Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 22, 1968, p. 2

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the acton free press wedysday may 22 1968 micro mastics toronto office and acfon office staff posed for alf lono irf front of the acton plarit from left to right marian bucknam toronlo vlclcl hopklrvs toronlo verne tatton acton cathy tocher acton sandl sinclair acton joyce auger- acton mary irvine toronlo pat forrest toronlo carol mclsaac acton flo fryer toronlo and ann nelles toronto the fllrls got together on saturday may 11 for is ipuv of the plant missing in this photo i lea feaver toronto vsho arrived later they met with the group of lovelgrt students later and toured the beardmore plant afterwards they went to florence fryers home for lupper photo by alf long mr and lira lenouanohave returned homeaftertiylnglomii- waukee to spend the holiday with mr and mrs paul lawson and ted g the rev gordon turner and mr fawcett eaton attended hal- ton presbytery conference in waterloo last week mr and mrs charles lands- borough and ralph spent the lone weekend with mr and mrs mac sinclair kingston calling on mr and mrs l b shorey in napanoo former residents of take ave acton mrs r d bucknor is flylnc to new york tovlslt mrandmrs bernard bobar and her new granddaughter sarah jane mrs bobar is the former janet buck- ner mr and mrs ernest woat peter paul and mlcluol of waterloo miss ina near mr ernest near of toronto visited sunday afternoon with mr and mrs fred weal mr and mrs arnold weaver and miss susan weaver mr patrick flynn mr and mrs gordon rawn of hamilton mr and mrs j townsond of montreal spent the holiday with mrs e phillips frederick st mrs george hargravo is a patient in guelph general hos pital and mr hargrave ostpeets to be admitted as a patient there next week bast wishes for quick recovery for these two members of the cltisens of the year award winning st john ambu lance brigade mr and mrs james rolston attended tho funeral of mr rot- tons sister mrs porcy wal- drlll in south river mrs wal- drtll bad celobratud her 50th wedding anniversary a year ago while two brothers john and james had celebrated their 50th wedding anniversaries with tholr wives two years ago mrs wal- drill was the fourth in the family to attain her golden wedding an niversary mr peter lawson received his results from centennial college scarborough last week and has now completed his course of recreation management he hopes to enter university in sept ember to specialise mr and mrs lawson left may 8 forsault ste marie where both have posi tions for the summer travelling by way of chicago and milwaukee where they spent a few days with peters brother and family mr and mrs paul lawson and ted now families are wolcomed to town most of them uvlngln lake- view mr and mrs p mcgrenere 73 elisabeth dr come from tor onto and he works in bramalea they have a young child mr and mrs j mcveigh came from scarborough to 81 nolson court with one young child he is with ontario hydro mr and mrs w sheldon 201 lakoviow ave camo from kirk- land lake and he is with milton quarrlos they have one son at homo and another at ryorson mr and mrs a tremllls 77 nolson court havo two children and come from toronto ho is an eloctronlcs ongtneor it streotsvillo mr and mrs g s scott and three children also come from toronto and are living at 00 elisabeth dr he is regional manager of a city business mr and mrs a e backs rom from cooksville are at 204 el more dr now he is a computer programmer at brampton mr and mrs j petsold of 220 elmore came here from etou- coke with one child he is an engraver mr and mrs g strongitharm moved to 229 elmore dr from toronto with two children he is with the department of trans port at the monitoring station recently married mr and mrs g munday are at 125 cobblehlll rd he works at boardmore and co and she was an acton girl mr munday comes from port colborne other new comers to lakoviow subdivision are in the rectory rev and mrs h dawson and one child from st catharlnos have been welcomed in hlsnew pariah travelling salesmen student bring paintings to library two psychology students from tho university of waterloo have what must be one of the most unusual summer jobs of all they aro taking a group of paintings by two watorloo men setting up osdilblts all over ontario and selling what thoy can on a com mission basis the students brian elliot and bruce hunsborgor of waterloo have their unique travelling exhibit in acton this weolc they expect to sot up about fioplctures in tho library today for showings until friday theyve been on the road a month already with oxhlbits at wlngham ingorsoll oakvllloand orangevllle georgetown is on their itinerary for lator on thoy can only work in one a weok 1800 turned in to date flowers of hope campaign approximately 1800 has been raised to date in the north halloo association for the mentally re tarded flowors of hope cam paign campaign chairman f v cannon of milton announced on monday with six of the 10 captains still not heard from the campaign is at about the same stage it was a year ago mr cannon said the govern ment has lust decided to take over the responsibility of running the school effective on january 1 and this enabled the campaign proceeds to be directed towards hope workshop and a resi dence for adult retardates he exprossed appreciation for the help received from the can vassers and the donors as well jfjrtt pttzz jdmjwo uup jl county board of education taking over retarded schools three schools for