Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 22, 1968, p. 5

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f indian name feather headdress for cayuga police constable qpp constable ron r afaaon haa a second name now satorahasaoafowa ha was given tdi honorary new indian name t a banquet and dance hold in bis honor at cayuga on april 20 with the new name he was given a beautiful large feather headdress by marvin sky re presenting the lowr cayuga long house- of be su nation indian reserve con maaonjiagaorkedduring the past ten years among he indians of the su nations reserve and the presentation wss made as a token of friendship by the cayuga band cons mason has been trans ferred lo downsvlew although hes still living in cayuga with hjs wife and family hey the soft ov aclofl corp ray jmaaon nd mrs mason wondering about thai bew 4ame sagoyahaagoegowa tt county council is still consid ering the joint actonandesqucs- lug proposal to take over a road network used by heavy trucks as county roads the matter was discussed again at council meeting last week reeve hlnlon apposed to the idea of council applying for county road status on this particular network said his suggeitlon or a counly road from miumaln corners down mill tono 25 side- road had a much bettor chance of success with tho county roads commlttoo councillor drinkwaltor andhls committees suggestlonput miles on whereas ms idea cut the system to a minimum mr hln lon said that he lias worked hard to get a practical county link system here he described tho current ef forts of the town to have chur chill rd a turned into part of the county road system as an exorcise in futility words he said came from the road chair man the reeve maintained that countv council was not looking on the project favorably howevor lie other acton rep resentative on county council deputy reeve qakes said die chairman of the road committee seemed to think the idea was well received and would be dealt with in a fair and equitable man ner rent arena concession r goodwin differences between conces sionaire roy goodwin and the parks and recreation commtttui over rental of the arena booth for the nent 12 month period were resolved thursday night the committee upped the price on the concession to t00 rom he 1967 agreement of 400 mr goodwin appeared before the committee at their last meet ing protesting the 200 hike i am willing to pay another 100 he told members but be 600 figure is too much alter considering the offer in camera and reviewing aprevious verbal endorsement asking mr goodwin to go ahead the com mittee settled for 500 the agreement was the same as last years mr goodwin asked for better communications between himself and he arena manager com plaining be did not receive suf ficient notice to order supplies the committee said there were many events which did not allow sufficient notice o go out but agreed he could contact the sec retary who was available every day for upcoming events mr hlnlon suggested hat the county road committee was mis leading the town saying on thing and doing another discussing churchill rd s where heavy rucks have been blamed for disrupting services and premature upheaval of the road councillor drinkwaltor said the amount of raffle on he roads merils something be done its county councils responsibil ity its obvious esqueklng wont do anything and its our respon sibility to demand something be done reeve hlnlon said that council has no jurisdiction over the county and the county couldnt tell us what to do he suggested council and the road commlttoe get busy with he department of highways and post restrictions on he road mr mcguachlo injected we did once and got turned down we tried stoplights and it was turned down once too replied the reeve mr hlnlon maintain ed the townships did nothing for the quarries who wore respon sible for he heavy traffic in fact ho said acton limestone quarries had to til up their own road he felt the townships re ceived tax money from the quarry and should return it in the form of better roads mayor duby said that acton also was paying its share of tho countv level and also paying for roads handling township traffic mr miltons statements that the roads under question do not qualify as county roadswas chal lenged b mr drlnkwalter he said if these roads do not qualify then what does mr lllnton replied that it was up to the county to interpret the highway improvement act council decided to sit and wait for the decision of the road committee the roads in question extend from umehouse to acton lime stone quarries and on id no 25 highway with another unk to no 7 highway on the third line county the earth lb the fifth large planet of the bolar jmem and the third aa from the sun mercury is closest then venus ou can tell americans rust in god in he way hey drive exproases he bands regards right to the paint it means simply good policeman turn down service road a raqnojtt front a 6z con struction tor a private rned to service four lots on no 7 high way which are pari of lakerlew subdivision gof no enthusiasm from council at heir laslmeut- ing councillor drlnkwsuo said no j committee yifcwed the sltu- atlon and didnt feel the road would he any benefit to be sub- division or the town the com mittee felt ii would only create additional problems is there room or the road and the lots asked councillor mckensle no came the answer theyll need a variance from the committee of adjustment 1 concur with no 2 said deputyreeve k oaltes the road should not be put here bangup weekend bitter waste of money lives deplored by opp in report the acton free pron wednetday my 22 196b for the third week in a row the acton