Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 22, 1968, p. 3

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county assessment 365169374 shows biggest increase since 1959 reflecrii the largest incretse in aaaaaamani in halloo county since 1959 the county equal isation bylaw waa approvsd by county council tuesday ttw byuw estabusmnc the basis on which municipalities contribute to county coats la ap proved each year under the direction of the county sseessor who equalises the asseasraents of tn various raunlelpsljties aecordloc lo assessor robert h beach oeorgetowri ahdwsd the larfesi peroeniafe of increase over ttw previous yesr ellroblnk by m9 per cent bur lington led the actual assessment increase with 122s1sg as- asssjnent ttwf countys jasif assessment increased by m 13s2m9st per rent toa total assessment of m5189s7 in terms of population the county has 161167 residunls an increase of 9197 of that total 438 per cent are under 20 years of age georgetown sqtleslng and nassagaweya showed increases in assessment thai will reflect on next years county rale oak- vllle showed the largest drop in this figure with other munici palities under s one per cant roductlon the per capita assessment in he county is 2286 oakvllle is the highest al 2120 and esquesing is the lowest al 1852 the following table indicates the 1088 equalised assessment of helton county and lis percentage of the county total isnt 1988 percentage 200608 4221247 504736 281526 4093312 4jm0b 110673 municipality 1988 tqualisod as aeton 1847960 burlington 184 147010 georgetown 21717052 milton 10536000 oakjamje 149471206 esgoeng 8i40sa maasagjsweya 6561109 total- 365niiu in his report lo the county icaindl assessor bescb pointed out re assessment i swell under way in the county and ttds will by reflected in 4ne assessment rolls to be brought in al the end of september his year i was also noted 32 of 38 counties in ontario have adopted the county assessment commis si 6ney system wirier which all assessing would be under the kirlsdlctlon or ihe county a special meeting of helton county council a scheaded for uus thureday tq reoulvu a further report on this subec esquesing dubious dbout multimillion dollar mobile home park plsns for t multimillion dollar mobile home perk outlined lo esquesing council tuoaday night did not generate much on- ihuslasm truck flips upside down in longfield nod ditch fred kunlnor victoria si escaped with cut and bruises when the halfton truck he was driving skidded hit hydrant oakville drops swallow milton merger idea oakvllle council will not seek amalgamation with ullton is earlier announced the merger was termed by oakville hoove alan day is shotgun mar riage ullton is presently applying to the 0mb to annex almost 2000 acres from north oakville oak- villa officials have said annexa tion would create a population explosion in ullton and milton would be unable lo provide ade quate waler and sewage services ullton li opposed to amalga mation becuase ii would mean loss of autonomy but wants lo annex land to cure ihe problem of being landlocked and flipped over upside down in ihe opposllo ditch on longfluld road the accident occurrod saturday may 18 it 9 05 pm mr konlner was driving north on longfluld ho said ho swor- vod lo avoid a child on a uku he rocolvud cuts to arms and hands bruised ahouldor log and head his passenger ldward ivan cooksvltlu rocolved cuts and bruises mr ryan is mr konl- nors brolhorlnlaw mr konlner was troatod by dr garrett damage was estimated at 2000 to ihi truck 250 to on tiro hydrant and posslblu 25 damage to town tories jam fcottttnupd from pane i toeloct i member to join robert stanflold when he is called to form the government he commented that erin used to vote liberal ind added i wouldnt be here if ii werent for a lot of liberals who changed sides the vote is there ur snow agreed that conser vative support was high he pointed out that in iho last elec tion the conservatives held a mtorlty of five or six voles at each poll during voting and counting the crowd enoyed ihe iwird win ning him of expo time a place to stand the entire procedure look leu than two hours on hand for support were ur ucwlulama wife francis his 11yearold ion brian and his mother and father ur and mrs david mcwiulimi of toronto the uewuuams hive lived and worked in hilton since 1953 he practiced law in ullton for three yserrrthe family now lives on brookfleld road in oak ville ur uewlulami has promised to devote lull lime to the cam paign from now until the election in an effort to defeat liberal rud whiting of oakville and new democratic murray kernighan of hilton further study move rejected a move to refer a suggested mileage illowinco or county councillors and staff for further study was rejected by county council tuesday reove hhlntonactonproed for clarification of the rate that set t mileage illowanco of 125 cants for trips in ihe county and 10 cents for trips outside the county ho maintained alrlptotoronlo would require a mileage chock to ihe county boundary and i further check to the destination reevo g currle explained ihe intent was to make trips to toronto completely at the 10 cent rite while trips totally with in ihe county would be at the 125 cent rate when it wis noted further clar ification would be made as li reached the bylaw atlge the motion toreferbacktocommlttee