Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 1, 1968, p. 5

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st josephs bowlers take permanent possession of trophy churchill bowlers from st josephs dnrcb an without peer when it comes to bowling against their fallow parishes from halton county the acton bowlers took all the honors at sundays tourna ment of county cathouepsrishes on the rowland lanes burling ton for the third straight year bowling against teams from six other parishes from burungtoa bronte and mlltoa st josephs edged their art rlnl trootholy rosary parish milton by 331- pins taking perm- anent possession he jcnlgbts of cotambus trophy the same fwo parishes finished one iwo last year with the saints edging milton by one pin to take the title captain artie white wearing an eaultant grin disclosed the mlltoa team bad a larger handi cap than acton making the vie- tory doubly sweet there were two teams entered from each parish the acton tesms bad the added distinction of baring the high triple from among their rankb roger mur ray trundled a 750 to top the triple scores lunch was served following the tournament at st johns hall and captain arlle white accepted the k of c trophy next year the tournament will likely take the form of an inter denominational competition with a new and bigger trophy up for grabs acton team lineups were as follows no 1 arue white mrs ken papluon mrs ed mcgiuoway teresa arblc henry arblc rog er murray no 2 mrs bert fowler mrs wilfred duval jr mrs henry arblc john tyers dennis crooks ed mcgiuoway county council briefs at the april meeting of halton county council a meeting was arranged with the department of public works officials to discuss the future use of the brown st court house jail and county offices the province is taking over ad ministration of justice but the county stilt uses several offices in the milton building it was agreed to continue paying the 7 bounty on foxes although a provincial subsidy has been discontinued douglas currie of milton was appointed halton weed in spector as of may 1 euo coordlnator w b mcgregor submitted a written report on the glenwiulamstlood march 18 and 19 noting two euo pumps were rushed to the village and used to pump cut flooded basements and wells in the community the hnanco committee re ported it was still carrying for ward the 16250 share of the cost of the plunkett report hal ton was to pay this much towards the 69000 study but the prov ince had never asked for the money at the request of oekvillo the roads committee reported a ttudy was being made on the feasibility of f lathing atop signs at the trafalgar road and derry road intersection tbo com mittee also reported it was studying a policy on illuminating county road intersections three paintings selected for regional show the central ontario art association held its annual area show at the guelph recreation centre on april z and 28 three uembers of the acton art group were successful in having their works chosen to go on to the regional show in burlington on may 24 and 25 where they will compete with the best from two other area shows mrs beryl bennetts entry was a still ufa the midas touch mrs jean garrett showed a self portrait and mrs laura dittrlch entered an oil painting of the old post office in acton the results of this show are very encouraging tothe members of the acton art group which meets on thursday evenings in the acton library and welcomes new members for information call mrs dlttrtch at 85s0m5 captain arue white and joann duval hold the knights of columbus trophy which bowl ers from st josephs church took pormanont possession of at the county catholic tourna ment in burlington sunday staff photo cars representative speaks to local ys men district representative for the canadian arthritic and rheuma tism society mauri vallee head lined lastthursdsynightsdinnflr meeting of the acton ys men ys men president gary bate- man introduced the guest speaker who has to date visited 13 vari ous organisations lecturing and showing films on arthritic and rheumatic problems in hopes of procuring sponsorships for the coming financial drives to be held in september in mr valleos talk ho ex plained that there was no cure for arthritic and rheumatic vic tims and that the purpose of cans was to rehabilitate their patients at the rheumatic centre in hamilton known as the hol- brook pavilion so that they may return to society as useful hum an beings of the 584 cases treated at the centre 02 percent of these were completely rehab ilitated statistics show that over one million canadians have either arthritis or rheumatism in some form of the 286 varieties known two hundred and eightyfive several groups are planning rummage salos for tho house- cloanlng season youre getting oldwhonwork is loss fun and fun is more work munch a bunch of cooklos saturday for the guides and the brownies flroflghtors were called to a tire at nassagaweya dump on monday afternoon last minute income tax re turns were going out in the mall yesterday bowlers are busy at banquets winding up thelrwlntorscason 411 achievement day is scheduled to be held saturday at balllnafad witnesses ordain ten new ministers the threeday seml-annualas- sembly of jehovahs wttnesses at hilton was highlighted by the discourse why does god per mit wickedness delivered b joseph scaguone district sup ervisor from toronto branch an audience of l345heardhim speak ten