Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 22, 1968, p. 1

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mall idea runs into opposition news that the chamber of commerce and council wfh try to lncdehunt- the proposed mall along m mil st business sectiod between john and main sts washs lone drawing reaction businessman opposed to the idea immediately drew up a coupler petition they apparently got more signatured on the document opposing the idea than the chamber of commerce had supporting it chamber officials jrere indignant at first tbeyagroed however that jalthough preliminary plans were discussed for the benefit of atl concerned at meetings opeo to all there shouldbe another meeting to fully discus planm for the mall as wet as make public the eohlttonathey had in mind the mall meeting will take place this thursday night may z3 at 730 pm under he auspices of the chamber both pros and cons will be beard in the event dons outnumber the pros toe chamber of commerce reuctanlly intends to scrap the proposal in the hwantims a letter has been sent to all interested parties and chamber members outlining the proposau following is the text of the letter acton ontario to chamber members and other interested parties regarding the proposed temporary mall it is unfortunate that a controversy has developed in regard to the proposed mall before all acts and plans were known and con- side red the idea was to transform mill street between john and main street into a walking mall with live flower beds trees and bushes benches and tables for a two weak period we hoped for aide- walk cafes and in fact designed part of the mall for this specific purpose we have arranged for a bandstand which would have a back ground of live trees and shrubs where the acton cltltens band would give a concert also we hoped to have the golden age club rhythm band perform certainly we would have several dances we saw a moccasin dance by project action etc we were also promised two older cars for a psychedelic painting competition and if anyone can think of more fun than a group of youngsters letting their fantasy run wild with watercolours and a car they have a lively imagination indeed we also hoped to have local artists do some sidewalk painting we planned to ask local servico clubs tocontrlbute to our objective of keeping the mall alive with people in short our intention is to have the total community involved we expected the merchants to run special sales do special decorating on an individual bests and perhaps extend their business hours it has been stated that no one would oppose the mall if we have sufficient parking we had planned parking on willow and john with parking attendants working during peak hours this is a vary valid objection since we would be hard pressed to make up for all spaces lost but we believe that proper planning of events and merchandising would make the mall so attractive that some parking inconvenience would be overcome the mall would have meantanenormousamountof work for many people a few have already put many hours into the project it also would have meant total involvement in a community pruject and a lot of fun we think everyone would have profited certainly good will and community betterment plus a desire to gather facts was what motivated the people who expected to do the work particularly councillor ted tylers interest is purely one of betterment for the town as a whole we feel we have received cooperation in full measure from the town council and provincial agencies wefeelthe free press have cooperated and would have given us lots of publicity if we would have created the mall the chamber of commerce has as one of its goals to assist governments at all levels and also to help its community to attain the highest possible standards in all respects the mall could have been an important experiment from which the council tho businessmen and the individual citizens could have obtained valuable data everyone is entitled to his opinion and that is all anyone can express at this stage since in the absence of experiment no facts are available since at this point it seems we have more people against tho mall experiment than wo have for it we reluctantly proparo to rescind the entire plan what is your opinion wont you please write to say if you are for or against this twoweok mall experiment write to the acton chamber of commerce p a box 809 acton ontario tories jam oakville auditorium churchill acton united churches to amalgamate the congregations of trinity united church acton and churchill united church will be amalgamated affective june so a latter to thlsetfect received by the recording stewards of both congregations from halton presbytery was read during the morning service at each church sunday morning the present board members of both churches will form the board of the new congregation and it is hoped that members and ad herents of both congregations will form the body of the new con gregation at trinity in tin absence of george bowman the recording secretary the letter was read by orwell johnston the clerk of session in the past tew years the minister of the acton church has taken a second service each sun day morning at churchill the churchill congregation paid a set amount per year before that tho churchill congregation shared a minister with balunafad elect peter mcwilliams standard bearer ihtfc theres no doubt in this youngsters mind even though he is too young to cast a ballot young brian mcwilliams was one of many supporting his father p k mcwilliams at tho p c nomuiatibn meeting in oakvillo thursday night mcwilliams and his son poso in front of a john robarts picture and a large balloon with a mcwilliams slicker on it staff photo peter k mcwilliams who re signed as crown attorney was declared the progressive con servative candidate for federal representative of halton county after a single ballot last thurs day night his victory in the twoman coolest with oakviues reeve allan day marks his first