was defeated wsllor miller saldhu company was interested in sotting up the park somowhoro holwoon tho township nfflraa and hornby were able to furnish homos tho working man can afford in tho 6000 to 10000 price range he told council councillor pal patterson said the township should he xoned so they rotild hindle requests like this its gelling into sownr and wator prodlclod iloovo george currlo wore willing to take only young mirrlod people with no ehlldron and retired poop 1 koop iho school rales down promised mr miller i dont want lo throw cold waler on tho schomo said mr patterson but those kind of people arunl llkoly tobuy inohllo homes nowlywods will buy mobllo homes then sell thorn for onnugh to put a down paymont on a hnuao mr minor insworud mr assessor reeve cur rlo called to assessor art ken ton how do you assess thorn momlo homos you dont you license thorn replied mr benton uo- anse foes run from 5 to 20 but mr miller maintained you could got enough on a lot to rover tho sorvlcos tho towiuiilp would mod to supply council was dubious tim roovo recited somo of tho sor vlcos the pooplo living in tho mobllo homos would need give this gentleman an ans wer attor wo talk to mr stoulo slid doputyreovo tom hill mr stoulo is mooting with esquosln council to discuss zoning and in official plan tphino nowhs flowering trees end bushes den of mr and mrs c winn on main st n make gardens in town and district i dolqhl composil pu nr ol indus and hue al to behold at ihis time in the season the a nos lln l proposed esquesing budget up from 12 to 18 mills a proposed budget which show- od mill ritolncreisesfrnml2r to 1800 mills sent shlvors down iho cnllocllvii lacks of fsnuoslug council tuesday night they pasujd two resolutions thoy hoped might help to chop increases down first in p c candidate for haltnn- wentworlh jim swanborough was iho first candidate to file his nomination papers and his 200 deposit tho doadllno for filing the papers and tho deposit is juno 10 swanborough opened a fully staffed hoadnuarters on saturday following ids nomination a weok ago friday riding prosldont j r sams said swanbnrough would liavo good support from area provincial members ray connoll and george korr it is t funny thing alsout life if you refuse to accept anything but the host you very often got it jim snow change highway act fulton helps p c campaign peler k ucwiulams will get his election campaign underway next wednesday with ameet-the- candidlte meeting in coronation park pipers and fireworks will round out the event fireworks ire scheduled for 8 30 pm e davie fulton former mini ster of justice in the dicfenbejcer cabinet and a contestant in the recent progressive conservitlve leadership convention will be in oakville may 29 as part of the p c campaign by james w snpw mpp hallon esst again this isst week tho maj ority of the legislatures time his been spent on the consider ation of thi current years de partmental estimates these are now proceeding in 1 more orderly manner with tho follow ing departments being completed this week agriculture and food provin cial secretary and minister of cttlxenshlp tourism snd infor mation dopirtment of labour several amendments have been introduced to the legislature pertaining to the highway traffic act on of these amendments calls for more complete control of inspections of used vehicles offered for sale all used motor vehiclos whether sold by a deal ership or privately will now re quire a certificate of mechanical fitness an important new sec tion of thi act will require oper ators and passengers on motor cycles to wosr safety helmets while tin use of those helmets has been encouraged in thi past they have not been mik manda tory because tin n was no sit standards which could realisti cally be specified for this idnd of helmet to be worn the can adian standards association has now published specifications and performance standards for mot orcycles helmets so it is now practical to mako helmotsmand- atorv it has now been announced that tho new lieutenantgovernor of ontario will be u ross mac- donald who will take office on july 1 succeeding the hon w earl rowo who was appointed to the post five yeara ago first was a motion askluk tin diparlmunt of highways tnirlvi somo indication if tin siipph montll road budget will ik ap proved without hits information council cant sot tin mill rah second resolution wasdlrortid to tho township public sihool hoard asking thorn to moot wltti council lo discuss thilr laidgi i which if passed would inaki tin school rate higher thin tin town ship mill rato purpose of tin resolution cuts in tin pjihlk school budget public school rales made iho big dlfforenco in the prnpou d 1088 mill rato thi hoerdlsssk- ing for 1015 mill incroasi for residential property and a 109i increase in tho commercial 1c vy proposod figures submlttid liy tho auditor will llkoly comi uiuh r careful scrutiny by coumlllorh boforo iho 1088 budget is finally sot tho only pucos win n tin mill rale did not go up wi n in goorgelown and acton rlrt areas slight reductions of ro and 11 weru recorded rospict- ivoly in tho breakdown for the si two areas for fire purposes in spile of a urge increase anticipated in road uxpi ndltup s as a result ofthe roadnei ds study tho general rlto for thi township for resldenllil purposes was only up 178 mills