Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 1, 1968, p. 3

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golden anniversary for mr mrs j ha rg rave welucnown aclon couple mr and mrs jack hargrave celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary last saturday there was a recep tlon in the parish hall in the afternoon and open house at their home in the evening mr harcjrave was a cjirage operator and later license issuer staff photo the number of friends who came to congratulate mr and mrs jack hargrave on their soth wedding anniversary satur day were a delightful surprise for the wellknown couple they had expected a few friends to join their family at the reception in the parish hall but not the 175 who came to bring best wishes and their home was filled with visitors all evening too wo onloyedlttremendously they agreed after the happy occasion i the gold anniversary elebr- tfoh wit planned by their family and the wejlknon couple bad only to enjoy their family encludes two daughters mrs- john seagev lorraine islington end mrs ftank crump bfinucooskvme and a son george who is still in acloic v mr and mrs frank crump brought tharcchlldren with them and the two oldest girls suaanne and nancy helped serve the guests young son robert was in chsrgo of tho guest book the youngest girl is kathy mr and mrs john soagsr have jimmy jamos and karen mr and mrs george hargravo of acton have a marrlod son potor sandra hargravo hack from kitchener also assisted with tho toa tho youngest of this family is david tho throo tlored wedding cake that hlghllghtod tho toaiable was made by mrs hargravos niece from scarborough mrs edward gallaghor spoclal guostswsrehlsbrother and her sister their attendants at tholr wedding in toronto half a century ago charles hargravo scarborough stood up with his brother and miss isabella tanner pickering was the as rea or deputyreeve of th bridesmaid town in county administration other brothers and sisters he was chairman of the cotnmlt- came to make the day more tee that opened the manor on memorable mr hargrave was the building committee for the joined by his slater mrs ertlth new county building was a mem- holmes niagara falls and three brothers and a sister in the toronto area harry thomas charles and mrs kathleen shackleton another sister of mrs mar graves who waa here was mrs may cook d toronto and nat urally many oleosa and nephews helped swell the throng the couple met in toronto and were married there may 1 1918 at ah hallows anglican church main sb north toronto they lived there till 39 then they came to acton sod mr hargrave operated the ser vice station it the corner of voting- and mill from then until 1952 then he became issuer of motor vehicle licenses issuer of hunting licenses and driver ex aminer he had his office in his home their third since moving to acton on arthur st when he became 111 about a year ago be retired mr hargrave has a long car- oer in community ufe as well as in business he was on town council for 11 years ranging from 1950 to 1064 for eight of those ho was on county council flowers of hope over the last few months the retarded children have beenpre- parlng uttte packages of flower seeds they are called flowers of hope why not plant them on mothers day to help to give hope to the retarded children that la flowers of hope and please be generous when your canvasser calls bar of the first museum board and was on the board of the childrens aid society he has been a walker lodge member for over 25 year both are charter members of the golden age club and he was treasurer for a term they enjoy gardening and their crocuses planted snugly by their home an always about the first to bloom in the spring on behalf of the town mayor les duby and clerkadministra tor jack mcgeachle attended the reception to present them with the traditional gold tea service the children had a novel gift in gold a gold carpet for their living room a sisterinlaw mrs thomas hargrave pre sented them with a beautiful painting she had done nerseli there were gifts from england and many beautuful flowers from neighbors friends the golden age cub and walker lodge there were other gifts many cards and a special telegram from premier john roberts the free press joins in con gratulating the couple and wishing them many more happy years commission passes 35000 capital expenditure budget walkers raise continued from pape 1 slant shuttle sorvlco along the route all day unllko last years endurance contest which foalurod buffeting winds rain and even some snow- flakes marchers this year wore treated to brilliant sunshine and moderate temperatures just over so degrees they were subjects for many roadside conversations about the purpose of the hike words of encouragement a cheque for 25 from a toronto man who had lost a brother to cancer two weeks previously he presented tho cheque to welly gordon another refinement added to this years marathon was food depots organised by mrs gloria browne to refresh marchers along the route among those assisting was mrs catharine kelly who drovo all friday night and saturday feeding andoncour- aglng the markham group among others who assisted with arrangements drovo and fed hikers were mr and mrs stu hoed jim coonoy mrs r ginger joan gordon ellen wis- sent bronda browne debbie drlnkwaller peggy wheeler diane timbers mr and mrs carl timbers mr dick leo mrs w smallwood mrs b ahorne mrs j woldon mrs g white elaine johnston carol priest kim edsen mr and