venture into politics it wss standing room only for latecomers as an estimated 50 people jammed blakelock hjgh schbokaudltortam in oak- ylue for the first conservative nomination meeting in the new federal riding of halton erin township and village in well ington county are included with the exclusion at burlington and nassagaweya party chairman doug latimer of georgetown explained thatthe selection of delegates wss based on the conservative vote in the 1985 election one delegate for every 20 votes he listed the breakdown of the 531 delegates as follows oakville 297 milton 35 georgetown 59 esquesing 42 acton 29 erin village 1z erin township 27 all former presidents members of the leg islature and former candidates 30 the mcwtlllams victory was evident even before the vote was cast throughout the crod not a single flag waved for day amid hundreds of ucwlllianis hals buttons ballons and plac ards flanked by two giant banners bearing the portrait of leader robert stanfleld and the slogan the man wljh thewlnnlugway both candidates took swings at trudeau and the liberals said day we have been ibid that mr stanfleld looks like a mortician well what eso da yod call someone who is olng to bury the prosent government in ottawa he oritlcued the recont uboraj hiring of 40000 more civil servants aftor the glasgow report had recommend ed a cutback mr mcwilliams commented it is essential that you have a leader who will stand for what is right and just rather than what is popular he added i seek this nom ination for the same reason as you have gathered here tonight 1 am concerned about our coun try i think it is time the voter was told tho truth canada is already in the grip of depres sion he blamed the countrys fin ancial situation on extravagant govornmeid v i will allow tho tax payer to spend a greater portion of he dojlan twi earns hlmselfby himself with the announcement of the mowllltams election a chant j go go mcwlllams broke out and many of the audience stood up with loud applause it watf tho only moment of marked enw thuktasm throughout the meeting in his vctory speech mr mc wihlarqs commented this nom ination meeting is a testimony to responsible government it has not been a groat meeting but it is a contrast to tho mono cracy of our liberal opposition wc can do without that we should reform our ranks organise this riding and win this election i want to meet ovoryone of you in the next month h added mr day thanked his support ers and called for a total shift over to mcwllllsms then the mooting ended and mr vtcwlulams loft the stage jo join family friends and news men in the centre of the hall mr day remained on the stage sipping a coke along with a few party officials two members of the prtndn- thal legislature were present johit robu mvj for welling tondutferln and jim snbw m pp for halton east each ad dressed the aijtjlertoe during the half hour preceding the announce ment of the candidates mr roote reminded the crowd thai li was the first time erin was to honncliided in the area weve been pushed around a bit in erin some had misgivings about this change but i think i can say erin will dp its share conflmipil on pace 3 ht jtttoit ninetythird year no 47 acton ontario wednesday may 22 16s fourteen pagns ton cents park system begins on weekend board alters admission system janet rognvalison will receive bjl janet rognvaldson daughter of mr and mrs clarence rognvald- son recelvos her bachelor of arts degree at convocation at the unlvorslty of guelph on thursday may 23 she attend acton district high school sho is presently employod in the research department of the prudential insuranco company in toronto no movies because there is no advertis ing allowed movies will not be shown in lit community centre this soason arena manager harold towns- ley told the parksandrocroatlon committee that movie houses have boon protesting showing of films outside their premises distributors have been instruct ed to release films only with tho provision that they are not ad vertised mr townsloy felt a movie program would have a hard time breaking even without adver tising providing tho woathor coop erates official opening of pros pect park will take place this weekend parks and recreation committee decided at their reg ular mooting thursday picnic tables are ready to be repainted and parks supervisor harold townsloy told the twln- hatted board theyd be ready for the official opening unlike other years residents of town will not receive stl ckers fortholr vehicles this season for free admittance into the park all vehicles will be allowed on the parking lot at no charge but one dollar must be paid to take your car past the second gate for boat launching purposes etc committee member art coo per thought the bylaw would have to berewrtttentoaceommc date the change but member hugh patterson said there was no act ual change from last year we always charged one dollar to get a car into the park past the parking lot mr cooper advised the board they should look at tho bylaw just to be on tho safe side work is also being done on glenloa park whore difficulties were encountered with canadian national railways about a part of the park on railway property cost of removing the hill in the park came to 200 vlcochalrman brendan ahe- rne occupying the chair in the absence of the chairman saldthe cnr was putting up a fence to separate the two properties when the fence is in it will be below the incline mr aherne said so theres a possibility a toboggan could crash into the fence we may need a snow fence toprotecttobogganersfrom the otbor fence he stated parks superintendent towns- ley was authorized to rent a roller and seeder and get top soil for the bare areas in the glenloa park then seed it mr townsloy said ho wanted to buy a sulky to fit onto the lawn mower at a cost of 66 the mowerwasgoingtocostfrom 150 is 175 to repair but he doubted if it could keep up to the 15 acres of grass that will need cutting in his capacity as arena man ager mr townsloy reported the