Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 15, 1968, p. 10

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ffl the acton free pratt wednesday may 15 1966 when hslton county unveiled itt new film the man and the boy latt week one of the tpeakert who con gratulated the county induttrlal com- minion wai dr harry harley m p he tald thlt visit wai perhapi hit last official one to the county and took the occasion to express his thanks for the honor and privilege of represent ing haltonln ottawa or harley reniarked the film show ed perls of thecounty many of us had utile knowledge of that th county had loj to offer any prospective indus try or butlneai we coufd draw a parallel between the llfrle known but rnportant spol in melf to d hartleys work at the house of comment atast of us are not fully awaro of the heavy duties he un dertook when ri the ttouie as our rep retentattve now 1hat he s retiring from that phase of his politico ilehe t got a lot to offer any field he intends to enter dr harley i decltlan to retire from politics on the federal level hat thrown the ring wide open lor all parties in the coming election he personally fought in three campaigns emerging as winner each time the government recognized his competence by darning him to head in vestigations into the cost and safety of drugs as well as chairman of the explosive hearing on divorce and abor tlon in addition to his duties as hal toft representative these extras made dr harleys work bad formidable in deed yet it is ike rfcpatur of llie man that whenever we had occasion to talk to hint jie preserved an unfailing cour leiy rtufslod wlfh a boyjsb rwm whjch pu ore completely at ease there wore no pompous speeches or 1 evasions which sometimes elected rep reentetives seeriito pick up as their yeors of sorvlce increase dr harley represented hallon well the years he wan in the house his retirement leaves a large pair of shoes to fill sttt jrrss editorial pim tkcae 10 acre utj east gwillimbury township hat moved to ban hornet on 10 acre lots a by law prohibiting tingle family hornet on lots between 10 and 25 acres hat been patted by townthip council and it now awaiting approval by the ontario municipal board the township like many other mu mcipalities believes the 350 ten acre lolt already in itt area represent un economical land ute and poor planning duildlng hornet on lots up to 10 acres remains legal tubect to the utu al towntnip bylawt parcels over 25 acret are contldered at farmt without the by law the townthip hat no eon trol over the 1025 acre jou esquestnfl township council lams- what amazed al the million dollar fig ure building permilt amounted to dur ing the month of april dltcussed pot tlble solutions to the tame problem at their latt meeting moil of the per- cjiterial hctej and the origin of the name on tario in nativo indian it it generally accepted at ontare meaning lake and 10 beautiful spring hat sprung leaves are at the nowett blending in many shades against dark evorgreent blossoms on the fruit tree add fragrance to fresh spring breezes and etch floral patterns on a sky which carries billowy white clouds like meringue over the earth s changing crust if the cn closes acton station there will be some truth in the old saw about running to catch the tram mils were isrued for houses despite the good intentions of home builders there are few who will be able jo keep up more than the space the house and a good sized lawn what else it there for the land but to revert to but weeds this creates two additional prob lems adjoining farmers protest the weeds which throw seeds on their farms in most cases too nine acret of once productive farm land stands sterile producing nothing in a world where we are told over half tho people go to bed hungry it s a shame to see once productive fields go to seed it is also hoart rend ingefe families to be without adequate hotlng councils in the rural areas aro torn between a dosiro for good planning and a humane altitude for the housing shortage department of lands and forests personnel report seeing 20 white peli cans over the lake of the woods in northwestern ontario a wonderful bird is the pelican his beak can hold more than his belican safety officials in england say wo men driving with tight fitting founda lion garments close fitting dresses and high heeled shoes are dressed to kill the clothes make them irritable and dis traded and their driving reflects the r condition perhaps the ideal outfit would be noth ng at all comments yi official but that would be distracting for other drivers jjjf pkctca jjwjft the ftam dressed in the traditional indian sari and co h lady lufldj isorne of tho foreign stud acton ft ent visiting in acton over the weekend women down mops which lead to beardmore officer the uudantu were in i gueus of ihu united church- staff photo sugar and spice by j i i smiley sometimes you fuel like atlas trying to carry llui world on your shoulders willi a sllppud disc and an arthritic knm well wliat can you do you rani drop it 11 would break into pieces and