mrs c g ockenden gloria browne lyn froehllch dan arblc susan clarke nancy lauder harold denny gib jordan and many clarence down and tykr transport supplied buses for the marchers to leave the community contre at 6 am saturday morn ing transporting tlu bulkofthem to thonibill one walker gordon dawe raised 110 bv ontirprlstngly collecting st viral sponsors and then walk ill the entln distance from markham to acton several other walla rs ralstd thi auk and collected as much as doubli the 20 centsanuu forthilrpirform- auci orgaiuters for thi ivent wen marlaimt cousbob broik mrs gloria browm and num bers of tht project action iom- mlttuv 1 allowing is a ikt of thost who walked with tht iumu s of the finlshtrs first sponsors nanu s were not all avallabtt at priii time those uho tomputtd tht jlk from toronto to alton tin just two lyn lrr and lurnli benton finishers from markham to acton wore jack irwin mlko marchmont goorgo cook lloyd smallwood gary kelly doan mcdougall bob browne gerry ochenden gord dawe who earned a whopping 11070 for it ray salts phil dupuls george beshlrl roger hagget john hartlln and goorgo cook those who finished the walk from thornhlll to acton wore fiona gldman stjlh armstrong bill sevorlnsld ron culp dave blttorf rick livernioro deb bie booth margaret slavon keith smallwood charlie doornbos cathy smith norma quoe gordon reed mark kowall bill pendleton bob andrews marsha mckeruie carol ma- sales karen ashley marie tim bers sharon dowllng craig woldon john last gord wil liams joseph tar pat whoulor tod salts terry curts susan mcgllloway joan gibbons davo rochester brad timbers david bralaa gay ellis marg paplllon bob smith art thom son irene sevorlnsld bov brunelle bob krul dave pink mike field mike cooper mark hurst cathy dunn charlene higgins carole pat terson brent marshall judy connoll paul bralda david mc millan cathy cook anne watson cathy clark jessieann david son nancy frost andy miller game starterswhowere forced by either prudence or blisters to drop out wore mary do bartolo dlamu bonnule mary jane lambert susan hachey torry goodrldge tim colts susan marchmentjudy cormier elly toebts charlli thomson urtnda broune debbk drink ujllir dlannt timbers t rrl do ding shtrl johnston nancy let dlant fosttr dau hod gson mad iu ellis jam wat son unda gordon lullt smith carol mccut- thton btv moore nanct snou sttm hobl unda lou moon rrudt morns wrpnia morton pam iunu judv mlddltton dtane frank judt dwyir marf chun hill jaiutt jordan sandra waurs debbtt jordan bn nda ht nu marltik mi munon susan mur- rav kami tottnsit mary fuths diboit winter susan cltndtnnlng jatkit ushiila collttt dtetmar khun douf darn it ninty duby saliv dlik jacklt date km out ns hob itadft rd paul motkrckl paul dupuls barry cooper john courtiuv steve goy btin duwr hill landsborough gkn taiilikr rat hibbard bill uimrui plan 5060 apartment suites to be built on churchill road plans for building three apart ment units which will contain from 50 to go apartments on churchill rd s wero discussed at the regular meotlng of council tuesday night council passed a resolution accepting the offer of 0000 from clviero construction for tho old dump tdto to be used oxprossly to build apartment buildings a time limit for building apart- monts has boon set for not later than october 1 10gb would there by any problem for 50 or go apartmonts with tho aroma there asked councillor ted tyler with tho careful management of the dump now we dont need to worry about that opined tho deputyreeve to mr tyler with a wry grin councillor tyler is chairman of the sanitation department nigel scott barry buchanan dave ford john hopkins stove garrett hans anderson velma unham doris black nancy mc- cutcheon peggy wheeler cam eron gibson brenda denny frank oudesluys luclennt pratt anne vuk heather thompson valorio colesgarry dobble jim leo barb browne sharon froeljch bob hart bob price karen o- rourkt dtbra bolsclairt sharon whltt mary ann fnuler my understanding said dr oakes is thoro will bo ap proximately 20 units por build ing buildings will not be more than throe storlos high sotheyu conform to tho bylaw councillor drlnkwalter asked why tho property was sold for 0000 i fool it is worth more like 20000 ho stated it was advertised to be sold for tho highest tondor said tho roovo its a fair prico theres a real need for apartments mayor duby ex plained and this was the most oxpedient way for council to deal with it they will be brick buildings not something slapped up with concreto blocks said tho reeve and council must approve plans before they aro built notice the time umlt were not fool ing if tho purchasers aro not serious about building apart monts what council did at tholr regular mooting tuos- day night acton council instructed tho clerk to issue cheques to pay financial state ment no 5 of 678140 accepted tho tondor of clv iero construction for tho old dump site property with the stip ulation apartments aro built on tho property declared tho week of may 1218 flowors of hope week in aid of retarded children appointed nell miller to committee of adjustment for a three year term jim undsayfor two years and henry ruppert for one year passed a resolution that a subdlviders agreement bylaw bo prepared which will outline services which any developer would be responsible to supply in the town heard from councillor mc- kenxlo that he and tho clork at tended tho recont meeting held by the provincial government to explain tho basic shelter exemp tion refund which