screens had been installed for lacrosse and lines painted on the floor roller skating realised a net profit of 78 after the first three nights and he predictod an other successful season only drawback was a shortage of the latest pop records available for skating if youre not right up on the chum chart with these kids they lot you know about it he told the board im thinking of a juke mat in the auditorium and if they want to sit around and put money in the box for dancing fine initial outlay for buying records would be 40 to 50 cant you use the tape asked hugh patterson ever listen to a certain tor onto radio station replied mr townsloy pointing out it was impossible to tape the entire song i try not to admitted mr patterson subject switched to painting the community centre now all finished boys coming into town next yoar to play lacrosse or hockey wont forget acton predicted mr townsloy the dressing rooms are painted in dlfferont colors it takes that dungeon look away tho placo looks lovely commented board member art cooper a statement of income and ex penditure for the first four months of 1968 submitted by secretary doris townsloy show- parks superintendent harold townsloy is interested inholdlng advanced swimming classes this summer anyone interested in the classes is urged to call him at tho community centre 853- 0020 ed rocelpls of 750288 and ex penditures of 491205 receipts were up in almost every depart ment compared to tho previous yoar correspondence rovoalod the chamber of commerce sports mens show would be hold sat urday august 10 permission was granted the acton community credit union to hold a picnic in the park sun day june 23 at a charge of 1 a table bob bruco representing tho credit union told the com- mltteo they oxpoctod 150 to 200 pooplo to como financial statoment of 13856 was orderod paid vice chairman brendan aherne prosldod for tho twohour meeting attended by earl masalos herb dodds hugh patterson artcoo- por harold townsloy and secre tary doris townsloy candidates stump acton halton mp dr harry harley was in town with now liberal candldato rud whiting last thursday introducing him to local liberals and showing hlmaround mr whiting was the second candidate to hit the election trail locally murray kernlghan the ndp standard bearer was doing a personal doortodoor campaign wednesday in acton theyll be joined by the con servative candidate peter k mcwilliams who was nominated by the parly last thursday even ing in a jampacked meeting at oakville clothing stolen theft of clothing a clock and a suitcase from a parked car behind the dominion hotel was reportod to acton opp by jeff denny rr 2 acton the theft occurred wodnosday of last week and loss was estimated at 35 silvercreek collision three die in fiery crash north haltons first triple fat ality of the yoar claimed the lives of three orton fegus and elora men saturday night when a car and a pickup truck col lided almost headon at silver- creek on highway 7 one of the men died in the flaming wreckage of his car which burst into fire on collision with the truck although area residents attempted to free the man the flames thwarted their efforts dead is joseph francis mai- oney 44 of rr 3 orton be lieved to be the driver of the 1962 mercury pickup truck mil- ford w morden 30 of fergus believed to be the driver of the 1962 chevrolet car and john r hunter 37 elora a passenger in the morden vehicle georgetown fire department harley knocks railway s methods dr harry harley halton mp told the free praas this week he strongly disapproved of the moth ada used by canadian national railways tomato stations he referred to cases use act ons where services were cut or taken away entirely so people and plants had to make other arrangements whether or not they ware suitable then the railway advertises that no one u using nonexistent services ttaty should get facta and flgares first then make the de cision he said referring to the acton station which was very profitable when full services were available dr harley recognised the railways system at work here the cn has applied for a hearing to close the acton stat ion but no date has been set yet meanwhile a committee of three la digging up facts and ugurs to present actons case when the haaring is held only station agent charlie per ry is left in the station and he has no duties to perform at first the tuophont was taken out along with books and ledgers but it was returned weeks later other communities where sta tions have been closed or at tempts made to close them have warned about the system it leaves no work for those left in charge a weapon for the pros ecutor when the question how much business are you doing there is asked the cn proposes to run the entire acton operation from a jsaaacer agency in guelph was called to extinguish the fire both vehicles were total wrecks constable james redpath of mil ton qpp the investigating of ficer said further details of the accident could not be released until the investigation is com pleted the vehicles collided on high way 7 just 200 feet south of the seventh line eaquesing at the top of the silverereek bill mr morden in his 31st year was the son of mrs albert rox- borough elora brother of ches ter and leslie of fergusalbert kitchener ivan alma sanford rockwood barbara and donna of fergus joseph janus and vaughan at home mr hunter in his mth year was the son of mrs william hun ter husband of shirley thompson hunter father of ronnie kevin and debbie brother of mrs al bert raxborough of elora mra d thompson mra jack floyd guelph william of edmonton and leonard of windsor funeral service for both nun was tuesday at elora thtttff mm had their lives snuffed out east of tho silvercreek band on no 7 highway satur day night as these two vehicles collided al most headon ona of the man died in the flaming wreckage of the car top which burst into fir with the impact another an orton man perished in the truck below photos by e taylor

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