retarded children in halloo county will be placed under the responsibility of the- new hatton county beard of education on january 1 1969 it was announced this week by the hon wlularo c davis mini ster of education t legislation was introduced on- thursday to placeail of ontarios schools for trainable retarded children with the new divisional boards bjt education sunshine school at hornbypresentlyopert ated by the north haltori associ ation for the mentally retarded is one of the countys three schools others are located in oakville and burlington the new county boards will handle all public and high school education in their division start ing january 1 in recent years the provincial government has handled education and operating sts of schools for the menially retarded but jocal associations inive been responsible for capf- tal costs j school programs for trainablo retarded children were initiated over ztf years ago by dedicated parents who refused to accept the view held by most educators st that time that trainable re tarded children could not profit from education local associa tions were formed throughout the province and iaid53 the ont ario association for retarded children was formed which has since become known as the ont ario association for the mentally bobby is proud pop three bison babies number 4 due soon the painters whose canvasses will be on tale here are two young waterloo men friends of tho travelling salesman pete snyder and michael roth mr roth was born in europe they are fulltime painters who are leaving the advertising and merchandising up to the two enterprising students they are relatively unknown artists and so the price range is low from 35 to 125 thoy have many landscapes from hallburton and musk oka as well as atlantic seascapes there are a few abstracts and still ufes which generally dont sell so well but you never know observed one of the optimistic salesmenstudents rattlesnake point parks buf falo and elk compoundis looking more and more like an obstetrics ward these days a total of three baby bison were born last week and theres probably one more due any time bobby the hitherto bashful male in the compound may have to change his name to product ive peter in tho near futureb expected increases in the tribe failed to materialise last year but bobbys making up for it this spring three of his fourfemale friends have now given birth to a calf and number fours due any urns a spokesman for halt- on region conservatlonauthority said the first calf was a female bom monday may 8 another donna bateman heads ys menettes at their meeting may 14 at the home of mrs g bateman the ys menettes decided topurchase dishes for the ys men new executive is president donna bateman vicepresident adele cleland secretary kate elliott and treasurer sally wil son members agreed to help with the ys mens auction sale and rummage sale this saturday there was a kitchen shower of tea towels soap dish cloths etc for the y calf arrived friday evening and another showed up saturday morning authority game tech nicians havent been able to get close enough to either of the newest arrivals to determine their aex but theyre hoping theres at least one male in the batch to carry on when bobby quits fathering new offspring burlington is the name cho sen for the first new arrival the authoritys executive decid ed on this nomenclature at a meeting thursday to honor bur lington which is the municipality in which the 70acre compound is housed the little cow will be called burly for short no names have yet beon sel ected for the remaining two calves retarded the ontario association and ill iocs affiliates cannot he vommeoded loo highly for tberr effort over tie years inth ottabushnferugais schools for i rains tile retarded rhldro mr davis said tho legislation helnglnlroduo- ed iu relieve iral aasohs- lions for the menlalty retarded qtany financial reaporialmhiy for- the schools halhsr than lose the interest and guidance of theaasnelallnns legislation provides for the est ablishment by each divisional board of an advisory rommlltou on schools for traiiuble- retard ed children tho committee shall consist of six members of which three shall he appointed by tho divisional hoard from among its members and three shall be appointed by the leal association or associations representatives of the ontar io association for the mentally retarded and the federation of rotarded childrens education authorities of ontario along with officials of various school boards have participated in the develop ment of tho legislation the minister of education saldhe was most appreciative of the contrib ution made by these organisa tions the inclusion of the schools for trainable retarded children as part of the responsibility of the new larger units will be of direct benefit to the children in volved the resources of the boards of education in terms of psychological services special oducatlon consultants and con sultants in other fields will now bo available to the schools for trainable rotarded children in addition more teachers will be attracted to this field of educa tion and programs for trainable retarded children will become an integral part of the special education services proyldod by each board of education leaves staff mrs george williams has re signed as assistant librarian and the board is advertising this week for a replacement award trophy at last euchre latest list of winners at the euchre at lol hall crewsons corners ladles high bea anderson ladles low mrs c storey