opp hasunpurluncod a week of intensive activity the number of occurrutiree reported lo the local police office and perhaps the beginning of warm weather has some luarlng oil ii has continued to rise prom may 12 to id 7 com plaints were lodged si the opp dotacnmunl investigations undertaken as a fesult of these incidents included a theft of- clothing from an unlocked ulo atlhe dominion hol two meal girls missing from heir hdrrurs but cated few limits later and three domestic assaults however court proceedings have forced their way in he front of the liny as the tnosi prominent statistic compiled in the courts al milton on may 13 fifteen persona many of hem local were convicted on crim inal 1 luuor and traffic charges magistrate lengdoii imposed sentences thst included licence suspensions and j13 in fines and on this weeks court increase the fines paid over hit nasi five tfrairlditea to ait appalling mat of 13843 wjhat a waste at money lhl i si how many hungrymoiith could he filled with jftnlf wealed lent 117 what did they receive for he money hey gave he court clerk vel what makes ii even more appalling is the realisation of the monies spent on repairing automobiles or broken bones damaged as a result b many of these violations motor vehicle acelenlaarenot only a terrifying experience but an expensive and oftetr painful one too this week fortunately is an excellent of that much how many rddfs example oflhemaijyhulatiiu fur homeless families could he red in accident provided hut nq 1 goes to the court instead and just because some one wauled to to aster or have bn more drink for the road or save that extra second by not naming to a full slojp planning board considers three new subdivisions haborat mather hiaddhss was presented by marvin sky of the lower cayuga long house of the six nations reserve lo con ron mason ton of acton corp ray mason and mrs mason cons mason was tramferred to downtvlew county roads committee still considering request r l students county council guests tuesday more than 40 atudenlsfromlhe robert utile school were guests of halton counly council on tuesday and attended part of the monthly meeting warden w hunter welcomed tlio group accompanied by vice- principal douglas copeland and douglas batldn they were guided through counly facilities by emo coordlnalor bruce mc gregor refreshments concluded tutor noon for he group the new building curling clubs canvass goal the curling club campaign for plodgos to ensure a new building began on the weekend prosent and prospective mombors aro being canvassed to ascortalnhow much can be raised a membership of belwoon 250 and 350 is hoped for new members will agree to paying an initial fee to join then each years dues will bo above this amount membership certificates are being prepare only club members will fin ance the new building there is no canvass of the general pub lic for small amounts two and a half acres on the third line north of highway 7 is earmarked for the new building planning board at a meeting on thursday of last week consid ered three proposals for resi dential subdivisions the ap plication to recone the van gils properly on the west side of main st n from ml industrial lo r2 residential was not ac cepted and tho hoards recom mendation to council will be that tho properly not ho rexonod ii was proposed to construct slnglo family and somldataehodhousos along with a small shopping cen tre on ho properly the application was made by catherine matthews on behalf of starr real estate the second property consider ed for residential development was hie seynurk property on wallace ave in the final draft submitted for consideration by the board 106 lots woro pro posed of the 100 lots is wore loss than 00 foot frontage to completo tho devolopmenl it would be nocussary to relocate a drainage ditch which air carr appearing on liolialf of the sul dividers said could bo located in any location deslrablo lo the municipality the hydro high tension tine would also have to be relocated in tho subdivision on wallace st it was proposed a neighbor hood shopping centre would hi constructed when required liy residential development of tlio area mr mccallum of the firm de veloping hie property indicated his company would develop he property by removing as few trees as possible board moni tor bob drlnkwalter attempted o open an area of negotiation through a transfer of municipally owned lots facing on mill st e in exchange for property fronting on the green belt at the rear of he property mr mccallum indicated it was ills opinion a community chopping centre on the property would not county board wards to be set by sept 1 wards for the new county board of education are tobeestabllshed by the county council by sept ember 1 or they will be set by the county judge members of counly council were advised tuesday a previous require ment for establishment by june 1 had been altered clcrk-admln- istrator garfield broun told members saturday night the factors toheusodlnestab- lishing the wards are to come to the counly by the end of june and members will then be charged with determining the areas over which county board representatives will be elected on another mat le f it was re ported the warden reeve g currie and reeve a ledwith would be meeting with the min ister of health regarding grants to health units this week legis lation earlier provided largtr grants to those units that were merged and halton and peel have not et agreed to such a merger 1- irefighters were called to the home of mrs wlnnifred ros- tell rri umehouse saturday evening at 7 pm when an oil stove became overheated the acton brigade arrived promptly and soon had the