Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 15, 1968, p. 11

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the acton free pre wednesday may 15 1968 b3 our readers write build small dam in chicopee hills recalls visit sherman apt 8b 738 14 aw 8 w calgary s alta pleas change to the above ad dress the free praas which lam stttnges a much valued christ mas gift bwaa my great pleasure to hive a floa vudt hack toaeton last summer alter 20 years i am sorry to say that the free prass office- was about the only plaeeof lntereet that v mtssedt bnt of eonrea up freepressaa i knew if was on wlllst whirr jhy brother victor coleman charlie matthew earl vlnc4nt bin kenoey ernie brown and arlof dills held forth and great times were had by all my brother vic has a smashed little finger yet as a staivenjr ho got 1 it caught between the rollers i enjoyed my walt very much it was a aort of sad both wedding anniversary a we had been mar ried 50 years ago on my 2907 aa it happened the account of my shower and the wedding and also a picture of the sunday school orchestra taken because i was leaving were in the copies of the free preas immediately on my arrival last summer my lata husband who had died just the december before was as the old timers may remember the rev jf ralston brown youngest brother of the lata a t brown druggist tor so many years and r n brown of churchill rd be had beenamlojsterlnalberta for 40 years serving the united church and had retired in 19s2 we have lived in retirement at turner valley alberta a form- r charge re closing the station anyone who thinks the present aet up is fine must surely not have had my experience when i had to wait tan days before getting the luggage i brought and they fin ally found it at guelph a few miles away aftercootacting cal gary endedmoniodalbertaebout iii winning you continued success in the conduct of the free pros carried on so capably by arlof after h p moores death i am yours sincerely ethel coleman brown progress in your first issue of may hh i note a letter written by lydia c j kerr regarding churchld united church and her fathers work in the ministry i well remember rev h cald well and have on many occas ions helped to cover the radiator of his model t ford to keep it from freaking in severe winter condition the letter started me thinking of the daya i spent in ndrthern ontario and the ministers who walked miles through the bush to hold services in various house holds sometimes there was only one family occasionally as many as six families there has been a great deal of progress since the early days of our country when ministers at first walked then rode horse back when the roads were im proved they used bugglesand cut ters then came the ford and other cars mission boats and aeroplanes have been used for some time and recently a minis ter mentioned he had travelled by jet what is the word for all this it is progress progress as rev caldwell progressed in chanting from horse and buggy to auto mobile in order to serve the people better settlers met for worship first under trees or in homes then built churches many churches of different denominations were built at the country crossroads at the time of church union in 1925 the presbyterian metho dist and congregational churches amalgamated to become the un ited church of canada more re cently the evangelical church has joined them and there are talks between the anglican and united churches yes joining together in pro gress to serve in the work of christ more adequately we at churchill united church are facing a change it is said that you cant stand stm you either go forward or backward in these changing times are we progressing and going tor- ward as rev caldwell did or not i wonder yours truly frank freeman r r 2 acton thank you acton may 141m8 dear sir we would like to thank through the use of your column the um people and storekeeper for their generous support during the strike at kk porter pbjnt at anion this 1s now successfully concluded ap coin wash a f v store lga store tbi oipp all the people who have assisted us in any- way especially those j who hare foregone payments in res pect to rants eta members of the local especially ifohh laxen- by and dell moyse the neigh bours at maedonald blvd and finally a big thank you t mr and mrs h andrews who have put up with the comings and going of our members to the garage which they so kindly put at our disposal for strike headquarters we are most happy to be going back to work and our member ship will remember the many tine things done for us during our picketing of the plant also those who have helped in any way and who have not been listed here yours very truly andrew e welch publicity for local 2 mm saw workers union clc school accident may 14 106s dear sir i read with interest in last weeks free press the ps boards discussion on an accident in the school gym when a girls wrist was broken the report read quale mr mokenxle had been in contact with the parents he reviewed the usual procedure in which record are kept the home contacted and a ride pro vided to the home or doctor he added that the physical edu cation supervisor warned him accidents could be expected although those facts were reviewed in this caw these pro cedures were not enforced i write with authority as the girl in this particular ease was my daughter joann she fell whilst doing pt and at this hme in addition to her class teacher mr mckenxle and mr mcneil were in the gym at the time joann was then sent back to her room and at the end of the afternoon her teacher asked if there was anyone who would help joann home with her books she was then dismissed with the rest of the class and with the help of a friend walked in her shorts and with a coat over her shoulders from robert little school to tldey ave she got as far as the friends house and from there i took her to the hospital on getting back from the hospital i tried to con tact mr mckenxle and was told he waant expected backuntll late he phoned the following morning whilst i was at the hospital and then sent a note home with my other daughterwhlchldidnotfeol was very satisfactory i tried unsuccessfully to contact him again that night hut it was not until friday morning that i actually got to talk to him i quite realise that accidents can happen to anyone at anytime but what i object to is when a 11 