mens high c mc donald mens low ken mcdon ald lone hands prize bea anderson door prlte willard brltton next week will be the final euchre for the time being there will be a drawfor several prizes plus s penny sale a trophy will be awarded to the player with the most lone hands over the season a modern mother the room seoms so empty so graceloss and baro and she longs for the creak of her old rocldngchalr but here thoy decided was whoro she should be with comfort surrounded from all care set free how could they explain her when fancy friends call or what could thoy do should she happen to fau for john has his business and marys career grows oh so exciting as year follows year well this is tho penalty of growing old the dear home dismantled your troasures au sold your dreams all abandoned that cannot come true for future a luxury denied to you does love count for nothing ah cannot they see that beauty grows inward as outward charms flee are memories grown dim all that life now has left must the heart of its lifegiving source be beroft ah memories dear that still ldndlo a glow projecting life into the sweet long ago of wee baby fingers that fondled your breast of low lullablos ere you laid them to rest of deep deprivations known only as joy because thoy were borno for your girl and your boy of lessons you taught them now flouted and scorned lifes values discarded their passing unmournedl ah dear life companion your lover and friend spared lucidly this ignominious end thus idly she muses with no one aware how she longs for the creak of her old rockingchair unloved and unwanted too weary to weep she hides in the folds of a merciful sloop isabel anderson keys mad whiu you wait hinfons 5c1 store use lukewarm water for sprin kling clothes because it pene trate the fabric more evenly than cold dr david j hardie wishes to announce the opening of his office for the practice of family dentistry 224 martin st milton 8784321 quality ba products save you money gasolin motor oik diotol fuel fol oil stov oik 0 sataamass oil ttwiw fmtntt man 10 years to fay small carrying charges dependable tarvlu thompson fuels ltd 44 youno st acton ihmmm us1174 n acton pharmacy m bill yundt manager h 1 main st n r3316m m try our fro film pun renaissance in leather mens wear tanners will be glad to hear theres a renaissance in leather mens wear this spring at least pari of the credit be longs to prima minister trud- eaus leather coat and hat the financial post writer jean banard says that canadian tan ners are touting leather as a prestige item and the liieaaeema to he taking hold topesscuuves art asking ior aetherlined of fice and a leather attache case is one indication that toe man who rerrles it has arrived the financial wat sathat rompanlee giving ouallty wtf- vlri era rhooainiuether daeof 11 is going well ill tnk and uni versities aitdiha nw turbo fat trains are u havvalrplanetype eu dona in genuine leather the hew alrpott in vancouver status of women ucw skit topic a skit no the hiatus nf women was lh high point of the meeting of the evening unit of the uf w wednesday of last week taking part in the aldl were dorothy allen llnth mutselle barbara trotter and lorraine shields a lively discission followed gloria coals led thodevotlons a joint meeting of ijcw units in june and catering for a wed ding in july were dlacussed will have leather in the bar to look rich wear leather the faahlon advertisements say iwomen have been doing ao for the past few seasons from the tip of their highstyle boot to aunty hats that match now men are getting into the leather stream with fulllength coat sand many more of the sheepakin lined variety dont throw away an old oil cloth tablecloth use pinking shears to cut a number of place mats annual gonventiojn of cwx planned hepresentatlveajjrom lospar- ishesr hi the diocese of hamilton will gsthef frl uranlford for the 49th annuat convention of the catholic womens uaguelnthe diocese from may 41 to jane 2 th4 theme this year is teach us ro share with others at home and abroad the good thlngsyouhavegiven s mrs h t donlhee national prealdent will be the speaker at one banquet st plus parish brantford is host council for the convention and mrs d t mcklnley la the convenor business seaslonswlll be chaired try mrs h h harper diocesan president offlcersand aonveners will present annual reports giving highlights of the efforts of 19000 members reso lutions will be brought to the floor during the final session for discussion and approval elec tion of 9fflcers for the coming year will conclude the threeday meeting carol whartons dance recital at acton high school friday may 24 at s pm adult 75c children 50c jprvss milton roxy fl7fl32 show tim fsun thru ttiur 8 pm r t cat 7 t 9 pm sat matin i yhurs thru wed may a3a43s3279t3 to sir with love color recommended at adult entertainment sidney portier impressions of expo kangaroo kid cartoon matinee for may 33 7th voyage of sinbad color thurs misat may sfj31 june i the young warriors color james drury ride to hangmans tree color jack lord thurs fri sat may 232425 it all color show elvis presley in in double trouble plus hot rods to hell starring dana andrews and jeannie crain mon tues wed may 27 28 29 all color show films cameras supplies in the night of the generals adult pius george mahans katy jurado and earl holliman in 3p a covenant with death il drivein theatre showtime 845 hi6ne m4544i anvtuli day or ntt i m1u lo ousvn city umfflg motowhwy t ajj

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