new ministers were or dained by water baptism on saturday afternoon these in cluded david william paterson harris st rockwood thousand of these victims are disabled and 70000 are com pletely immobllo most people have tho mis conception that this is basically an old persons disease said mr vallee numorous cases of arthritis have been found in youngsters and ovon more in women during tholr chlldboarlng years mr valleo told ofthoprogross which can bo made on a patlont when he invited the group down to view a 20 x 16 mural palntod by a young lady just outside of acton when admitted to the centre tho girl couldnt even lift a pencil ys man rick coo thanked mr vallee for his locture and films and presented to the club tho motion that tho club should undertake the canvassing project in september tho club showed tholr onthus- lasm for the project with a 100 go ahead vote the building of anew ymca building in montogo day jamaica was tho purpose of the ontario- quebec regional districts mont- local news items its exactly a year since marianne schuott has boon miss ing from hor homo at kilbride and there hasnt boon a trace of her since flowers of hope seods sold for the aid of association for tho montally retarded will bo distributed again this may another community church sorvlco is being considered for fair weekend if it is arranged tho massed choirs would likely sing again if you haw items of intorost be sure to phono the free press and lot us know even when its not possible to take a picture at a special event mo are happy to include the news story in tho paper tho annual mooting and din ner of tho halton countv tuber culosis and hoalth association is planned for next wednesday in oakvlue arena representatives will be there tram all over the county ego bay project in ordor to patoff tho sum promised by this district tho idea of going to thornbury to help with the apple harvest was put before the club for consideration committees for tho coming yoar 68 69 have boon ap pointed and with tho boost in club enrolment tho committees should provo quito effective plans and preparations are underway for tbo annual ys mons auction sale the where and when havo yet to be con firmed obituary active in legion alvin denny dies j alvtnaldenny72shorldan st guolph died suddenly friday april 12 at his residence in his 63rd yoar mr denny was born in ford- wlch ontario and has been a resident of guolph for the past 12 yours he was active in the col john mccrao legion and was a past president he also wrote a column for the mercury follow tho torch which kopt tho public informed of legion news ho was a veteran of tho second world war mr donny was employed as a payofflccr at tho unemployment insurance commission ho is survived by his wife tho former barbara drysdale four daughters mrs j mooney phyllis and mrs d heoney dale both of guelph mrs f dunn betty of acton mrs d robinson earldine of norval a son jamos of acton a brother kenneth donny of fergus and 20 grandchildren a legion service was held sun day evening at george hall funeral home guelph funeral servico was held at 2 pm monday conducted by rev d crawford smith of knox presbyterian church burial was in woodlawn cemetery guelph y pallboanrs and flower bear ers wore all fellou comrades of mr denny from john mccrae legion guelph spring festival txglns today afesthalofthoartswhlch its backers hope might become an annual evmt there are spvcjal concerts plays and exhibits for tlu follow ing two weeks tin foil does not buy a seeing eye dog they are provided through the canadian national institute for the blind teen dance friday may 3 acton community centre 830 pm to 1145 pm music by if the shaynes admission 150 single 250 per coupl shirt and tie a must grey county juniors visit several in district homes by mrs r mcarthur friends and neighbors will be pleased to bear mike hamilton son of mr and mrs ward ham ilton who is in georgetown dis trict memorial hospital and had an appendectomy oo friday is doing very well we all hope he can soon be back home the jost mow folk singing croup entertained r the annual meeting and banquet of the red cross society held at the george town golf club on monday even ing the group consists of miss june kvamme bob taxzwetl and phil sykes of georgetown and veen denny and gordon mcdon ald our local boys a small family gathering was held at mr and mrs harold griffins home on sunday even ing in honor of ml- smith e griffins 98tb birthday oo april 13 alio smllh r griffin and mrs william thompsons birth days on april 27 mr and mrs ron saunders normie and stephen also mrs alfred saunders visited on sun day with mr and mrs roy hau and klmmy in guelph mrs verns stephens spent the weekend at long branch and at tended church service there on sunday mr and mrs norman turner juuann and david spent sunday with mr and mrs j a julian and family at their home near woodstock mrs bob kerr attended a luncheon for a bridetobe miss lynn bradley in bowmanvllle on saturday mr and mrs lloyd anderson eddie and brian of powassan visited with mrs andersons brother mr and mrs william dobble and garry after picking up their son eddie who has at tendedmcmasier university the past year y grey county junior farmers visited with halton junior far m- ers- for the weekend severs of the junior farmers arc being billeted in homes in this area mr and mrs msynard of brampton were guests on sunday with mr and mrs charles simile r on saturday evening