial pag2 rimrbtks micmt jhttenjtihf election politicians and political partial alike were caught unawares whan prime minister plarre elliott trudeau tha oils of his new office barely dry decided to call an election theres a mad scramble now to name candidates to contest the various teats from the conservatives ndp social credit and liberal parties the latter who should have known better all or most of the pundits thought pierre couldnt take time out from kiss ing girls and perpetuating the swinger image to hold a general election they thought hed like to spend e few months trying his hand at implement ing personal policies before he turned to the bleachers for a vote of confid ence but they were wrong e circum stance theyd like to wiggle out of with platitudes like it was e snap decision or his advisors advised him to take advantage of the publicity stemming from the liberal convention it alt came too while bob stan- field finished with taciturnity was de voting his time to fashioning a new image from strong positive statements about the fitness of pierre to take the baton from lester pearson mr pearson in turn his load light ened after years of refereaing cabinet squabbles and guiding the country through endless crisis looked more like the typical baseball fan he is than at any time since he took the liberal lead ership mantle over from louis st laur ent ill bat hes even got a smile for john dlefenbaker a fellow never known to throw a stone at mr pearson when he had a brick handy cldser to home the hustings were in e little more confusion when harry harley said he would throw in the towel in this election a fact which is making liberals wonder wholl they gat to replace a candidate who had winner written all over him dr harlay is said to have based his decision on personal reasons and not from a lack of rapport with the present leadership of the liberals so with three virtual unknowns run ning in the county it could be en inter esting contest in fact for the first time in many years it looks like the voters will have clear party lines to guide them in their decisions a h4 tc the mm everyday life in biblical time was very much like life in this high speed nuclear age sumerian clay tablets translated by archaeologist revealed this piece of dialogue grow up slop hanging around the public square and wandering up and down the street go to school night and day you torture me night and day you waste your time having fun four thousand years ago a father was giving his son a tongue wagging when tome enterprising young histor ian whipped out his chisel and captur ed the word in clay forty centuries later learned pro fessors translated the simple words and came up with the conclusion that peo ple dont change much problems havent changed much either the past 1 1 years havent been eaty there have been times when lack of members and funds made the work discouraging their services were accepted gratefully but there was little recognition for the many hours of duty the brigade put in and of course like any small town organization they werent immune to criticism i they persisted however in spile of the neglect and sometimes rude re marks to make themselves almost in- dlspeiislble can you imagine what any major event in town and district would be without them now we oln with the many well with ers and the chamber of commerce in saluting an organization which certain ly is worthy of all the accolades tender ed them saturday night they are in deed modern crusaders sugarand spice by b i i irnil somebody is reading this thing anyway letters have been coming in shovelfuls lately keep it up chaps whether you agree or not a recont column on high taxes seemed to touch a sore spot i didnt hear from the minister of fnaneebut i did hear from a number of people who are getting bet under to collar as various lovels of government take bigger and bigger bites from an apple that has alroady been well chewed kan rinn of tlllsrifcrg dislike eom- pulsoi uineflts he jyi the needy after a means teat should be looked after but those who just dont want to work should be given menial labor if they want public hand outs he also protests the costly commis sions egtablishedtolnvestlgatetay and other probloms and whose reports alter a cur sory examination are shelved g uacdonald of toronto with terse scot sense says the government has become tophoavy mrs m ferguson also of toronto tells of the incredible coat per day for a hospital bod in a public ward in that city from 4515 to 5250 a day for those who dont have provincial hospital in surance and many dont wm e smith of oakvllle writes just wantod to get my two cents worth into sup port your views fastened to his letter were three pennies with the postscript why the extra penny tax the whlpp affair you remember sir whlpp editor of the petrous weekly who warned me to stop writing about education and teenagers or hed cancel buckets of letters excoriating mr w and encouraging your hero it scams that there are a lot of pnople of all ages who are interested in these topics many of hem run to two or three typed pages but ill quote excerpts from a few which are representative david bell of preston your column swings with its own sweet suburban rhythm keep telling it ukeihs mrs ulna weslly of georgetown felt impelled to write as per invitation i never miss