you cant set ii down for a rest you know you- could never pick it up again this is the prodlcami nl in which the average middleaged husband and father finds himself most of lite time thais the fellow you find wandering dazedly in a supermarket or blundering through a swamp trying to catch a seven- inch speckled trout or playing golf with intense ineptitude if you ask him hell swear that hes not quite over the hill yet that hi- can carry his world for another few steps but if you corner htm and quiz lilm youll find that hes not only over the hill but sliding down ttil other sldi so fast therell in nothing bit a grease ball lift whin lie hits the bottom hell also be broke 11 hi has a wife my old lad after a coupli of quiescent wei ks following an operation is in full cry again what do you really think about that crumby old bedroom sulti we bought it on sale is years ago as far as im concerned its fine theres a raised platform calhd a bed on which to sleep and a number of drawers without handles which i can open with a screwdrlvir its perfectly adequate sandy jswulan barber shop in 1921 ahowed mr mtuan at the left his cus tomer roy arnold and barber harry mainprise the shop was on mill st about where tna bank of ndva scola is now it was a gather ng place where men would talk warm up by the stove and play checkers mr mainprise owns the picture the acton a free press phone 853 2010 bus npii and ed o 4 of c sffsfc u rv j fir i n van n v j ijj 1 w 1 jj- t lj f o j rtf j 1 j uo putf 41 j il i pjr e l 4pp r 4 it fw i p j tfttra a at a x in ol 1 nhljjjn n outa paimtaj j mstlihtat c lu tx j t d pufa h wliit do you do in a bedroom anyway ekctipt to go to sleep and got up and stum ble around in hi inornliif i ask in all honesty she gives me a withering look appar ently there are all sorts of things a bed room is handy for like putting ladles coats in when you have a party or culling your toenails in to me the bedroom suite we liave set ms quite sullable for these and other minor activities uut my wife ti is it doesnt have tone class elegance or practically anything worthwhile its just a place to sleep exactly my point her ideas run toward a new bedroom suite fresh decorating and a lot of other things that arent going to make me ship or do anything else any butturthan i do in tin present shabby lovable little joint i cant for example see me tying my tie with any more flair with a ni w bedroom suite in the background i cant sei that a iww iegshelblue interior is golnir lomake mi look or feel any bitter when i sit on tin edge of the bed groaning rtnljy and scratching at 7 30 am i fall to realize that broadloom k going to rt v me anythlnr but a big bank loan it rertainly isnt polng to make me spring out of that new sack eviry morning car olling hire liath buen dawninp another new da think wilt thou t it slip useless away its not nally that im an old njrmud- gcon its just that iu uen through it bifori fci onci startid out with a new sink in the bathroom eventually i wound up with something resembling a sultans bath chamber in black and pink and debt up to my ears just to cheer old atlas up this wukkim has been diagnosed as the possessor of in fections mononucleosis it sounds pretty impressive but like most things that do its lust a big pain in the arm its bad enough to have a teenager around the house anytime but to have a sick one the doc said she wasnt to study work or play the piano but he dldnt say any thing about arguing or being snippy or throwing cold water on her paranti hopes and plans for her if you hear a tremendous thud on of these days atlas has shrugged back issues 20 years ago taken from the laaue of the free press of thursday may 13 iu4b ilecnvery of 121530 worth of bonds tolan from the hank of nova scotia brant al camphullvllle more than a year ago win armajuced by canadian faclfle rail way inweatlgallpii department the money n a paper big wa found on a tirdar friday by a gang of cpit paint ers working pfl llw uountaln8treltirldt lu montreal the nuiwy was turned oer lo railway invoarlgatora who notified the tjil liiap lor c w wood oftheonl- arln tune went to iddullfy the bond v mr w k graham left lit wtik tor a iwliday trip lnluvago iwd cahforjiia the budget in la prasenlm on tueaday tmltiy vuium minister aiott f h- fully awaited new leuanln iv wartime lluutng thla wak art uunard crlppg uu crlnpa x f tjapiim ilea morton atid u mirotu no a hlgliway belweeu arlbnandmiiiwi la ihflmvery riigb agalu ronatanl grading lb- miulred until ilia nur la navod 75 years ago taken from the laaue of the free press of thureday may ii u03 the following notice was found posted at the gale of a rsmetary near dieppe in france owing to the crowded condition of ihi cqmalary uyily ihoae living in the commun ity will hereafter be jwrl4 in it it la officially stated that the earl aberdeen lias baari appointed covernor- general of cangdju v aclone aaaessnwnl ihis year l tfii 7tb browrta aaw mill wkrldu several days during tna week owlnir 4a ad accident to the engine last friday masira charles t to juve openedltwlir