in the proposal high school ratus in the georgetown and milton school areas took jumps of 438 and ojl truck misses curve tremens corners sunday mornthg at 12 30 am clifford green of rockwood driving a pickup truck failed to negotiate the guard ralland turn ed the truck over on its side the truck received extensive damage mr green suffered facial cuts and leg abrasions the acton qpp were firat on the so rw guelph op p took mr gn n to guelph hospital for in stint nt and ho was later released n si i tlvi ly while tin ai inn arm hail a iiiiulitsi 0 increase mo naiuty rah showed a 0b linriasi ami itrtit llujillnp in ihn williams and nerval was up m anil i n sp lively hlo inrrmu was tin 10l in ert asi in putilli si hool oxnond- 1 tn n a flriin whlih astonished ciiiniillors and did not iniludo 0 mill for n nt of portablo clossrooms if wi ri yoliiy to olloct iho laxi s i waul to u i tin irlaidfnl n marki il councillor ill patter son 4 i in jmhllc school rato is almost two mills innro mian iho total township rub aprood eh rk k i i indsay mill rah lucriau projected for tin aclnn an a was 12 81 tji ortn town aroa had a 1710 lucmasi until ipati d villi tho milton an a wai down for an 1 800 rlv lownshlp residents will got a tuslc shutter rulli f i xompllon of approximately 10 from the pro vincial govornrm nt tait mr lind say coiuminled there was relief for i vi rybody tail farmi rs and tuslm ssnu n kernighan manager is bob nickerson heltons niw lvmorratlc candidal murray ki rnlghan of milton lias announced the ap pointment of his campaign man- w r hi is hob nlcki rson of 410 avon cr s in oakvllli mr nick rson is intimation n pre- v ntativi for th united auto worki rs in oakvill hi ai c actio ampalgn nanaeir ivan armstrong of milt on mr armstrong continues asfhajrinan if thi ihctloncom- mltti the acton fine press wednesday may 17 1v6d j halten rismg 47317 voters eligible according lo hie preliminary voters lists 47317 people will be eligible lo cast vuteslnhsltuci riding on june 28 the revlsal highway to bypass acton a proposed meeting between the department of highways and four municipalities to hear m- coutruclou pbkns foj- mo 7 hlghwsy imlween acton and cenrgelown haa iwui postponed until a laier dale hchedukid fdr may 23 elected represenlallvee invtled- from lacfon knheiiiig georgetown and the bounty could not allend be pfopoeed dale j mcgeachle tolu council il hie last mauling uumurs ire ilrculstlug thai the department of highways in- lelids lo liypass acton aerial surveys of rue aret have iweu made in ihe last few weeks with the aid of mysterious plastic markers which extend around aclnn to churchill along iho inwn line between v soueslng ami i rln townships agents will be ml gathering ihe names of those missed on ihe preliminary lists from may 31 lo june 8 the haitian returning officers wire mrs gordon lllaaw ssld from sll indications ii was un likely ihe final number would alter y more lliau 200 the preliminary lists are in the funds of the printer snd will he raturiuuf tnthe return- log offices lay may 0 aial than ruuuaedtollie volets appnalmsloly 40000 voters will lie ullgiluv in llalti-wenl- worlh c et c arranges candidates night a meet the candidates hlghl is again lulng planiwd tay ihe clmmlwr of common e in candlrlalus havent all iweu i iui- iscled lo rest ii kgreemeiil on all available ilale as yel ilio cluiiiilur of coiiiiiiorcu leas bpimgnrod ihose evoulngs for ihe past seversl eloi lions clean up time for all your painting paperhanging building needs see us first and save free delivery lakeview rvulifl st n discount centre acton 8531190 public meeting who walter miller president of ontario farmers union where hsllsburgh community centre when thursday may 30 830 pm what- 1 mr miller discusses current farm problems 2 panel discusses possible government esction discussion of land use legislation 3 questions from the floor 4 mystery auction 5 refreshment booth sponsored by weuingtondufferin ndp provincial riding association 3 public meeting th hahon progrmtiv contarvativa association cordially invita you to hoar n address by- the federal member of kamloops and former minister of justice and federal leadership candidate mr e davie fulton on wednesday may 29 1968 at 8 pm at the thomas a blakelock high school 1 160 rebecca st oakville try our all make express service save wear uu guardian maintenance care have your car serviced regularly by general motors factory trained mechanics milton motor sales ltd 388 main st milton 8782355 citizens of aeton and district are invited to join in decoration day sunday june 2nd 3 pm at fairview cemetery parade toiau u at j i j rjn and uavfi mom huowf tttttf ce ordi en dd sponsored by h s worship the meyor end members ol th coon- c of me town of acion ihe cenedien legion women s institutes lgion ladwt ai aeon f re depi duke of devonshire end lekeside cheplers iooe a ion c i jens bend lol 467 acton lions club the rotery club of artoft th a t m n sier at assoc it on end he v t men s club of acton is deserved to nonor rhe deed of fo world wers by piecing wreeihs nd flowers et feirview cerretery st joseph s cemetery end pioneer cemetery citizens ere invited so parr c pdte m the ceremony end et the sense time decorete the greves of thir own loved ones council of tni town of acton

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