reading you does that mean anything think you are kind good thank you mam sometimes im kind bad too but it usually makes me feel kinds good mary mccaughna of keswick swings into rhyme tell that managing editor to jump in tha lake i subscribe to the era mostly for your sake as to teenager call young adults perhaps than by semantics youll gal batter results as to education youre in it well brother so are wa and besides as you mentioned it certainly lsr free t a deans of london if in soma of your columns you stress education and youth good for you you obviously deaf agree with richard j needham i do but education whether formal or informal is essential and for tha managing editor of a paper to threaten to cancel a column of references to it is completely idiotic this was on of his milder paragraphs a teenager from walkerton i think that your column 1 one of the moat alive writings in todays newspapers being a teenager la ona of the roughest and loneliest times i have reached im tors between loyalty to my parents and anger at them for clipping the wing that i think are fullgrown enough to fly its particularly hard when i start to wonder if im the only ona that acta this way and ask myself whats the matter with ma anyway theres more but she ends so please keep reaching out to students sad teen agers mr smiley too few people w a former student maureen sebwaru kluoran of cooksviue writes hotly tn defence but abas prejudiced i gave her 85 in english not long out of her teens shes getting tha message speaking of raising uds it is no wonder the older generation alwaya seems tone making men a mass of things raising tha younger generation la enough to reduce them to babbling idiots all this and my iddut is 17 months what will i b saying when aba la 1 years all i can aay is thai yoa wouldnt believe your ear maureen give up mr whlpp the free offers are bound to ap pear in almost any season but some readers report the current one by tele phone requires an answer to e skill testing question if you answer cor rectly you win a free prize and if you mft you win a consolation prize both seem to be the same and ere used to lead you on into magazine subscrip tions you hadnt really intended toor der its probably legal but if you dont expect too many free things you can avoid being hung with any offer let the buyer beware is still in fashion but the discouraging thing about the whole business is that father havent really found much better words to tall off their sons with than the sumerian used the acton free press phone 8532010 butintm tmd editor office fimmevj us 117 4utxj ftusjujajj ty f if v vhllkxe t auutt otuasu ejf tafe aujii sawamu ef firnilllw life ctfua 4xj 0u autedtuaj fauah aal itt lilfcni immu reu ml jtu7 am u cjduat vm u eu smi otawr t ffttr iijff etsjasm 1 ewiltuju litoaj cuu ktutt feu ottht tvpalaawltl otutu aefesmutekj it i f t hi i i ike- tufcl ulsj tm lw u f lftbstanbaaavl fw thm putimmi u taw tat lthiiahj itjirf tat tle- lilm i ml f isayiliirr h4tf tsaf teal thmsmrf iter imj isw hnlleme- w taw watartkamsasaal fcat fwial fchf u taw hjlifhl tasm 1st mm nsu tsf lttreewjj nf artinash psm f utmctt 41 iniaaj ptc4 ttewfat af kattrwecsm w mot w uu 4fowu4ata u thiiviu fhir w a thf ttuwftmai fa lastut mb l il tj mj lllll g c list bhwu feu h kti hir uajc ip 4free nt back issues 3 20 years ago taken from the issue of the free preas of thursday april 2 imi mr d h undsay has had excavations made at the west atde of acton flour mill for four storage elevator some difficulty has been encountered wjth olckaabd tms mill has ataadlly expanded with a large storage araior completed teat year unaota in the wartime houetng this week are tbo watson ch biggs t s usanby wjured waktle and c gate thirty of the do houses are now occupied grading and levelling- is now in progress and telephone service la expected to bi in within twe months work is unoerwfty on line rjew foundry felling fov xeton mlchis ahoaa mr kenneth blow has moved the eiipmoj front peterborough dr murray oeaasmkvtuedentjaibes bam chaeenuberaltailard bearer mil- ton town hall was packed for the maetog mr p u wrightv aclott has twin elect ed president of the guelph and district real estate board e c harrop hta sold his residence on bower ave to frhk van wyck succesaful students from actoa alguelpb examination are george elliott and aids bralda arnold mcenery of lit 111 naiad has sold his trucking business to william sander son of toronto arnold haa bought the farm from the estate of the late mtnassah campbell 50 years ago taken from the issue of the free press of thursday may 0 1011 the wednesday afternoon half holiday will enable clerks and businessmen to spend their time in making gardens and increasing production the play the deestrick skule waa given by the 50 members of the company at erin all 400 seata in the ball were sold daya before and about 100 paid for the privilege of standing mr nell ue- nabb acted the part the old school malar through corporal ritchie going over seas lieut ernest worden son ef h h worden formerly of acton has been awarded the military cross mr robinson anderson nassagaweya who was injured in a runaway accident la la precarious condition gangerene set in his leg it was amputated at his home and then ha was taken to guelph general hos pital sgt polldngborne of llmehouse has been awarded