hew stock of orocefua and crockery in mrs uecordjr block and invite the public id inspect it thomas ford was trampled to deith by ebtauldfl near lambeth oti haturday riev j tdge and mr h v moore are kite idi ng the aniual t strict meeting at oueloll 50 years ago 1 years ago taken from the sale the free iress ti thuraday may 23 ihu during the electrical storm early mi monday morning the hnuae if mf sunt bauer beardmore cresiunl wgs airurk by lightning ttie eurretil ran dwn ttia atove pipe through the stove and alwig iu kitchen floor ripping up hie unoleuiii fortunately there wje utile other damage done sergt perry was home from hamlllui and pie weadge from toronto on weekend leave one on uie barber the ijstrfaer shop was well patronlaed when in walked a shab by stranger good morning drl called the barber doubtfully good morning replied the stranger my good man will you shave one aide of my face for a penny i tho barber winked al ills walling rusto- mers certainly lie replied fake a seat please presently ii wat hie shabby strangers turn to occupy hie seal of honor now which side shall i shave asked the barber the outside replied the shabby stran ger meekly the man who la well satisfied with him self has trouble in getting along with other folks jvee jjrtss thi chuicm of st alian the maktvr anglican curnir willow st and st albans drive kiv ii j rijuvin ii a bib sunday may luhi vbh i jster v 900 urn the holy fuelunst 10 10 j m church school 10 to j in llulv i uitunsl btthii christian hirormed chuhch miiusiir hn p ilrouwcr ba b i acton ontario sijmmy may lth 1968 1000 am rnglish service 1110 a rn sunday school 2 30 pro alternating dutch and i nglib sirviie silurday bible clasws0 12 a m fvtryone welcome evancil lentecostal tatesnacu paoc 33 churchill road hn s vi tlioman pastor 8532715 si mjav may kill 19ab 10 00 im sunda shorjl 1 1 if a m vlorr u irslup 00 pm lvantelimie service tut da 8 p in prayer service and ijible study tl u dai p m cliriitambaviadors i r ja p m cruadirs lit- id ib he vetwi irartgrcmon j i jiin uhj t n l pvalrn 32 i mame avenue hatljr church 61 maple ave georgetown pa ur rev robert c lohnet si sday may u 19w hiri our sircrc invilat on to the uhole lamih to attend ehuxch v4 j n surdas shjol all ao ii 00 am murning scruc ho m fming evangel p wcdncdav prayer meeting aion 853195 georgetoun a776665 th s is n invitation to attend the church of your choice on sunday taken from the issue of the canadian cliamplon mlllwi may u i8b8 7t chief constable of brampton ha bean attending to some gentlemen who ex pressed ihelr fenian prsdllerllons down there one man named peter broddy who claims to be a iiolrlunan though itorn in irelatid was accused if saying ulndry dis loyal things whet under hie inspiration of a raianllly i whiskey the evidence after he was brought before the magistrate waa not found sufficient to convict him and tie was discharged another person who halls from ilia wales and who lias besti driving pigs for a drover lias been imprisoned bit will likely lie liberated soon the following militia order has been issued in reference lo lie oueena birth day the several corps of volunteers in ouebec and ontario will assemble al noon on saturday hie 23rd inst and fire a feu de jol in hie usual manner in honor of iter mateslys birthday at the garrisons of montreal cjuehec ottawa kingston toronto hamilton and i ondon the vol unteers will art in conjunction with her male stys troops in rase the offlrerseom- manding hie garrisons at those stations would desire such ronperatlan and the senior officers of volunteers will place themselves in communication with the of ficers commanding her majestys forces al the station above named for hie purpose church notices i acj trinity church the united church of caiuil 0 minister i in piv fijril n ii lutrur ba iii direi im nl mmn li lumf i lliol i ma pli d si mav mot i jib imb friiuly united 1000 i rn mijrninir wor lop tnurwrry prniil ll ih si iti ol itu chureli i npirl ol ii irrulliiri cmilercmi pi v rrdon lurnir preaching liuriliill uriilnl in nil 1 1 v a rn morning woroup sunday scifool 10 00 ni junior sebwjl to or 4 11 i5arn senior school or 5 to or i acton hatflst church lounded 1842 p i r rev slunley gammon rev 144 lidey avt phone s5ji6is si may may ljtb 1911 45 an church school and adult bible class i i x a rn mormrv worship 700 p rn i veruria worship tui das may 21 p rn miss mildred law missionary rrn india every r l aekmi to i lar miss law peak wdnisdiy 7 30 prayer meeting and b b i study thursday ft 30 p m explorers tt ursdav pm choir practice irijj 7 pin flit f ms vn hear the instruction i ta arid t rsakc not the law i miller prov i of of i resivteiian church in canada icsox chlbch acton res andreu if mckenlie ba bid minister mr e a hansen ba organist and choir master slvday may 19th 196 9 45 am church school for ages 3 to 15 years v45 am minisicr s church member ship clas or teenagers 1 1 00 a in public worship of god sermon subject frayer for wis- dotp everyone moat welcome

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