april 27 about 50 metat the home of mr and mrs w swackhamer for a bdtfet supper served by the hh- on junior farmer members who were visiting county hosts and hostesses guests with miss carol and ray swackhamer on the weekend were miss jeanette shortt and mlssmsrlon lowe of grey coun ty mr and mrs fred macarthur attended the funeral of their uncle the late w j young with burial in huxley cemetery comparative calm opp weekly report after a few weeks of hectic activity the acton qpp has experienced from april 21 to 28 a seven day period of com parative calm only four com plaints with theft of a fence valued at 50 tho most serious wore roglstorod at the police office the remaining complaints wore of a minor nature and re quired only mlnlmalpouco action for satisfactory settlement one motor vehicle accident involving two cars one parked and resulting in 400 damage to tho autos was investigated the erring driver has been charged with driving while his ability to drive was impaired by alcohol and with driving without a driv ers licence other traffic activities en countered during the 745 miles patrolled and 200 hours worked saw olght motorists chargedwitb highway traffic act violations while 16 others were warned to correct faulty driving practices young people church guests five young people from osh- awa who last year went to boliv ia to soe the country and help the missionaries there are com ing to acton baptist church sun day to tcu of their experiences they will bo entertained by the baptist high fellowship robert r hamilton optometrist i 16 mounteinview road s omfgwwn 77371 in magistrates court at milton on april 22 eleven persons learned a little more about our court systems as each was found guilty of the offence with which they were charged the fines and costs they were ordered to pay by magistrate langdon for the 10 traffic and one criminal offences under which they were convicted totalled 260 motor vehicle accidents most often occur because of some simple little error in judgment most no all of these errors could be avoided with just a little bit of thought small mis takes such as opening the car door into the path of oncoming traffic are the most common and yet can so easily especially on actons narrow streets result in serious injury or even death it would be so simple to look closely before you open the door or exit through the doorway op posite the flow of traffic it is so easy to look before you leap or find another way around wool realize the highest returns for your wool by patronizing your own organization ship collect to our registered warehouse no 1 weston ontario obtain sacks and twine without charge from archie kerr i son r r 2 acton cam fraser shearer r r 3 acton wm a wilson shearer r r 1 georgetown phone 8776687 or bv writing to canadian cooperative wool growers limited 40 st clair atenue east toronto 7 ontario first line tv soles service 8531057 channel matter ant1nnas for perfect color and superb black ft white reception ouarantuo no matter where you live i march attendance at cnbraeet- ings was an excellent 94 percent there were 20 rotarians and two guests present the acton free press wednesday may 1 1968 easter seal total highest ever rotarians informed the popular film from expo a place to stand was enjoyed by rotarians at their tuesday meet ing despite the smaller screen the unusual film and catchy music braight back many memories of easter seal returns are the jlltitphs highest ever ted pratt reported mmmt to the club a4otalofl01950 twmw w t continued from vao has been received and theres more to come yet actons grand merit from mr galloway fdr total win e reportedatabstrict completing a special causae in meeuna tcoigm at tn plainsman home nursing- restaurant burlington the ac- ladies from the acton cm- ton delegation will be beadedby hs band auxiliary catered to jim ledger w the event dancing followed the club expect 60 couples will enjoy their spring dance- on may 10 tickets ire still avail- by the time most people get id green pastures they are too old to climb over the fence area superintendent of the southern ares norman carlson and halton and pel superintend ent john wilson were other st john officials in attendance chamber president welcomed the diners and town elerk-ad- mlnlstrtor jack mcgeachle said grsce guaranteed products and service from imperial furnace and stove oils greases gasoline dleiet fuel motor oils jerry skirrow oil ltd ultimatic furnaces no down payment 10 year to pay power humidifiers 8532340 shortll mill st sheet metal plumbing ft heating acton 8530270 specializing ini clare bros heating equip regltiered united oa dealer we carry complete stock of pipes and fittings von sirvici call 8530270 4 mm r also wide selection of ported plant and cut newer as well asi specially pecked ox chocolate by smilei nt chucklei and black diamond may 12th we have the best gifts for mother i lady beth full fashioned nylons pyjamas or nightgowni ladle slips or half slips ladies blouses ladies shells ladies panties bloomers ladies house dresses ladies aprons ladles handkerchiefs silk kerchiefs chamoiselle gloves ladies handbags ladies slippers costume jewellery beautiful assortment of artificial flowers and flower arrangements boxed towels dresser sets luggage and many many more useful gifts and cards dont forgot motrwr sh nvor forgatt yool hintons 5c to 100 store aaaattaaaa

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