tha distinguished conduct medal the bleaaed memories of loving deeds of mother are brought to mind this week mis lorn kennedy won third prixe and a pretty bronze medal for her essay on tha victory loan really it doesfll seem quite becoming for a man to be seen loafing tn the even ings and then gardening all day sunday thi church of it auan thi mafttvh anglican corner willow st and st albans drive rev h j dawwon ba bth sunday may 5th i easter iii 900 ajn the holy euchariat 1030 am church school 1010 am holy eucharist coffee hour after service to meet rev dawson swhm christian mtormj0 chutch minister rev p brouwer bjs bj acton ontario sunday may 5lh ims 1000 am english service 1110 am sunday school 2j0 pm alternating dutch and english service saturday bible classes 10 12 ajxi everyone welcome tvafmb kntccostal yakfotnacu paoc 33 churchill road rev s m thoman pastor 1332713 sunday may 5th imi 10x10 am sunday school 1 1 xx ajn marnlng worship 700 pjri evangelistic service tuesday 1 pjn prayer service and bible study thursday i pm christ ambassadors friday 7 pjn crusader blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven whose sin is covered psalm 321 mahf awnuf baftttf cmwcm i maple ave georgetown pastor rev robert c lohne sunday may sth imi here is our alnvcere ineitatioa to the whole family to attend church 943 ajm sunday school all age 1100 am morning service 740 pjxt evening bvangel 743 pjuwednetday txmyer saxettlag acton s5319s4 georgetown 1774445 75 years ago taken from the lasue of the free press of thursday may 4 1m the eecond phonograph concert given by rev byron lalng under the auaplcea of the epworth league waa thoroughly enoyabl and about 100 attended ray m lalng waa very generous in the number of aelaetlona comprising several of the bast canadian and american bands rnwlclana and vocal- let and ehot addrejasta by protninest peaker ml hemstreet aqg a beauil- fal btlo trust and it aprooucd on the phonogrsph ho other won eolertaln- menieaabe arranged with ao uttulratbt the great gales of- the worlda fair a chicago wajre fkiag open monday when president cleveland psailed the button ttutfi aet- in motion huy- apeadus rnuado and f booming of cannoa no other wty in the- world would have expended such a aum of money when it is sll finished chisago will have spent fully tisotmooo chicago fair la fully four tlmee larger than pari the hotel aceommodalldn beat everything what can be dona with such large struct- urea after the show except to turn them into poor bouses for the speculators llouor license in helton have been re- liieed to use than half the number twenty years ago the mysterious dlaappearance of mr william r haa caused quite an ex citement in the community and great anxiety is fell concerning his whereabouts he was known to nave spells of frequent mesi al aberration and imagined that the lord had called upon him to annlhllal himself various ponds were dragged to no avall 100 years ago taken from the laaue of the canadian champion april 10 llel one of those abominable institutions call ed charivaris wss enacted in milton on saturday night last the occasion of a wedding in high life at the fashionable west and was the moving cause the gallant knight of the scissors and the fair but frail melinda youngest daughter of dr smith kingston alluded to in our account at tha aldrmlsh of warrendale were united in the holy buds of wedlock and because no cards were itaued the boya took of fence and got up a shiver por a wonder ii ended up with nobody hurt remember the cricket meeting tomor row friday evening at wallaces hotel at i oclock on the 20th inst si campbeuviua born to the wife of mr john coote a son mrs winslows soothing syrup for childrens teething greatly facilitate the process of teething by softening tha gums reducing all inflammation will allay all pain and spasmodic action and la sure ta regulate tha bowels depend upon it mothers it will give you rest toyourselves and relief and health to your infants sold by druggists throughout the world price only 25c ptr bottle church notices a trinity chuich the united church of catted minister the rev gordon b turner ba bo director of mutlc dr george elliott ma phi sunday may sth imi trinity united church 1000 am morning worship nurtery provided churchill united church 1130 am morning worship sunday school 1000 am junior school to gr 4 1113 am senior school gr 3 togr i acton apttrr chimch pounded 1142 psstor rev stanley gammon res 144 tldey ave phone 1331415 sunday may sth imi 9a am church school and adult bible class 1100 am morning worship 700 pm service conducted by five young people from othawa who vis ited mission stations in bolivia and will speak on what they did and saw wednesday 7j0 prayer meeting and bible study thursday 6j0 ptn explorer thursday i pjn choir practice friday 7 pm bhp in as much a ye did it unto one one of the least of these my brethren ye did it unto me hotmnwatah cmmkch th camatta kiocmmcuacttm rev andrew h uckenrie ba bd minister mr e a hansen ba organist and choir matter lj 10 sunday may sth imi 9a am church school for agi 13 year 943 smmtnliur churofa uetnber- ahip class for turn teyrri iid0 ajn divinv worship ij0 pjn adult study group in mary ellen anderson atwmi leades llf harold swallow everyone cordially welcome

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