blare under control receives license ed long has been notified this week that he has received his commercial pilots ucense 12 noon daily vienna goulash huette and schnitzel house lounge dining room fully licensed halton country inn rooms banquets conventions private parties foi reshvayions 7b470i open to the public io dancc in yhf urn tvtttv saturday of hfehway 3s sldemmtd noah n sixth line nauaeaweya withdraw luttliwss from the downtown shopping district a third proposal by monex construction who are presently building houses on cobbluhlllrd for approval to proceed with the construction of homes of 24 lots within hie municipality on the brown property on churchill lid n was submitted involved with tlio development of the 24 lots would be an addit ional 40 acres of land within hie township of esquoslng planning board rucoinmonded that the lots within town and the property in tho township of eg- queuing bu planned as a whole unit and they would hum consid er release of tile 24 lots within the municipality in this one area alone there is a potential of over 200 units mr flood of planning con sultants attended the uwutlngand dlscusmid the submissions of the various subdlvldurs with the planning board plannlngassocl- ates are to bu asked to consider an onlarged area around both tho seynuck and monox proposals so that any plan approved on the two properties will be compat ible with any use made of ad- joining lands al a futuro ii mo accounts paid totalled 00536 tho meeting was delayed ovor half an hour until a quorum could bo assembled those present were chairman drinkwaltor members melbourne blow stan joe and tod tyler jr with sec retary iain williams this week which incbiiudpari of the first rhaorhollday week end of the year l and a bang up weekend it was saw five wolor vehicle accidents oocur in town all on friday and sat urday and many more in the surrounding district over two thousand dollars damage was seek solution tor parkmill corner unfinished business a buga boo of all bodies turned up for acton council last week al the park and mill st corner questioned by the reeve when hie corner was mentioned in no 2 committees minutes council lor tyler fold council hut com mittee was looking al the corner and hoped lo come up with a sol ution lo hie problems in lime for the next meeting according lo he minutes the aide verandah of the 1111 parker residence was on town property because a transfer of land be tween the town and beardmore and co had not taken place its the unfinished business of previous councils that this council must clean up said tho mayor in the chair for committee of the whole councillor tyler said tho properly in question has a wall bulling out onto main st the helpful company offers 2nd and 3rd mtgs 24hour approvals low coal up to id yrt telephone mr it j wilaen lo 18 pjn today prompt investment corp ltd ci richmond st w toronto i onl uewm evf 2jmis ill ii al fall eet saesee n sf linn i sselii 1 boxed plants 4 1 ellesmere farm rr no 4 acton on no 25 hwy va miles south of traffic light in acton heres why its so good each piece of ptpinghot chicken is in vitingly crisp on the outside full of lutcy mouthwatering flavor on the in side that s why we call it flavor- crisp its deepfried under pressure so all of the natural goodness of the chicken is sealed in rather than cooked out flavorcrisp chicken is never dry always delicious mvomsp french fn special pak 0 piece of flavor cmp chicken ready to serve chicken in a box family pak 1 pits of chktun fnruh frits o siju buucrvil bun hnne 139 phone 8531201 14 pieces of chicken rolls honev party pak 20 pieces of chicken 79c 219 399 525 open 7 days a wik bm hood drivein cttmar acton wvd and qua st i dam lomt paopla war hurt and in in outlyinc araaa aoma idlud parhaps other inaiinadfor ufa many will fact tho court a lo anawar for almost wanton dis regard for lakalatloti intended to halp you safely on your way what la the aiwwer you aru the anawar you and the inannur in which you aparata your car in the manner in which you kaap it and in whathar you car or not dont bo coin a holiday statistic dont and up in a hospital bud for moot ha or yuan rsr a llttut it lasat for th other follow lawn chairs rewebbed by employee at hope centre chalrt 20t chars losing 400 foimmropmation catl mrs i kuiken 8531174 r 1 85 3oo7 need money for something big see hfc whether youro in the mirkfil lor joinu new ippli nncos furmturo color iv or 1 bullur limily car 1 blu turchise lotn from household f ininco will provide the money you neud when you borrow from housuhojd you know in advance how much your hfc tim iurchijo loan will cost w11 ii prill il out in dijllir int 1 erik hern are no extras no hidden charge no surprises see hfc now before you sign on the dotted line know what your loan will coal borrow up to booo take up to 60 months to repay alk about ciedil lift mumice tin hunt si low nittnp ittet household finan ofosmfttoirvn 41 main srnw north ulmphont 873221 hwv fa silva daparimsal sjor aii ohout our fvrtiwf huur redhotmay sizzlers bargains galore now at hintons 5c to 5100 store jelly mellows t ssi 37c 3 100 allnew boys mock turtle neck tee shirts tlxl 4 color reg 198 special 147 grab bags 5 items of toilet gooda worth a total value of 4 87 125 each included are schick raior btadei stamleii steal score after shave lotion score shave foam v o shampoo novzeme deodorant mens sizes s m l athletic shorts special yx pkg mens 100 cohon wwruble lasftf pants 3 nojczema deodorant 2 in pkg reg 89c roll on a 109 ntuaema deodorant 2 in pkg reg 125 tsa spray ana149 latest style soya hopsadc 4 color siacksjiaslr

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