yr old child is sent walking home on a coldwlndyday woarlng shorts following an accident in a state of shock to a small degree without any adult supervision mrs j garbowsky 168 tldey ave acton ont h s holden owomtykky ss cork st east cuelph ta xtim a low bid of 91590 ha been received for the construction of a small dam in the chicopee hills conservation area in kit- chener five bids were received by the grand river conservation authority the highest bid was for 126135 awarding of tho contract will follow an examination of the bid and approval of the department of energy and resources man agement work is expected tcy start before the end of maj nd is scheduled for oomplerlohoy ntidseptember z the dam will be 30 feet high and 400 fee i long and will create anelghtacje huo s depth offlveto20feet the dam will be unique be- cause of alack of suitable hurt- erlal in the vicinity the earthfltl dopes will have an inner skin or film of impervious synthetic rub- ber to prevent water seepage about 20 square fed of the rubberlike meto rial will be installed on the upsifeknf sido of the embankment and then cov ered with three feet of fill and one foot of riprap mr hachborn said the rubber material hss been used to line reservoirs and dam spillways but never on s complete dam as fsr as he knows it is only 364th of an inch thick lets play bridge by bill coat fills in blanks in kings orderlies mrs marlon brochu of georgetown called the free press thursday after identifying one of the unknown members of tho kings orderlies bible class in last weeks paper as her father william james he is third from the right in the bottom row for anyone who has cut out the photo from the past from the editorial page other blanks she tilled in for us top row second from left austin cutting second row fifth from left ed gear fourth row second from loft jim holloway bottom row last three menwil uam james fred masiles nel son lambert inumerafiqh v dohe fwday election enumeration was completed in acton- friday ahd the lists submlttedte the re turning officer actons enumerators were mr harriet hohvlg mrs shi- ley qralda mrs jean kiroyhfr aim timbers mrs mae cm- marsh mrs myrtle lambert miss jean barber mrs- june mchugh mrs auco wsldie and mrs gloria coals it is just as important for the defense to makers plan ss it is for doclarer to do so the only difficulty is that declarer can follow his plan through while the defense must rely on each other two defenders may nuke differ- ehf plans some defense play however depend on ose defender only hofe is an example east lesr ere vulnerable and the dueler js north north sb5 hrctf j 4 v patbs cvitn 1 west sk94 3 h 9 5 2 dk10 ck6 32 east s7 2 nton bj94z c a 9 5 4 south saqj 10 6 ha 6 dq88 c o j 8 suggested bidding nowtrt east south iwe psss pass 1nt jpes jh p4 3 n pss in spite of his excellent spade suit south should start with one no trtmp his hsnd is reisoni sbly blanced and is worth 17 points dont forget one extra for aftvepardjklt norths hid i show enough polntsforgamesnd asks partner to bid 3 no trump without good heart support or bid 4 hearth with good heart support west wis fortunate in getting oft to a ebb lead attar three rounds of ebbs south is on the lead while he decides bis play the defenders should do the same west can see that declarer hss five heart tricks if he has the ace a chib and a diamond de clarer is likely to try for couple of spade tricks and west should be ready declarer took the heart ace and led a heart to dummy just in case heart were badly split when both opponents followed for two rounds declarer left hearts alone a spade was led and south played the ten if west has plan ned ahead he will dick this really shouldnt coet anything dummy wa reentered with the diamond see lli order to tak the rest of dummys warts on these heart declarer threw his diamonds- now declarer led dummys last spade in order to take the proven finesse all is well for the mens if east was sharp enough to keep his spade when declarer fjnessis west wins and defeats decurer by tak ing a good chib and he diamond ng maybe declarer should not take a second spade unease but most bridge player i know would once the finesse has apparently work- o last weeks winners at the ac ton bridge club were first mr and mrs jack coats second mr and mrs clayton barbour third steve colas and bill coats pollock and campboll mintlluilllivi high guade memoriais memorial engraving 63wt st north oait tcuptvhvc 2t7ss pii the helfol company offers 2nd rtd 3rd mtfja 24hour approviiia l6w cost up to fd ywm teeephorwlvlr it i wufan to kpjn today pi investment corp ltd 1 mcrunond st tocoolo 1 oot 3else ev yv bro adloom mse sue tjv these are the lowest carpet prices in our history vns if s new 100 hercuton kitchen carpet tweed tones 5 year wear stainproof guarantee static free nonallergcnic 100 polypropylene backing prevents browning alter cleaning regular 995 q yd 888 carpet remnant specials 12 x 12 6 plush green is3 12 x 8 5 deep plush brown 33794 12 x 12 plush avocado si7sb4 12 x 12 9 popcorn avocado nylon 10113 12 x 96 nylon twist 50in cocoa 13924 5 12 x 9 foam back tweeds 379 0 2 x 5 5 random sheer royal blue 4999 12 x 5 5 nylon popcorn red 7999 4 6 x 4 bronze plush 3499 barrymore taffy brawn shimmering oald and nougat balg centennial random sheer heavy duty reg 1195 tq yd barrymore forylhia gold sun belg cemfiewar tlua canadian star hilow nylon 501 heavy duty kingfisher uua reg 1195 stj yd bmk caramel brown supreme hardlwist heavy duty slightly streaked reg 1295 tq yd if perfect debutante li traffic use nylon plush regular 795 tq yd choose fro 12 luxurious colors brackenwood regular 795 tq yd continuous filament nylon choose from 8 luxurious colors acrilan pluth grandview for 9 medium heavy traffic deep pile 9 exciting colors double uie backing reg 1295 tq yd popcorn design parade continuous filament heavy duty traffic dupont 501n 1 2 colors to choose from reg 1295 tq yd e we specialize in walltowall installations our expert trade crews are the finest installers every fob is meticulously completed your satisfactions is guaranteed select your carpet in the comfort of your home i a qualified consultant will bring samples of these advertised items to your home or office and estimate without any obligation family fashions 228 main street milton 8782067

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