will be given to homo owners and tenants mr mckenrio said that 4774 ados hydro commlsalondealt with and approved a proposed jjs000 capital expenditure bud get at their regular meeting bo thursday night the budget has been sent to ontario hydro for their approval broken down expenses were listed as distribution overhead 5900 distribution underground 5- 200 street lighting 6000 transformers 5000 meters 4000 waterheatercontrol2- 000 water heaters 1500 tren ching machine 4000 tools 200 air conditioner 1200 tenders for analrcondltlonlng system the last item on the bud get were opened and commission members took another look at the 4000 proposal deciding an up right machine at 1200 would be more economical and practical mayor duby questioned prac ticability of the proposed system which would have 19ventspourlnc cold air into the new offices remarking the commission could be buying a 4000 back ache chairman ted tyler was concerned what the installation would do to the appearance of the office a suggestion from the mayor that the commission consider an upright machine recotved an en dorsement from commissioners who agreed a 1200 estimate should go on the budget commissioners dealt wltb complaints about tree trimming on the property of wayne kelly after inspection of the evergreen would be refunded to each acton recipient agreod to pay the ontario municipal board tho 25 fee to proceed withannexatlonproceed- lngs of land from the township of esqueslng wolcomed high school teach- or paul martlndalo and three grade 13 geography students glon holmes sandl irwin and jo mario marchmont who at- tonded to observe council pro cedure all members of council at tended the three hour meeting with tho mayor presiding coun cillor mckonzio chaired the committee of the whole session which mr- kelly complained of at the last commission meeting his complaint about the tree belhc butchered drew some sharp comments from the commission im surprised at hydro man making the complaints saldth mayor chalrmaa tyler said be thought hydro workmen did everything possible and suggested mr kelly should jbe held responsible for anything the tree could do it could have put a whole section out he stated the secretary was instructed to write a letter to mr kelly outlining the commissions pos ition the mayor suggested commis sioners could discuss this and similar subjectswlth more know ledge if a polaroid camera was available to take shots of dis puted areas purchase of him to use in the chairman camera whenever necessary was authorised the mayor also suggested the commission should investigate the possibilities of electrical in stallations for a proposed new subdivision in the seynuck prop erty he said the developer bad already beentotho planning board and council mayor duby also expressed concern about overdevelopment in actoo which could get out of control we are working on an extra luo homes and i see by the free press theres another 250 proposed we dont even know about the commission agreed in formation on underground wiring for new subdivisions should be readily available and electrical heating advantages explained to home owners a working demonstration of the trenching machine purchased by the commission drew admiring comments from commissioners they felt the machine could be used to advantage in many areas the secretary was authorized to issue cheques for 276020 to cover expenses chairman ted tyler presided at the meeting which wasattended by commissioners doug daw- kins wllf uceachern orvllle brown mayor duby supt doug mason and secretarytreasurer audrey urquhart the acton froe press wednesday may 1 1968 r there aro 100 blind dictaphone typists working in canada they wero tralnod at the canadian nat ional institute for the blind in toronto acton public school kindergarten enrolment acton public schools will be able to accommodate all pupils of kindergarten age this year to enrol they mutt be five years old by december 31 1968 birth certificate required to avoid confusion please complete the form below before may 10 and send or mail it to your district school in care of oarnit w mckenzie principal rebert lihle school bex t70 or w d elmeu smith principal m z bennett school box 40 child s name christian name surname date of birth day month parents or guardians name in full year address no street phono no for further information call robert little school 8532540 or m z bennett school 8530530 birth certificates can be aecured from registrar general branch 70 lombard si toronto ont yw m m m m m m m m m mmmmmmvsvsmmmm to guide cookie day saturday may 4th 1968 one day house to house blitz plcabe support local guiding cookies 50c per box isxtfatijbay q we knov what mom likes savory food plites of a varied m detail every heaping pleasant service careful attention to here for fine sj bring mom dining watsons i restaurant call now for reservations g i notice council of the town of acton have been advised that final application has been made to close the acton canadian nation al railway station and council are there fore calling a public meeting to which all interested parties are requested to attend so that opposition to the clos ing of the station can be made with the aopropnate authorities you are urgently requested to attend this meeting to past your opinion the meeting will be held in the council chambers in the town of acton on monday may 6th 1968 at 8 00 p m jack mcgeachie clerk- administrator

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